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Hiya, I've been meaning to come on here and let you all know about some incoming changes. I don't quite have everything ironed out yet, but let's start with the things I'm 100% sure of...


To start, I'll be going on a short hiatus after Ch.2 ends to play catch up on Ch.3, so I will be pausing billing for at least a month starting in May. After that, a new tier structure will emerge.

I really didn't want to go on hiatus this early into the reboot, but you'll see why at the end of this post. I will try to keep it as short as possible!

Early Access Changes

I've spent a lot of time thinking this over, and I've decided that it's not worth offering early access pages at the $1 tier anymore. While I appreciate every little bit of support, with Patreon and transactions fees, I'm only getting cents back on each dollar. All while cost of living has continued to climb since I started this Patreon several years ago.

But, don't worry, I won't be pulling the rug out from under you! After the hiatus, I will hide the current $1 tier, but everyone who is currently pledged to it will still have access to the early pages for as long as they stay subscribed. (Meaning, once you cancel, you won't be able to pledge back to the legacy $1 tier.)

Not too much will be changing for the other tiers, but I will keep you all updated before any changes go into affect.

If you want an affordable and noncommittal way to read the early access pages, they will always be available on Tapas for just a bit of ink per episode. That's the next best way to support the comic! (Also, reading the Reward Ad episodes on Webtoons helps a lot too!)

Print Rewards

Everyone in the $5+ tiers should have received your winter print, let me know if not! Also, if you subscribed this month, your print(s) will be shipped out this week!

Life Updates

All this being said, I want to be honest with you all and tell you that I'm completely burnt out from my full time job, and that's seriously been effecting how much comic work I can get done each week.

I know my current workload is completely unsustainable, and I plan to do something about it in the near future (either quit, go back to part time, etc.) I'm excited at the prospect of being able to focus on the comic (and my mental health) once that happens, but I'm also wary of the loss of financial stability and healthcare benefits my current position provides me. So, your support is very much appreciated at this time as I navigate an uncertain future. Thank you!




Wishing you the best as you navigate through life. Balancing between work and life is never easy. Remember to avoid burnout.