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Title: Dem Feet

The Gu Yue Clan is an uproar!

The Xiong Clan sent an envoy a few hours ago, announcing their survival. The previous belief of two-way competition between Gu Yue and Bai Clan returned to the usual three-way competition.

“The Xiong Clan’s men look burly and thicheaded. However, their hearts are devious!”

“Hmph! They used their trump card to hide and wanted the Gu Yue and Bai clans to deal with their portion of Wolf Tide.”

“So sinister! Our losses are severe!”

“Indeed! We must demand reparations!”

The surviving Clan Elders discuss furiously. All these men are the veteran Elders. Lo Jik seems lost in his thoughts. Fang Yuan observes everything calmly. Fang Zheng shoots nervous and guilty glances at Fang Yuan. And Qing Shu sighs deeply in his heart.

“Indeed,” Gu Yue Bo begins. “We must negotiate reparations. Who volunteers for this task?”

Elders grow silent. There are only 14 Elders left in the Clan. The veterans don’t wish to leave at such a sensitive time. How will they fight for the most benefits in the Clan if they depart? The political upheavals are often more ruthless than Beast Tides. As others hesitate, Gu Yue Yao Ji suddenly comments.

“For negotiations, we must pick an Elder with enough reputation and means to fight for the Clan’s benefits. I nominate Elder Mo Chen for the task.”

Mo Chen’s expression turns cold as he snorts.

“My reputation and seniority is nothing compared to yours, Elder Yao Ji. If anything, you are the most favorable candidate.”

One of the other eight elders hums. “I believe Elder Mo Chen is the better choice.”

Another one speaks Yao Ji’s name.

Gu Yue Bo watches coldly without interfering. Only the Battle Elders and the Secret Hall Elder stay silent since the latter is loyal to Gu Yue Bo and wouldn’t enter another elder’s conflict.  Gu Yue Yao Ji was once under the Clan Leader’s authority. However, she struck swiftly and absorbed the majority of the Chi Faction. The remaining Elders fell under Mo Chen.

However, many Elders favor Mo Chen.

Unlike Yao Ji, who is Old and lacks a successor, Mo Chen has an inheritor—Lo Jik. He is part of the Mo Family by law!

Gu Yue Yao Ji grits her teeth.

‘Mo Chen went to negotiate in my last life. However, Lo Jik’s marriage to Mo Yan changed several things. The current factions are without proper inheritors. I wanted to leave the Clan and volunteered for the task. However, the Tie duo stopped me. Hehe. What about now, Tie Ruo Nan? Did you find any corpses? Did you find a Jiang He?’ Fang Yuan smiles internally. He ruthlessly cut down every piece of evidence!

‘But why is Fang Zheng looking at me like that? He isn’t angry but guilty.’

Things are different.

Before others could continue, Lo Jik suddenly spoke.

“May I say something, Clan Leader?”

Gu Yue Bo blinks before stating gently, “Of course, Elder Lo Jik.”

Lo Jik nods.

“I don’t think it should be Elder Yao Ji.” His words stun others. Is he not part of Mo Faction? Is he siding with Yao Ji?

Mo Chen’s expression turns ugly as Lo Jik continues.

“Elder Yao Ji is old and unfit. She lost her Gu and cannot even heal her arm. She is a disgrace to the Gu Yue name.”

Yao Ji pales as Lo Jik’s soft voice rings in the hall. Other Elder’s expression flickers as Yao Ji shouts.

“Junior! How dare you slander my name? Sit down before you force my hand?!”

Lo Jik smiles coldly.

“Force your hand? And what would that be? Are you going to hit me with your mattress? What Gu are you going to use? You’re halfway dead. Your only use in Medicine Faction was to help others. But you lost your nerve when your granddaughter died, and the Clan suffered for it. Where were you on the battlefield? You wrinkled cunt!”

Lo Jik suddenly thunders, shocking Yao Ji.

“My wife died because of you! Slander you? You should feel lucky I’m leaving your demise to fate! That’s right!” He stands. “You’re unfit! You will make our clan suffer further losses in negotiations! Anybody can go! I dislike Elder Fang Zheng. But he will be a better choice than you!”

Yao Ji’s body trembles as she feels everyone’s gaze concentrate on her. Her injured arm became her weakness. Her lies strangled her path.

And Lo Jik?

He just pulled the trigger of the gun Yao Ji unintentionally pressed against her head, didn’t he?

“You… You…”

Yao Ji stammers.

Oh, Lo Jik still would have wanted to fuck her for some rare Healing Gu. But time is not on his side. If the situation stabilizes, he won’t be able to steal from Mo Chen and escape from the clan. There isn’t enough time to lay the groundwork. So? Lo Jik decisively ends that lead and sides with Mo Chen.

