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Title: Threats and Promises

Megumi’s shoulders shudder with anger and embarrassment, her voluminous coffee-brown bangs vibrating anxiously as more students crowd around them. Manabu’s expression reveals his discomfort from the confrontation, while Kurumi sports a tight frown, annoyed beyond belief! But Nik can’t help but tilt his head sideways. He feels Mokshi’s humor for once, bubbling in his chest. The situation IS funny from Nik’s and Mokshi’s perspectives.

“Dude,” Nik raises his hands in a gesture to calm the passionate young man. “I’m not sleeping with Megumi.”

“Don’t say things like that!” Megumi snaps at Nik. Her cheeks flush red as she glares at Shou. “And stop this nonsense right away!”

“What are you getting angry at me for?” Nik shrugs at his employee’s daughter. “And how would I know you’ve got such a following?”

“Hey, Nik~!” A hot coo cuts into the crowd’s murmuring as a couple of tanned schoolgirls push through the surrounding students. “Let’s hug!”

“Please visit the Bookstore during my work hours for the services,” Nik slightly bows in apology without skipping a beat as the group of fangirls pout. His happy smile cuts off any ‘rebellion’ they might nurse in their bosom against his decision.

“You bastard!” yells Shou. “Stop looking down on me! I’m telling you I want to date Megumi-chan!”

“And I’m telling you, it’s none of my concern,” Nik smiles awkwardly. What must he do? And out of all the ways Shou could approach him, the youth chose one of the most troublesome manners where neither Nik, Megumi, Kurumi, or Manabu come out of it happy or content. “Now, can we stop blocking the front gates?” He looks around, eyeing the interested students around them—and a few teachers?

‘What kind of school is this?’ Nik wonders. ‘And I even get to enter the school with Kurumi without others giving a shit. I probably used their sports equipment room more than any student present.’

And there’s that sick sense of humor from Mokshi. The spirit is feeling better rapidly since Nik’s departure from Aang’s world.

“I think it’s all a misunderstanding,” Manabu clears his throat when Shou glares. “Back off, nerd! I’ll get to you once I deal with this Meathead!” Shou hisses bitingly, offending Kurumi and Megumi at once as they snarl.

“What did you call Nik/Manabu-kun?!”

“This is ridiculous,” Nik runs his fingers through his hair.

“Uwaahhh~! The Cosplay Prince is so hot~!”

“Hug me, Daddy ~!”

“Forget hugging,” slurs a significantly thickly decorated girl, who eyes Nik’s crotch.

“Shut up, skanks!” Shou growls at the crowd, successfully intimidating the bunch of girls, when a hand latches on his shoulder. While almost the same height, Shou isn’t as meaty as Nik. The youth’s slightly wiry frame ‘looks’ short when Nik nears the delinquent, squeezing his shoulder until his expression twists with pain and discomfort.

“Let’s not make a scene,” Nik smiles warmly, but his eyes are anything but! “Please apologize to the girls, Manabu- ah, sorry, Shindou-san, Kurumi, and Megumi.” His right hand almost presses the boy’s socket into bony fragments as he whispers gently under everyone’s stunned expression. “Now.”

“B-bastard!” Shou yells. “Let go of me!”

“Stop calling him that!” Kurumi glares from behind, “If anyone’s the bastard, it’s you!”

“Let me go! Or else you’ll be sorry!” Shou grits his teeth, standing his ground. Nik would respect the determination if Shou didn’t stand upon one of the most ridiculous notions!

“That’s a good threat,” Nik smiles. “Vague enough to inspire the imaginative bunch and basic enough to cower the weak. But if you don’t apologize, I promise you will not be using your right hand for anything but years of rehabilitation.”

Shou’s face turns pale purple as the surroundings grow quiet.

“Start with Kurumi,” Nik narrows his eyes.

“Don’t get cocky!” Shou grounds his jaw. His left hand cocking back for what Nik knows to be a weak punch compared to absolute units like June, Toph, Zuko, and Sokka.

Megumi bites her bottom lip at this. She couldn’t help but feel responsible for the mess. But she never considered Shou to cause such a mess in the first place. A wry voice snaps her out of her musing as she watches Manabu adjust his glasses.

“It’s alright, Faran-san. I’m not mad about anything. But Yakima-san should apologize to Megumi and Souma-san.”

‘And I caused problems for Manabu-kun, too.’

She suddenly feels a source of stern glare as she meets Kurumi’s gaze. The twin-tailed girl mouths—I told you.

