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Hi everyone!

This is a special build with New Year event, I spent over 4 days to make it. The event contains several quests and new 5 H-Scenes

In addition, I have added a new item in Inventory, it is H-Info. I think it's quite important to check how many H-Scenes you've unlocked.  The unlocking status in H-Info starts counting from this update, you need to replay that scene for it to count.

This build is slower than expected because I need to finish a content in the main build first. I planned to release it at the beginning of the new year but not in time (sweat). The main build is progressing well, I'm preparing for boss design phase, it will be updated soon. 

In the meantime, please try this build and check if you have unlocked all the previous H-Scene.

This is just a test version, if there is an bug during gameplay please let me know. Thanks!

 [Jan 15 ] v0.8.5f special build - stable: 

  • Improved some H-Scenes & Fixed some bugs.
  • Run in background.

Download:  (7z - 1,28GB, Extract - 4,29GB) 

Happy New Year!!!



Can I use my save from last build or do I have to start over?


Hi man: where is pine tree! I don't know


Hello man: i found bug Started quest and i talk with goddess the game is not working!


Yes, I found the cause. She does not receive updates in this build.


I don't know how to download Is this a game's body or is it similar to DLC?


for some reason the links arent working for me I click it and it takes me to a page with this url about:blank#blocked


Awesome! thanks for the quick fix, looking forward to playing


Which part of the event are you in? You can view it in Inventory/Quest.


When I check the requirements for the event by going up to the pine tree I can't close the menu by clicking on the close button


No problem! just letting you know what I've run into! Also in my H-menu it says I've completed patchoulis From behind H event, but the Pine tree says I havent. Now I havent tried re doing that scene yet, but ill see if re doing the scene fixes it. Edit: I re did the scene with patchouli and now the pine tree says its done


You need to replay that scene for the game to count! Because the game didn't have this system before.


Gotcha, Its just when I loaded my old save for the first time into this new build it had a few of the scenes already highlighted as if they were done


Yes, there are some scenes using old data so it is highlighted!


Thanks again! Ill let you know if I come across anything else


When I finished decorating my pine tree. and then I asked Camilla to trading some seeds, .that I couldn't continue to exchange seeds with her. andI can't press anything。OMG。。。can u fix it?


Hey, sorry to keep bugging you, but I know I completed Camillas 5th quest to get Velvets bath scene in my old save in the past build, but in the current build Velvet doesn't go to the bath when shes supposed and I've tried boosting camillas relationship a bunch but no quest has popped up


NPCs can't interact normally during an event. I will be adding a seed trade option with Camilla. Currently you need to trade seed before the start of the event .


After you unlock the Velvet shower scene she will shower every day at 17:00,at the ratio of 50/50. You can replay this scene.


Got it, didn’t know it was chance based. Thanks again for your work!


So I finished the event but all the characters are still saying happy new year and what not, I can activate cheats though but I cant talk to anybody, also when I revist the event I cant watch the other scene with nyotalia, also whats the 5th scene that was added? I saw the one with the yama, one with rem and one with nyo (the second I havent seen because of what I said earlier) but whats the other one? Edit: Nevermind, I found out how to rewatch the scenes and everyone is back to normal outside of the event but I still dont know what the last one is


In this event there are 3 scenes with Nyotalia (BJ, Cowgirl, Missionary), one with Yamakaze and the other with Rem.


how do i start the event, it says find a special pine tree but im not seeing anything


Pine tree: It's in the Patchouli area looking towards the Camilla area.


How do I know if I have the right tree, I'm running around to every pine tree in the Patchouli area. Do I not have the necessary accomplishments to unlock this event? Is it before the Elf area?


Aha you got me, I wasn't expecting the tree to be so small!


I went and redid every requirement for the pine tree except for the "build house and torch" and "rem kitchen" missions because those you can't redo, but after doing so, the pine tree still says "you need to unlock..." even though all the events are highlighted. I made sure to go redo all the events except for the "rem kitchen" and "build house and torch" Is there something else I am missing?


running can't jump?