He tears open her weaknesses. Other Elders might worry about Yao Ji’s backlash. But Lo Jik does not share their worries.

“What ‘You?’ You killed my wife! What do you have to say for yourself?!” Lo Jik snarls. “Bark, you weary bitch!”

“That’s enough!” Mo Chen hurriedly dissuades the situation. Lo Jik may be angry. But he ‘unintentionally’ opened everyone’s eyes.

Lo Jik hesitates before snorting and sitting down.

‘That’s right. Yao Ji is a lost cause. Why do I want to work with her?’

‘It’s just a medicine faction. Yao Ji will die eventually. The Clan Leader might strip her titles for her recent failures.’

Mo Chen and Gu Yue Bo are more than pleased. However, the latter will want to keep the two factions intact rather than letting one rise and contend with the Clan Leader’s position.

So, Gu Yue Bo simultaneously suppresses the Mo Faction, too.

“We all understand your loss, Elder Lo Jik. But this is no display of your title. Still, your words are wise. The Gu Yue Clan must show a fierce disposition instead of sending Old Elders. I hope Elder Lo Jik accepts this task and directs his anger at the enemy who made the Clan suffer these losses.”

Mo Chen sighs bitterly.

Although Lo Jik firmly suppressed Yao Ji, it also put him on the chopping board. However, Lo Jik merely narrows his eyes, demanding coldly, “When do I leave?”

“Good!” Gu Yue Bo praises. “You will leave tomorrow.”

Lo Jik nods.

As the Elders slowly disperse, Lo Jik leaves with Mo Chen, ignoring Yao Ji’s hateful glare. Meanwhile, Fang Zheng surprisingly approaches Fang Yuan, softly speaking a few words before leaving.


“Sigh,” Mo Chen covers his forehead. “You cannot lose your composure, Lo Jik. Yao Ji is an old ginger. She may look weak, but we can only imagine her foundations.”

“Which she is wasting for no reason,” Lo Jik mutters gloomily. “I’m only at this stage because of Mo Yan’s last gift. The sight of that Old Bitch scheming while my Yan is dead is infuriating!”

Mo Chen’s gaze sparkles as he questions, “This gift… what was it?”

Lo Jik hesitates before sighing. “I won’t lie to you, Grandfather. You trusted me, and I must trust you. You’re Mo Yan’s last living relative.” He reveals a pained look. “Yan’er found a Rank 2 Polished Steel Gu a few days before her death. There was a letter on the Gu.”

Tears slowly stream down Lo Jik’s cheek as Mo Chen’s heart trembles.

Polished Steel Gu?

A 20% limit increase for Rank 2 Gu Masters!

“She said it was a gift for me.” Lo Jik cries. “She wrote how she always believed we could be together and how Heaven answered her faith by allowing her to retrieve this Gu from a Bold Lightning Wolf.”

Mo Chen sighs deeply. He hesitates before firmly patting Lo Jik.

‘This means Lo Jik has a B-grade Aperture. He even has the qualifications to advance to Rank 4! I owe you so much, dear Granddaughter. I won’t let you down anymore!’

“Lo Jik,” Gu Yue Mo Chen speaks gravely. “This mission is riddled with danger. I want you to have some of my Gu. Refine them for yourself.”


Lo Jik shakes his head.

“Not only will you refine them,” Gu Yue Mo Chen states sternly, like an Elder disciplining their child, “You will also accept more Primeval Stones from the Mo Family’s warehouse. You will have to grease a few hands in tomorrow’s negotiations. Remember. You cannot lose your cool! These Gu and wealth are useless to me. You are our Mo Family’s future and must survive at all costs!”

Lo Jik earned Mo Chen’s trust by verbally abusing Yao Ji and telling the ‘truth’ about his advancement to Rank 3! Mo Chen willingly puts faith in Lo Jik.

After all, Faith shines the brightest in uncertain darkness.


According to Legends:

Ren Zu could not endure the heart of loneliness. Thus, he dug out both eyes, turning them into a Son and Daughter. This alleviated his sense of loneliness.

But good things do not last, for his children started to crave the scenery of the outside world, forgetting all about their father, Ren Zu, and always going out to play until they forgot the time. They even forgot to take care of Ren Zu.

Ren Zu could not see anything. It was total darkness.

But at times, he could see a little bit of light.

To this, he felt perturbed and asked the Attitude Gu.

Attitude Gu told him, "Oh, this is the eternal light given out by the Faith Gu."


Lo Jik returned home slightly after midnight. He opens the door before stopping.

