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Title: The Sannin Skirmish (11)

Tsunade doesn't know the exact use of 'Hero Water' or if the drug that Utsu and Sanma downed is even the rumored 'Hero Water' that Orochimaru is after but observing this drug being used the second time and coupled with her honed chakra control, Tsunade can note the benefits of the item clearer.

To a layman's eyes, the visible coils of chakra oozing around Utsu will let them conclude that his chakra reserves at the moment are off the charts!

To Tsunade's eyes, however, she confirms a few things as her water and earth clone continue to cooperate and weave corresponding Jutsus to give Tsunade the necessary breather to observe Utsu in such a manner in the first place.

'As noted before... roughly 10 times increase in chakra reserves. Kushina's chakra mode and Sage Mode both provide a 10 times increase, too. But the difference lies in the manner of increase in Kushina's strength. Chakra being an intimate child of physical strength and mental fortitude means that a direct increase in chakra in such a manner gives Kushina appropriate physical and mental capabilities to wield said the increase in chakra.'

Dodging Utsu's catfish released a sharp and titanic jet of water which even Kakuzu did not wish to block against constantly, Tsunade continues to observe Utsu calmly.

'Meanwhile, in Sage Mode, the chakra reserve does not change in quantity but quality. And this qualitative change again provides reverse feedback to the body and mind, providing ten times the strength and mental fortitude if one is blunt about it.' Even without Kai's trait, Tsunade has enough understanding of chakra to understand that as ger base strength grows, the 'ten times' multiplier will provide relatively fewer benefits but no matter what, the sheer expansion of senses in Sage Mode makes it better in Tsunade's eyes when compared to Kushina's chakra mode.

Of course... it may just be because Kushina is only learning to use it and that, too, against Kai which makes that mode seem a little lackluster except for its bright colors.

'So, for a similar boost to come from a product...' Tsunade narrows her eyes and recalls something, 'When Sanma used it... it wasn't evident at a glance but his body aged. I have a part of his body so determining his age later wouldn't be hard... and Utsu is significantly older looking than what his rumored age suggests. Could that be the side effects of this drug?'

'After all, even Kai grew by three years when the Kekkei Genkai for that Sage Transformation was planted on him. If his body wasn't already strong, he would have died... Interesting. So interesting.' Her gaze flickers oddly and after coming out of her short internal monologue, Tsunade, too, steps her game up.

A boost like this will not threaten her. Not after she has sparred with Kushina a few times to measure her strength and how this growth translates to skill efficiency. Seeing blue arcs of chakra constantly seeping out of Utsu, Tsunade is 80% sure that the cost of lifespan is not the only drawback of this method.

But the benefits clearly outweigh the drawbacks lest Utsu would not have resorted to this means.

'Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullets!' Tsunade's earth clone forms a seal rapidly before transferring the chakra from her feet. Two brilliantly carved earth dragons rise from the ground in swift, roiling motion as their sharp jaws snap wide open and they bite onto the floating Catfish's fins.

"Hmph!" Meanwhile, two water dragons rush to devour Kakuzu as he scoffs and slaps the ground to raise a wall of sturdy earth.

At the same moment, dozens of thick dark-grey threads tear out from under the Catfish and stab through the layer of clouds keeping the fish afloat. The threads, however, fail to pierce the scales of the fish.



The water dragons slam into the wall of earth and disperse into a massive wave while the two earth dragons explode as the innumerable shrapnel bounce away from the fish. Meanwhile, a dome of chakra bursts out of Utsu to protect him from the attack, too.


The water clone jumps as grey threads dig out from under her, too, and chases after the clone.

'Just kidding~!' The clone grins and forms a seal with her right hand before letting the threads stab into her.


The clone disperses into a puff of smoke to reveal a splintered piece of log.

"You gave your clones seals to store substitutes!" Kakuzu snarls and for a good reason, "Just how rich are you!"

The two clones gather beside Tsunade and all three of them reveal short smirks. But talking smack is beneath her. After all, there is no need to talk smack when she intends to kill... IF she wanted them alive, she would have pulled open her mental diary of insults so that her enemies never forget the scars born from her words.

