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Title: Departing From a Fucboi to Meet an Older One

Shuang Jiang Mountain marks the end of the dangerous section of the route. It’s a mountain with two peaks due to a deep ravine through its center. The two cliffs stand proudly through the clouds. Shuang Jiang Mountain region is cold throughout the year. Staying near it more than necessary is ill-advised. The wild beasts here have acclimated to the environment, possessing thick hides and aggressive nature to fight for every little food. The group carries along.

Their objective is to reach the Shang Clan and unload their loot.

Past Shuang Jiang is the Xue Lei Mountain, controlled by the Zhao Clan. Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing planned to separate from the caravan here. However, the attack from the Rank 3 Demonic Gu Master changed everything.

Human traces become apparent after leaving the Shuang Jiang region, making their trip less challenging. But they also ran out of supplies several times, forcing them to stop at different hamlets. Traveling with three women is no walk in the park. Even Bai Ning Bing’s use of Ice Muscles Gu doesn’t entirely stop some biological cycles. But she has been a Gu Master for a long time and has exemplary control over herself.

The addition of Xin Ci and Xiao Die shifted things. Bai Ning Bing has an outlet that she isn’t afraid to exhaust. It also made Ning Bing get unruly with Lo Jik several times.

How can Lo Jik not understand menstrual cycles and their effects? But his understanding means jackshit in a world where an annoyed woman can blow up a mountain on a whim. Even Xin Ci and Xiao Die sometimes refuse to meet his gaze, too embarrassed by their necessities. But it didn’t matter to him. He’s seen weirder shit in his life.


A man in his previous world possessed a trait of sculpting from poo.

Go figure.

But Lo Jik also suffered other losses eventually.

The Rank 4 Rainbow Stream Gu.

He had once purchased food for this Gu Worm. However, the quantity wasn’t enough. Unfortunately, this Gu perished six days after leaving the Xue Lei Mountain region.

As for gains, Lo Jik steadily used the Elephant Strength and Eagle Strength Gu.

From Xue Lei to Qian Ku Mountain, Ju Ren Mountain, Lu Zao Mountain, and three other Great Mountains—it took more than three months for the quartet to complete their journey.


Like Bai Ning Bing, Lo Jik didn’t feel the need to go easy on Xin Ci and Xiao Die. What? Just because they are mortals?

Don’t other mortals survive? Didn’t a mortal scheme against a weaker him and almost, NAY, kill him? Being a Mortal is never a sign of weakness in Lo Jik’s eyes. A Gu Master without any Body Refinement, no matter at Rank 5, is a mortal man once his Essence runs out. But would it make such a beast weak? No.

Experiences matter.

Wisdom matters.

Strength matters.

One cannot pursue one direction and abandon everything else.

Although others believe that such is the life of a Demonic Gu Master—they are wrong.

Success doesn’t discriminate between Righteous and Demonic. It only lands on the lap of the prepared and the fortunate. Didn’t Lo Jik survive on several occasions due to his Eye Gu? What would his life be like if the time needed to refine the Gu intimidated him or its success rate? What would have happened against the Xuan Yuan Divine Pheasant, Elephant Emperors, and other fatal situations? It may be one example, but legends standing on piles of corpses towering above the Great Mountains have several more examples.

So, Xin Ci and Xiao Die were in for the grinder. They had to find food for themselves. If killing and skinning a cute bunny was too much in their eyes, they had to feed on nuts and fruits they foraged. Of course, Lo Jik helped them see the difference between poisonous and edible ones. But he made them work and survive.

Having Xin Ci and Xiao Die prepare delicious stews and pan-fried dishes before sending them to scavenge for themselves may seem cruel on the surface…

But how else can Lo Jik thank the two for their elite services during and after the caravan?

Xin Ci needed other skills and experiences aside from business to survive. Xiao Die had to stop being whiny, or she might irritate a Gu Master similar to Bai Ning Bing, but less kind.

The two girls began to cook food for themselves after the first month. Xiao Die had the first kill between the two girls. Lo Jik almost thought Bai Ning Bing was proud. But he can’t be sure. He was instructing the girls on how to skin the animal.

Xin Ci’s first self-prepared meal made her go silent for three days and nights. On the fourth day’s morning, she made a solemn vow.

“I will never eat an animal I don’t kill with my own hands.”

Good for her.