‘Someone came here.’ He narrows his eyes. The images of the Tie duo flash in his mind. His left eye glimmers nine colors before he releases a soft grunt.

‘The fuck?’

He closes the door before entering his room, staring at a naked Shen Cui lying on his bed. It’s already Autumn. However, the girl lies without a blanket on, shivering. The tear stains on her cheeks dried long ago.

“What are you doing?” Lo Jik narrows his eyes, questioning with an icy tone.

Shen Cui bites her bottom lip, refusing to speak. Snorting, Lo Jik approaches her. “You’re aware of what I said. You slept with Fang Zheng. We are done. Now, get out.”

The girl’s body trembles. Her pale pink nipples stand erect, shivering. She interlocks her fingers near her stomach, not moving in the slightest.

“Do you really think I won’t kill you?” He smirks as he gazes at the only decoration on her body, the red clips on her hair.

“You won’t,” Shen Cui whispers with clattering teeth. “Fang Zheng will attack you.”

“For an unfaithful slut like you?” Lo Jik demands as he strokes the clips on her hair.

She bites her bottom lip before nodding, “He will attack you. If you kill me, I won’t be at home on time to stop Fang Zheng from reading the letter I wrote.”

“Oh?” Lo Jik chuckles. “And Fang Zheng isn’t home? Did he get tired of you?”

Her gaze turns sad as tears slowly form again in her eyes. “Please,” she whispers. “Please take me back. I will do anything. I want to feel you, Master. I could replace Mistress—”

A cold hand grips her throat. Shen Cui’s eyes widen. She stares at Lo Jik as moonlight illuminates the bedroom, reflecting on her pale, healthy skin. Her expression eases as she stares at Lo Jik with a look of acceptance.

“You cannot replace Mo Yan,” Lo Jik gently smiles as he loosens his hand, causing Shen Cui to breathe loudly. “After all, you’re not Mo Yan. And Mo Yan couldn’t replace Shen Cui either.”

The girl’s eyes widen. She sweetly smiles as tears start streaming down her cheeks. “I love you,” she moves, grabbing his clothes. “I love you, Master. I promise to be yours. I won’t let anyone else touch me!” She possessively hugs Lo Jik, feeling his warmth soothe her. Yet, the moonlight reflects against his indifferent gaze.

‘I still have the foot job mission. Why send her away when I have the convenience to complete it now? However, it will only be a Bronze-tier achievement.’

Lo Jik firmly coils his arm around Shen Cui. If anything, her initiative surprised Lo Jik. Shen Cui’s grown fangs, too. And she wants to dig those new fangs into Lo Jik.


“So, I told Shen Cui I won’t return home for a few days. I can’t look at her.”

Fang Zheng detailed how he confronted his Father and Mother about how they treated him before shifting sides. He slowly saw the truth between their lies. He couldn’t see them before. However, Tie Ruo Nan pulled the blindfolds of affection out from his gaze, allowing Fang Zheng to see the disgusting lies hiding behind their excuses. He then confronted the tearful Shen Cui, who admitted her desire to leave her status by marrying him. But she also claimed her love for Fang Zheng.

“I want to believe Shen Cui,” Fang Zheng utters. “But… sight. I’m sorry for everything.”

On the moonlight cliff, Fang Zheng’s supporter is not Qing Shu.

A pale hand stretches from Fang Zheng’s shadow, patting him. A similar face emerges as the figure gently smiles. However, no affection or warmth flickers in his gaze. “Everyone makes mistakes, Little Brother. However, don’t expect me to forgive you just because of a few words.”

Fang Yuan’s ‘candid’ words soothe Fang Zheng instead.

‘To think Ruo Nan would crack the relationship between Uncle and Fang Zheng. What is she playing at here? Her investigation is different from last time. Tie Xue Leng does not accompany her. Is Tie Xue Leng following me? If not, where is he? Why did he come to the Qing Mao Mountain?’

Fang Zheng turns around, nodding with determination.

“I won’t disappoint you, Elder Brother. That said,” he sheepishly questions. “Can I stay the night with you?”

“Hehehe,” Fang Yuan chuckles. “For 80 Primeval Stones, sure.”

Fang Zheng smiles bitterly.

Some things never change, do they?

‘Had it been the first timeline, I would have probably forgiven him. I would have raised. I would have corrupted him, too. We both would have been demonic heads! However, that Fang Zheng died.’

Fang Yuan sighs as they walk away.

‘This Fang Zheng is not my brother. I have no one in this world. My path is lonely, and I must walk alone.’


“So, I took the day to understand everyone’s characters,” Tie Ruo Nan explains as Xue Leng listens patiently.