Megumi’s grip on her packaged Shinai tightens.

{A/N: As pointed to me, I’m replacing Bokken with Shinai. I confused the wooden kendo sword with the bamboo practice one.}

Nik nods at Manabu’s words, “So? I’m waiting for that apology.”

Shou thins his lips, sweat streaming down as the grip on his shoulder makes his legs quiver in pain.

How could Shou expect things to progress in such a manner? But on the other side, Nik would comment the youth SHOULD have anticipated the worst-case scenario before pulling up at the school’s front gate and threatening Nik to beat him into a bloody pulp should he not leave Yuuko and Megumi alone—Shou’s words.

‘Geez!’ Nik rolls his eyes internally. ‘What’s with the father-son duo salivating for Yuuko and Megumi? And to think being respectful at all times net such results. A shame.’

Noting the youth’s persistence, Nik exhales in frustration before glancing at Megumi and Manabu, “I’m going to crush his right shoulder. It won’t cause you guys any trouble in school, right?” Unlike Shou, Nik had the infinite wisdom to realize the consequences of his action would affect the trio more than it would ever bother him.

“Wait,” Manabu gasps. Ignoring the validity of the statement, if Nik could even crush bones barehanded with his grip alone, the bespectacled teen could imagine various troubling scenarios extending from such action!

“Aren’t there teachers for this sort of thing?” Nik muses loudly, hinting at the teachers in the crowd to do something, but he is stunned and speechless when he sees them gossiping among themselves.

‘Oh, you ugly, bald bastards! Do something!’ He groans. ‘I really should listen to Ray’s words and check out those Hentai. Sometimes this world has strict rules, and then sometimes, nobody gives a shit!’

Megumi blinks, recalling Kurumi’s words from before—about making Shou challenge someone more powerful as a condition to go out with him or make him stop bothering her.

“L-let me go!” Shou grunts through the pain.

“Only if you promise to stop bothering me!” Megumi blurts out as Nik blinks. “What now?”

Megumi sends Nik an apologetic look before glaring at Shou. “Promise you won’t create such a scene around us again!”

Shou grits his teeth, casting a pleading look in Megumi’s direction. “Megumi-chan, I—”

“Shove it,” Kurumi rolls her eyes, crossing her arms as she points out. “To think I ever went out with you. You’re honestly pathetic!”

‘The irony, eh,’ Nik smirks. It was Kurumi, who was stuck up on her ex not two weeks ago! Oh, well. Something a good dick can easily overcome.

“It’s all your fault!” Shou glares at Nik as he groans, not having any more of it. He promised the man physical pain, something he would deliver if not for the trio behind him. So, he turns to glare at Megumi, shocking the otherwise bubbly teen since it’s the first time Nik truly looked annoyed and angry with her.

“You owe me, Megumi,” Nik hisses softly. While using it on his friends is already a deeply discomforting thought, he didn’t want to willy-nilly control other minds for no good reason. And especially not for such drama. Sure! Nik could beat Shou, and the youth may return for revenge. But what’s the point if Nik has something more permanent, even if distasteful, in his arsenal?

“W-what?” Megumi stammers under his glare as Nik scoffs, dragging the shouting Shou past the crowd until everyone only watches the duo’s back. Nik leans in to whisper something into Shou’s ear before the youth’s tense body relaxes, and Nik lets go of him.

Shou returns to the crowd before blankly staring at Megumi.

“I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused. And insulting your friends was uncalled for. I promise not to bother you again.”

The crowd falls speechless as Nik nods in satisfaction. “Good, now leave.”

“Yeah,” Shou turns around and walks into the school with slumped shoulders as the crowd stares at Nik with amazement!

“So, this was fun,” Nik scoffs as he smiles at Kurumi. “I will see you later. Have a good day, alright?”

“...yeah,” Kurumi mutters with a strange look, unable to comprehend what just happened. Nik’s smile sinks a little as he glances at Megumi. “And you. I hope you feel hungry for the rest of the day!”—the vilest curse Nik could conjure.

“What?” Megumi blinks. It should sound childish, but Nik’s stern glare didn’t make it easy for Megumi to move past the statement as the Cosplay Prince leaves.

“Ho-ho?” Kurumi snickers. “You really struck a nerve, huh? He was only ever this angry with me once.” She whispers to Megumi with cynical glee in her gaze. “But I thankfully knew the position in which I could appease him~! Well, good day to me.”

