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Title: Bai Inherits the Bone (2) (Lewd)

Bai Lin introduces Unchained Vagabond to other Elders before appointing a Gu Master to show him around. However, after cleaning himself and wearing new clothes, the brown-haired youth refuses to stay inside a tent. Instead, he locates a bone boulder in one of the corners of the camp before sitting on it. It’s still not early morning. Such a time in December proves freezing cold for the appointed Gu Masters. They quietly curse the vagabond in their heart for being so stubborn. Why can’t he just stay in a tent, allowing them to rest, too?

Unchained Vagabond’s muscular figure sits with a straight back. Cold dew condenses on the tips of his hair as he keeps his eyes shut for hours. He doesn’t move or speak a thing. As the morning arrives, he lets the warm sunlight hit his face. Other Gu Masters of the Bai Clan participating in the competition grow curious about the youth as he sits like an unmoved sculpture.

Gu Masters reports to Bai Lin every hour. So, she knows everything. However, she also seems to realize the truth.

A tale for a favor.

His stories and his experiences aren’t for others. Curiosity will not earn any word from him. Meanwhile, a pail of water might reveal shocking truths that leave one’s heart trembling and confused.

As the Bai Clan’s Gu Masters leave for the competition, Bai Lin sends secret scouts to search the Spirit Spring in the mountain. This competition is a mask for the Bai Clan’s true motives. They must discover the Spirit Spring as soon as possible.

The afternoon sun peaks as the junior Gu Masters prepare the grill for the Elders’ meal. Knowing that Unchained refused to move from his spot since he arrived and hadn’t eaten a thing, Bai Lin sends for the man. How can the Bai Clan’s Elders feast while leaving their guests hungry? Is that the tale they want a drifter to carry?

“Food is prepared, Esteemed Guest. Everyone is waiting for you.”

The Gu Master stares at the young Guest. Cold dew soaked him during the morning. However, Unchained Vagabond’s clothes are now damp instead of wet. He does not move despite the Bai Clan’s Invitations.

“This way, Esteemed Guest.”

“Our Clan’s Lamb is a specialty. You will enjoy it, Sir.”

“This… Sir Unchained? Are you not hungry?”

The brown-haired youth does not reply. When the Gu Master reports this to the Elders, who hadn’t eaten a thing, they couldn’t help but frown.

Bai Lin gets a little annoyed, too.

She didn’t expect Unchained to be so egotistical. She sends an Elder to invite him.

“Hahaha! Come, Brother Unchained. It’s a good day to share wine.”

“The Lamb's legs are being prepared as we speak. Let’s not waste them.”

“Hmph! Don’t mistake our hospitality with weakness, Unchained! Don’t look down on the Bai Clan!”

The Elder would have attacked, but the Vagabond did not move an inch. It’s as if their Guest is in a different dimension, unmoved by flattery, pleas, and threats! Worst of all, the Elder knows he ‘loses’ this bout if he attacks the Vagabond.

Once the Elder returns in defeat, Bai Lin stands.

“Clan Leader, you mustn’t!”

“Let me go, Clan Leader.”

Other Elders speak as Bai Lin snorts.

“My body is refined by Gu Worms and needs more nourishment. I cannot wait. Let me deal with this.”

She lets her Rank 4 Aura loose while approaching the youth. Bai Lin’s annoyance peaks when she finds her guest unperturbed by her aura. However, instead of opening his eyes, he smiles.

“I am not insulting Bai Clan’s honor, Leader Bai. A roof cannot shoulder my regrets, so I took it under the sky. My hunger is a meager punishment. This drifter only eats once before sleep.”

Bai Lin stops.

She already knows how Unchained Vagabond didn’t move an inch! Such a determined nature is not something even a Large Clan like hers can foster. The youth also doesn’t look any older than their Clan’s genius. But Unchained already has such a refined demeanor.


“How can we have the face to feast if we can’t toast to our guests?” Bai Lin smiles. She’s a Clan Leader and has her ways to get things done. Instead of forcing her guest and ruining her chance to find something about the Bai Gu mountain, she turns around and returns after a few minutes.

Her voice is gentle as she calls the Vagabond out.

“I want you to meet my children, Junior Brother. Sheng’er, Hua’er, come. Greet the Senior Brother.”

“A pleasant afternoon to you, Senior. I am Bai Sheng.”

