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Title: Hidden Call Time

“Midterm Exams?” Nik smiles as he rests in the nurse’s office. He isn’t alone as Revy lights her cigarette while Irina accepts the light before lighting her cigarette.

“You two…” Ray mutters. “The last thing you should do in the nurse’s office is smoke!” She huffs before explaining it to Nik. “The school’s curriculum is divided into two terms. These terms have two crucial exams each. The overall results are compiled based on these tests. But it’s not something we can help the kids with.”

“Phew~!” Nik exhales and rests in his chair. “I was going out of material to teach the kids. After all, seduction is based on practice rather than cramming information.”

“Why don’t you two teach how to touch the opposite gender?” Revy smirks while puffing smoke. “I’ll videotape it for educational purposes and sell it to Anego.”

Nik rolls his eyes. If anything, Balalaika may critique his form. “I would make a video if it’s you.” He tosses back as Revy snorts. She already has a video with Nik and that Maid ‘Bitch.’ Irina quietly observes their interactions before questioning, “You three are from Roanapur, right? Don’t you know the recent changes?”

Irina is well aware of the former crime paradise.

Why ‘former’?

“You mean other mercenaries leaving?” Revy grunts, annoyed. “Nothing to do about that. It’s all Koro’s fault.”

“Not only Koro’s fault,” Irina shares. “The ‘Herd’ and Baba Yaga left the High Table in chaos, especially the ‘Herd.’ Others aren’t even bothering with John Wick anymore. He already disappeared.”

Nik and Ray retain their silence. They know the green-haired boy, the ‘Herd,’ is Lava-Head’s partner. However, Nik and Ray don’t know his chat handle.

Unaware of the duo like Revy, Irina glances at Nik with different intentions. “Should we plan our lessons for the students after their exams?” Revy deadpans at the shameless cunt as Nik suddenly frowns. Nik fishes the phone out of his pocket before glancing at Irina and others, “Sorry, I need to take this.”

He walks out of the Nurse’s Office. He glances at the classroom. Things are rowdy inside as several of Koro’s afterimages teach a student each. Nik smiles at a few students before glancing at the green-haired Kaede. As if noticing his gaze, the girl looks at Nik, making the youth smile. He doesn’t interrupt the lecture. Everyone is raring for the Midterm Exams, especially Koro-Sensei.

Instead, Nik secludes himself inside the faculty room before answering the call.

“Hello? Diego? How are you? I was planning a trip to Lovelace Mansion in a few days.”

Nik smiles. His long-standing deal with Diego after saving Garcia and Roberta was to use the slag of their mine to recover AP. Of course, Nik also had other initiatives. However, he doesn’t look down on the safe and steady route of increasing AP.

“Mister Nik…” A slightly hoarse female voice answers Nik instead.

“Roberta?” Nik blinks before grinning. “It’s been a while? Are you well?”

The voice on the other side momentarily falters before Roberta replies. “I am unwell, Mister Nik. Master Diego has been hospitalized for a while. I’m calling to apologize. Our project for the mine is to be suspended.”

Nik grows silent.

“What happened?”

Roberta doesn’t answer.

“Roberta?” Nik urges. “Tell me. Maybe I can help.”

“Roberta died, Mister Nik,” she replies. “I need to find someone. He… he was like the person who attacked us in Roanapur. I couldn’t see much. However, he took Young Master. The Lovelace family shall compensate for your contribution—”

“Cut the crap, Rosarita,” Nik barks. “Tell me what happened.”

The voice grows silent before sighing. “I didn’t see the attacker. But he ‘took’ the Lovelace Mansion. We were having dinner at the time and didn’t receive injuries. Something struck me from the side. It happened… fast. I was faster.”

Her voice turns plain and impassive. “I injured whatever hurt me before the assaulter escaped with Young Master. I was the target. I would have assumed someone from my previous affiliations was behind it. But nobody can do those things I witnessed. I’m not confident in bringing Young Master back.”

