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Title: Alliance

“Again, how is that my fault?”

“Who else is at fault?”

“Can’t you two just find a room and get it done instead of causing a scene?”

For once, Balalaika agrees with Ray as she keeps reviewing her tablet through her reading glasses. ‘So much for enjoying a limousine’s luxurious ambiance with Revy wearing Nik’s ears off about the air hostess coming onto him multiple times during the flight from Thailand to Japan.’

She didn’t have to bring half of the Black Lagoon with her. Their business was at an all-time low, and the Lagoon didn’t see any immediate business either, allowing Ray to follow them for some undisclosed reason and Revy to join in to keep Nik from getting himself ‘killed.’ Balalaika admits she agreed to let Ray tag along because she realized the girl would find a way to enter Japan if she had some predetermined goals. However, keeping Ray and Nik together might allow her to learn more about their ‘kind.’

“You know,” Ray interrupts their argument, leaning further onto Nik, “You two don’t need to find a private room. This limo is spacious enough~!”

“Nobody’s interested in smelling like sex right before work,” Balalaika interrupts. “We can do it later.”

“Wait,” Revy’s brain shortcircuits. “We?”

“Sorry, but I’m going to protect my innocence - physical one,” Ray rejects quickly, still slightly callous of Balalaika.

“Not much left of it,” Nik mutters as Revy raises her voice.

“Who’s ‘we’?!”


—Tokyo, Japan—

Muffled noise from the club’s DJ filters through their protected, adequately lit room as Balalaika sits across a middle-aged Japanese man. Aside from his black hair slicked back with gel, Nik doesn’t see much difference between the two leaders meeting face-to-face. If he has to say anything, the Japanese yakuza, the Washimine Group Ray asked about during her first few days in Roanapur, seems more luxurious. Almost all the men are wearing pleasing suits and look professional in a sense when compared to Boris and others wearing cameo-esque clothing. Of course, there are a few—Nik notices—with bleached hair, spray-tanned skin, and open collars with thick golden chains around their necks.

However, already experiencing some judgments on his part when he returned to his homeworld after his evolution, Nik refuses to judge such men based on their appearances—

[Smexy-succu-succu: See any blond bastard in there? The name’s Chaka, from what I remember. He’s the target we have to fuck over!]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: We?]

[Smexy-succu-succu: Uh, fine! I’ll crush his balls myself before he can do any damage. Motherfucker ruined a life for no reason!]

Nik doesn’t often see Ray so involved. She was the same when it came to the twins.

The Washimine Group’s current leader, Tsugio Bando, snaps Nik out of his thoughts as he puts down his cigarette and regards Balalaika, “Miss Balalaika, I hope your flight was pleasant. We had to meet on such short notice. The blame lies with me. I’m afraid things don’t seem to be going in favor of our kind for a few weeks now.” He glances at Nik, prompting him to translate for Balalaika. Why they don’t use their phones is something Nik will never understand.

“It’s alright,” Nik further translates Balalaika’s words. “Things will never be the same. I believe you require assistance. You should understand that Hotel Moscow’s Roanapur Branch stands out amongst others for a reason. All I need to confirm is if you are willing to commit to our alliance until the end.”

The tensions heighten in the room at the end of Nik’s words. He sees men scowling at the lone woman, unbothered by the inherent disgust she received the second they saw her scarred face. It was the same as her reputation as ‘Fry Face’ in Roanapur.

“There seems to be some misunderstanding,” Tsugio ignores his men’s looks, bringing his cigarette close to his lips but opting to complete his words instead. “While chaos floods the world at every level after the shattering, there are stubborn opportunists in the world of law and crimes trying to exile every foreign element from the country. The Kanto Peace Council heavily suppresses Russian and Chinese gangs, and the police are working harder than ever. Such plight extends to Hotel Moscow’s Japanese Branch, too. With our help, Hotel Moscow will have enough sway in the Peace Council, and thus their continued existence in Japan.”

Balalaika nods after Nik translates it, smiling, “Remind me, who precisely owns Japan?”

