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Title: A Bricked Ending

“Woah!” Ouka and others watch Lili in amazement as the tip of her spear carves through a horde of Silent Goblins. Jackal didn’t mind the exposure of Silent Goblins. They no longer serve any purpose: their drop item isn’t any different from regular goblins, and there is no monetary reward for locating something new in the dungeon. So Lili led Takemikazuchi Familia to this open spot on the first floor.

After her status update, the world feels different whenever she equips a spear or a similar weapon. She tested it. Spear feels the most fluid in her hand, but other weapons like a staff and a halberd have an adequate response, too.

While Takemikazuchi Familia is thinking about how to deal with Silent Goblins should they face them alone, Lili tests them for her rapidly improving spearmanship! It’s only possible because she supported Jackal actively on the upper floors the few times they prowled the dungeon together. So, this is a test of her improvement.

A whopping 201 points worth of improvement!


One of the goblins screeches silently, but a spear welcomes it with a stab into its face.


Lili exhales after dealing with the last one. A light layer of sweat covers her body as she still feels worked up.

I want to meet Jackal-sama so bad!’

She whines about their separation. Oh, how every second torments her!

“Lili-dono, that was amazing! Your skills seem day and night apart when compared to your practice in the morning!”

Let no one say that Mikoto is not a great hype woman. Her earnest and expressive actions infect Lili with happiness as the pallum giggles wryly and straps the spear on her exaggeratedly large backpack.

“Thank you. It’s all because of Ouka-san and Takemikazuchi-sama’s teachings.”

‘Although this jump in improvement hints more about her status update today than anything else,’ Ouka deduces calmly but stays quiet. He doesn’t need to snoop around. Everyone adventurer has falna so, if one grows and another doesn’t, it’s no reason to envy others or give up.

“Yep! Let’s have a successful hunt so Ouka can return to Maria-san’s Orphanage and change some dirty diapers!” Asuka teases Ouka while elbowing his side with a smug grin as the youth’s expression falls.

“Khuk!” Ouka despairs.

“I- it will be alright. I’m sure you will do a great job!” Chigusa cheers with a whimper as Lili observes their group.

‘Huh… Ouka-san has two women fawning over him. Despicable!’

Lili holds an inherent distaste for womanizers.

Of course, if it’s Jackal, she supposes he would get a pass of a lifetime as long as she is beside him. The expectation makes her chestnut eyes flicker with a hazy crimson glow for a fraction of a second.

“Yea, yea, let’s go.” One of the other two men sighs and waves his hand. Lili looks at the two of them.

‘Is it too late to ask for their names again?’

They had introduced themselves, but Lili could not hold their names in her head at all!

She shrugs it off. It doesn’t matter if she can recall their names or not. What matters is that she is in the dungeon without Jackal and needs to keep cautious.

While she tagged along to get experience and training, she also volunteered to be the supporter and see how this Familia works together.

She has become better at noticing if the adventurers are graceful by being a spectator.

Since they did not grow in Orario, chances are that Takemikazuchi Familia isn’t a steaming pile of corrupted crap.

“Lili-dono, are you sure you want to carry all that luggage yourself?” Mikoto walks behind Lili as the adventurers explore the area in a single-file line.

“It’s not an issue,” Lili smirks and adjusts the hoody of her robe in a practiced manner. “Your team has only started to explore the dungeon. Although your familia is strong as a team, you will need time to get used to the accepted practices of Dungeon Prowling. Also, you will need to consider other positions besides physical attack and defense. Like employing one of your weaker teammates as a supporter.”

Her words make the familia flinch for a moment.

‘Did they not consider ranking among themselves? This could be interesting… NO! Stop! You are better than Loki!’

The image of the irritating, vermilion-haired goddess with an ass more developed than hers makes Lili grit her jaws silently.


Syr and Ryuu follow the couple around. It is not in their better judgment. The usually stony elf owes Syr a debt, and Syr… is just so uninhibited!

“Come on~ Say aaaaah~!” Syr brings a spoonful of roasted sugary nuts pounded into a smooth powder that melts in the mouth with a smirk. Although she reveals a reluctant expression, Ryuu considers this an advance payment for the overtime they’ll receive from Mia and opens her mouth before eating from Syr’s spoon.