“A pleasant afternoon!” A young girl’s voice follows the boy’s greeting as Bai Lin observes Unchained Vagabond’s shoulders trembling. He slowly opens his misty eyes and glances at Bai Lin’s children.

Both of them share similar looks and age. The boy gives a calm aura while the twin-tailed girl looks at him with expressive and curious black eyes.

Unchained stares at the duo before looking at Bai Lin with unconcealed annoyance. She merely smiles back. The youth glances away before looking at her twins again. He slowly moves his legs, giving them enough time to readjust. “So, you are Leader Bai’s children?” He smiles widely. Warmth radiates from his being as he questions. “Do you two love stories?”

The twins blink before glancing at their mother. Bai Lin nods with a kind smile.


The duo reply in tandem.

“Good!” Unchained beams at them. “I have a story of a brave warrior and a mighty princess.”

The twin’s gaze glimmers as the youth stands and stretches slightly.

“She was Princess Ox! As strong as a warrior and as beautiful as an Oxen!”

The trio’s expression freezes before Bai Sheng and Bai Hua laugh loudly. The Vagabond chuckles with them, moving past Bai Lin and focusing on her children. He speaks fluently, capturing their interests in a second and revealing snippets and stories on the way. Meanwhile, Bai Lin cannot help but fall into a trance as she watches her children eagerly playing around him.

Unchained Vagabond is not like the rest. Others fear Bai Lin and treat her children like precious jades. However, children fall and get hurt. Why would Bai Lin not want her twins to be happy? Her heart momentarily thumps when Unchained Vagabond swoops her children. But seeing him play with them makes her smile, too. Inside the banquet tent, Unchained reveals his steadfast nature. Although he toasts wine, he doesn’t eat anything. Others, including Bai Lin’s children, curiously question it. However, he changes the subject by offering to share a tale.

Most of Unchained’s Tales are wild exaggerations and legends. However, only Bai Lin knows one of the truthful tales witnessed and felt by the man.

‘He is no mere spectator,’ she sighs internally. Everyone has different issues in life. But Bai Lin also indirectly questions Unchained about his motives. Of course, he reveals he is a mere wanderer.

“Big Brother,” Bai Hua speaks. “Why do you call yourself Unchained Vagabond?”

“We’re not supposed to ask questions about our guest’s past!” Bai Sheng instantly chides his twin as the Vagabond laughs. His laughter carries a tinge of sadness in Bai Lin’s senses. The youth reveals.

“What Vagabond is chained?” He smiles at the little girl. “By being a drifter, I aspire to lose my shackles.”

“What shackles?” The girl questions as Bai Lin clears her throat. “That’s enough, Hua’er. You’re being disrespectful.”

Bai Hua’s expression changes as she lowers her head and apologizes.

The youth shakes his head and leaves the Banquet Tent after a while.

Surprising others, he doesn’t enter a meditative stance. Instead, he requests some paper for Origami. When questioned, he reveals that someone he deeply cared for used to create things from paper, and he merely continued to learn in their memory.

As the evening reigns in the sky, other Gu Masters return from the hunt. They look spirited as a large banquet is set for the top three hunters and the remaining Elders. This time, Bai Lin only sends her children to invite Unchained. Surprisingly, he enters the banquet tent with her children on his shoulders. A bracelet of paper flowers decorates Bai Hua, who blushes and grins at once. Meanwhile, even her Sheng looks slightly embarrassed as a paper crown rests on his head. But he smirks cutely and climbs down Unchained’s shoulder.

During this banquet, their guest bard tells a heart-aching tale of loneliness. The wine tastes solemn and cold to others. The top three geniuses of the Bai Clan and the Vagabond exchange introductions before the man feasts. Other Elders almost shed tears of joy seeing the stubborn junior finally eat something.

At night, others hear about their guest bidding farewell.

By now, other Elders have no doubts about the youth’s identity. However, Bai Lin reveals a pensive expression. She suddenly states—“There are some issues I noted in the banquet. We must have Unchained Vagabon stay.”

The Elders look at each other. If their Clan Leader found something, it must be a significant issue.

Bai Lin walks out of the tent, effortlessly locating the youth staring at the night sky. Torches and lanterns illuminate the camp. However, the sight of a lone youth staring at the moon with a longing expression in utter darkness cannot help but move the single mother. There are times when everyone feels human. The recollection of her children opening up to a stranger and that stranger reciprocating their trust with parental compassion melts her heart.

But she is also a Clan Leader. She forces herself to consider. What if this is all an act?

