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Hi everyone, Happy Fall! 

So, I finally added that fifth tier I was talking about a few months ago, The Cove tier! 

It's basically a commission/cameo in the comic tier, with the added benefit of getting all future merch/pdfs/printed volumes at no additional cost. I'm not expecting anyone to pledge this amount because it is a lot, but just know that you do get to keep the commission even if you cancel the month after, and you still keep the cameo if you cancel as long as you're pledged for at least 2 months. 

But also, I decided to automatically offer a cameo in the comic to my long-term Lagoon patrons who have been there since pretty much the beginning (2020). 😊 Ya'll have been so generous and really helped me along as I was growing this past year and a half, so please reach out to me if this applies to you, OR I will reach out to you when the time comes. πŸ’–

✨ New Fall Print! ✨

Yes, a new print is coming! I was actually reached out by a patron who requested this concept, of Kai and Alex hanging out around plants and flowers. This Greenhouse Print will (hopefully) be shipped out to all you $10+ patrons by November 1st, so consider raising your pledge for a month if you want to get this! I'll keep ya'll updated on how it is coming along.

✨ Upcoming Minicomic ✨

I finally settled on a concept and the script is coming along nicely! The new minicomic (which will be made once we reach the $150/mo Patreon goal) will be titled "LOVERBOY" and will center around Kai coming home from college to stay with the Adriano's around Alex's birthday in early December.  They're obsessed with getting Alex the perfect gift and giving him a birthday to remember, but things get a little dicey when all of their plans start to go awry. 

All I need to do is finish the script and design a cover, then I can launch the campaign! Remember, this is going to be Patreon exclusive, so only you folks will get to see the post-high school cuteness that is Kai/Alex's relationship. (Kalex? Ai??? Ah, forget it.)

And, I feel like we're dangerously close to the goal already, so I'm adding a $200 stretch goal! If this is reached within the campaign timeline, I'll send a goodie bag to ALL my patrons (no matter the tier/where they live) with a Loverboy print, some stickers and maybe even a basic saddle-stitched hard copy of the minicomic if ya'll would be interested in that? I have everything I need to do some basic bookbinding so I would be more than happy to do this for y'all if that's something you'd want. (I'll probably only give out the hard copy to certain tiers however, since binding 30-40 comic books would be way too time-consuming on my already loaded schedule lmao).

✨ Update on the CH1 Revision ✨

Yeah, it's been a while since I updated y'all on the CH1 revision and there's a reason for that. I've decided to put it on the back-burner for now. I've got my hands full with chapters three and four right now, as well as these other side-projects. I'll keep working at it in my spare time, and pick back up again once I'm in a better place with my comic buffer, or maybe when I can afford to work fewer hours at my day job. It's not as easy as tracing and adding color as I thought, as there are a lot of great re-writes and improvements to the overall composition of the chapter that I'm doing as well. Here's a preview of what Kai and Alex's first encounter is going to look like!

That's all for now, I hope you have a lovely and spooky October! And thank you all so much for your support. ❀️


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