You don't need to redo "kitchen rem" and "build house and torch". Did you unlock these scenes? https://i.imgur.com/4drFsCQ.png


when I interact with the pine of the special event and do not comply with the requirements I can't close the requirements window, when I see the rem scene "from behind" it's not marked in the H event process


Please try the new game. You should backup the save file first. If it works the save file is corrupt, you can send me the save file so I can fix it.


Is the Velvet shower scene repeatable? Ive got every requirement besides that one... :/


I just can’t find New Year decorations. Can you tell me where to get them?


Is there a walkthrough guide that is updated to the steps past 8.4 or at least a new list of what you can do in dreamworld?


I will update the walkthrough soon. In the dream world, you only need to give gifts to the characters. When enough points it will appear new options. For Nyotalia, Rem and Yamakaze to appear in Dreamworld, you need to use Blue Mushroom with them first.


Who should I say New Year to?


To start the event you need to find a special pine tree. (Patchouli area)


I installed a wood stove and talked to npc but nothing happened...


You need to go to the Camilla area and find decorations, which you can see in Inventory / Quest.


I find i can't run


I have this problem when downloading 0.85g and special version Can't jump while running, can only jump while walking Sometimes when I run, I still get stuck in place for a few seconds to move or even reopen to solve the problem




It works with me. Can you send me your save file and output_log.txt file?


I completely finished the event, but the question from the fireplace still remains, what should I do?


Please try to save and restart the game. Are you using version v0.8.5c?




wasn't there an 8.5G before? this is confusing...


Found a bug concerning bath time for the main girls. after H scene you are stuck with camera mode and the H scene instructions in the top left corner. you can run around but can't interact with anything. Also dream world if you don't complete the special event and die in dream world you are transported back home but with the special event message i again but can't click it away. game goes completely unresponsive has to be shut down via task manager.


Did you use any software that supports typing? And did previous versions work for you?




this is my save


I have changed the computer, the old host does not have this problem. Use Window7 This problem is currently only with new computers, using Window10


Please try to install; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7087 and this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35


My current problem is that I cannot jump when running But can jump without running Then I tried the link you gave me and it still does n’t work


This is your save fixed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sb0dNwXkK2Ld21xRD8Gf83GpaIJNKxq8/view?usp=sharing


Note: if you use cheat software such as Cheat Engine, there may be bugs.


Your saved file it works with me. You can download this test build to check: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TDXn41mhGkrnn3iUICcCUdyypaEmBp5z/view?usp=sharing


It changes the jump and run button,. Press F7 to switch Shift to Ctrl. Press F8 to switch Space to B key. Looking forward to receiving results soon!


say how likely is it that we get to see the 3rd dungeon next month?


I'm trying to finish it this month, if it is late it will be around the beginning of next month. There is some content with the new system that is a bit difficult to determine the exact completion time, Sorry!


its fine dont push yourself too much to haste it takes more time to correct any trouble afterwards i rather wait for it till next month if its working fine in exchange


Having a problem, did Camilla cowgirl scene, now the game is permanently set at 'Night' and characters don't wake up during the day


Please try with the latest build, if it doesn't work with the Space button, it may be because your hardware or software affects it.


It's great to have a developer so committed to quickly solving issues, keep up the great work.


velvet not going to shower at 17:00...why?


After you unlock it, she will shower at 17:00 at a ratio of 50/50.


You need to complete the Camilla quest. You can read in the Walkthrough file.


She will shower at the rate of 50% for 1 day, so there will be 1 or 2 days she will not shower. Try the next days.


The problem is solved It's a problem with my computer input method No way to work properly in Chinese input method But I switched to English input method and everything works fine


There's been an error that hasn't been running since a few versions ago, is it a problem that only appears to me?


