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Title:  Darkest Night Hidden in The Leaf (8)

The thing about Jinchuriki is that their Tailed-Beasts experience similar changes as the host. For instance, Shadow Clone Jutsu doesn’t only separate Kushina’s chakra to form life, but also Kyubi inside her. And unlike Kushina, the divided Kyubi can sense each other just well enough to realize where the real threat lay about the opponent they are facing right now. But Kyubi would despise herself for assisting Kushina more than she already has. If the dumb slut dies despite wielding her chakra, then death it is. Or so she dreamt. But a defensive circle of tens of Uzumaki clones is a problem for true-blue elites, much less favored Jonins.

‘If only I were limited to the five nature transformations.’ The brunette Kumo Shinobi observes Kushina and others as Tsume and Kuromaru disperse their transformation to become smaller targets once healed. His team of three shinobi awaits his command with irritation visible in their gazes.

‘We have limited time, but my objective is to hold the Jinchuriki to the best of my ability,’ the shinobi muses as he forms a hand seal.

“Wha—” Minato’s pinned body struggles against Kushina, who calmly looks around despite the blonde’s arm starting to bleed from a wound that wasn’t present a second ago.

“Can you speak, dattebane?” Kushina frowns as she assesses the wide-eyed Minato, who tries to shake his head only to find his entire body not under his control!

“I smell blood,” Tsume warns as she looks around, not referring to Minato’s bleeding arm that refuses to stop despite Kushina attempting to heal him.

‘A Kekkei Genkai?’ Kushina makes the only educated guess for everything weird in the world of Shinobi and snarks at her clones, “Only one-tailed mode!”


All the clones issue verbal ticks as a bubbling cloak of dark orange chakra wraps them in the form of two fox ears and a long tail before they disperse with a flicker of their bodies.

“Agh!” Tsume gasps as she holds her neck, blood squirting out from her previous wound, while the gash on Minato’s arm widens!


Kuromaru whimpers in worry as he stands protectively near Tsume, who is on her knees, releasing raspy, choked breaths.

‘The fuck!’ Wee-bit of panic finally sets in Kushina as she feels memories of three of her clones returning a second later.

‘Two Jonins, Lightning and Water release. No, another experience package. The third Jonin wields kunai and shurikens more proficiently than elemental jutsus.’

Kushina’s explicit order of one-tailed-chakra mode remains for her clones alone. Her eyes briefly reveal her hesitation to use her full power, but it’s either the exposure of her skills or the lives of her teammates. Fully aware a ‘simpler’ Shinobi would forsake their teammate’s life, on the other hand, someone like Kai would find a way to turn the situation his way no matter what, Kushina licks her dry lips as wisps of orange-yellow chakra coat her hands instead of the green Iryo-Nin Chakra.

‘Why not a third option, dattebane? All Kekkei Genkais are an expression of chakra. Just gotta override it annddddddd,’ She drawls mentally as the pure chakra of Kyubi goodness seeps into Minato’s and Tsume’s bodies before reflexively purging any chakra with hostile intentions—Fully utilizing Kyubi’s sensory skill of observing negative emotions.

Minato’s and Tsume’s bodies stop struggling, their expressions soothe, and their breathing eases as they look at Kushina gratefully.

‘Nailed it,’ Kushina grins as seven more clones disperse from the enemy’s attack, four of which are impaled by sharp shards of blood from a bloody vortex caging a relatively small perimeter around them.

“It’s a Kekkei Genkai to control blood, I think. But my clones didn’t even get close to the user and only got close to the moving Jonins.”

Minato and Tsume straighten up as the blonde musters, “I can try—”

“No, leave the Kekkei Genkai to me,” Kushina asserts, “You two need to stall the remaining Jonins with my clones. I’ll finish it quickly, promise!”

“Sure!” Tsume agrees readily with a confident smile, but Minato doesn’t look so sure. They were struggling a moment ago, after all!

“We can stall… but keep this to yourself.” Minato hands Kushina one of his special kunai as he gestures to her with their coded signals—Signal me if you get the chance to use it.

