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Title: The Porn Logic

The word ‘Annoyance’ doesn’t justify Kushina’s emotions! Her face burns with embarrassment! The things she experienced during the night, in her lonesome, with her voice undoubtedly leaking into Minato’s and Kakashi’s room, make her less than pleased. Of course, she didn’t have much consideration during the said moment when she felt Kai’s impish digits against her entrance, his hot breath on her skin, and his firm hands squeezing her ass with no respite! The worst part? She didn’t even see him anywhere!

Momentarily, Kushina was genuinely scared—trying every trick in her arsenal to identify if it was a Genjutsu! Or thinking Kai was testing some invisibility jutsu on her despite knowing how she loathes such jutsu due to her past experience with one invisible fucker from Iwa ambushing her due to Dan’s betrayal. But the truth was all the more aggravating—surprisingly—not because of Kai.

“You!” Kushina pouts, one hand pointing at the woman clad in white and red and the other one on her hip as she demands. “APOLOGIZE!”

Mito tilts her head with a smirk, “It’s good to see you too, Kushina. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you about my survival—”

“Fuck that!” Kushina cusses out. “Apologize to Kyubi! Your half AND mine!”

The surroundings of the underwater cottage come to a standstill as Mito glances at Kai. Before he can offer an explanation, Kushina crosses her arms. “Don’t look at him! I’m the one talking. If you don’t want me to turn you on my knee and smack your ass red like you did when disciplining me—better apologize to Kyubi. NOW!”

“Oi!” Kushina hears her Kyubi’s snarl. “I don’t need a broad like you defending—”

Kushina promptly cuts off the connection since she isn’t the one to easily forgive the hurtful words from earlier.

“Ha! Bitch! Better get down on your knees when you apologize—”

Mito does the same with her half for precisely the opposite reasons. Meanwhile, Kai, with a cup of tea, and Cinnamon, with her saucer of milk, watch the scene unfold without any intention of getting caught between.

“You’ve grown,” Mito smiles thinly, seeing Kushina’s determination for what it is—courageous.

‘And foolish,’ Mito narrows her eyes. She would not brook such insolence, especially Kushina’s disrespectful words about bending Mito over her knees.

“Ready to apologize?” Kushina speaks with a clear warning in her tone. She often wondered what she would feel about meeting Mito again. And thanks to Kakashi almost barging into her room out of fear that her moans were of pain—Kushina’s decision became simpler!

“What for?” Mito hums. “I don’t owe Kyubi any apologies. But you’re a smart girl despite what your current words afford you. Tell me the reason.”

“Reason?” Kushina clenches her fists. “You took Kyubi for a beast! She isn’t like that one bit! And then you tore her apart! How would you feel if someone did that to you? If someone feared you for your gifts, hunted you relentlessly, captured, imprisoned, and then tortured you!”

“Like an unfortunate Kekkei Genkai user? Of course, it happens more often than you would deign to look at,” Mito hums. “Did you know Kumo and Iwa most likely planned to do the very things you spoke of once they invaded our home and raided us? Did you expect me to forget my experiences because of another unfortunate soul?”

Her cold eyes bear into Kushina’s startled orbs. “Did the world teach you nothing, Kushina?”

It taught her—the world and Kyubi’s implicit experiences taught her a lot! It taught her suffering and despair!

Kushina’s faith momentarily staggers when she feels a consoling force from within and heartfelt words she didn’t imagine she would hear.

“I’m sorry, Kushina. The world’s been a bitch to me, but you haven’t. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you back then.”

Her nose pricks with emotions as Kushina swallows past the thick lump in her throat, recalling the very same sentiment and resolve that started the first step into understanding—and dare she say—befriending Kyubi.

“Bitch! We aren’t friends!”—despite Kyubi’s oft denial.

Glaring back at Mito, Kushina growls. “Just because everyone does something wrong doesn’t mean we should!”

The intensity in Kushina’s voice and the breath of her chakra take Mito aback. But Kai is all too familiar with it.

“Just because you’re powerful does not mean you get the right to abuse!” flickers of orange-red spark around Kushina as her eyes turn red and her pupils vertical.

“It’s either them or me,” Mito shrugs.

