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Hi everyone!

To start, sadly next week's update will be late because I'm traveling for a wedding during the long weekend. I really wish I had a buffer to help protect me against things like this, but that just isn't the reality right now.

I'm in a transitional period, both with the comic and with my day job, and it's been hard to keep up with both. I've been struggling with creative block and my mental health, so the upcoming hiatus will really help me unwind and form a concrete plan for the future. I'm slowly crawling out of the burnout, and I'm so grateful for all of you for sticking around. Things are getting better! 

As you may know, 5+ patrons are getting a new sticker set this month! Here's the WIP:

Just make sure I have your address on file and you'll get these in the mail. I'm going to get them done professionally instead of using my Cricut, so they won't be sent out for another couple weeks (but they will be nice and shiny!!) (New patrons: keep in mind you'll also be getting your welcome package in the mail this month! The fruit stickers will come separately.)

I also have plans for a bonus expansion pack for some lesser-known characters. Are there any in particular that you'd like to see?

That all being said, Chapter Five is going to wrap up this month, and changes to the Patreon will be going into affect on October 1st. Please review the new tier changes and make sure to update or cancel your pledge before the end of September. These will be the new tiers (I've highlighted the changes):

Droplet $1

  • KAI Ch1-2 Reboot early updates as completed
  • Monthly Patreon-exclusive WIPs and doodles
  • Discord access

Wave $2

  • Read KAI as completed
  • KAI Pencils + Lettering as completed
  • All previous

Riptide $5

  • First month only: KAI Stickers + 1 Print (International shipping)
  • Chapter PDF downloads as completed
  • HD art/wallpaper downloads
  • All previous

Lagoon $10

  • First month only: KAI Stickers + All Prints (International shipping)
  • Future prints as completed
  • One sketch request
  • All previous

Cove $20

  • Yourself or your OC will be drawn into the comic as a background character with an additional shout-out at the end of the update
  • After three months, your cameo can be upgraded to a speaking role if you’d like
  • First access to any exclusive PDFs, zines, or print comics that I create at no additional cost
  • All previous

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you won't be getting Chapter Six updates right away. I'm going to work on both LOVERBOY and the Ch. 1-2 Reboot for a while first. You'll get updates on both as completed, then $2+ patrons will start getting Ch. 6 updates when the time comes. It's totally fine if you want to bow out for now and come back once regular updates resume! But, keep in mind that the rebooted chapters are going to be completely different from what you've read before. It's not just a new coat of paint, it's actually a pretty heavy re-write, and I'm so excited to get to share those new pages with you!

For Lagoon patrons, I'm sorry to get rid of inked pages with lettering, but I felt it made more sense to offer pencils with lettering instead. In its place, I'm offering sketch requests to current and future $10+ patrons! Just DM me here or on Discord with your request and reference pictures if necessary. Or, you can request I draw Kai in a hotdog costume. Whatever tickles your fancy.

Those are all the current updates, again thank you so much for your support!


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