Are you hungry or thirsty in the game? If not, can you send me your save? I can fix it.


You can send it in the message section on patreon or my email: segamex2365@gmail.com.


I'm sorry. I think there was an error. I'll send it again.


It's fixed! This bug is caused by saving the game when underwater. It has been fixed in v0.8.5f, now you can save anywhere.


my save file from previous version is not working


Can you tell me how it is? Did you make sure move it to the correct location?


I have this version for the new year special and I started the mission I found Pinheiro if I'm not mistaken that's the name to build The chimney or fireplace I don't remember which one is the right name but then it doesn't appear but nothing I look at see the missions and still show nothing to me I waited for about 40 minutes and I couldn't take it anymore and quit the game I would like help please someone help me explain what's missing for me to complete this new year mission appreciate


eu tenho essa versão a especial do ano novo e eu iniciei a missão eu achei o Pinheiro se eu não me engano é esse o nome construir A chaminé ou lareira Não lembro qual dos dois é o nome certo mas aí depois não aparece mas nada olho para ver as missões e mesmo assim não mostra nada para mim eu esperei por uns 40 minutos e não aguentei mais e sair do jogo eu gostaria de ajuda por favor alguém me ajude me explique o que tá faltando para eu completar essa missão do ano novo Desde já agradeço


Do you mean Decorate? After building Fireplace, you need to find New Year Decorate. Event are only saved once you complete. You can check it in the Inventory / Quest tab / New Year Quest when the event starts.


where does velvet bath,i cant finsh this scenes.


You need to unlock it first with the Camilla quest! She'll bathe in the small waterfall area where you catch the horse (yellow tree area).


my savedata have some problem i cant finsh rem sleeptogether scenes could you help me fix this savedata. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bYS8my35Ui3OS-dU0tZ6l2IYEW-INXCn/view?usp=sharing


Sorry for the late reply ,my place had a blackout for a day. This bug does not affect the game. It will be fixed in an upcoming build.


Thank you. Does the new year's event still exist in the next version? Now I'm just short of this event to start the New Year event. Can I solve this situation if I restart the game?


Yes! It will still exist in the next version. If you have any problems, please try restarting.


I get stuck in the first dungeon on this build. for some reason i cant find the master key i have ran around for a good 20 mins searching for something anything. But the dungeon is empty


Hint: There are 2 walls that you can go through to enter the hidden area in the main hall. One near torch stand (spider area).


v 0.8.5f just wanted to say that some quests just dissaper sometimes i think its if you trigger new events like comeing back from dungeon but im not sure happend to me twice, what the cause is i dont know happend with lost bra and camillas bring food to velvet (said bring blaa bla to velvet but velvet was in same place as always by her tent and i didnt get any quest item and then after some time the quest dissapered also the scene under the table glich/bug on seccond try got ??? thin letters over the wait and could not press wait button thats what i have experienced so far aside from haveing to alt+f4 once where i press asumingly space to much in dialog with rem


also where is this going if i may aske is it going to go full on corruption (you know what i mean xD ) i like what i see so far would like to see alot more content with Nyotalia and corruption =)


Please try to save then restart game and use the left mouse button for the dialog. Sorry for this annoyance, I'm checking it.


When Camilla's bra is lost you need to do a quest to find her bra. You can see the hint in the file walkthrough.


You can give me a guide to how can i unlock all the h escenes?


for now, you must follow the walkthrough to unlock them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZFnChlTIxS_5zltVEOSMWwY2M1xXSJMo/view


There are many scenes, if you have difficulty in which scene please let me know.


Nyotalia H event payzuri not work and Pâtchouli bra off isn´t work too


Sorry for this problem, please try to save the game and try again. I'm checking it!


I would like a new up R-Life


New version will be 0.8.6, it is in final stage, i'm working to finish it as soon as possible. Hope you can wait!


ฉันต้องการ R-Life ตัวใหม่


this fixed yet