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Title: All According to Keikaku?

The Mo Faction, or Mo Bei, didn’t even let the news settle for an hour before Lo Jik’s Leader personally informed the latter with a cold expression that he no longer is part of their faction. Since Lo Jik is a Rank 2 Gu Master, he must register his team. As the evening sunset, Lo Jik closes his door with a calm expression, not taking the news to heart. Just this morning, the Leader welcomed him with open arms and collapsed in less than 24 hours.

Lo Jik feels he deserves an award for that!

He quietly returns to his mattress, glancing at the bamboo paper letter stating—

Sorry, I can’t be with you for a few days. I promise to make it up to you.

He quietly lets a shallow glow from his Moonglow Gu, letting the water-like energy sphere cover his palm and turn the letter into dust.

Lo Jik wasn’t worried about Mo Yan.

‘Let’s go through everything so I don’t miss anything,’ he frowns, more than willing to spend hours considering everything he can than willingly let a mistake slip.

‘The end goal for Mo Yan is to reach Rank 3. The Higher-Ups won’t easily let the newcomers cultivate such strength because it intrudes on their benefits. Even Mo Chen and Chi Lian want their Grandsons to advance to Rank 3 before Mo Yan and Chi Shan. Qing Shu is the only one who willingly accepted such suppression for the Clan’s peace. I soiled the seeds of self-doubt and guilt in his heart. He was once a great talent. He may be humble, but he can never forget the pride that he set aside. Even if my outburst had minimal effect, the other competing Elders are now probably alert and cautious against Qing Shu.’

Every organization has hidden internal conflicts. Even if Qing Shu never acted on his desires, Lo Jik’s words and dramatic display put him in the limelight. Both sides will remain alert and even move preemptively to gain initiative! He has witnessed such conflicts in many households he eventually broke in his past life.

Gu Yue Village is merely a more sizeable Household with more members.

‘Qing Shu is only one aspect,’ Lo Jik’s gaze glimmers. ‘He will never expect my actual target to be Shen Cui. How can someone with a raging inferiority complex like Fang Zheng allow Shen Cui to think about anyone else? He must move fast and quickly. But can he marry a mortal as a Clan Leader Seedling? No. He must work hard. He must persevere! He needs to reach Rank 3  quickly. Hehe, love is unreasonable. Clan Leader will try and placate Fang Zheng, but I will be by Shen Cui’s side to fan the flames of jealousy and fear in Fang Zheng.’

Such a method will surely put him at the cross with the Clan Leader!

‘However, I sacrificed the White Boar Gu and my supposed career to indirectly support Fang Zheng. Why did I choose a public setting? To spread information. Hah! A begrudging combat talent accepting the real deal by tossing insults—a classic tsundere act! Qing Shu knows that and other elders, too. Whatever I do to ignite Fang Zheng will only be seen as me motivating the talent on whose shoulders my dreams rest!’ Lo Jik licks his lips. ‘Nobody knows about my trait, so nobody can understand my motive. It’s as depraved as sleeping with Mo Yan and Shen Cui. Granted, I can force Shen Cui. However, the day I force someone is also the day I stop being Williams Logic.’

He closes his eyes.

‘It’s not a perfect plan, and I’ll deal with several situations. However, it’s a framework. It set a state of unrest within the Higher-Ups, resurging ambition within Qing Shu, a reason to fuck the rules and reach Rank 3 for Mo Yan and Chi Shan, and Fang Zheng’s growing possessiveness for Shen Cui. Hehe! That possessiveness and fear will even make him lash out at her.’

Lo Jik briefly frowns.

‘The weakest link is Shen Cui. Half of my motives crumble if Fang Zheng kills her out of her anger or love. Crimes of passion can’t be predicted. I’ll have to handle this matter delicately.’

‘Yet, selling White Boar Gu at a slight loss for 580 Stones solidified my attitude! Whether Fang Zheng wants it or not, I’m now his greatest ‘hidden’ supporter!


Words have it that Ren Zu used the Rules Gu and Regulation Gu and obtained Strength Gu but lost Wisdom Gu, leaving behind three Gu worms: Suspicion Gu, Trust Gu, and Attitude Gu.

Ren Zu grabbed the Attitude Gu.