“See?” Syr giggles and hugs Ryuu’s hand a bit tighter. “I told you we’ll have a date of our own~!”

As she hugs her hand, Ryuu understands the distinct difference between the two.

Large and soft. If the size and sensation of Syr’s breasts are anything to go by, the human girl must also have an equally large heart.

“If this is how you date others, no wonder Jackal-san is with another woman, no, women,” Ryuu mutters in a muted tone. “To think I will be spying on others on my first date.”

Syr freezes before pouting. She leans down to sneak a bite from Ryuu’s spoon and huffs, “When did you get so sassy?”

“You and Mama corrupted me well.”

Syr giggles again and stares off at the strolling couple not far away.

They followed Jackal from Amor Square to the stalls they stopped and finally, Demeter’s garden, where they rested. And now the couple is prowling the streets of Orario again. Syr would have been fuming with envy given how much Jackal was laughing and smiling with others if not for Ryuu being the silent and closeted sassy elf she is.

“Hmm?” Ryuu lets out a curious noise from the back of her throat while sucking on the sugary taste of nuts.

Even Syr blinks in surprise.

They took a familiar turn… a street filled with local watering holes… huh…’

Syr whispers.

“That’s my watering hole.”

“Any other manner of description for Hostess would have easily been ten times better. But yes, that’s our… watering hole.”




They wasted their time loitering around when the couple eventually stopped by the very place they should work at this time of the day!

Syr and Ryuu look at each other.

One looks apologetic.

The other looks so done.

“I’m sorry, te-he?” Syr sticks out her tongue in a cutesy manner.


It does not work on individuals who know the bare minimum about the Witch of the hostess of fertility.


The Hostess of Fertility consists of one inner tavern and a balcony diner primarily occupied in the daytime for customers to eat their meals accompanied by fresh air and the street view. Sitting on one of the tables are none other than Jackal, Rose, and Eina.

They look at a mischievously smirking brown-haired catgirl whose tail continues to cut through the air with swift swishes of her tail as she holds her tray close to her chest.

“You’re really feeling lucky that you’re waiting on us, aren’t ya’, Anya?” Jackal smirks. He knows that smile all too well. He’s sported this smile far too often when.

“I wouldn’t call myself lucky nya~!” Anya giggles as her tail continues to disagree with her words.

“So? I nyow Rose!” Anya greets the werewolf as Rose inclines her head in a silent nod of acknowledgment before the cat girl turns to Eina. “I think I remember nyuo.”

“I’m Eina. It’s usually Chloe-san who waits on me,” Eina smiles back as Anya nods furiously. “Oh! Well, don’t worry, nya! It’s a special day, so we promised to all wait on daddy together~! I’ll get Chloe to get nyour orders!”

Anya leaves Eina and Rose frozen stiff while Jackal looks around casually and comfortably leans back on his chair.

“Seriously? You’re going to act like she didn’t call you daddy?” Eina stares at Jackal, who shrugs.

“It’s nothing weird. The waitresses enjoy teasing me by calling me Daddy because I put some serious moves on their Mommy the first day I visited. And every other time I visited the cafe.”

“Mia?” Rose blinks owlishly. This moment may be the only time Jackal saw such intense emotion flicker across her expression. His smirk widens as he crosses his arms with a knowing wag of his brows. “Not only that, I live to tell the tale! Awesome, right?”

“So, you not only try to die in the dungeon but on the surface, too?” Eina is better at expressing herself with words, but her eyes are equally round. It’s Jackal’s fortune that he enjoys them without any glasses in his between.

“It’s nothing like that. But Mia is just the hottest dwarf after two mugs of ale. Before that, she is the prettiest one,” Jackal cracks a grin.

Eina lets out a weary sigh before smirking and leaning back in her seat. She knows that the quicker she accepts Jackal’s statements as facts instead of focusing on the ‘how?’ and ‘why?’, the quicker she gets to enjoy what little time she spends in Jackal’s company.