The twin-tailed girl skips away, meeting with some of her other friends as they gush about Nik around the preening Kurumi.

“Megumi,” Manabu gulps. “Are you alright?”

“Just fine!” Megumi snappily glares at everyone, pushing past the crowd to make her way to the dojo!


“Thank you for helping Megumi,” Yuuko sighs in relief as Nik eats his lunch quietly with the Ty-Sisters and Kaya idly munching her sandwich near them. Since no one, not even Sokka and others, knew about [Twilight Pupils,] Ty-Sisters wondered what Nik said to Shou to make him back off. Nik realized that publicizing his skill wasn’t a wise choice. Skills like the [Twilight Pupils] are the opposite of [Twilight’s Charm.] The latter is fun, while the former has the power to ruin the best relationships with mere doubt. Nik obtained that skill to make his life easier, not harder.

“It’s okay,” Nik speaks after a while. “I just decided helping Megumi is the right thing to do. And maybe it would make you feel so indebted to me that we could enjoy the fast food marathon from the other day.”

“Fast food and marathons don’t go well together,” Kaya chuckles as Yuuko sighs softly. “Still, I didn’t imagine Shou-kun threatening you in public. He sounded so sincere when he came here.”

Nik shrugs at that. Not everyone possesses a golden heart like Aang.

“So,” Kaya smirks. “Don’t you expect a reward? Kind actions should always benefit from rewards!” The round-rimmed, bespectacled woman glances at Yuuko. “How about Yuuko-san here shows how to attract customers with Cosplays?”

“I would like that.” Nik nods without skipping a beat, his cheeks inflated with rice and veggies!

“Um-hmm~!” The Seven sisters nod at once before their expressions freeze.

“So, you seven are studying the new language just as well, huh?” Nik scoffs. The girls pretended not to know a thing for weeks!

Meanwhile, Yuuko’s eyes dart between the gently smiling Kaya and her employees, who are already in another rented cosplay.

‘Actually,’ surprised by herself, since the idea doesn’t sound as repulsive as imagined—Yuuko blinks. ‘It might be fun.’


Yuuko leaves the store for some time, following Liu and Lum to Hori’s store to choose a cosplay, leaving Kaya, Nik, and Lee alone since the rest had their jobs, too, except Woo, who decided to take a ‘well-deserved’ afternoon nap.

And with enough time, Nik knows how to handle the register. He genuinely appreciates Yuuko’s trust in the matter. That, or Yuuko figured he didn’t have to steal anything if he could afford to rent five apartments!

“How’s Genta?” Nik smiles at Kaya since the woman didn’t leave like usual. Lee eyes them from the distance with a slight pout but doesn’t add anything when Kaya decides to sit beside Nik behind the counter.

“Oh, he’s fine,” Kaya lights up at the mention of her cousin. “But he could use some relaxation.” She sighs.

Nik nods as silence eclipses their surroundings. The duo only communicated with each other in others’ presence, making things feel more natural, but now they struggled to find a good topic. Both are aware of what the other party wants, but Kaya’s curiosity finally wins over as she questions.

“How did you manage it, Nik?” Kaya wonders, glancing at him. A formfitting black suit hugs Nik’s body with a white silhouette of a spider drawn in the center of his pecs. He didn’t need to mention how constricting it felt down there, but it’s a job. Not every costume he wears will be comfortable.

“I squeezed in really tightly,” Nik admits. “But it still feels like my butt is on display.”

“It is,” Kaya smiles. “And I didn’t mean that.” She glances at the idly working Lee as Nik gets the hint.

“Oh,” he works his jaw before smirking. “It’s the same answer, really.”

Kaya puckers her lips before falling silent. Her lips close and open several times until Nik casually places his hand atop the woman’s thigh, clad in tights. The brunette blinks in surprise but mentions no need for him to remove his hand as he idly starts to stroke her smooth leg, whispering, “Kaya, are you truly interested?”

Playing around the bush didn’t suit Nik when the other party didn’t hesitate once. His question sends Kaya into a momentary contemplation before she nods with a wry chuckle. “I suppose? I don’t think it would be traditional in any sense, but I want to experience it once before I grow old and wrinkly.”

Nik blinks, “You’re a virgin?”

It’s Kaya’s turn for surprise as she shakes her head, “No? I was talking about marriage. I tried dating, but all the guys I met—” she exhales in frustration, unwilling to speak further as she eyes Nik. “But something instinctive tells me you’re not afraid of commitment? Oh. Or maybe it’s the multiple Fiancees and a sprinkle of other girls.”