Attitude Gu followed the betting rules, submitting to Ren Zu, telling him, "Human, you caught me. I can only curse my bad luck. From now on, I will be at your command. Wear me, and you will be able to use my ability."

Attitude Gu’s appearance was like a mask. Ren Zu put it on his face, but he could not wear it. It would still fall off even if he used a rope to tie it.

"What’s going on?" Ren Zu was troubled.

Attitude Gu laughed, "I know, human, you have no heart. Attitude is the mask of the heart, so without a heart, how can you wear me?"

Ren Zu realized that he had already given his heart to hope.

He was heartless.

Someone heartless cannot wear the attitude mask. In other words, to someone with a heart/an intention—their attitude is a mask.


Lo Jik ponders on the section of Ren Zu’s Legends.

‘Indeed, even if someone could understand my intention, my attitude would blind the rest. I must have Shen Cui marry Fang Zheng and then fuck her. So what if it destroys Fang Zheng? I have a chance to gain a Golden Accomplishment! The Silver-tier rewards are already amazing. I can only hope what treasures the Golden-tier ones will uncover!’

Lo Jik does have certain limits. For instance, he isn’t willing to distort his sexuality and sleep with men for more rewards. He isn’t inclined to rape others. Oh, and did he mention no pedophilia? However, taking someone’s wife? Pfft, sign him up!

‘I can only fear the thought of such traits landing in the hands of a bisexual serial rapist with a taste for kids.’

He shudders, recovering his focus and cultivating.

‘My action saw me becoming a lone team. It’s the price for my ambition. I can’t rely on others and must focus on refining Rank 2 Gu worms. The current wolf tide will only possess weak and injured wolves. Although dangerous, they will retreat once given a leeway if they are sufficiently harmed. I should refine the Rank 2 White Jade Gu. Refining Rank 2 Boar Charge Gu will allow me to evade. However, animals are less intelligent. They will take it as a sign of weakness and continue fighting me.’

Lo Jik spends several hours in the woods. He’s clear about the patterns of a few beasts.


Shen Cui walks with a lowered head. She can feel countless gazes on her. Her movement is slightly stiff as slight indignance births in her heart.

‘That Lo Jik! Hmph!’ She snorts internally before feeling meek. She learned everything that transpired in the Southern Tavern, unlike Fang Zheng, who erratically hugged her tightly, muttering—nobody will touch you, nobody will touch you!

‘Lo Jik wants to use me to motivate Young Master,’ she bites her bottom lip. Her instincts say it’s wrong. She’s a woman, and she rarely felt such stares after she shared a bed with Fang Zheng, earning jade earrings that still hand from her earlobes.

It’s a common custom for the man to gift a woman a pair of jade earrings once she loses her virginity. Indeed, she isn’t a virgin. Gu Yue Lo Jik MUST know that. Yet, she can feel his smoldering stare—


She almost curses aloud.

She can’t just feel it.

She can see Lo Jik glancing at her!

What is he still doing in the bazaar?

Then, it hits Shen Cui.

‘Gu Yue Lo Jik… he sacrificed his future for the Young Master…’

She ignores the looks of bystanders as Lo Jik scoffs loud enough for her to hear, and it becomes clear. She knows it in her bones! That look in his eyes was something more.

He lied.

Gu Yue Lo Jik lied!

‘He didn’t sacrifice everything for Young Master,’ a wave of complicated emotion and the flames of fancy romance brims in her aching heart.

She realizes—

‘Lo Jik forsook everything for me.’


When it rains, it pours.

If Lo Jik didn’t understand the sentiment behind that idiom before, he certainly experiences it now. It’s only been two days since his proud declaration when a disaster struck Qing Mao Mountain. The first wave of the beast group bears its fangs.

One must understand that several thousands of species exist in Qing Mao’s ecosystem. It’s a balanced environment where Boars, Bears, Bees, Tigers, Deer, and others have defined territories and routines. However, this balance is put to the test once almost every three years.


Wolves are uncommon in Qing Mao Mountain since most dwell in the nearby valley, breeding and living by the seasons. But their numbers eventually expand beyond their territory’s control, eliciting a need for food. Thus begins their hunting season. The wolves try to occupy the Qing Mao Mountain to supplant their needs, facing the three Clans and the local wildlife. One may even call this event a recurring Nature’s War of Attrition or—

Beast Tides.