The alternative would be to accuse Jackal of being the source of her recent mental burdens, cut her ties with him save for the thin stream of incoming bentos that greatly relieved the menial stress of overthinking what to have for lunch, and keep her distance from him as he crashes and burns in his delusions of forming a harem.

Gazing at his profile, Eina scoffs internally.

‘As if harem can be easy to… manage. Jackal used to be mighty dependable, but now? He obviously needs supervision lest others take advantage of his kindness!’

Rose had nothing to add to this revelation as she relaxed in her seat. It didn’t take long for a dark-haired catgirl with sharp features to contrast with the gentle humor in her green eyes to appear in front of the trio. Her smile was partly catty and suggestive as her groomed feline tail cut through the air in gentle arcs. Chloe isn’t one to usually partake in her feline verbal ticks, but these defenses crumble whenever she finds herself excited. And the developments in front of her are worthy of her excitement!

“Heya, Einya~!” Chloe greets her regular customer while glancing at Rose. “Welcome, Rose! What will it be today? Would you like to hear Mama’s special?”

“Wait a minute,” Jackal interjects with a deep furrow. “Where’s my welcome?”

The glee in her green orbs attracts a sardonic glint as she leans forward and whispers, “Now, how’s that’s fair-nya? You do get a special welcome when the store is about to close, right, Daddy~!”

“Making me wash the dishes isn’t welcoming.”

“Heh~ You know you love being close to Mama.”

Jackal stares at the exhaustively teasing catgirl pointedly before shrugging. “That’s true. Your Mama’s real piece of work, too.”

Before Eina could interrupt and place her order, Rose assumes the matter into her… stomach.


The redheaded werewolf’s stomach rebels against the useless flirtation when lunch is on the line.

Crimson dusts over Rose’s cheeks as she clears her throat with a stoic expression that betrays nothing and orders calmly. She promised Misha to eat in moderation, but if she skims her lunch now, her stomach would assuredly become the highlight of the date—a nightmare she wanted to avoid.

“A plate of chicken breasts seasoned with yellow coral pepper, two bowls of rice, a plate of cream potatoes, and—” Rose averts her gaze soon after glancing at her companions. “—and a small cup of mint ice cream for dessert.”

Grinning cheekily as Chloe’s tail swishes with increased momentum, the waitress looks at the remaining two, who shrug and place their orders, too.

“I’ll take anything May sacrifice for me,” Jackal speaks casually. If he respects anyone in this establishment, it will be May for her cooking skills without a doubt!

“You mean: You will eat whatever May cooks for you.”

Chloe corrects him, but all is for naught as Jackal looks back in confusion.

“What did I say?”

Releasing an exhausted sigh as Chloe is intimately aware of how their cooking is more of a ritual to all that is unholy, the catgirl glances at Eina.

“Ah, a pickled cabbage with a bowl of rice.”

“Any beverages?”

“Strawberry punch.”

“Whatever Mia thinks your daddy should drink on his date.”

“Alf Pure Water.”

Three sets of gazes befall Jackal due to his response as he shrugs with a smug smirk. Nobody said he couldn’t just accept the term ‘Daddy,’ and use it. If others can say it, he can, too!

As Chloe leaves with eager pep in her step, the trio begins to chatter casually. With the moderately heavy topic regarding their kind intention of worrying over him passed, the trio discussed whatever was new in the Guild that occurred after his resignation.

While his robotic efficiency was the stuff of legend amongst the guild employees to the point where he was considered for promotion once he grinds for another year or two, Rose and Eina had to accept one truth—Jackal seemed far more lively and for good. Of course, if only he didn’t just destroy other Familia.

Now that was a logistic nightmare for the Guild.

“By the way,” Rose informs once they skirt around the topic of Soma Familia. “Interrogation with Zanis Lustra suggests that he has some distasteful connection with the shady bits of the city. Rehmer-san heard from the Section Leader in charge of the prison that Zanis was one of the most prominent suppliers to the high-end exporter of liquor entrenched in the entertainment district. Not one drop of Soma’s divine wine was leaked—but that wasn’t due to a lack of trying from Zanis’ side. Anyway, these exporters cater to the other nobles and royals beyond the walls of Orario, so be careful.”