“Junior Brother Unchained,” she smiles. However, her expression visibly shifts when the youth speaks with melancholy.

“Clan Leader Bai pursues the Strength Path. It’s an ancient and declining path full of opportunities. She is a woman this Unchained can never forget. Will I ever be unchained and unburdened? Sigh. The tales of the Bai Clan’s young geniuses are not something I will fail to recount. I am honored by the Bai Clan. But I must leave.”

He refuses to look at her.

“I hope you can stay,” Bai Lin speaks softly, leaving the illuminated domain of her encampment and entering the lonely dark. “My children are so fond of their Brother Vagabond in just a day. They will be devastated they did not get to bid their farewell, too.”

His lone body shudders.

Cold does not move his physique. Yet the gentle soul’s heart trembles for her children.

“Does… Hua’er, remind you of ‘her?’” Bai Lin whispers.

He clenches his fists and speaks softly.

“For them, Leader Bai.”

He lets out a shuddering breath. “Could you leave me for some time? I… need a moment.”

Bai Lin hesitates before slowly reaching for his shoulder and patting it comfortingly.

“Of course,” She smiles sadly, noticing the moonlight reflect off a thin trail of liquid sliding down from the corner of his eye. “Ju- Sigh, Brother Unchained,” she whispers. Bai Lin doesn’t know what to say. She leaves after squeezing his shoulder.

Unchained Vagabond returns to the camp, too. He returns to the Bone Boulder and sits atop it cross-legged.

Does he not need sleep?

Others can’t help but feel astonished. But it’s also not surprising. Lone and Demonic Gu Masters cultivate a cautious nature, often going days without any sleep.

The next day, others don’t bother her during the afternoon meal. Instead, Bai Hua cautiously approaches the man before asking if he can teach her how to fold paper. Brother Unchained instantly sits on the ground with the girl and enthusiastically teaches her the ancient art of paper-folding!

This time, Unchained tells a tragic tale during the evening banquet. The story makes many tearful while the toughest of Elders feel their hearts wavering. After the banquet, Unchained bids his farewell again. Tonight, Bai Lin states, “It’s as I expected. I used a Gu on Hua’er and learned more about our guest without him knowing anything. I’m not convinced of his motives. I’ll make him stay another day.”

Others don’t have any issues. If anything, Unchained barely converses with others. So, using a Gu on Bai Hua to understand the Vagabond makes other Elders praise their Leader.

Bai Lin exits her tent and locates Unchained.

He’s further in the darkness, quietly staring at the moon. Walking to him, she asks him to stay another day for her children. However, her guest refuses. He states he bade farewell to Bai Sheng and Hua. He has no reason to stay. Bai Lin feels slightly frantic. But she forces herself to calm down.

She whispers, “Our Bai Clan may not have another opportunity to host a Gu Master of such a pure heart. Please stay. Let us hear another tale.”

“I’m sorry, Leader Bai. But I must leave.”

His stubborn refusal makes Bai Lin chew her lips in frustration. Hesitating, she reaches for his robe and gently tugs it. “Please,” she whispers. “Stay for this lonely Bai Lin. Let me hear your tales for just another day. Let my children feel a presence no less warm than mine.”

“For you,” he shudders. Bai Lin notices how he almost turns to face her before stopping. She sighs deeply before whispering, “I will leave you alone, Brother Unchained.”

Yet, she couldn’t help but feel terrible. Her worst side is showing—a side unbefitting a Clan Leader and a Mother!

Unchained Vagabond sleeps tonight. He finds a smaller bone rock before keeping it under his head, directly lying on the cold grass. The Gu Masters meant to guard him are speechless and almost cry.

Are they destined to stand in the cold?

Why does this Bard keep returning after bidding farewell?!

In the morning, Bai Sheng hesitatingly asks Unchained a few tips about martial arts. Although he is young, Bai Lin has her children trained. They will succeed the clan after her and must be well-educated in different arts. Unchained Vagabond agrees unhesitatingly. His tips and tricks even attract the Gu Masters around him, surprising them with his deep experience of human biology.

At night, he tells a tale of Parting. Hearing this tale, Bai Lin cannot help but secretly bite her bottom lip. After the banquet, determination flickers in Bai Lin’s eyes as she reveals to the elders. She adopts a mysterious tone.

“I found something crucial. No need to make Unchained Vagabond stay for another day. I need all of you to secure the encampment and not let the scouts stray too far. He must not be followed by anyone else but me, or everything will fall apart. Of course, chances are that I’m wrong. But it’s better to be cautious.