Nik frowns. “Did they say anything?”

“No,” replies Roberta. “But I got a message today. They want me to board a train in Japan ten days from now.”

Nik’s expression turns weird. Things change before he can reply.

[Accu-mulet: I cordially invite you and your partner to a discussion to handle the Rank 6 Objective and divide the rewards in Nippon Speed Line NP435 departing from Tokyo to Kyoto on…]

“What?” Nik also hears Revy’s shout. “Who the hell are you?”

Nik ignores Revy, questioning, “Rosarita? Is the train Nippon Speed Line NP435?”

“... Yes. Where are you, Mister Nik?”

“Tokyo,” he exhales, feeling a slight headache. “I’ll try looking for Garcia. You should take care of Diego—”

“I’m in Tokyo.”


Roberta’s voice continues. “Can we meet, Mister Nik?” There’s a slight grunt in her voice as if she hit something.

“I will—”

“Nik!” Revy barges in. “Something happened in Roanapur. The lagoon and the rest are gone!”


Nagisa feels exhausted after the studies as he recalls the morning assembly. The students assemble in the Gymnasium monthly for announcements and speeches from the Principal. It’s usually a terrible start of the day for Class 3-E. However, today was different. Nagisa cannot help but feel slightly encouraged when recalling other’s expressions.

Just Class 3-E’s teachers looked phenomenal.

Be it Tadaomi or Nik, who somehow have ‘fans’ in the main building without doing anything, or Irina and Ray, who charm others with their mere presence and make others envy Class 3-E.

Revy and Karma didn’t join the assembly, seeing no point.

His steps stall as Nagisa notices another presence inside the faculty room through the window. The figure has neatly combed hair and sharp features. He sits on the chair, observing the three teachers.

‘Isn’t he…’ Nagisa gapes.

“Hmm?” Gakuho looks around. “Where are the other teachers?” The school’s chairman smiles.

“The other three Senseis had an emergency,” Karasuma replies calmly, still stunned by the trio’s swift departure. Even Koro-Sensei didn’t see it coming. Ordinarily, such a situation will be problematic and a subject of cold treatment in a workplace, especially a school. However, Gakuho smiles. “Well, send them my regards. I hope they effortlessly resolve their issues. Of course, tell them it’s not a problem to take such long departures.”

Tadaomi’s eyes twitch as he glances at Koro, “He is Gakuho Asano, the School’s Board Chairman.”

“Nyo?!” Koro gasps before his body flickers. He suddenly appears behind Gakuho. “Please enjoy this massage, Sir. Would you also like some tea? Some snacks alongside them?”

Nagisa gapes.

Korosensei’s Weakness No. 6: He is subservient to his superiors at work.—

Gakuho pleasantly smiles, “It’s our first proper meeting, Koro-Sensei. Excuse my manners for not greeting you before. But I heard a lot about you.”

He moves from his chair before walking towards the window facing the field. He turns around, looking at the three teachers. Natural light from outside casts a looming shadow on the man’s ‘kind’ features as he pointedly comments, “You’re a pitiful creature, aren’t you? Intending to be the world’s savior, you’ve been reduced to its destroyer instead.” Gakuho is aware of how Koro-Sensei can kill him. To an ordinary man, the crime of murder is far from their life. The present society molded others into escaping several realities. However, Gakuho understands the ‘methods’ Koro-Sensei used to attain his role as a teacher.

His current ‘maintenance’ methods came after the harsh smack of a fatal tentacle. After all, it takes a peculiar form of bloodshed to keep the world’s various political leaders from indulging in their ‘antics.’

Unlike Ray, however, Gakuho remains unfazed by potential death. He gently smiles, letting his words sink in.

‘Savior?’ Nagisa listens.

“Frankly, we’re somewhat similar beneath our skin and bones. No matter how we struggle, Earth is beyond its crisis,” he chuckles meaningfully. “So, you won’t see me fussing over what you were.”

Gakuho crosses his legs.