Kushina nods and pockets the kunai into the pouch strapped on her waist.



Tsume and Kuromaru transform into a dual-headed crimson-eyed, pitch-black beast of a canine once again as Minato disperses alongside her and follows the direction of the water-style Jonin.

Kushina narrows her eyes as her violet pupils transition to foxy crimson ones. Since a part of Kyubi’s chakra belongs to her, she could use it according to her wishes, something she realized tens of seconds ago when she isolated part of said chakra to heal her teammates. If that’s possible, then adopting Kyubi’s senses should be possible, too.

“Hmph, you are finally using your head for something useful instead of bobbing it while on your knees,” Kyubi’s rough snarl rumbles in Kushina’s mind as she jets toward her enemy with a roll of her eyes. ‘Is it really the time, dattebane?!’

“When are you humans NOT in conflict? I see no reason to speak at your whimsy schedule.”

‘Now isn’t the time to bicker!’

“I’ll speak as I wish!”

‘Then do it quietly!’

“My voice isn’t leaking to the outside world.”

“Shut up, you bitch!” Kushina snaps out loud as she stops briefly.

When Kushina takes the momentary silence as her victory, she hears a husky snicker, “Let’s see how well you battle someone with a dojutsu for controlling blood as I irritate you!”

But Kushina has trained under Kai to look beyond illusions! The redhead scoffs with a smile.

‘You could have shared that information without acting like a total bitch!’

“Shut up!” Kyubi was never so loud, not even when melting beside her moans.

The redhead snickers as three of her clones form a team around her as they reach the edge of the thin bloody vortex controlled by a slim, bulging-eyed, dark-haired youth whose wiry frame stands straight on a nearby branch. Now that Kushina is aware her enemy possesses an unknown Dojutsu, she takes no risk by staring at the enemy directly. Instead, one of her clones disperses willingly after observing the enemy: Bright-red sclera, blood-red irides, and horizontally set, rectangular white pupils similar to a chakra toad.

‘What’s it called?’ Kushina questions Kyubi, who refuses to answer, making the redhead roll her eyes internally and unsheathe her tanto alongside her clones.

While she did not meet the enemy’s gaze since a second’s distraction from a possible dojutsu-charged genjutsu can be fatal, she does utilize Kyubi’s chakra to sharpen her senses to the point she dodges her clones’ blades suddenly flying out of their grip and driving through the spot where she stood a fraction of a second ago.

Kushina’s mind buzzes as she pulls out the scroll fluidly within that very second to seal the sharp items on her body.

“A sharp mind unbefitting an Uzumaki,” the hoarse voice snarks, “Or are purebreds more intelligent than lab rats?”

Kushina fails to respond as she uses the time to weave seals, filling her mouth with a burst of water.

[Water Release: Water Severing Waves]!

A jet of water capable of cutting through thick metal walls bifurcates the enemy, who explodes in a splatter of blood before reforming in front of her eyes.

‘Eh?’ Kushina’s eyes widen momentarily as she rouses raw Kyubi chakra to enter two-tails mode. But she also bolsters her speed using the Kyubi mode’s chakra to flicker beside the enemy and suddenly zap past him! Her clones seem to understand her motives as they use wind and water release at once to engage the enemy. Kushina herself forms another set of seals and uses a jutsu taken from Kai’s repository.

[Water Release: Freeze Wave]!

The thin perimeter of the bloody vortex stops flowing fluidly and turns into a thin wall of ice in a few seconds with the amount of chakra used in the Jutsu. Three more of her clones are destroyed by now—two to save Tsume and one against the Dojutsu user. However, she has no mind to create more clones.

‘It’s Iron, right?’ Kushina deduces the enemy’s ability.

In reality, she would have considered the Dojutsu to have a telekinesis-like ability if not for the fact that the enemy controls blood, too, from within the body. So the enemy’s Jutsu should have something in common with her weapons and blood—


Blood gushes from Kushina’s orifices as she covers her mouth and enters a coughing fit. But she doesn’t stop countering the enemy despite the pain since she has suffered beatings worse than this.