Tsugio’s expression stiffens as Nik continues translating, “He’s the only man on the table above leading the Yakuza without being a Japanese man. Do you think the White Death cares for the Kanto Peace Council? Or it’s power?”

“He’s not spoken of,” Tsugio grimly replies. “Neither do we speak of the Table.”

However, more frivolous than ever, Balalaika inclines her head, taking a long drag of her cigar before exhaling it slowly, watching the smoke gradually vanish in the dim surroundings. “The table that lost three of its chairs. Mr. Bando, I’m here not because of Hotel Moscow’s interests. Right now, fortunately, everyone is on their own.”

“Why are you here?” Tsugio frowns.

Balalaika glances at Nik, staring at him with an almost dazed and lost expression as if she’s asking herself the same question.

“I’m fulfilling my side of the appointment,” she puts out her cigar. “And to make use of your networks for personal curiosity. I also bring a gift to demonstrate why you shouldn’t confuse my words with my commitment.”

She looks at one of her men, calling him over and ordering something.

“What is she saying?” Tsugio glances at Nik, who shakes his head. “She’s speaking Russian. I can’t translate that.”

The man beside Balalaika nods before slipping back and whispering something to a few others until—


Distant echoes of an explosion vibrate through the club’s wall as the Yakuza reach for their guns until Tsugio signals them to stop.

“That was one of Kosa Council’s pubs that we blew up,” Balalaika smiles. “Your issues with Kosa Council matter little to me. Why they want to suppress you, why you would struggle, and why Hotel Moscow’s Japanese branch cannot handle something so simple are not the questions that interest me. The only way this alliance moves forward is if I lead. You will gain your former position in the Kanto Peace Council only if you stay out of my way.”

“This is not how things—” One of Tsugio’s men snarls when a blaring ringtone interrupts their conversation.


Nik and others glance at the blond man in a violet suit with several defining piercings on his features, casually pick up the call, and chat, “Oh? Didn’t I tell you not to call me tonight? Hah? More money? Bitch, I’ll cave your face in! Che, I don’t have time for a stupid whore like you.”

“Chaka!” The man from before who was about to criticize Balalaika glares at the man. “How many times do I need to tell you to show some respect?! Get out!”

“Ah?” Chakra drawls, grinning, “Sorry. I’ll be waiting outside.”

“Sorry, Boss,” the man apologizes to Tsugio as Chaka leaves, allowing Tsugio to sigh before waving his hand. “Let him be. He’s usable as is. Hmm, Miss. Balalaika,” he smiles, “That was quite the gift. It’s as you say. I don’t need to confuse your disinterest with your commitment. We’ll move forward as you say.”


As Nik translates the deal between the two groups, Revy and Ray are stuck outside.

“Isn’t the Washimine Group what you wanted to know about?” Revy questions with evident irritation in her voice. “What did you want from them?”

“Eh? Why should I tell you?” Ray pouts. “You’re just going to use me to vent your anger about Nik sleeping with Balalaika.”

Revy narrows her eyes before grumbling, “Aren’t you the smart one, slut? Whatever. Anego will blow his brains out playing some dumb Russian Roulette one of these days.”

Recalling Nik’s message about Russian Roulette a few days ago, Ray has a healthy suspicion that the ship sailed long ago and Nik survived. Not only did he persist, but Nik also left Balalaika feeling complicated instead of happy, from what she could tell. That’s quite a dangerous combination, isn’t it?

Balalaika and confusion.

If it were Pokemon, Balalaika could blow one of her men with bombs instead of enemy pubs.

Speaking of the enemy—

“Man, they can’t take it easy!”

A grumbling blond steps out of the room, his gaze instantly attracted to Revy and Ray as he walks over with a smile. “Hey, I saw you girls with that hobo Russian.” His smirk turns every bit illicit as he observes the two quite openly, letting his gaze linger around their chest and legs until commenting, “Would you girls like me to show you around?”

Revy glances at the man with disinterest, muttering, “I don’t get what he’s saying, but I guess he’s asking you out.”

“He’s asking both of us out,” Ray smiles at Chaka, brightening visibly. “Revy, could you look away for a moment?”