“I understand,” Kushina nods, not unreasonable enough to brush past such simple terms. “But did you take a moment to ever find common grounds with Kyubi? Did you make her feel less of a prisoner?”

“Slut, I sense something wrong with the other half. I’m saying this for your good—”

But Mito doesn’t let her half speak as she stares at the seal between Kushina’s forehead. The former instinctively feels Kushina’s seal isn’t the Seal of Adamantine Sage or her Hundred Strength Seal, but it also feels familiar.

“I need Kyubi to live,” Mito snorts. “And I needed A Kyubi to stay in Konoha to leave that place for a while. Surprisingly, Kyubi can be more understanding than you—”

“So, you won’t apologize to my… friend,” Kushina cuts in as Mito smirks. “Friend?” Sarcasm drips in her tone. “Kyubi will rip you in shreds the second she gets her claws on you. She isn’t your friend! And stop this nonsense before I bend you over my knee like the good old days!”

“Of course, Kyubi would rip me to shreds if I gave her more reasons for it.” Kushina exhales, “Fortunately for you, Grandma Mito, I’m older and more intelligent. I know I can make you see my way soon enough.”

“What?” Mito crosses her arms, something Kai won’t do in Kushina’s presence since the girl has yet to use her ‘datte’ catchphrase the entire conversation—and you need your hands out in the open to tackle Kushina since she is obnoxiously fast.

Before Mito can get another word in, she finds Kushina disappearing and reappearing inches away from her! Mito’s hands unfold in an instinct—a concept too late compared to a planned strike as Mito’s eyes widen to see a chakra-clad Kushina’s fist zeroing in on her face!

Mito would make further observations if not for Kushina’s surprised attack boasting tremendous speed and power.

One (Kai) might say Kushina knocked a fraction of sense into Mito with that strike.


The last thing Mito recalls is the sound of Cinnamon luxuriating herself in her saucer of milk.


Mito floats in a world of bright yellow, her eyes staring at the vast space and ignoring the loud, throaty, bestial guffaw.

“She knocked the fuck out of you!”

Unlike what others might believe, Mito didn’t have Kyubi on a floating ball of rock and magma, pinned upon with her adamantine chains. The large, almost brown-furred fox has her tails and limbs shackled by the glowing chains while floating in the same manner as Mito.

“She did,” Mito admits without making excuses. Oh, sure, she wasn’t ready. But didn’t she drone about the unfair world before Kushina gave her a medicine of her own tasting? Kushina was fast and powerful, to the extent Mito admits she might have to resolve to use her variation of Sage Mode.

‘But Kushina isn’t a Sage. And that Chakra… I felt it before.’

Aware of Mito’s thoughts, Kyubi barks, “I told you to hear me out when you had that boy rubbing one mighty faucet out of you!”

“Stop being a bitch,” Mito scoffs. “You say as if you didn’t have any reaction.”

“S-Shut up! Like I would ever feel a man and find him pleasant!”

Mito stares at the beast, knowing how different the truth is, before getting to the point.

“What was that Chakra transformation?”

“Something only I know!” Kyubi sniffs proudly.

“Kai and Kushina know it, too.”

“Bah! Only the surface of it! All speed and no punch.” Kyubi says so with such a smirk that Mito’s lips twitch in annoyance since said ‘Speed And No Punch’ knocked the shit out of her.

“Is it that Ninshu stuff?” Mito inclines her head, straightening her body to face Kyubi instead of floating in a lying position.

“Why the fuck would I tell you? Seeing my other half treated so well felt good, so I decided to afford you one warning. Off with you, Dry Cunt!”

Mito chews her bottom lip. The thought of such strength kept from her is more than irritating since even if she claims herself to be a Sage, her ‘boost’ in that mode is nothing compared to the Sage she knows—Hashirama Senju.

“Oh?” Kyubi snorts. “Thinking of some insincere words of apology? Forget it! You ain’t Kushina. No wonder my other half gets along with her. She has the stuff of a good human! You? You’re just a hungry whore—”

Mito waves her hand, creating an Adamantine chain to seal the fox’s muzzle and returning to her thoughts again.

