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I'm designing the gameplay in Dreamworld, you can see more in the video above!

Not only on the island, you also have to fight in the Dreamworld. In the Dreamworld you return to high school, at this point you are often bullied by other students, but now you have learned how to fight on the island and you can now fight them back.
Everything in the video is only testing, it will be better when the new build is complete.

The current progress of the game is 70%, new updates change a lot of things so I need more time to complete it! Please wait...



[DevLog] R-Life Dreamworld Combat System Test!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/segamex



Hello, First of all love your game, love your devotion to it. Even better you seem to be improving on everything. Kudos and congratulations and happy new year to you too. Now for things not so pleasant(recommendations/suggestions): relax the guard (defensive stance, blocking) it looks somewhat silly like that. Open hands, palm facing each other ,slight difference in height and distance from body favoring dominating hand, half foot separation between hands Like:(<a href="http://www.sherdog.com/thumbnail_crop.php?image=http://www.cdn.sherdog.com/_images/pictures/20110418011351_1MG_4248.JPG&&width_size=600)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.sherdog.com/thumbnail_crop.php?image=http://www.cdn.sherdog.com/_images/pictures/20110418011351_1MG_4248.JPG&&width_size=600)</a> Also Weapon combat, the moves are way way too wonky. Katanas' first strike makes it almost a downgrade from the Bat. Take the swing way down, you do not need that much commitment to do damage. Maybe switch it to a diagonal or thrust. Bat is ok, grab it with both hands like the katana. Overall all weapon hits feel too high (and floaty), lower them a bit.


16:00 in the video .Grilfriend in the dream world is already? Why i cant see her? Her house is empty ! QAQ


It's been bothering me for a long time. Please tell me.Plz!