“Why?” Revy scoffs, unbothered by Chaka’s annoyance at their visible indifference.

“There’s something I want to do,” Ray tiptoes around Chaka, attracting his attention as his mood recovers. “And I would preferably not show you what I am. Nik should get the chance to show some of these things.”

“I ain’t looking away,” Revy snorts. “Find the blond in your own time if it bothers you.”

“Your choice,” Ray glances at Revy, stunning the guns-woman with glowing pink pupils as she licks her lips. “There’s just something about me that can’t stand the sight of hateful bastards a second longer than necessary, even if it’s not optimal to put them in their places right away.”

Ray’s cryptic words aside, Revy watches in shock as the usually jubilant short stack strokes Chaka’s arm before gripping his forearm with her slender hand and-


—crushing it till his arm fit the size of her hand. The sight of Ray’s hand squeezing an arm so tightly that it seems to distend into her grip looks as comical as horrifying as the girl lets go of Chaka before grabbing his collar and pulling him down.

The pain finally registers in Chaka’s brain—alas, Ray’s hand clamps around the man’s face. He stares at Ray with muffled whimpers and sheer confusion and terror in his eyes as the girl suddenly pulls her hand back with a tight grip.



A spine-numbing shriek echoes from Chaka’s mouth as he falls to the ground, shivering and choking for breath. His yell attracts the men from the room as Ray smiles at them while taking out a handkerchief and wiping the blood on her hand.

“C-Chaka?! Oye! Get a grip—” One of the men cautiously stares at the two women while the other kneels beside Chaka to help him up, only to buckle with a fearful gasp and let out a surprised cry.

“What happened?” Another man steps out with a frown on his face until his eyes pop wide open, seeing the lower half of Chaka’s face torn out, leaving the gruesome sight of muscles, bones, and tissues alongside the grim look of rows of teeth exposed to the element.

Adopting a cute smile, Ray tosses her handkerchief at Chaka, explaining, “That man touched me inappropriately, so I returned the favor.”

‘If you were so fucking fluent in Japanese, why didn’t you take the Translator’s job, you psychotic bimbo!’ Revy glares at Ray.

Say what you will about Revy, but she’s never pulled such a stunt during Anego’s missions.


“So?” Balalaika stares at the Lagoon’s trio. “What happened?”

“She went crazy,” Revy shrugs, not taking any blame.

“I wouldn’t know,” Nik shrugs, “I was inside the room the whole time. But that man shouldn’t have harassed Ray.”

The woman’s stony gaze falls on Ray as she gulps before smirking drily, “Honestly?” The white-haired girl offers. “I didn’t like his face. He looked like someone who’d take my ‘No’ for ‘Daddy Please.’ It was a preemptive measure.”

Boris, standing behind Balalaika, frowns. Meanwhile, other members of Hotel Moscow surrounding the trio glance at their leader for their orders.

“How sure are you about that assessment of yours?” The blonde woman questions with evident intrigue. Taken aback by surprise, Ray offers, “90%.”

“And if your actions screw my work?” Balalaika questions as she crosses her legs, getting comfortable in her chair.

Ray hesitates, glancing at Nik shortly before returning to meet the woman’s quiet stare.

“Do you have anything to say?” Balalaika presses after noticing Ray’s hesitation.

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: You just crushed a man twice your size in a manner that will leave others with nightmares. I’m sure Balalaika is taking you more seriously than ever. So, don’t give her another chance to look down on you.]

While Nik may have an explicit interest in Sofia, his relationship with Ray may hold more weight for now since the latter is supposed to be his partner for many travels in the near future. He can’t have Ray buckling under her favorite ‘Characters.’

Ray glances at Nik again before clearing her throat and admitting, “I have some personal interest in Washimine Group, not something that should interfere with your work. Chaka is their ‘Star’ for all the things this Yakuza group used to consider distasteful a few years ago, prostitution and such. It’s one of their primary sources of income these days. With Chaka gone, they’ll have to rely further on your alliance.”

Balalaika narrows her eyes while Ray messages Nik.

[Smexy-succu-succu: Like that?]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Better. But we never discussed anything about the alliance. So, you should work more on it or stop learning meta-knowledge.]