She leaves the tent and finds Unchained Vagabond standing in the distance. The fog seems to elude his figure as he watches the moon. Bai Lin decisively leaves her illuminated camp, venturing into the cold dark and mist.

Feeling her arrival, he smiles bitterly.

“A tale of loneliness, tragedy, and parting. All that this world has to offer, I recounted. Leader… Sister Bai Lin. This is farewell.”

“Wait!” Bai Lin hurriedly speaks.

“I cannot,” he takes a step forward. His voice trembles. “I cannot keep looking at you. It makes the parting more challenging. Everyone leaves each other, Sister Lin. Parting is destined. But if I stay, I may witness the two other lessons the world offered me. I… my heart cannot endure the thought of any tragedy on you even if we just met. My eyes won’t accept any sadness on your face.”

His body trembles.

“Not again,” he whispers. “I cannot endure all that again.”

Bai Lin doesn’t hesitate to move her hand. She holds his wrist from behind, stopping him. Unconsciously, her voice is already wavering as her heart feels full.

“Parting I may endure,” she whispers. Bai Lin is a tall woman. Her lips brush against his ear once she stands close to him. “But to leave you with only Loneliness and Tragedy? This Bai Lin will not stand for it.”

His body quakes. For the first time, Unchained Vagabond turns around in her presence. Tears stream down his red eyes as Bai Lin’s gaze softens. She wipes his tears, smiling gently as warm tears prick at the corner of her eyes.

“It must have been hard,” she leans into him. Their lips momentarily brush against each other before they kiss.


Away from the forest, near the mountain’s foot, is a conspicuous brown rock 2 meters in diameter. This is an entrance to a Rank 3 Carrot Hut Gu House.

“What do you think of this Gu House, Brother Unchained?” She smiles. They are underground. The walls of the small hut emanate an orange glow as the Vagabond’s gaze glances over the cultivation mat and a table. This Gu House doesn’t see much use.

“It’s amazing, Leader Bai,” he clears his throat.

Frowning, Bai Lin turns to Unchained. “It’s Sister Bai or Lin for you.”

“But you don’t even know my name,” he speaks in embarrassment. Bai Lin reveals a guilty look, saying, “I don’t need to.” She recalls the kiss. The Clan Leader sent her consciousness inside his aperture during the lovely moment. Such an inspection is easy to detect. However, Bai Lin will readily risk her one-night stand over her life. Fortunately, there is no evidence of her lover being a Demonic Gu Master. He also doesn’t seem to hold this inspection against her.

They glance at each other before he boldly steps forward and meets her lips. She closes her eyes. When Unchained Vagabond brushes her white strands back, her heart almost soars. Their kiss is deeper and more passionate as he lovingly wraps his arms around her waist.

The duo gasps for breath once he pulls back. His hand is already firmly gripping Bai Lin’s wide ass. Her hands, too, start disrobing him. As a Strength Path Gu Master, Bai Lin’s gaze brightens once she gazes at the chiseled body under that robe. However, she notices her partner’s hesitation once he nears her yellow belt with a golden bracket atop it.

“Please remember everything about tonight, Brother Unchained,” she unbelts her robes, letting the top half slide to reveal a pair of plump breasts caught by silk wrappings. Her healthy skin flushes once Bai Lin observes his enamored expression.

As a mother of two, Bai Lin doesn’t proclaim her previous slim form. Her breasts are fuller, her ass is thicker, and her thighs are meatier. However, Unchained Vagabond pushes her against the orange wall. He loosens the wrapping with an almost animalistic need. But when her breasts unfold, he reveals a gentle look and tenderly sucks her excited nipples. Bai Lin smiles warmly. She cannot help but feel emotional. Her expression soon changes. She is still stroking her lover’s head. But his refined movements make her bite her other index finger.

Bai Lin’s thighs shudder, and knees bend out as Unchained kneads and plays with her breasts. She suddenly lets out a sharp gasp as her core trembles. Bai Lin’s skin flushes red. She feels a jet impacting against her trousers. Warm liquid spews from her naughty quim, sliding down her thighs and dampening her pants.

“W-Wow,” she swoons.

Bai Lin explored her body after her husband’s death. They didn’t love each other. It was more about marrying a talented man for her duty. He wanted to be the Clan Leader’s Husband, and she wanted political stability. They stopped their communion once she got pregnant. But she has to admit that playing with oneself is drastically different from sharing a bed with a lover.