‘I wasn’t wrong in my actions,’ Mito realizes. She isn’t cold-hearted enough to NOT understand where Kushina is coming from. But she has to face the reality that Kushina hasn’t seen half the things—

No, maybe she did. Mito recalls the threatening despair inching in Kushina’s gaze back then as if the girl saw the worst things imaginable. So, how could Kushina have such an answer? Is it just stubbornness?

The former Uzumaki princess frowns. With all the emotions coursing in her phantom veins, the thought of Kushina being wiser than her is heartwarming and appalling! Her older self, who looked after Kushina, feels her heart swelling with pride that Kushina didn’t fall into the wicked despair of the world. But her younger and easily excitable half? It is growing more irritated by the second at the threats tossed by Kushina and her impunity in striking her out of nowhere!

And the battle to see which side emerges victor to seal Kushina’s imminent fate is yet to conclude!

Mito snaps out of her thoughts, revealing herself not to be the kind to look away from apparent mistakes as she snaps her fingers and dematerializes the sealing chain around Kyubi’s muzzle.

“You’re right,” Mito glances at the fox. “I’m not Kushina. So never expect me to go teary-eyed, sniveling little girl wanting your forgiveness.”

Okay! Maybe her younger side, more than irritated at Kushina, is trumping over her wiser, prideful half.

“Hmph! Bite me!” Kyubi snorts.

“I have,” Mito smirks. “Or did you forget it? You bit me too, remember?”

Kyubi bristles at the recollection of ‘those’ memories, snarling—“Bitch! If you tell it to anyone—”

Then Kyubi realizes how much Kushina and her other half are aware of. Her whiskers shudder as the fox clenches her jaw, grounding her fangs!

“But know this,” Mito stares at the fox. “By being your vessel, I tied my life with yours.”

Kyubi blinks before sneering.

“Hah! As if I would care—”

“Because Hashirama wanted to keep you sealed in a container, forever away from any life,” Mito’s subsequent words make Kyubi pause. “Because I’m distinctly aware the said ‘Shinobi Temples’ and other monuments were your home, and all those locations share heritage with Rikudo, like the Uzumaki, Uchiha, and the Senju.”

“What? We aren’t cousins, you skank!” Kyubi snorts.

Mito rolls her eyes. “I’m saying—I made the stupidest decision of my life because I pitied you! And fuck me for it! I got to know you were one relentless bitch! The worst decision of my life!”

Mito disappears without letting Kyubi get another word in as the surroundings turn quiet except for Kyubi’s heave.

Self-loathing becomes apparent in the fox’s crimson eyes for once as she grumbles. “I know you did. That’ll teach you not to mess with me.”

Because the truth is they wouldn’t have done half the thing if there wasn’t any connection. For the first few years, Mito’s seals were the weakest out of understanding—something Kyubi made sure to use to its fullest extent, causing Mito’s heightened callousness.

“It’s just the same cycle,” Kyubi feels bitterness filtering in her voice. “Others treated me poorly. I lashed at the nearest kindest soul and made it just like mine.”

She knows the damn dry cunt can hear her since their connection isn’t lost, so, Kyubi can’t help but wonder what her other half feels aside from intense lust at times within Kushina. After all, for some strange logic, lust is the only emotion easily accessible to the four jinchuriki/Biju without any physical connection.


Alternate Title: Why Didn’t Minato Check on Kushina? Cause He’s a Smart Cookie; Kushina’s Worst(Best) Awakening! Damn, Kushina Is HIM!; Kushina: Imma Knock The Fuck Outta Anyone Who Makes My Kyubi Cry! *Also Shuns Said Kyubi*; Two Sides Of The Same Coin; Uzumaki of Bitterness *Get it? Kakakaka*; Hidden Depths; The Hopeful Response; Mito Really Got Humbled; Cinnamon: Damn! Milk And Drama! Master Kai Really Is The Best To Follow; Mito’s And Kushina’s Reunion; Mito Having Vegeta’s DBZA Moment of Pride and UNBRIDLED Rage!; Kai: I’m Just Here For The Tea; Hashirama Had Plans; Weakest Sage?; The Kyubi Mode Strikes; All Speed And No Punch?; Kyubi(s) And Their Junchiriki Gasping As Kai Massages Kushina—“Why Lust Alone?!”; Damn, They Never Read Smut To Understand The Obvious Answer



Nothing a good bout of nakama power can't mend! ... and copious amounts of sex.