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Hi everyone!

Report a bit about the progress of the new build! 

  • Boss design is about to be completed. Because the boss area is quite wide, so I need to make good use of the terrain for battle. (It takes a lot of time...(Sweat ^^!))
  • H-scenes for the characters in Dungeon 3 are about to be added, each character will have at least 2 scenes

Sorry for the late update. That's because the content in the next build was posted earlier, I need time to finish them. I tried to finish this build before the New Year in my country, but it didn't make it. I took a few days off to spend time with my family for the new year so it also slowed down the progress a bit. I'm working hard to finish it as quickly as possible. You can see the Current Progress in the About section. Hope you can wait!




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