The two girls weren’t fighters. But the ruthless wilderness, injuries, patching-up, and many other experiences refined them the way a Gu Master benefits the most.

January’s end marked the completion of their journey.

The mountain path widens as they get near Shang Liang Mountain. Ascending the gentle slope brings a towering mountain to their view! It’s like a decorated Christmas tree. The uneven mountain is surrounded by several shorter peaks. One can see an array of colors decorating the entire mountain.

These ‘colors’ are structures!

Shang Clan occupies an entire mountain’s surface as a city!

One can imagine how much the Clan must thrive since a Large Clan can’t colonize a fraction of their respective Mountains!

“We’re here!” Bai Ning Bing is the first to speak.

“Hmm,” Lo Jik mutters as he glances at the surrounding peaks. These shorter hills are occupied, too. All these mid-sized clans are Shang Clan’s vassals.

The quartet continues as the stream of people thickens. There are all manners of individuals walking through. The group also observes a caravan entering the Clan through the wider gate around the Mountain’s foot. Speaking of Caravans, Lo Jik’s group didn’t encounter anyone from their Caravan.

Even Xin Ci’s and Xiao Die’s ragged appearance doesn’t attract attention. Xin Ci now wears her long, silken hair in a high ponytail. Dust and grim mars her appearance. Her robes aren’t as free-flowing as before since she can’t catch a game if her robes keep getting stuck. Xiao Die isn’t different. She instead cut her hair to her neck since a portion of it got burned while setting a trap. Her petite form now displays some foundation of skills since she walks confidently—even around Bai Ning Bing. Of course, one dirty look from the latter has the former lowering her head like a shy chicken.

They stop dozens of meters from the gates as people continue to move.

The traffic must contain thousands of travelers! And it’s only one of the four gates.

“Brother Monkey?” Xin Ci looks at him.


Lo Jik tosses a money bag, which she swiftly catches, a testament to her growing skills.

“Consider it a small gift, Xin Ci. I had fun around you two.” Lo Jik doesn’t bother hiding his actual voice. What’s the point? It’s already farewell. The two girls look shocked at how young he sounds.

“This is farewell,” a smooth, silken voice emerges from Sister Monkey’s wooden face.

Xin Ci and Xiao Die stand still. Complex emotions flash past their gazes as Lo Jik nods before turning around. He won’t be entering with them. The Monkey Masks are too conspicuous. And they already served their purpose.

“Brother Monkey!” a hand grasps his wrist as he turns back to look at Xin Ci. She puckers her lips before whispering. Her beautiful eyes stare into his bland orbs. Yet, she knows those wooden eyeballs are not lifeless underneath. Her eyes unconsciously start to water as she whispers, “Will you allow this Xin Ci a lapse in judgment and position?” She slowly stands on the balls of her toes as Lo Jik reaches out to her.

His hand pries her hand away.

“No,” he remarks softly. “But I didn’t lie, Xin Ci. You’re a beautiful beast. And I can’t risk being near a beast.”

He turns around as Xin Ci feels a pit in her stomach.

“I will grow up to your expectations, Brother Monkey,” she calls softly. Although the sea of voices should have drowned her words, he stops and looks back at her. Those wooden eyes possess a lifelike emotion.

“Don’t keep me waiting. And keep your eyes peeled. I may not be masked the next time we meet.” He disappears into the sea of people.

“Missy…” Xiao Die whispers.

“I’m not sad, Xiao Die.”

A tear slides down her cheek. “How can I be sad? Brother Monkey favored us greatly. He taught us. The gift of teaching is a step below the gift of life. I promise, Xiao.” Her clenched fists tremble. “I vow to return his favor. We will meet again. I’m sure of it. But we would have made something of ourselves the next time we meet!”

“I believe you, Missy.”

Xiao Die holds her hand. “I won’t waste Lord Monkey’s teachings.”


Two cloaked figures walk the path to the western gates. Both of them look dirty and spent.

“Oh, look at that.”

The curious Bai Ning Bing stops browsing the wanted posters on the Shang Clan’s walls, gesturing to Lo Jik to follow her gaze.

The duo observes their wanted posters. The paper is already yellowed. Surprisingly, Bai Ning Bing and Fang Yuan are the only innocent suspects. However, Lo Jik is stated to be an evil demonic cultivator.


Evil and demonic?