One such tide, albeit on a minor scale, brews near the hamlets under the Gu Yue Clan. It will scare the mountain’s wildlife, causing bestial stampedes that might eradicate Gu Yue’s slaves and human stocks. As cheap as mortal lives are to a Gu Master, the higher-ups understand the value of their services and their need for the economy. If possible, the Gu Yue Clan wants to preserve their slaves.

Also, they will have to kill wolf tides eventually to keep the village safe.

However, this could not have come at a worse time than now!

Gu Yue’s elders mobilized all active Gu Masters to tackle the situation. It’s not something Lo Jik can avoid with tacky fines. He must take charge… alone. One day isn’t enough for Lo Jik to feel assured in his preparations since his earlier attempt at refining the White Jade Gu failed, leaving the White Boar Gu injured. Still, he arms himself with his dagger and arrows, leaving the residence after double-checking everything.

‘All in or nothing,’ he repeats internally, firming his resolve. Perhaps he can apologize to his group and resolve the situation, temporarily preserving his life. However, he risks a Golden-tier reward doing that! The threat of death never stopped Lo Jik, or he would have floundered after encountering the first aggravated Husband in his career. No!

All or nothing,’ he chants as his bamboo boots crush the snow underneath. His nose turns red under the cold, and his features pale. A cold breeze blows, brushing his soft hair and easing his tense heart. He feels his fingers turn slightly numb against the arc of his longbow. He only observes the village’s exit as various teams hurriedly leave.

“Heh! Look!” A sharp voice snaps Lo Jik out of his reverie as he glances sideways, meeting his former team from two days ago.

Gu Yue Fan Hi sneers, pointing at him, “I can’t wait to see how you fare outside, Lo Jik!”

Lo Jik politely smiles at the girl before looking ahead and walking forward.

What need is there for trash talk? She isn’t worth his time. His body quietly disappears in the thin haze of icy mist surrounding tall, unwavering Spear Bamboos that struggle and prevail against the cold!

And with that…

Lo Jik works hard to find an acceptable hiding spot!


The wolf’s breed invading Qing Mao Mountain is called Lightning Wolf. These wolves have sharp vision but lack smell and hearing. Their bites are electric, shocking their target and often killing large prey through electrocution. Lo Jik studied such creatures since it affected his living conditions in Qing Mao Mountain.

‘As expected,’ he cozies against a tree’s bark, sitting on a tree’s branch with a thin layer of snow camouflaging him. ‘If I want to deal with Lightning Wolves, a whole pack of it, I need a Defensive Gu or avoid getting bitten. Their bites can numb or paralyze me. However, the beast horde near the hamlet won’t reveal Lightning Wolf packs. Most of the beast horde consists of other animal groups trying to leave the wolves’ vicinity. If some regular Lightning Wolves DO appear, the Jade Skin Gu can temporarily take care of the defense as I use the strength of two Boars to thrash them.’

His expression turns stern.

‘However, I can’t let more than ten of them surround me!’

Wolf, fox, raccoon—Such creatures are capable of sharp survival instinct and intelligence. If he lets the Wolves regather themselves, they will instantly pounce at him, killing him.

‘Staying in hiding like this also has its risks. My body will numb if I don’t move my hands and legs slightly.’

‘Let’s hope nothing happens—’



Long bestial howls spread in the white scape as Lo Jik’s expression changes. His breath catches in his throat while he stays still, unmoving.

‘They have sharp visions. However, I’m camouflaged,’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes. These beasts cannot sense his—

His expression shifts once more as he notices a conspicuous red in the fields of white, mingling with green, vicious lightning wolves.

‘That’s a Blood Hound Wolf,’ Lo Jik stares at the blood-red-furred wolf with pitch-black eyes. The wolf stares back at him. Lo Jik knows this type of mutated wolf is blind and can sense blood energy from startling distances! However, instead of fearing the worst, Lo Jik stays put. He observes the Blood Hound Wolf.

Such mutated wolves start with the strength of a Rank 2 Gu Master. However, this wolf is shorter than the weakest Lightning Wolf. It’s thin, too.