Nik resists the urge to take his hand back, not out of disinterest but because he would rather not talk of marriages while working with the woman. But it might just give the wrong impression at the moment.

“Didn't you guys make a big fuss about it being illegal?” Nik questions, his hands sliding on her skirt, closer to her crotch as Kaya exhales hotly, her toes curling under her booties. “Why would that stop someone’s commitment?”

“It won’t,” Nik grins. “Not mine, at least. But don’t you dislike Mitsuko?”

“I don’t dislike the woman,” Kaya scoffs. “I just wish I got a similar offer from a rich homosexual.”

Nik bites his lips to resist bursting into laughter. “You’re jealous you didn’t land a gay man? Talk about making me jealous.” He never knew the charm of a homosexual individual until now—and he frankly respects that. You learn new stuff every day!

“It’s not funny,” Kaya mutters huffily. “All the men who keep asking me out have wives or children from different women. And it hurts me more when a rare few want me simply to nanny their children! I’m not Kyouko!”

“Look on the bright side,” Nik begins, only for Kaya to cut him off. “There’s no bright side. My life is heading into a dark tunnel with no light in the end.”

‘Holy! That’s depressing. But I kind of want to see how she will react if I take my hand off or further inside.’ Adopting the latter, Nik fingers the hem of her tight skirt, pulling it up as Kaya snaps out of her baleful thoughts, glancing down to see Nik’s eager digits caressing her inner thighs.

Kaya momentarily shifts on her chair, squirming under his touch as she crosses her hands on her lap, her fingers gently touching Nik’s hand.

“What are your plans for Halloween?” Nik questions as Kaya perks up. She momentarily muses before questioning in return, “Won’t you be ‘busy?’

“For the entire day, I think,” Nik predicts—the girls wearing hot cosplays for him? Oh, yeah, his entire day is booked even before he can think otherwise.

“And you can include me in the schedule? That’s rather kind.” Kaya gulps.

“It’s nothing to do with kindness,” Nik smiles. “I don’t think I can be kind and selfish at once from my perspective. So, let’s just call it selfish.”

His hand shifts from her thighs to her hand, squeezing them gently. “And I can tell you the end of the tunnel will have something bright for you.”

Kaya averts her gaze from Nik, seeing him in a different light aside from the boundless, sweets-loving, monstrously hot fuck he’s advertised to be if Mitsuko’s words are believable. “You’re a sweet guy, Nik.”

“Even if I’m a womanizer?” Nik blinks, chuckling. “We’re starting to zero in on your taste in men, eh?” He jabs verbally as Kaya’s expression falls before she scoffs. “I suppose you’re ready to order your favorite cakes from elsewhere because I’m going to reject any orders delivered to Yuuko’s or Kyouko’s apartment!”

Nik gapes before bringing his hand back on her thighs, grinning shamelessly, “Let me persuade you otherwise~!”

A soft clear of throat stops Kaya in track as she glances at the pouting Ty Lee.

“N-Nik,” Kaya gasps as she feels his fingers stroking her bottom lips. “Let’s not do it here. She knows.”

“She does,” Nik admits, finding Kaya’s actions adorable. The woman felt no shame hugging him in public, almost cupping his ass due to the form-fitting outfit, only to feel ashamed now? No, Sir! He winks at Lee, speaking with her in another language.

“Would you like to swap places with Kaya?”

Ty Lee’s composure evaporates instantly, her cheeks heating a furious red, not any different from the form-fitting red spider-like outfit with blue undertones.

“No, I won’t!”

“Is your Aura getting pink?” Nik muses as Ty Lee blushes a storm before scoffing, “You can’t see aura!”

“Guilty,” Nik clicks his tongue. “But Lum cautioned you to wear those pasties, right? I can see your nipples.”

Ty Lee gapes before rushing inside, and then Nik hears her moderately loud yell, “Jerk! I just remembered I wore those pasties! Liar! Hmph!”

“Scream softly, bitch! I’m trying to sleep!” Woo snaps at her youngest sister.


“Toshi-chan,” the frivolous voice makes Toshi Yakima wince as he looks back, noting a prominent smirk on their company’s VP’s effeminate features. The slightly built middle-aged man forces a smile, nodding, “Yes, Juno-san?”

“Did you complete the report? I expected it on my desk exactly 15 minutes ago. Unlike his frivolities back home, Juno Hishawari supervises his team directly and sternly. Souko still counts her lucky stars that she became a Branch Manager of another office instead of working under her ‘father.’