Ray’s smile stiffens as their employer nods, “I see. Well, I cannot begrudge someone with their own needs and schemes. You said you wouldn’t be staying with us, right? It means Nik won’t be available to you when he’s fulfilling my needs. My working hours are flexible.”

Too invested to back out now, and still not regretting her actions since she would always opt to take out Chaka before he can do any damage, Ray adopts a wry smirk, “I don’t really need Nik.” She accepts his advice to her heart, even if it means coming across a little cocky. “I’m stronger than him.”

“Hmm,” Balalaika hums indifferently, “Off you three go. I don’t have any immediate concerns for Nik.”

The men surrounding them back away as the trio filters out of Balalaika’s hotel room, which happens to be Hotel Moscow’s base of operation in Japan.

“Kapitan, about that girl,” Boris begins.

“She’s a weird one,” Balalaika scoffs. “But enough about them. I’ll have my way to understand the situation once I have some sleep. Air travel is one thing my body seems to hate the most.”

Instead of being concerned for the woman, Boris smiles slightly. “You heard her, men. Kapitan needs her sleep.”

“Finally,” one of them scoffs with a smile. “We should plan one flight weekly so Kapitan can sleep a few more hours.”

Others laugh at that while Balalaika mutters weakly, “And make sure Kovir doesn’t get a drop of alcohol this mission.”

“Of course,” Boris closed the door behind him, cutting off Kovir’s grumbles and others’ laughter.

Still sitting in her chair, Balalaika lights another cigar before staring at her ceiling.

‘It’s gone,’ she breathes, exhaling the smoke. Such a situation—bombing and military assassinations—would have her creaming her panties.

‘Yet I don’t feel a thing,’ she closes her eyes. ‘It’s a disgusting feeling.’ She knows what caused this state of utter lack of excitement.

After all, how can she ever enjoy such collaborations when there’s nothing to work towards? Money? Land? More resources?

They are in a state where none of these seem to matter for some reason.

‘Ray is like Nik, right?’ She lets her thoughts wander. The woman smirks, ‘I wonder why the allegedly weaker one of the duo feels more competent, and the stronger one seems easier.’

She falls asleep while sitting in her chair until Boris quietly enters her room. He puts out the cigar clasped between her fingers before helping her into her bed and covering her with the bedsheet. It’s evident from his practiced motions and Balalaika’s utter trust in his familiar touch that this isn’t the first time she fell asleep in her chair, and it isn’t the first time Boris had to put her in bed.

A coy smirk slips on Balalaika’s face as she mutters softly, “Hmm, now point it against my head.”

‘Russian Roulette, even in her dreams?’ Boris resists the urge to whistle in admiration. ‘Nik is one lucky rooster to survive the night. And Kapitan, too.’


Alternate Title: Jealous Revy Is Prone To Pulling The Trigger; Nik Resisting The Airline Temptations With Revy and Balalaika Staring Hard; Ray’s Light Enough To Be Nik’s Carry Bag; Limousines Are For Car Sex?; Ray Offering Word of Advice; The Indifferent Collaboration; Nik: I Refuse To Judge A Book By Its Cover *Glances at Zhao* Except Bumi’s Son; Ray Isn’t Racist, She Just Hates Bad Ending; Gangsta Paradise; Bombed; Balalaika’s Becoming Disillusioned; Changes In Country; Washimine Group; The White Death?; The Leader of Japanese Yakuza; Ray Can Be Terrifying; Holding Her Head High; Ray’s Special Kiss; Ray’s Living Her Psycho-Pass Scenario; Rest; Balalaika’s Wet Dreams; Revy’s Jealous Of Her Anego


A/n: We’re going to see many changes in how the destruction of the moon should reflect on the world as we dive further into the supposed underworld of this arc through the High Table and White Death. Those who have seen Bullet Train know how the first half of the arc might end before we get onto the more wholesome stuff regarding Koro Sensei. And regarding Chaka, it just made sense that Ray would say fuck it all and handle him at once before he can do any damage, but her Happy End still isn’t close.



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