A young pup.

‘Does it have any Gu Worm?’ Lo Jik frowns.

These wolves identified him with Blood Hound Wolf’s assistance. They snarl and charge at once, electricity crackling between their green fur as their paws leave marks of demise in their wake. Gentle snowflakes drizzle, melting around the Lightning Wolves and collecting upon the Blood Hound Wolf.

‘There’s 20 of them,’ Lo Jik curses. He will have to leave this spot.




Spike-riddled bamboo shoots rise in snaps, stabbing into the wolves as they howl painfully.




Lo Jik strikes the next second as arrows rain down on the wolves. Their fur and skin are hard enough to ignore mortal weapons like arrows. However, they are lightning wolves, right?


Thin crackles of electricity sparkle around the arrows before the arrows catch fire.

The wolves yowl in surprise. However, a few flaming arrows touch the bamboo shoots.

A chain reaction occurs as a rope trips over, causing flaming spike-riddled bamboo shoots to sprout from all directions and slam onto the unsuspecting wolves!

Since they have a weak sense of smell, Lo Jik naturally thought of using kerosene to set a flaming trap!

The scent of burning flesh and pained whines echo in the discreet slope of Qing Mao Mountain. Lo Jik shuffles out of the snow, holding a kerosene-filled earthen vat—a makeshift Molotov. It’s the only one he could make with the remaining resources.

‘Right,’ Lo Jik looks around as the fire dampens under the cold, causing thin mist to rise and mix with smoke. ‘Where’s that Blood Hound Wolf?’

Lo Jik frowns, unable to find the beast.

‘Did it leave?’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes. A tiny, finger-sized creature appears in his hand.

Rank 1 Blood Python Gu!

It’s a Gu that the Gu Master controls in combat to attack the enemy. However, it also has the properties of a snake. Its effects aren’t anything compared to an investigation-type Gu. However, it has its uses.

Nurture, Use, and Refine Gu.

How one uses a Gu depends on one’s ingenuity. Lo Jik uses Blood Python’s innate sense of locating heat, causing its cute, round head to point to his left before looking down.

Smog continues to fill his surroundings as Lo Jik dares not move.

‘It has a concealment-type Gu Worm. Is that the only—’

A bloody stench assaults him, causing Lo Jik’s body to waver upon the branch before he suddenly falls atop his longbow. The pain of snapping against his hard longbow, breaking it in half, allows Lo Jik to regain his senses as he quickly runs out of the smog with the python.

Two Gu worms!

Lo Jik doesn’t know the name of the second one, but it uses smell to cause dizziness!

That’s not a cub!

That’s a retired Blood Hound Wolf! Its body weakened from its prime, becoming into this pitiful stage similar to how humans grow smaller in old age!

His heart chills at the notion as Lo Jik determines the position of the Clan Village and gives it his all.

*Huff* *Snarl*

He hears the snow shuffle behind him as the remaining Lightning Wolves chase him alongside the invisible foe.

He won’t make it.

The Lightning wolves are too fast despite their injuries.

Lo Jik glances at Blood Python Gu, noticing the direction the Gu’s head points in before suddenly turning around as a jade-green glow envelops his body! Rank 1 Jade Skin Gu!

He suddenly charges at the nearest Lightning Wolf with burnt fur. Not afraid of the electricity due to ruined fur, Lo Jik snarls and pounces at the shocked wolf, who suddenly growls in fury and attacks Lo Jik.

‘Eh? It’s not their normal behavior,’ Lo Jik frowns, expertly sidestepping and grabbing the wolf’s tail before giving a low growl and smashing the poor wolf against one of its companions!

Pitiful yelps echo as Lo Jik quickly glances at the Blood Python, moving away from the spot where it’s pointing while waving the bloodied corpse of the wolf against another injured beast trying to surround him!

The sheer might tears the corpse in Lo Jik’s hand, gravely intimidating the weak Lightning Wolves. However, their noses briefly twitch, and they snarl viciously!

The remaining 13 pounce at Lo Jik, baring sharp, crackling fangs.


He uppercuts one of the wolves when another gets a bite against his Jade Skin Gu.