“Of course, your superiors know my alignment. I don’t mind clearing a few doubts. First, I will mostly have a hands-off policy about assassinations. I don’t want to interrupt your tasks.”

“That will be helpful…” Tadaomi accepts.

“That’s quite a rational outlook,” Irina comments.

Gakuho doesn’t speak anything. He smiles at the duo before looking at Koro-Sensei.

“Second,” he begins. “I have to consider several things for this school. I have to think of the school’s future if someone manages to assassinate you and earn that bounty of ten billion yen. Frankly speaking, it will be a problem if Class E doesn’t remain as is.”

Koro-Sensei’s features usually display his mouth smiling like the crescent moon. So, even if he speaks for once, his features don’t change.

“When you say ‘as is,’” he looks at Gakuho, “Does it mean where Class 3-E’s grades are the lowest?”

“Indeed,” Gakuho smiles. “Are you aware of the of the worker’s ant theory? It suggests that 20% of the ants are lazy, 20% are hard-working, and 60% are ordinary. Of course, humans are unimaginably more intelligent than ants. So, my goal is to maintain an environment where 5% of students are lazy and 95% are hard-working.”

He moves from the window pane.

“I don’t want to be in Class E.” He reveals the hearts of the children in Kunugigaoka High.

“I would rather give up other things to study more and not end in Class 3-E.”

“I want to maintain my reputation in school.”

“Thoughts like this encourage other students at the expense of Class E, maintaining my ideal ratio.”

“I see,” Koro nods. “That’s logical. Then it’s a problem where the 5% aren’t weak and miserable.”

Gakuho doesn’t admit to such words. Instead, he smiles and brings up another topic.

“Class 3-D’s Homeroom Teacher complained against Class E. One of your students viciously glared at two students and threatened to kill them.”

Nagisa gulps. ‘They are talking about me.’ He feels speechless. After all, the other two students from Class 3-D, his former classmates, cornered him and got scared for some reason!

“Well,” Gakuho shakes his head. “It’s not strange to have such a temperament when the students are assassinating someone. But it is a problem when those of Class E defy ordinary students. It’s unacceptable in this school.”

He smiles at Koro-Sensei, “Please sternly ask them to refrain from doing so in the future.” He walks towards the door while fishing for something in his breast pocket.

“Oh,” he turns around, tossing something at Korosensei.

The item jingles in the air.

A Wire Puzzle.

“Please solve that in a second!” Gakuho exclaims with unbefitting curiosity blazing in his eyes.

“Nnho?!” Koro exclaims as his tentacles disappear from their view before clamping on the puzzly and viciously coiling around his own body. Several pieces of the puzzle cuff his tentacles to different sections of the body as he falls to the ground.

Nagisa gapes in shock.

Korosensei’s Weakness No. 7: He has no patience for wire puzzles.—

Even Tadaomi and Irina are surprised as Gakuho praises.

“Truly, you’re a marvel, Korosensei,” he crouches slightly. He continues, “A speed like this can help you avoid assassinations. But some things in real life cannot be solved by speed.”

He gazes into Koro’s beady eyes before straightening and leaving.

Irina and Tadaomi gaze at each other. Meanwhile, Nagisa cannot help but remain still.

After all, the man walks out and locates Nagisa beside the office.

Gakuho smiles bridely, exclaiming encouragingly, “Hey there! Do your best in the exams!”

With that, Gakuho’s smile steadily fades before he walks away with an indifferent expression.

From uncovering a few of Korosensei’s weaknesses to that perfect ‘fake’ encouragement, Nagisa remains awe-struck. The blue-haired boy no longer felt like an assassin dealing with a super-creature but Class 3-E’s bottom feeder.

Irina glances at the incapacitated Koro. She would have tried attacking now if she didn’t know any better.

‘As targets, these two are alike with no visible weakness. Be it Koro’s supernatural abilities or Gakuho Asano’s discipline, it’s like a tough fortress that repels all invaders. It’s nothing like how I can get close to other powerful people drunk in their wealth.’