“It’s almost complete,” Toshi leaves his seat, bowing his head in apology as Juno tilts his head. The not-so-closeted man tilts his head curiously, questioning Toshi, “Are you alright? I can’t help but notice the decline in your productivity.” Breaking his act of strictness, Juno smiles warmly, eyeing the built man for his reasons. “You can look for me after work hours if it’s something personal.”

“T-thank you,” Toshi nods. “I’m sorry. I will pull my act together, Sir.”

“Great,” Juno pats Toshi’s shoulder before retreating into his office as Toshi’s deskmate on the opposite side looks past his desktop, running his fingers through his oily bald spot. “Toshi-kun, is it your ex-wife again?”

“No,” Toshi exhales. He cannot give a shit about that woman. Only one person haunts his nightmare, and that man is never alone. SHE is always with him in those dreams—nightmares.

“Don’t you think the boss is in a good mood these days?” The bald man prompts as Toshi nods. Juno would chew Toshi for his incompetence any other day, but the VP’s been soft on his team for some time!

“Now that you mention it,” Toshi speaks while working on his report. “Do you know something?”

Juno’s deskmate grins candidly.

“I hear his daughter’s straightened out all of a sudden,” he smiles knowingly. “You heard the rumors about his daughter, right? But she’s gotten strict on her team and focuses more on work instead of her ‘breaks.’”

Juno lets out a curious hum, bobbing his head in a nod. “That would make any father happy.”

How would Juno’s team know his happiness comes from hogging the house for almost half a week since his ‘family’ now spends their time in another apartment? Juno’s been as busy as his wife and daughters! That will make any man or woman happy and content!


The vibration of Toshi’s smartphone cuts into their chat as Toshi apologizes to the man before excusing himself.

“Hello?” he picks up the call from a familiar number. “Good Afternoon. Yes, I’m Shou-kun’s father. Ah, you’re his homeroom teacher. So, she didn’t pick up? Hmm, it’s alright, Sir. What did Shou do now?” He whispers into the phone as he momentarily leaves the office to keep others from knowing about his son’s ‘stellar’ activities.

Toshi rapidly blinks as he hears the teacher’s complaint. Shou not only caused a scene in front of the school gates, but he later also picked multiple fights with his juniors before one of his juniors from the Karate Club had enough of his shit and beat the crap out of him!

It seems Nik was petty enough to do all that. He meant when he said he could hurt Shou but decided on another form of catharsis that wouldn’t land Kurumi and others into trouble.

Nik is a man of his word and promises.

And Megumi owes him big time!


‘Certainly big,’ Nik and Lee glance at each other before thinking the same thing once Yuuko walks out of her bedroom after returning from Hori’s Cosplay.


Alternate Title: Shou *Chuckles*: I’m In Danger; Nik: That Right There Is a Promise!; Nik Isn’t Balls Deep Into Megumi! He Swears!; Think Shou! Think!; The Delinquent Threat; The Cosplay Prince’s Reach; Nik: No Discounts And No Hugs Without Yuuko’s Supervision!; Thirst Trap; A JK: Hmm, Daddy, Choke Me Harder! *Nik, Hugging The Woman*: This Is Awkward… Sure!; Kicking An Iron Board!; Kurumi: Poor Duckling, You Dare Ignore Mt. Tai! Nik, Lower Your Pants And Let Everyone See It!; The Hentai School’s Lack of Discipline; The Shoulder Grip; Megumi, Stop Showing Me Your Panties! I Said You Owe Me, Not Whore For Me!—Nik, The Plunderer; An Indebted Yuuko Is a Happy Yuuko;  Kaya’s Hot; Kaya’s Lovin’ It!; Kaya: Dates? No! Hold Me, Pat Me, Hug Me, Pound Me, Fill Me, And Marry Me!; Kaya Would Love a Gay Deal!; Homo-Rizz; Shou’s Lucky Nik Didn’t Call The Nut Cracking Messiah!; An Invitation; Teasing Ty Lee; Nik’s Ass Breaks Law of Physics! Flaunting Dat Incubus Booty For Sale!; A Cake That Slaps As Hard As Kaya’s!; Yuuko Is Certainly Big; Kaya’s First ‘Hand’; Juno’s The Boss; Juno Low-Key Thirsting For His Employees; A Happy Father? Or a Happy Man-Whore?



Cookies are here 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪


Shou really did FAAFO