Unchained Vagabond doesn’t say a thing. He leans up to gently peck her. Gosh, what a face she must be making. She can’t help but smile like a fool.

Bai Lin’s lover slowly works his way down before kneeling and pulling her trousers down. The thought of revealing such a mess to someone else makes Bai Lin bite her bottom lip. However, she’s surprised when Unchained Vagabond kisses her entrance and tenderly eats her out.

“O-Oh~!” She moans. This is an entirely new sensation! Fingers cannot match his agile tongue. Her hands unconsciously grip a fistful of his hair as she jerks her hips into his face. He doesn’t mind it and pulls her closer by gripping her warm butt cheeks.


“Clan Leader is resourceful. I always knew there was something wrong with that brat!”

“Clan Leader Lin follows the Strength Path. But she has deep wisdom. How can a youth fool her?”

“Let’s adhere to Clan Leader’s order and secure the camp.”

Other Elders were slightly envious of their Guest’s fortunes. Not only that, but his sad tales moved the hearts of several women. These Elders are still robust and want to prove their loyalty to the clan by fulfilling any needs Bai Lin might have. How could they bear the thought of some kid swooning their Clan’s women with pretty words?


“Hngh! Ah~! Haaaa!”

His rough, forceful pumps give Bai Lin’s pupils several reasons to roll into her skull. His fat cock pierces her open from behind. His consistent thrusts send her ass rippling as he leans onto her and nibbles her earlobe. Bai Lin squeals sharply, cumming on his cock. Sweat soaks her voluptuous form as she rests on his broad back.

Knowing her lover has some Strength Path foundation, Bai Lin doesn’t have to play it easy. She quickly starts moving her body. Bai Lin is insatiable. She pushes her lover onto the cultivation mat before adjusting herself atop him. Her crouched knees are spread open, revealing a slutty position as she holds her breasts up.

“D-Did you expect this Bai Lin to be such a harlot?”

Only warmth and fondness flicker in his eyes as he smiles, “Just that? I want to see more of Sister Lin. I refuse to waste this chance.”

He thrusts into her creamed cunt as Bai Lin hurriedly hugs him, screaming his name. She seals his lips as Unchained lets his fingers brush her hair before grabbing a fistful.

In no time, he pushes her down instead. He presses her pliant legs back before driving his length into her. Bai Lin’s being shudders as she feels him fill to her core!

Lust and passion shroud her gaze as they continue for hours.


She watches Unchained leave with determined steps. The Vagabond does not look back. Bai Lin is glad about that. That man is passionate and loving. However, she has her responsibilities as a clan leader. She cannot distract herself with love—Not yet.

‘But I would never get another chance either,’ she sighs. Her thighs clench together as she returns to her hut and carefully cleans herself using several Gu Worms. Others cannot know she slept with their guest.

‘I also need to drink the ‘tea.’’

Although the risk of getting pregnant is slim, her little ‘beast’ DID fill her. She cannot take such risks.


She blinks. There is a small letter in her robe’s pocket.

It’s addressed to her.

Open it when you think of it. This letter will let you know my true feelings.—

Bai Lin smiles sweetly. The bitterness of parting fades. She will open the letter later when she feels lonely. Her lover gave her such warm memories. This letter will help her remember them.

After ensuring there are no signs of sex on her, Bai Lin recovers her House Gu and leaves the area.

It’s already been hours.

When she enters the encampment, she cannot help but exclaim.

“The Tie Clan?!”

Her expression changes as she enters the main tent, greeting the Tie Clan’s Elder—Tie No Ting.

“It’s like this, Clan Leader Bai,” Tie No Ting speaks concisely. “We are chasing the survivors of the Qing Mao Mountain Disaster. There is a chance they may have inherited Blood Sea Ancestor’s Gu.”

Other Elders gasp.

Qing Mao?

They heard about the Blood Tide. Three Clans were exterminated!

“Our Clan’s miss, the Late Divine Investigator’s Daughter, suspects three survivors. Of course, our Clan doesn’t claim these survivors are demonic. But they might be scared due to their experiences, and we should find and assist them before they make any mistakes.”

Bai Lin can read through the lines.

‘So, the Tie Clan is interested in the Blood Sea Ancestor’s Inheritance. There’s a chance it might be one of the rumored True Inheritance. With the Tie Clan chasing after it, there’s no chance for our Bai Clan to take it.’