A tiny percent of his Light-Red Steel Essence disappears. Lo Jik’s expression turns vicious as he grabs the wolf by its neck and slams it upon his bent knee, twisting the beast backward!

He glances at the Python as a cold feeling spreads inside his heart.

The Blood Python is acting lethargic, no longer pointing at the Blood Hound Wolf!

All Lo Jik hears is a snarl from behind as the Jade Skin Gu flickers, breaking apart the next second—injured. However, it allows Lo Jik to roll forward and avoid getting his neck snapped!

‘Concealment, Dizziness, Rousing the Wolf Group, and now screwing the Blood Python’s senses! That’s four Gu!’

Lo Jik’s expression turns severe. He immediately activates his Instinct Gu. His demeanor shifts as he does not reactivate the Jade Skin Gu yet. His fists and kicks turn into a force of nature as he uses the strength of two boars to destroy the remaining beasts in two minutes, narrowly avoiding three more sneak attacks from the Blood Hound Wolf!

‘The Dizziness Gu has a time limit and cannot be used for some time. It must be the Rank 2 Blood Vomit Gu. However, I don’t know about others.’

Lo Jik eases his breath. With the remaining wolves dead, the Blood Hound Wolf must be careful since other wolves will no longer cover its sound. It’s already shown fatal intelligence when trying to deal with Lo Jik. The latter would be dead if it wasn’t for the Instinct Gu!



Lo Jik flicks his wrist without turning back!

A skull-sized moonblade slashes against the Blood Hound Wolf, causing it to howl as a fountain of blood gushes on the white snow!

‘I can’t use Moonglow Gu more than 4 times in public before causing others to suspect me.’

After all, the Moonglow Gu consumes 10% of Light-Red Primeval Essence.

‘Hmph!’ a severe light flashes past Lo Jik’s gaze.

He purposely kept his attack low, slicing the wolf’s forelimbs.

‘Die, you weird asshole!’ Lo Jik flicks his wrist again at the visible Blood Hound Wolf staring directly at him.

Blood gushes from the Wolf’s split head. Just as Lo Jik considers looting the corpse for its Gu, a wave of nausea and unrelenting pain graces his body!

‘Guh!’ He bites his bottom lip, swallowing the blood that almost flowed out as his eyes turn bloodshot! His skin pales and turns clammy.

‘That’s the Rank 3 one-time Final Revenge Gu Worm!’ Lo Jik glares at the corpse, slowly enduring all the pain without leaking a word! If he shouts and attracts more attention, he’s dead!




He roars internally, forcibly using Instinct Gu to keep the pain from consuming his mind. Lo Jik slowly moves towards the corpse, inspecting it with short movements as veins bulge around his forehead.

He collects the loot before standing with all his might. It’s as if someone is pounding a hammer against his head!

However, it’s just pain.

Aside from the initial coughing of blood due to the impact of the Final Revenge Gu, only his nervous system is experiencing all this pain without his body accumulating injuries!

‘Fuck!’ He gasps for breath, finally coughing some blood as he beelines towards the Village. Not even the elders can stop him from recuperating after such intense battle.

‘That does it! I’m way too unlucky! Why the hell did I encounter this freak of a wolf? But…’ His eyes glint before turning hazy. Lo Jik bites his bottom lip and reactivates Instinct Gu, even if it means exhausting his mind for hours!

‘The loot is great!’

He’s like a wolf. Lo Jik must lick his wounds and recuperate to surpass other tribulations.


Alternate Title: When it Rains, it Pours; Mo Yan’s Letter; The Plan; Attitude; The Plan To Break an Unmarried Home; Limits; Lo Jik’s Worst Enemy—Bisexual Rapists; Lo Jik Does Have Brown Hair Like Aizen… Toshiro Can Be Fang Zheng… and Momo can be Mo Yan; Urgent Call; Hiding; Never Argue With Fools; A Good Spot? *Heaven’s Will: Let Me Introduce Myself*; The Weird Instance; Almost Dead; Too Customized Against Lo Jik!; Instincts All The Way! *Cue UI OST*; Setting Traps; Molotov; Fire and Lightning; Catching The Enemy By Surprise; Revenge; The Wolf’s Sith Arc


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