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       Hello Everyone!

[Introducing the new system] 

The open world monster system in the upcoming build will be replaced with a new one!

I always want to improve the game quality for a better experience. In the old system they just go forward and attack the player, in this new system they can hear suspicious sounds, when weapons are dropped they can go pick them up, attack smarter and call the swarm. There are also physical interactions with the body with weapons or bombs.

In addition, there are also bonus chests when you destroy a group of enemies, it will reset in real time. 

You can see the details in the video!



[DevLog] Open World Enemies - Advanced!

The open world monster system has been improved more than before! Now they can hear noises, attack more logically, call to the swarm. They got smarter. You can see details in the video. My Patreon: htttp://patreon.com/segamex



When will it be updated, good brother


Many things are remade it affects the previous content so it takes more time. Sorry I can't tell the exact time, but I'm trying to get it done as fast as I can, as slow as possible next month.


Can someone send me the discord link? i clicked connect and nothing happened