Well… it checks out.

Lo Jik doesn’t think much of it. Shang Clan’s walls are littered with such posters. However, the Shang Clan is one of the two clans that doesn’t reject Demonic Gu Masters. Truthfully, a fair chunk of Shang Clan’s wealth is earned on the backs of Demonic Gu Masters. But wanted criminals cannot enter the Clan openly.

Shang Clan is a Righteous Super Clan.

How can they tolerate an unmasked criminal within the clan of masked ones?

“20 Primeval Stones per person.”

The guardsman states without bothering to ask the duo to lower their hoods. Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing pay the amount before entering the clan.

Their eyes brighten as they witness the Shang Clan’s glory. It’s a clan filled with diversity not just in people but in culture and infrastructure, too!

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing gaze at the wide stone road flanked by mushroom houses, colonial structures, tall buildings, pavilions, small gardens, and more! There are mudhouses, coral caves, imperialistic sand castles, marbled towers, ivory tents…. There’s so much!

“It’s amazing!” Lo Jik sighs and looks at Bai Ning Bing.

“Bai Ning Bing,” he attracts her attention before extending a hand to her. “I’m glad we experienced this journey together. It’s time we part ways.”

The corner of Bai Ning Bing’s eyes twitch before she mocks in a high-pitch.

“Oh, no! Brother Lo Jik is leaving me. I’m devastated. Could I make a lapse in judgment—” her tone turns sharply, “—and break your damn neck? You owe me two Yang Rotation Gu and the 40% share of selling those Bone Gu.”

“Ah, you remember. Good. I was only testing your memory.”

Bai Ning Bing rolls her eyes.

“I’m hungry. Let’s eat something.”

“Wait, I need to buy something.”


“Yeah. The quicker I buy it, the better.”

“What is it?”

“Shang Clan’s book of laws and regulations.”

Unknown to them, a commotion spread near the Southern Gate.


‘So, this is Shang Clan,’ Xin Ci emotionally sighs as she can’t help but replay her journey upon the different colored walls of the buildings.

She felt slightly bitter for being chased out of the clan after her mother’s death. Xin Ci’s mother was the Clan Leader’s daughter from a concubine. However, her mother did not have an aptitude for cultivation. Before passing away, Xin Ci’s mother gave her a token, asking her to bring it to the Shang Clan. The person to whom this token belongs will find Xin Ci. If he doesn’t accept Xin Ci, she shouldn’t feel bad and move on. After all, XIn Ci’s mother never let her feel wanted for anything.

‘Uncle Zhang Zhu was still with me when I left,’ she stares at the walls.

They didn’t recover his body either. Xin Ci’s precious Uncle Zhang Zhu was gone.

Xin Ci recalls the most challenging walk of her life. She could not help anyone.

Unknowingly, a burst of bloody flames appears near the Southern Gate. Others squeak in disbelief. Xiao Die is not better. After all, the use of Gu is forbidden in Shang Clan City! However, the nearby Gu Masters fall to their knees after sensing the man’s aura. Mortals, unable to notice Gu Cultivation, remain blissfully ignorant.

But Xin Ci is lost in her thoughts. Her time with Brother Monkey, his compliments, encouraging words, strict lessons, charming words… and rejection are all carved into her being. Unknowingly, the mysterious youth settled into her heart, claiming her thoughts his and leaving her with desires that could get her killed.

He’s the one who makes Xin Ci want to rest her lips on his for but a moment—for a taste.

Brother Monkey’s why her eyes seek to reflect his being.

Brother Monkey’s existence is why she wants to smile more, for he will guard it.

A liar.

He was a liar.

Her eyes turn misty again. Xin Ci cannot smile. She wants more. He taught her to be MORE!

‘Too similar.’ the red-haired young man in black robes stares at the quiet girl, who is lost in her thoughts. Although dirt and grimness cover her face, this man sees a fair beauty not too different than Zhang Xin Ci.

The guards quickly collect before nodding. However, he doesn’t let them utter a word.

Mortals finally realize the situation. A hushed gasp echoes as they all fall to their knees except Xin Ci and a confused Xiao Die. The latter stays near Xin Ci, cautiously gazing at the man with blood-red hair.

‘Dear Zhang… is she our daughter?’ The young man reveals a reminiscing look and experiences the same emotion Xin Ci is processing.