“Oh, if you find some names, be sure to let me know.” Jackal snickers. “My adorable employee contracted Soma to my store for an exclusive supply of his personal projects. So, I’d be happy to sit with them and have a deal above the table.”

Rose considers this for a moment and nods. She has no problem preferring his growth as long as his side remains clean in his deals.

To Jackal’s surprise, Anya, Chloe, and Lunoire are the ones who bring three trays of food for them. Before he can ask the obvious, Lunoire chortles with a suggestive wink.

“Syr and Ryuu were playing hooky until a few minutes ago. Needless to say, Mama tore them a new one, and they are on dish and trash duty! Too bad you can’t meet our moody Syr, huh?”

“Moody?” Jackal is confused once again. Syr has been playful at most, so he obviously concludes the biologically logical cause.

“Is it her—”

“Careful now.” Lunoire pouts, but her adorableness doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Other girls are the same as they stare at him sourly.

“Syr is very moody nya!” Anya huffs and serves Rose. “She is happy one day, and the nyext thing you know she will almost bite our heads off for the simplest mistake, nya! It’s actually scary how she didn’t get a fit of anger for the past weeks!”

Jackal shrugs after listening to this.

Her mood shifts haven’t affected him, so, Jackal couldn’t empathize with the group.

Still, the three waitresses look at each other sneakily before chorusing.

“Enjoy your date, daddy!”

Their cheer surprises the crowd around them, and as Eina and Rose blush softly to attract so much attention, Jackal raises his glass with a wide grin.

“You can expect one valis as a tip for this stupidity, girls!” His cheery tone, unfortunately, did not match the contents of his sentence. And knowing that Jackal rarely skimmed on tips when it came to them, their expressions froze.


The trio chose to stroll in the city after a filling lunch before entering Babel. While Jackal dreaded that Eina would make true to her promise of using him for all his worth by making him their shopping bag carrier, he was more than shocked at how their date eventually ended after browsing equipment stores for a few hours.

“This… is for me?”

Eina and Rose stubbornly wanted to end their date where it began, so the amber hues of the setting sun reflected in Jackal’s rapidly glistening eyes.

He would have truly shed a tear or two if he were alone.

Amor Square attracts even more attention from many couples at this time of the day, so the trio barely attracts any attention.

A Gift.

His first proper date ended with a fitting gift.

He holds a box in his hand. He already knows what’s inside the box. He was there when they eventually bought it from one of Goibniu's related shops, but he is quite surprised that it’s for him.

It’s a pair of compression undershirts and pants stitched out of materials processed from the dungeon. The item is slash resistant to relatively strong monsters such as the Killer Ants and War Shadows. Although the effects are minimal, the material is light and can be easily equipped under light armor that compensates for covering his entire body.

“Do you like it?” Rose takes the initiative as the duo stares at Jackal intently.

“I…” Feeling his heart pounding against his chest, and his throat drying, he takes a heavy gulp of air. No matter how many times he try to calm himself, his body wouldn’t listen.

Oh, he wants to jump so fucking high!

“Uh… what’s that?!” His voice quakes oddly as he points behind the girls, prompting them to look behind.

The two women look behind them as he rubs his arms against his eyes and takes a loud sniff.

“What?” Eina glances at Jackal strangely as he shakes his head.

“Nothing. Oh, right, the gift… I love it!” He grins broadly before rubbing the back of his head, “But I wish I knew we were exchanging gifts. I would have purchased something. Ah, that’s right. Can I interest you in some free lust potions?”

Eina rolls her eyes while Rose’s furry ears twitch.

“It’s only fair, no? You paid for lunch and other things. Beside…”  Eina brushes her hair back behind her ear as she looks to the side. “Consider this an investment. You’re a businessman, so you understand how important it is for others to invest in your ambitions. Now… you aren’t allowed to die in the dungeon.”

Jackal stares at the box in his hand once again before nodding seriously.

“You got it.”

“Hmm.” Rose smiles gently and mutters. “Then let’s end our date. Would you like to kiss us here or in some privacy?”