“The prime suspect, Fang Yuan, changed and became cold after falling from his grace. But he was always wise and cunning. He saw through his Uncle’s schemes about inheritance. He’s also ruthless enough to hurt a woman by grabbing her breast till they hurt.” She doesn’t feel embarrassed sharing such revelations with her father. They have seen too much.

“Shen Cui also revealed that a Gu Master of Fang Yuan’s description killed an innocent hunter’s family. She found that from other hunters, and the Gu Masters don’t know that. Since they are twins, Fang Zheng could be behind the murders. However, his character doesn’t match such cold-hearted assault.”

Tie Ruo Nan calms her nerves.

“I hate how this revelation won’t change a thing! How can Fang Yuan kill innocents? Just because they are mortals?!” She clenches her fists while continuing. “However, Fang Yuan also suffered injustice due to his uncle and younger brother.”

Tie Xue Leng’s eyelids jump in surprise. Before he can say anything, Ruo Nan rolls her eyes.

“No, Dad! I still don’t think the world is grey. It’s just filled with a lot of HETEROGENOUS Black and White.” She emphasizes as Xue Leng snickers, letting her continue.

“Just because Fang Yuan suffered injustice should not allow him to commit crimes! Hmph! Anyway! I further interrogated- ehm questioned Shen Cui. She also revealed that Fang Yuan became a drunk after falling from grace. Although there aren’t any concrete clues, Fang Yuan’s character fits the description of a cold-blooded murderer.”

“And?” Xue Leng smiles. “What would any of that prove?”

“Nothing!” Ruo Nan snickers as she takes out the letter. “I have no clues for now. The only way to proceed is with new information. All I have is possible suspects who killed Jia Jin Sheng. I wanted to read the letter after meeting you. Oh! That’s right! How did you spend your day, Dad?”

Xue Leng smiles mysteriously, “I spend my day watching the beautiful Spear Bamboos. What else are my Old bones good for?”

Tie Xue Leng never lied in his life. However, he speaks half-truths aplenty.

Tie Ruo Nan shoots her father a flat glare before opening the letter.

“Hmm, let’s see. Oh, the Gambling Stones? So much useless information about others. Wait? A Cleansing Water Gu? Chi Lian’s dead grandson must have cheated his Aptitude and used his grandfather’s essence to nourish his aperture. Wow! Does Fang Yuan have talent in business, too? And Lo Jik bought the Solar and Lunar Spiders. For Mo Faction?”

Jia Fu collected all the proceedings with the Gu Yue Clan for the last two years, sending it to Tie Xue Leng.

Tie Ruo Nan reads everything before rereading it.

“Sleep, Nan,” Tie Xue Leng smiles. “Our mind needs rest for efficient investigation and decision-making.”

Tie Ruo Nan frowns harder before closing her eyes and counting her fingers.

“Although you don’t gamble, what do you think is the Essence requirement for opening Gambling Rocks?”

She suddenly smiles.

“I would have been confused before. But such a scheme will fall under Fang Yuan’s profile—cunning and deceiving.”

She ignores Xue Leng, promptly lying on her bed and closing her eyes.


Creepy giggles escape her lips as Tie Xue Leng thins his lips.

‘Is this girl at another phase? Sigh. Raising a girl is harder than escaping from an assault of two Rank 5 Gu Masters!’

The Divine Investigator shakes his head.


Hot cum now feels cold on her toes and calves as Shen Cui shouts and begs.

“More! More!” She slightly twists her upper body, coiling one arm around Lo Jik’s neck behind her and feeling him shut her up with his lips as his hand seizes her jaws. Shen Cui’s back arches slightly as her soft breasts bounce with each forceful thrust, sending ripples against her ass cheeks. Her body feels like a hot putty in his hands. Lo Jik’s other hand plays with her clit, making her insides clamp down on him. Her eyes pop open as he furiously thrusts against her womb.

She whimpers in his mouth, climaxing for the umpteenth time.

The cold does not bother her now.

Her body feels complete as Lo Jik ejaculates inside her. He must have been holding back a lot since she felt stuffed!

She weakly rests her thin back against his broad chest.

Lo Jik grunts and slowly pulls out.

He doesn’t let Shen Cui rest here. No. He doesn’t even let her clean herself here.

Shen Cui’s tired body buzzes excitedly as sticky liquid dribbles down her thighs while she limps out of Lo Jik’s house. It’s already dawn. So, she must hurry back quickly to freshen up and destroy the letter she left for Fang Zheng.

However, Shen Cui’s expression freezes when she finds a familiar figure entering the same grove.