That rainy day, Shang Clan’s young master met Zhang Clan’s Lady under a shed. It was love at first sight. One lived a heroic life, and the other possessed compassion unlike any other, daring to rebuke the young master about his cruel ways. She could not change him with words, and he didn’t think of corrupting her kindness either. They poured their passions and hearts out.

He promised to marry her and make her the happiest woman.

But fate plays cruel tricks.

The Hero was wanted elsewhere. Ambition lay between him and love. Accepting love meant butchering his responsibilities.

Power or Love?

Ambition or Compassion?

The hope of surpassing mortals and staring at the Immortal sky or a promise to a beauty?

The Shang Clan’s Leader, Shang Yan Fei, chose the former at every turn.

He assumed he had no regrets.

But fate smacks him across his face yet again!

Those memories stream into his heart with a ferocity unlike before. The guilt of lost promises and the purest affection expands this stream into a raging river. The shame of letting his daughter experience life without a father turns his guilt into a vast sea that submerges him.

She is right there.

Everything Yan Fei can ever need to make things right.

No, they never will be. Shang Yan Fei can sense the token on his daughter.

His lover probably departed before him.

Xin Ci finally seems to register the strange situation as she looks around. Her eyes instantly meet the blood-red orbs of the handsome devil as her body shakes.

Something in her depths lets her realize that this man is her father.

A father.

So, she has one, too.

Complicated emotions flash in her eyes. She lived a life of a bastard because of this man. She was a target for bullying because of this man. Barely four people loved her in the clan because of this man.

He’s the liar who led her mother on. Xin Ci’s mother thought of this man even on her deathbed.

She takes a step back.

Realization doesn’t mean her understanding. A father? What of it?

It’s just a term.

That man is still a stranger.

‘That’s right, Xin Ci. How can you be unfilial to a stranger? Father is someone who nurtures you, not desert you.’ Her Brother Monkey’s voice seems to guide her.

Brother Monkey…


All losses and emotions swim in her veins as Xin Ci lets out a ragged breath before losing consciousness.


Xiao Die squeaks when Shang Yan Fei appears beside Xin Ci and gently holds her. There is inexplicable pain on his face as he sees her condition.

What must have this poor child suffered?

He reaches out to grab Xiao Die, not paying her attention when his hand grabs at empty air.


Yan Fei glances at the cautious Xiao Die. She stares at him aggressively with a hand clenching her strapped dagger.

‘A slightly skilled girl,’ Yan Fei smiles instead. His gaze flashes as Xiao Dei loses consciousness, too.

The trio disappears in a bloody flame before the entire square erupts in a commotion.


Dining in Shang Clan is expensive. But it’s also rewarding.

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing walk out of the Eight Seas Pavilion before walking up the slope. Lo Jik fed the Shang Clan’s rulebook to the Bookworm, learning several things not to do without adequate preparations.

They stop near a giant cave opening.

“It’s 100 Primeval Stones for Entry.”

“So much!” Bai Ning Bing cries out in disbelief. Handling her own finances hit her with how expensive things can be.

“This is one of the entrances to Shang Clan’s inner city. The entrance fee is high to keep irrelevant people out,” the guard explains patiently.

The duo pays the price before entering the mountain path.

The city ON the Mountain is merely the Outer City.

Shang Clan possesses mysterious means to model the interior of the mountain. The entrance into the Inner city is expansive. One can lead ten horse carriages side-by-side through the cave entrance. Even though the inner city is built inside the mountain, the surroundings are not dark. A type of charcoal is used to illuminate the interior. This charcoal glows hot but doesn’t release any smoke. The uniform placement of this type of stone allows Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing to see the structures built with Lava Stones.

Unlike the chaotic outer city saturated with colors and variety, the inner city has a uniform design that doesn’t look out of place. They can also observe at a glance that most of the traffic in this part of the city comes from Rank 1 Gu Masters. There are also a few Rank 2 Gu Masters in the mix.

Their steps slowly stabilize once they approach a massive stone pillar built to support a spiral staircase around it.

Shang Clan remodeled the Shang Liang Mountain for thousands of years! The inner city is not flat and isn’t limited to a plain or a slope. Instead, the interiors of the Mountain are excavated like a termite’s nest with an exquisite plan. There are dozens of floors and planes connected by these stone pillars.

