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      Hello everyone!
      The east side of the island is still very empty in previous versions, but in the upcoming version it will be filled and become a full island. The areas are designed in more detail so it also takes more time. In these new areas, there will be new activities in the future such as hunting and mini games,...All areas are about to be completed, only a few small areas are left.
Due to some unexpected problems, the update progress was slower than expected. The reason is that I was in close contact with a patient infected with corona virus, so I was isolated, it takes 21 days in my country. Luckily I'm fine and went home today. I don't know what to say other than sorry, I'm really sorry! 





you got really lucky there not to get infected for sure, lets hope nothing like that occurs again to you or your family and that pictures look very nice so hopefully we can take a look once you things this version is ready


"the new build will be out as soon as possible in May".............not this month?


I like this one.


He may have made it, but he has to isolate like he said. Apparently in his country he can't be home during that. I'm guessing he's a nurse the way he talked about it.


nice man keep up good work cant wait to see it myself


Don't be sorry! Be safe


Be safe


Be safe


Your game is the best in the genre 18+


Be safe

Christian Storms

Have you been isolated not in home, but... health custody? Wow. Here we get quarantined at our homes, which isn't that much of a bother when you are able to work, shop and chill from home...


In my country, F1 who has been in close contact with F0 will be taken to quarantine, F2 will be isolated at home.


a year and a half has passed. abandoned the game?


Be safe bro.


No, the game is still on. The new build won't take long. Sorry!


and dont push yourself too hard cause that leads to no good


Will it be released this month? Now it's hard to believe


as much as everyone likes to see lots of new content but dont you think its about time to stop adding new potential bug sources till after the release to that we can help you with extermitnating those bugs that might have went unnoticed? not that i want to tell you how to work on your game though so stay safe and sound


no more update or no more ver?


So it's still going to take a few months, isn't it


We want to know exactly when to release a new build, so please let us know publicly. Of all the things you've said, "It won't take long", "It will be soon", "I have a family business", etc., answers like this are not good for each other. Don't lose your backers, supporters shouldn't waste their time. Therefore, you must disclose the exact release date of your build. Even if you have not completed the build, please upload the results you have made so far.


Now I feel betrayed. One year has passed.


A long time has passed. Can you tell us about the current progress?


"Next month" i guess


Are you alive?


Last time i played this game was over a year ago. Well, let hope the next version will come soon.


I think we can spend money in more important places instead of endless waiting


what is it this time?!


is the game adandoned or not? its been more then 1 year without an update


"it takes 21 days in my country",are you an indian?India time?


are you dead or alive?


Is there everything OK?


F for the developer


No update this month either. I guess the game is abandoned. Such a shame. This was so awesome and had so much potential


If this game is abandoned,i am very sad about this...this game is so good


If you're alive, please leave a comment.


The project is still going on! I have finished designing the rest of the island and optimizing, I will post about it soon. Currently, I'm tweaking the old events and systems to be compatible with the new terrain. Sorry for not posting for a long time.


Good to see things are still progressing. You really need to give us a proper progress update. Even if it's just a short "Here's the status of the project" and you list things that are done and things that are in progress. You used to do that fairly regularly even if it wasn't a game update release and we loved you for it. We don't need big polished patreon posts with pictures, we just want to know what's going on. We know things are rough, and that's okay, we just want to know what's going on. I personally look forward to the next game update release.


My friend, your silence really scared me. I'm glad to see you still working hard!


I wonder when will the new version is available.I am really looking forward to it XD


i'm just glad your alive


I got an idea. My pal Dreamdemon does a weekly post on just a short paragraph describing the process and how it's going. Maybe try something like that?


hope you are still alive just post something. Note: I am new here