“Hmph!” Shen Cui snorts, walking past the shocked figure as a fishy scent assails the newcomer.

Meanwhile, Lo Jik smiles in contentment.

[Foot Masseuse (Bronze): Experienced an Orgasm Through Shen Cui’s Feet. Parties Involved—Host and Shen Cui. Rewards Stored.]

A slow knock snaps Lo Jik out. He blinks before dressing up and opening the door.

“Miss Tie—”

“You are having an affair with Shen Cui?” Tie Ruo Nan coldly interrupts. Her icy, tawny stare judges Lo Jik in the worst way possible.

“I am,” Lo Jik nods plainly. Shen Cui already told him how Ruo Nan rattled her yesterday.

“What about your wife? Was that all an act?” Tie Ruo Nan clenches her fists.

“Yan’er knew it,” Lo Jik narrows his eyes. “It wasn’t me alone, Miss Tie. My wife AND I found Shen Cui pleasing. Does that please you? Or do you want me to explain why Shen Cui would think I needed company?”

Tie Ruo Nan's gaze flickers slightly. She suddenly put two and two together.

“You didn’t mingle with Shen Cui to ‘motivate’ Fang Zheng.”

“Motivate him?” Lo Jik sneers. “I liked Shen Cui. Mo Yan did, too. However, Fang Zheng was too eager to marry Shen Cui. How would my pursuing a partner relate to motivating Fang Zheng?”

Tie Ruo Nan feels speechless before she appears stern.

“However, affair—”

“Miss Tie, before you read me Gu Yue Clan’s laws, I know the consequences should Fang Zheng find out. Now! Why are you here?”

Tie Ruo Nan feels uncomfortable before admitting, “I would like to know more about Elder Fang Yuan. You two were partners in crime.”

Lo Jik stares at her before questioning.

“And does your dignified self deign to enter my affair-riddled house? It’s small but accommodating.”

Tie Ruo Nan snaps back, “Why? Did you and Shen Cui sleep around at every corner of the house?”

She didn’t expect a reply.

But Lo Jik replied.

“Shen Cui? No. But Mo Yan and I could not keep our hands off each other.”

The dark-haired girl bristles as Lo Jik sidesteps, inviting her inside.

“It’s alright!” She snorts. “I can ask the necessary questions here.”

“I see,” Lo Jik nods. “Please. What would you like to know?”

Tie Ruo Nan calms down. She considers her words carefully, “How was Elder Fang Yuan during the academy?”

“Him? Brilliant,” Lo Jik praises without missing a beat.


“He slept during the classes. But he always had the correct answers when the Academy Elder questioned him. Did you read his poems? He’s an academic and combat talent!”

Fang Yuan scared Lo Jik. So, Lo Jik pushes Fang Yuan to the Tie Daughter by admitting, “But he was a drunkard. He even asked servants of the tavern to deliver several vats of Bamboo Wine.”

“Which tavern?” Tie Ruo Nan questions.

“That place was destroyed during the Wolf Tide,” Lo Jik shrugs.

Tie Ruo Nan’s lips open before she closes them.

The damn Wolf Tide again!

“Did you notice other peculiarities?” She persists.


Tie Ruo Nan questions several things. Lo Jik answers truthfully before admitting, “I’m tired, Miss Tie. I didn’t sleep a wink last night and must prepare to leave for the Xiong Clan. You should direct your other questions to Elder Fang Zheng. However, he won’t know more than that.”

Tie Ruo Nan exhales loudly.

“I understand.” But her gaze sharpens. “You should feel lucky that I’m willing to ignore your affair with Shen Cui!”

“That I do, Little Divine Investigator,” Lo Jik nods before shutting the door to her face.


She snorts and leaves the grove.

‘I can’t risk summoning my reward here. Not until the Tie duo are still here.’

Lo Jik sighs and gets ready to leave.


Alternate Title: The Xiong Clan Survives; The Oscar Gu is Around the Corner; Tearing Yao Ji Apart; Lo Jik Would Fuck Her One Way or the Other; Scamming Mo Chen Like a Good Grandson; More Strength; The Diplomat; The Brotherly Bond?; Lonely Fang Yuan; Awakened Fang Zheng; The Feet Does its Tricks; Shen Cui’s Fangs; Accepting the Cold Girl; A Desperate Heart; Surprising Approval; A Hot Fuck Before Farewell; Tie Ruo Nan Smells Something Fishy; More Questions; Oh, Mo Yan Tapped It, Too; Tie Ruo Nan Is Shook!; Surpassing the Feet Hurdle; Foot Job to Lo Jik: You Dare Not See Mt. Tai?!; The Eternal Faith


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