One look at Shang Clan’s rulebook will allow a Gu Master to read the introduction to the clan. The ‘floor’ they are on is the residential district filled with inns, stores, and restaurants. The Shang Clan provides hundreds of specialized facilities accessed through these Stone Pillars and different floors.

In essence, Shang Clan is a massive ‘mall.’ Instead of a building, however, it spans over a Mountain’s interior and exterior!

No wonder the exaggerated rumors claim a Gu Master can find anything in the Shang Clan! There is some credibility to these claims.

Once they walk slightly inside, a Shang Clan’s Gu Master blocks their path. He nods at them before questioning, “Do you have a token?”

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing shake their heads. The Shang Clan offers tokens of different authorities to external forces, allowing them to access discounts and other services. That’s how the Shang Clan attracts demonic forces.

“It will be two hundred Primeval Stones per person,” the guarding Gu Master replies as Bai Ning Bing feels more reluctant.

Paying their dues, the duo walks past the perimeter. They instantly notice the difference.

The air quality before was arid. However, the duo can feel the moisture in the air once stepping into this part of the city.

This is Shang Clan’s Fourth Inner City.

Attracting Demonic Gu Masters and Lone Forces compelled the Clan to design their infrastructure to accommodate these forces without letting them interfere with the Clan’s Core.

Shang Clan’s inner city is divided into five regions.

The first inner city, also called the Central City, is the political heart of the Clan, where the Clan Leader and Elders reside, maintaining order in the Mountain.

The second inner city is the residential area of all the Shang Clansmen. External forces cannot enter this area.

The Shang Clan accommodates other forces through Third to Fifth Inner Cities. Beyond these is the Outer City on the Mountain’s surface.

Unlike the fifth inner city, a type of Grass Gu illuminates the fourth inner city. The roots and stem of this Gu are deep blue. Meanwhile, its palm-sized leaves release a gentle Moon’s glow. A small area of the plant already possesses thousands of leaves—Moonlight Crawling Mountain Tiger.

The moisture in the air because of the Grass Gu and the stable heat from the Lava Stone structures create a unique environment where the vapors collect into a thin fog near one’s heels. The refracting moonlight produces an enchanting illuminating shroud, calming the visitors’ hearts.

All the buildings have beautifully carved walls. The sight of unique gardens, implanted bamboo groves, ponds, and artificial hills differentiate this city from the fifth inner region.

Unlike one’s expectations, the Inner City’s division doesn’t span on one floor. It’s a power exercised on all the floors, allowing wealthier Gu Masters to access better services.

The sight of Rank 2 Gu Masters became common in this city since 200 Primeval Stones is an expensive sum for most Rank 1 Gu Masters.

“The entrance fee to the Third Inner City without any tokens is 600 Primeval Stones.”

They quietly pay and enter the Third Inner City.

The air is fresh and clean. Starlight illuminates the section of the residence due to the use of starstones.

It’s a popular refinement material for Star Gu. However, the Shang Clan used this rock to develop everything about the Third Inner City, including the streets! The traffic in this section is the lowest as Rank 3 Gu Masters become a common sight.

‘How extravagant,’ Bai Ning Bing whistles softly.

‘The difference between Shang Clan’s wealth and others is disgusting.’ Even Lo Jik sighs in admiration.

The Third Inner City is their target.

It’s one of the safest havens for the wealthy and the wicked. Lo Jik already knows Tie Clan is on his heels. However, even Tie Clan cannot do anything to Bai Ning Bing and Lo Jik as long as the duo holes here and develops.

The two Gu Masters stop at the shop, Kin Kin Store. A young man with Rank 1 cultivation respectfully greets the duo before leading them into a luxurious private room.

“Welcome, Guests,” a middle-aged man enters the Private Room, greeting the duo. Meanwhile, the youth from before pours them some tea and leaves.

“Are you here to buy or sell?” The shop owner states concisely. Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing don’t touch their tea.

“Both,” Lo Jik replies softly.

The owner nods, releasing two flashes of light.


“Please browse.” He lends the Gu to the duo as Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing send their Primeval Essence into the Gu Worms. The Shop Owner’s expression becomes respectful once he notices the Snow White Primeval Essence of the second cloaked figure.

The list of thousands of Gu Worms and Materials fills their heads as if they’ve memorized the contents from long before. There are all types of Gu!

Including Rank 5!