Her bubbling cloak of chakra bolsters with more chakra as she enters the three-tails state to rid the hostile chakra in her body.

‘It’s like—’ Kushina’s eyes widen as her injuries heal rapidly. She turns around to finally face the grinning man who clenches his fist and destroys the two clones floating in front of him as if possessed by ghosts.

‘—Genjutsu.’ Her thought completes as she bounces from one spot to another like a startled rabbit and staves off the enemy’s chakra acting like Genjutsu to get meager control of her blood.

“Oh?” The Kumo shinobi lets out a curious noise, his skin thinning visibly as pulsating veins mapping his body become visible. The shards of icy blood coalesce in front of him in an instant and melt to form a massive jutsu.


Minato and Tsume split with other clones since they are to stall three jonins and not one. Tsume settles for the water-release Kumo Jonin. Her large bestial form instantly spirals midair to form a drilling fang that attacks the enemy at sight, with three redheaded shadow clones supporting her in one-tail mode.

[Super Fang Wolf Fang]!

The giant drill tears through nearby trees with ease as the dark-skinned Jonin suddenly forms an activation seal, causing the nearby explosive tags to explode, only for two of Kushina’s clones to be present at the point of impact before Tsume is affected.

‘Tsk!’ The Jonin clicks his tongue as he jumps backward to distance himself from the Inuzuka drill. Yet, as the Jutsu impacts the ground, Tsume suddenly drills underground and forms a deep tunnel instead of revealing herself.

‘A mole technique?’ Jonin’s eyelids jump in surprise, ‘Then she must have a designated point of exposure no matter how deep she digs.’ He takes to the top of the tree, aiming at the last of Kushina’s clones with several shurikens.

Kushina’s crimson eyes study her enemy as she deflects the shurikens with a disastrous blow of chakra instead of physical attacks to keep her hands free.

‘Tsume did say she has a plan,’ the clone narrows her eyes and shucks two exploding kunais at the enemy to force him further away. ‘But how is she planning to stall a Jonin? Could she be thinking of just being an underground threat? Now, that’s not how the mole Jutsu works. Her sharp senses wouldn’t work underground, and the enemy probably knows it. So, if she stays underground—’ The clone’s quick thoughts falter as her eyes widen at the spike of strange chakra underground.



A rust-furred humanoid figure tears out from the ground with three growling wolf-heads, black sclera, yellow irides, vertical bestial pupils, and a hybrid body of man and beast. The figure is astonishingly fast to the point this monster surpasses Kushina’s current sense in her one-tail mode and has the enemy Jonin’s head in her hand within a fraction of a second.


A plume of smoke covers the werewolf-like demonic figure as the enemy Jonin’s head rolls away. Kushina comes to be and hurriedly catches two unconscious figures—a shuddering and vomiting Tsume and a Three-Headed rust-furred Kuromaru, whose heads start wilting like a flower as chakra recedes from his body in the form of burning marks that converge in the center of his forehead.

‘What the hell was that?’ Kushina blinks internally.


Hiraishin alone does not determine one’s reaction time and speed, something Minato displays with his skilled usage of the troublesome jutsu—troublesome for his enemies. Instead of Kushina supporting him, like in Tsume’s case, Minato adopts the opposite route of supporting Kushina’s clones instead. Shadow Clones can disperse with a single attack, something the enemy Jonin is aware of, but Minato’s kunai spread apart makes it a lot more difficult for the opponent to deal with the opponent.

Alone, Minato may not have necessarily trumped against the enemy, but that is only due to his moderate raw capabilities save for his speed and reaction time. Everything else about Minato is trained to the point of Jonin-class ability, including his practice of Fire Nature Transformation, leading him to develop his incomplete [Taiyogan].

So, Minato brings the expertise, and Kushina’s clones bring in the muscle necessary to stall the enemy, if not deal with him.