Meanwhile, Tadaomi has slightly different thoughts.

‘Korosensei is nigh-invincible. However, the same isn’t true for Korosensei—a teacher. Gakuho ‘rules’ this school with an iron fist. Even Korosensei cannot effortlessly surpass him. But Gakuho Asano is much too smart to believe his words alone will sway Koro.’ Tadaomi frowns, wondering about the true objective of Gakuho’s visit.

Everybody in the faculty room’s vicinity fails to observe Koro’s determined look.

Then again…

His features are the same.


“You knew?!” Revy smacks her hand on Balalaika’s desk, agitated.

“I knew about Chang,” Sofia smokes, unbothered. Nik doesn’t bother with the duo. Instead, he’s busy communicating with someone.

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: How many hosts did you invite?]

[Accu-mulet: Please refrain from asking confidential questions. I cordially invite you to…]

Nik sighs. It’s the same response again.

He already tried paying for the information, but Accu-mulet keeps a tight lid. Nik doesn’t doubt the validity of this gathering. Even if there’s no noise in the general chat, he is assured that every remaining Host is intrigued by the proposition since the rewards are divine.

What falters Nik’s thoughts is Garcia’s kidnapper choosing the same spot to call Roberta… and Revy.

Earlier today, someone contacted Revy, telling her to enter the train at the appointed time as Accu-mulet’s proposal. It’s stated clearly in Accu-mulet’s message that latecomers won’t be entertained.

But it smells of shit—the entire thing.

Nik turns to glance at the General Chat.

There is another message.

[Accu-mulet: Everyone has some questions about my methods. All will be clear during the appointed meeting. I ensure that my method has the lowest risk of completing our objective. For fairness’ sake, I will use a Mission Contributor Tag to distribute the rewards based on contributions decided by Paradise. I waited until now because the number of hosts has fallen to an acceptable range of 9.]

Nik quietly thinks as Revy continues.

“What about Dutch?”

Balalaika sighs.

“You’re the one who told me Dutch and Benny disappeared. All I know is that aside from Chang, the kidnapper struck the church and a few other spots. Chances are, Dutch and Benny weren’t even by the port when someone took a fancy to them.”

Revy frowns before following Sofia’s gaze and glancing at Nik.

“I don’t know who took them,” he replies candidly without looking at the women. “I don’t know WHY they took others either.”

Frankly, Nik didn’t care about Chang, Shenhua, or Eda. He didn’t know the former, while his interactions with the latter were limited. Although, he did consider Shenhua likable. As for Eda? She might be Revy’s ‘better’ friend.

But Dutch and Benny are different.

“I can try finding out,” Nik glances at the duo.

He doesn’t send a public message in the chat. That would be the same as offering his weakness to the kidnapper. The painful lesson from Lava-Head is still fresh in Nik’s mind, where the former extorted 30 AP from the latter.

“Where are you going?” Revy calls out as he shakes his head.

“What did I just say?” Nik shrugs. “I’ll try finding them.” He retrieves a compass from his pocket.

“And what about the Skank?”

Nik grows silent. Roberta didn’t sound all right on the phone. So, his urge to meet the maid was greater than finding others. After all, Nik isn’t even confident if the probable Host isn’t holed inside his space until the appointed time.

That will make things difficult.


Alternate Title: Broken Free Time; Irina is Suddenly Into Teaching Others?; Videotaping for Educational Purposes; Nik About To ‘Invent’ Porn in his Personal Space; The Phone Call; Shaking News; A Strange Event; Kidnapper; Going Around and Collecting People; Melodramatic Maid; The Chairman; Rationally Discriminative; As Long As It Gets Results; Foiling Plans; Open Challenge; Unfazed; Gakuho Came And Conquered; Sudden Leave; Ruined Roanapur; Whisked Away; The Appointed Time; A Plan To Koro Koro?; Freaky Accu-mulet



Good for John


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