However, Lo Jik notices how most of the Rare Gu need Tokens from different authorities to purchase them.

Lo Jik also notes several Gu Worms handy to his future path. However, almost all of them need tokens since they are rare.

The duo returns the Bookworm and nods.

“What would you like to buy, Esteemed Guests?” The owner questions. “We have different discount options based on bulk purchases.”

“Please check this,” Lo Jik releases a bone-white spear.

Rank 1 Bone Spear Gu.

The owner accepts the spear. Years of experience handling thousands of Gu allows him to quickly learn several aspects of the Rank 1 Gu.

“Hmm. It’s not easy to raise but possesses greater penetration than ordinary Rank 1 Gu. May I know the name of this Gu, Esteemed Guest?”

“Rank 1 Bone Spear Gu.”

Since Bone Spears and other relevant Gu Worms are Grey Bone Scholar’s creations, they never entered the market.

The Owner returns to his seat and offers, “I can offer this much for the Gu.”

He reveals the price of 300 Primeval Stones.

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing glance at each other.

Rare Rank 1 Gu like Liquor and Bookworm are priced at 500-700 Primeval Stones. Meanwhile, expendable Rank 1 Gu like the Vitality Leaves and Golden Qi are sold for 50 Stones. The price of the Bone Spear is satisfactory.

But does ‘satisfactory’ quell a hungry beast?

Lo Jik remains soft-spoken, using his words to increase the Bone Spear’s value.

Since the benefits are directly related to her, Bai Ning Bing doesn’t get bored but offers timely assistance using the few things she learned from observing Xin Ci.

It took them 15 minutes to increase the Bone Spear’s price from 300 to 325.

Lo Jik nods before releasing 1000 Bone Spears.

The clattering noise of the pile of bone stops as the private room descends into silence.

The Shop Owner reveals a bitter look. He’s faced several Demonic Gu Masters and doesn’t lose his calm. Instead, he sighs.

He’s been played.

The increase of 25 stones means a loss of 25000 stones!

The Milk Vat in the Grey-Bone Inheritance site possessed 1000 Bone Spears and 100 Rank 2 Spiral Bone Spears.

“The total is 325000, Esteemed Guests,” the Show Owner smiles.

“There’s no rush,” Lo Jik doesn’t reveal joy or pride. He offers the Rank 2 Spiral Bone Spears.

“Oh? This is similar to the Rank 1 Bone Spear Gu. But the spiral force noticeably upgrades the spear’s penetrative ability.”

The Shop Owner muses. A thought emerges in his mind as he reveals the price of 750 Primeval Stones.

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing enter into another intense round of negotiations. The tea gets cold, but they don’t stop talking. It takes them an hour to increase the price from 750 to 780 Primeval Stones. It’s unsurprising. The Shop Owner is a tough cookie, too.

As they say—Game Recognizes Game.

The Shop Owner realizes that Lo Jik might have more of this Gu. Meanwhile, Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing realize that the Shop Owner intentionally lowers the price. So, the negotiations result in a fair price.

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing released their Spiral Bone Spears. There are 100 Rank 2 Gu.

78000 Stones!

The Shop Owner’s gaze glitters slightly as Lo Jik reveals the Rank 4 Milk-Bone Sac. However, instead of offering the Rank 4 Gu Worm, he demands the price for the Milk Spring inside the Gu.

The truth is that Bai Ning Bing and Lo Jik already divided most of the loot. They intend to sell those gains privately. However, the prices of the Rank 1 Bone Spears, Rank 2 Spiral Bone Spears, and Milk Spring must be divided in a 60-40 ratio.

The Milk Spring only amounts to 29000 Primeval Stones.

“Is that all, Esteemed Guests?”

Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing nod.

“If I may,” the Shop Owner begins. “These seem to be gains from an Inheritance Site. Do you also have relevant recipes? Our Shop will give you a fair price.”

The duo instantly looks cautious as the Shop Owner smiles.

“Please put your heart at ease, Guests. I have sincere intentions.” The Shop Owner speaks more about his experience in dealing with inheritance. Secrecy is needed, and the Shang Clan’s stores never break a Customer’s trust.

As if moved, Lo Jik lets out a weary sigh.

“I won’t lie, Brother.”

Bai Ning Bing hears—I will lie to your face, Brother.