“I see,” she nods. “How can the Bai Clan assist?”

Tie No Ting smiles.

“Traces suggest that two of these survivors are near Bai Gu Mountain. I was wondering if the Bai Clan’s encampment encountered them. Here. These are the sketches sent over by our Clan’s Miss.”

Tie No Ting hands three sheets of paper.

The first portrait belongs to a plain-looking black-haired youth. There is nothing strange about the youth except those emotionless eyes—Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

The second portrait makes Bai Lin sigh in admiration. It belongs to a peerless beauty with snow-white hair and crystal blue eyes. There is natural arrogance in her features. Even Bai Lin admits she was never this beautiful in her prime—Bai Ning Bing.

The third portrait makes her and the nearby elders’ eyes wide as a saucer! Tie No Ting notices that. This portrait belongs to a brown-haired youth. His sharp features blend well with his expressions as he reveals a playful, frivolous smirk. Of course, other Elders and Bai Lin came to know this face with his regretful smile and sad tales—Gu Yue Lo Jik.

“Did you meet this man? Please don’t lie. He may be dangerous! Helping such a suspect is not the Righteous way,” No Ting speaks as one of the Elders snorts in dissatisfaction.

“Our Righteous clan would not do such a thing! Clan Leader Bai already noticed some problems with this Unchained Vagabond. To think he’s a suspect for such demonic crimes!”

Others look at Bai Lin as she doesn’t reveal a thing in her expression.

Fury bubbles in her heart.

Oh, he’s not demonic. Bai Lin checked his aperture and found nothing.

‘He’s just a lustful brat who made a fool of me!’ She roars internally. Her expression changes when she reveals. “He escaped me. However, I planted a method on him. Give me a moment, and let me check it.”

Others leave the tent, understanding that it may be Bai Lin’s trump card.

She swiftly takes out the letter left by Lo Jik, getting angrier at the words meant for her.

‘You lying, son of a bitch! Don’t let me find you again, or I’ll send you to your nonexistent daughter!’

Her expression freezes once she reads the contents.

Bai Lin’s hands tremble.

There is only a short passage.

What you seek is 1400 meters west from your bed’s head. From that point, enter the natural cave. You will find a weak bone wall. Destroy it. There are Bone Sucking Mosquitoes inside. Prepare well. Tell Bai Sheng his right ankle is weak. Tell Bai Hua that she can turn a paper flower into a star with three steps.—

She rereads it.

Could it be…

Bai Lin concludes something she doesn’t dare imagine.

‘How did Gu Yue Lo Jik know? No! The crucial point is to verify it.’

She hesitates.

‘Bone Sucking Mosquitoes. There must be a Rank 4 Insect King amongst the group.’

She grits her jaws.

Recollections of the last few hours fill her mind. She is assured that Lo Jik isn’t demonic. Frivolous, yes. But not a bloodthirsty demon.

‘Isn’t it just 1400 meters away? We can check it instantly.’

She glances at the Tent’s entrance.

‘The Tie Clan.’

It’s possible.

Do they want to chase Lo Jik? Hehehe, Lo Jik is 1400 meters west near a nest of Bone-Sucking Mosquitoes!

‘Maybe I’ll have to thank that bastard if this information is correct,’ Bai Lin grits her teeth while squeezing her thighs. ‘I won’t be gentle next time. He’ll beg for rest but won’t get any!’


Alternate Title: The Actor of a Lifetime; Making Bai Lin Hungry; Brother Unchained; The Most Sentimental Role Yet; The Stubborn Youth; The Three Tales To Make Panties Drop; Lo Jik Rizzes The Bai Clan; Being a Good Parent is Hot—Confirmed; Bai Lin Using Her One Lustful Braincell to Come With Excuses; Entering the Dark; Luring a Mommy; Step on Me; Strength Path Mistress; Third Time’s the Charm; Underground; Taking Mommy; Fucking Nice; Poor Elders; Slutty Indeed; Bai Lin: I’m so Thick, Sigh *Lo Jik: Joke’s On You, I Love Gravity! Greater the Mass, Greater the Attraction. Now Bend Over!*; Lo Jik Secures His Second Night; Frivolous Indeed; The Three Menace Loose On Gu Society; Bai Lin’s Thoughts; Using the Tie Clan


Kevin L

He is impressive 🤣

Martins Blekte

chapter 52 slipped the upload? or am i just blind like a mole. Also love the fic. Cheers