“What’s that now?”


Jackal looks at the blushing duo before looking at his gift.

Fuck that. Now, THIS is a real present.

“That’s the accepted protocol, right?” Rose blinks. A part of Jackal felt that the werewolf knew what she was doing, as she states with a short smile. “The first date ends with a kiss. The second date ends with a long kiss. And if the adventurer survives to go on the third date, it ends with—”

“Rose-san!” Eina interjects with a heavy blush as the half-elf curses their pinkette succubus of a teacher whom Rose was parroting off.

Remarkably relaxed compared to the start of the date, Jackal questions Eina with a teasing grin, “You don’t want to?”

Eina thins her lips and clenches her fist around the hems of her skirt.

Jackal takes his time glancing between Rose and Eina. He isn’t one to let go of missed opportunities—he’d be spitting in the face of his dreams and ambitions if he does. So, he looks around. Noticing that there isn’t any focus on them, Jackal grins. “Here is fine.”

Rose accepts with a smile that barely betrays the nervousness festering in her wolfish yellow eyes.

Eina gulps this time as she keeps quiet.

However, she musters her courage after a moment and slices into the thick of the matter.

“That dream of yours… how serious are you?”

Jackal informs calmly. It may ruin this fitting moment, but he finds no reason to lie about his desires.

“Dead serious.”

Eina takes a deep breath and nods.

Harems are certainly not common in this world, but they exist. Many cultures thrive on it. For instance, a budding werewolf’s pack consists of the alpha and their harem.

A part of Eina stops right away, but she stills.

Amber rays of sunlight bounce off the fountain and refract upon Jackal. His gold-red eyes keep on staring at her calmly. A calm and gentle smile remains on his face.

Eina and Rose couldn’t help but imagine Jackal looking somewhat needy as he stood while ‘clinging’ to their present.

“It will be beyond stupid of me to… kiss an adventurer,” Eina whispers and unclenches her hand.

Rose can somewhat empathize with Rose as the werewolf leans forward the hold the edge of his sleeves and stand on the balls of her toes.

“You keep setting a bad example for your former junior.”

The werewolf admonishes as her hot breath tickles his lips. Her eyelids shut firmly as Rose covers Jackal’s lips with hers in a chastised but paradoxically lasting peck.

Jackal’s eyes widen as he holds his breath. This isn’t his first kiss, technically. But it damn sure made him feel precious.

Like the fairytale of Sleeping Stud, Rapunhunk, and many other tales.

Rose soon pulls away with a smile. She may not speak as much as others, but Rose can be deceptively expressive.

Eina stares at the couple and feels oddly envious. Still, she feels this is an unprofessional decision on her part despite suffering loss from the dungeon indirectly numerous times.


Jackal keeps on setting a sinful example alongside Rose.

“You’ve only grown rotten!” Eina huffs with a pout as she steps forward. The half-elf most definitely wants to be the reason or part of it, for the remarkably stupefied look on Jackal’s face as she, too, reaches for his lips with hers and promptly closes her eyes.

And more than sensible, Jackal blesses the two souls for giving him a box that he sets close to his crotch to hide his erection bricked against his trousers!


As Jackal enjoys the time of his life, a blue-grey-haired waitress pleads her case to her arguably best friend.

“Please! Come on, I said I’m super sorry!”

“Alright.” The elf admits calmly.

“Please, forgive me!”


Needless to say, Syr wasn’t forgiven. But that’s the good thing about Ryuu. She’ll be over it after a good night’s sleep, and Syr knows it very well.


Alternate Title: Lili Gains Loki Traits; The Forgetful Duo of the Take Familia; A Date Between Waitresses; The Daddy Treatment; No Tips? The Girls Will Surely Throw a Tantrum; True Gift; Setting Sinful Example; Corrupting the Half-elf; The Immortal Investment; A Fitting End to the First Isekai Date; Misha Wants MOAR!; What’s the Protocol for the Third Date?; Harem Breathing First Form: Honest Declaration of Desire; Rose is a Product of Harem Culture? A Cultured Werewolf Indeed


Suzuki Miyamura

Bros getting closer to his dreams step by step