“We siblings were lucky to encounter a Demonic Gu Master’s Inheritance. I’m sure you know how difficult it is for lone forces to deal with challenges in a Demonic Gu Master’s Inheritance.”

The shop owner attentively listens while expressing his understanding. 8 out of 10 Demonic Gu Masters are crazed and eccentric. When they die, they don’t want anyone fickle or weak-minded to accept their Inheritance. In comparison, the Righteous Gu Master’s Inheritance is often mild and tests the character.

“It took us years to get through the opening. That inheritance was abundant!” Lo Jik sighs deeply. “However, a Clan followed us and snatched it. We only managed to run with the ‘soup,’ leaving the lion’s share to those Bastards. As you can tell, these Gu Worms are from a well-defined tree of fusion recipes. But we don’t have any recipes.”

Although the Shop Owner knows these things happen several times. He doesn’t readily believe Lo Jik’s words. Instead, he asks indirect questions while praising the duo’s luck. After all, Demonic Gu Masters lie. Everyone lies!

It’s not that Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing are unwilling to sell the recipes. Anything except the Bone Flesh Unity Gu’s recipe can be sold. However, they understand they are out of their leagues. Besides, privately selling isn’t an option. These shopkeepers are devious. They can cause conflict between the duo. After all, the profit of selling the recipes will be shared 50/50.

Also, Bai Ning Bing values the Yang Rotation Gu more. She doesn’t mind fighting Lo Jik for the Yin Rotation Gu should his promises become lies.

The Shopkeeper only pays the duo after a while.

432000 Primeval Stones!

Bai Ning Bing accepts the amount in her Primeval Elder Gu as Lo Jik promptly placates the shopkeeper by saying—

“These are only our immediate concerns, Brother. You didn’t suppress us and showed us Shang Clan’s warm welcome. We have an assortment of Gu we wish to sell. But we require rest first.”

The Shopkeeper sees them out with a warm smile. Once they leave, he narrows his eyes and enters a secret room. He uses a Gu that turns into a Bronze Mirror.

Ripples emerge on the mirror’s surface, revealing the image of a youth with pale skin and slightly sunken cheeks. This man only appears a year older than Lo Jik. However, the telltale signs of alcoholism and other vices make him look weak.

“This subordinate greets Young Master,” the Shopkeeper kneels on the ground.

“What is it?” Shang Ya Zi frowns. He’s one of the ten Young Masters of the Shang Clan. Although Shang Yan Fei has over a hundred children, only ten Gu Masters can be the Young Masters of the Shang Clan.

The Shopkeeper explains the situation of Inheritance as Shang Ya Zi’s gaze brightens.

“Hahaha! I was wondering how to defend my Young Master position. Heaven is just and leaves a way for the desperate! Hmph! I will search for information from my end. Find out whether they are lying about the Inheritance.”

“This subordinate understands, Young Master. But what if they decide to go to other shops?”

“I’ll take care of it. I control the Clan’s Shops. Just focus on your end.”

The image flickers and disappears.


Alternate Title: Crue Traveling; Menace of Three Women in Their Prime; Lo Jik: Bruh, It’s Just Blood *Menstrual Cramps: Bonjour*; Bai Ning Bing’s Toy; The Final Gift; Experience; Mortals ARE Dangerous; Xin Ci: Having a Sentimental Moment About Life and Death *Lo Jik and Bai Ning Bing: Damn, That Tiger Paw Looks Good*; Even the Kind Ones Grow and Adapt; Shang Liang Mountain; A True Minecraft Mountain; The Colorful Clan; The Inner Cities; Lo Jik Needs Rulebook; To Thrive in the City, One Must Understand It; Shang Xin Ci’s Fucboi Father Arrives; Shang Xin Ci Having Another Sentimental Moment *Shang Yan Fei: Damn, She Found Me? Should Get the Milk Out of the Fridge*; Shang Yan Fei is The Definition of Hit and Miss It; Lo Jik’s Inspiration?; Giant Sun Laughing in the Corner; The Beautiful Inner City; Lo Jik: Sir. I Will Lie; Selling; A Taste of Gains; Lo Jik Tries To Back Away from the Deal; Sassy BNB; The True Waifu Was Xiao Die All Along; Shang Ya Zi’s Smackable Face; Blud Drinking for a Year and Saying He’s Desperate


Kevin L

And so a new casualty arrives.