The enemy’s hand seals are cut short at once as Minato’s figure flickers beside him, causing him to repel Minato’s kunai and further drop his blade in concern of his sword getting marked by Hiraishin Seal.


Kushina spits a thin pressurized jet of water at the point where the Kumo Jonin is expected to land, only for a water clone to form under him to act as a platform for the enemy to dodge the attack.

“Keep at it,” one of the clones scoffs. “He’ll run out of chakra quickly, dattebane!” She raises her voice to discourage the enemy from further resistance. However, Minato’s figure suddenly flashes beside this clone as he disappears with her the next second—


A loud explosion rocks the surroundings, forcing other clones to return beside Minato, who noticed the arrival of the second Jonin on time.

“Skilled in swords, water, and wind release jutsu. A few surprising concentrated blows of chakra, too,” The third amber-eyed Jonin stares at the team while helping his teammate up.

“What about the rest of the clones?” Questions the slightly weary shinobi.

“They are dealt with. I sensed Sui’s death, but the enemy’s not any better. We deal with the boy and the clones before assisting Nosuke against the Jinchuriki,” responds the weapons specialist.

“That chakra… what clan are you from?” Kushina suddenly snarls as she notes some familiarity in the unique chakra signature of the shinobi.

“Oh, me?” The Jonin shrugs calmly while keeping his hawk-like gaze on Minato the entire time, “I’m born in a lab, really. You live with the Senjus, right? You must have guessed it already.”

“You asshole!” Kushina snarls.

“Hey, I didn’t ask to be born as a test for Senju’s compatibility with others. Rikudo knows I’m extracted for my use in the dullest manner back home,” The enemy drawls in a lazy tone. “Besides, that’s how the villages work, right? I’m sure Konoha has already extracted samples of Raikage’s son in hopes of better shinobi.”

“Kushina-san, is he…?” Minato connects the dots as the clone chews her lips in frustration.

“A Senju, dattebane.”

“We don’t have last names,” the shinobi chuckles and scratches his brown hair.

One of Kushina’s clones suddenly turns around to throw several shurikens at the gallery of shuriken flying in their direction, revealing the enemy’s clone behind them.

“Nothing against you guys. It’s a conflict of interest, really. So, the least I can do is drop my name. You know, if you die, you’ll know who killed you. If I die, you’ll know whom you killed. It’s Shizan.”

As one of Kushina’s clones moves to deal with the enemy clone, the remaining three members stare at Shizan and the second Jonin seriously.


Alternate Title: Naruto’s Bloodbender; Kushina Uses Her Head the Right Way, Kyubi Approves; Later Kushina Uses Head Again, Kai Approves; Chakra Theory Expands!; Limited Beast; Not Going All Out; Understanding the Enemy; Certified Tsundere Kyubi Moment; Kyubi Opens Up; Applications of Genjutsu in Ninjutsu and Dojutsu; Blood and Weapon; Not Faltering Even Once; Tsume: I have a plan. Kushina: What plan? Tsume: I’ll be a FURRY!; Konoha’s New Furry; Senjutsu used for Furry; Tsume Uses her Juciy Upgrade; Make Beta Great Again; Making her Alpha Proud; Minato’s a Flashing Menace… Wait, That Came Out Wrong; Lab Rats; Senju of Kumo; Future BBC in Konoha? Big Black Controversy


A/N: I admit when I wrote the part about A’s DNA being extracted, I thought of all the true Naruto stuff. You know, the true manga where Naruto is merely a genjutsu and Raikage runs supreme? Yeah… maybe we should have had a good story about Kumo instead of Boruto. Also, I do think the Third Raikage wouldn’t let such a Dojutsu get to waste. As for those who may have forgotten, I wrote some hints related to Kumo’s extensive research in breeding other clans in their village when Hanzo faced the Sannin and spoke about how he would get a few Uzumaki to make use of for Amegakure. I just thought this conflict may be a good way to introduce such concepts that I would have liked in OG Naruto, cementing the need for seals for Uchiha, Hyuga, and other clans thriving on good genes instead of Might Duy-level grind.


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