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Heya! I hope you're all well.

So, time to let you know what on earth is going on with me and the comic. 🧐

First, I'm all moved into my new apartment! My new office space is slowly coming together (pics soon maybe?) AND I now have a big fancy photo printer, and a cricut! Meaning I'll be able to make high quality prints and stickers for y'all moving forward. I'm so excited!

You may have noticed in my last page update that the comic is going on hiatus! 😱 Yes, that's right. This one may be a bit longer than the last, but it's for good reason... I partnered with Tapas to publish KAI as a NON-EXCLUSIVE early access series! (Non-exclusive meaning I still have the full right to publish KAI on Webtoon and other platforms!) Nothing will change for you all, you'll still be able to read every episode for FREE on Tapas/Webtoon, and I'll still publish early access pages here on Patreon. All this means is that I'll also be offering early access pages through Tapas for a small premium, giving my readers another way to support me and read ahead if they can't commit to a $1/mo Patreon pledge.

When will I officially launch early access? Right now I'm aiming to launch by July. I need a huuuuge buffer in order to keep up with having 3 pages in early access at all times, and ideally I'll like to have Ch3 mostly finished before launch. But, thankfully for my patrons, you won't have to wait four month for Ch3! I will continue posting pages as they're completed throughout the hiatus. And, $2+ patrons will still have access to comic sketches as they're complete as well. 

BUT, THAT'S NOT ALL! As part of my partnership with Tapas, I'm also going to revise and recolor Ch1 during this hiatus period, so that the art and coloring is consistent across all chapters. You all will have exclusive first access to these revised pages, and eventually I'm going to add the new pages to Tapas first, and Webtoon later (that's 100% my decision by the way).

So, here's what you have to look forward to in the coming months:

✨ DESSERTS & FLORALS stickers are being sent out at the start of April! 

✨ A DAY IN MICKEYLAND pages as they're completed throughout April (it should only take me a month at most to finish)—be sure to check out the 13 page WIP I uploaded yesterday if you haven't already!

✨ THE FIRST SET OF KAI CH03 SKETCHES should be done by May, and then finalized pages will start trickling in on a consistent basis.

✨ I'll have y'all vote on the next sticker/print theme in May.

✨ I'll update you on how the Ch1 revision is going by June, showing my process and completed pages.

✨ KAI IS GETTING A NEW COVER by July to coincide with the Early Access launch.

✨ And in July (August at the very LATEST): KAI will officially be a Tapas Premium series!

Lastly, thank you for supporting me another month! I wouldn't be here without you, and I hope you enjoy all of the exclusive Patreon rewards that are coming (once the next month rolls in and billing continues). Stay safe, stay well, and ALSO, support API (Asian Pacific-Islander) communities, charities and movements during this time of hardship and grieving. ❤️


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