This moment of breather is not wasted by any of them. Kakuzu by now fully understands that catching Tsunade off-guard is going to be harder than he initially expected.

Utsu is the one to make a move this time and as for a ghost of a moment, Tsunade watches Utsu age significantly. His body grows thinner, too...

The large plume of smoke that filled the forest at Utsu's command made it harder for Kakuzu and Tsunade to observe what Utsu is up to until...


A piercing roar shakes the forest. The ground vibrates with dumbfounding intensity. The plume of smoke that filled a good part of the forest is blown away as streams of gusts blow around Tsunade and Kakuzu but they merely narrow their eyes.

Instead of an Utsu standing upon a Giant Catfish propped up by cloud-like floating jutsu, a massive serpentine form coils around them.

Yes, around them.

Thick golden scales, each one having six distinct sides carpet upon its body. Four sharp claws, each of them levitating midair due to a concentration of 'cloud-like white jutsu. A massive, draconic face with two antlers jutting out and a mane as gold as the scales. Sharp fangs with two prominent tusks slipping out of its jaws from the upper and lower sides each. The soft but threatening snarls escaping his nostrils that resemble steam more than a regular breath. Flowing golden whiskers. And finally, pure red eyes from its sclera to the eyeballs.

'A... dragon. A combined Transformation Jutsu,' Tsunade, and Kakuzu purse their lips. Once being part of Takigakure, Kakuzu wasn't surprised by the Jutsu itself but by the sheer 'level' at which Utsu performed it. Meanwhile, Tsunade cannot help but feel a moment of envy.

Such transformations are rare. It's more of an expression of the Summon's talent than the Shinobi itself. For instance, Tsunade did try this with Katsuyu but they never managed to pull it off. Meanwhile, one of the reasons why the Inuzuka Clan is even 'respected' in the village is due to their Ninken's ability to perform such a jutsu itself. And...

'Jiraiya's summon from Mount Myoboku can do this, too. Katsuyu lacks the necessary gift for this and Orochimaru's summons are too prideful for this,' Tsunade matches Utsu's glare without a sliver of fear or nervousness.

She's confronted a dragon many times before... in combat and other 'severe' moments behind closed doors. So, she wasn't the least bit shaken but her confidence did take a hit due to her suppressed envy.

'But... for all its impressive size... he just made the greatest mistake,' Not giving anything away by showing a moment of relaxation, Tsunade eyes her two clones and hints to them to make a move.



The Water clone makes her way towards the Golden Dragon as its snaps its jaws threateningly before huffing and lunging at the clone. The earth clone rushes toward Kakuzu to keep him engaged but from the corner of his eyes, Kakuzu observes Tsunade perform a familiar seal.

Now unlike many Shinobi, Kakuzu is a truly professional mercenary which also means that his information channels involve contacts within the five great villages and he is quite aware of Tsunade's more well-known strengths.

Of course, this battle with her today is enough for him to realize that if he truly wishes to deal with her, he'd have to go all out. But that still isn't a good reason for him to let himself get trapped in such an obvious tactic.

'Utsu made the wrong call. Hero Water makes the body and the mind active. For a young Utsu, this would have been nothing but his physical age has deteriorated and his mind will be affected by the increase in activity, leading him to eventually make bad calls if not due to his age then, at least, due to being hasty.'

Kakuzu snorts. Instead of letting the clone engage with him, he turns around as the clone rolls her eyes with a sigh and follows after Kakuzu. The clone, once again, takes note of four masks sewn on his back but she can't make any conclusions yet.

Chewing her lips with an exasperated expression at Kakuzu's escape, Tsunade merely spends half of her remaining reserve to complete the seal.

'Summoning Jutsu!'


An arguably larger plume of smoke than before erupts with Tsunade as the center. Her vision shifts and she finds herself high in the sky, standing atop a massive slug.


But unlike before, Katsuyu is almost thrice the size of the golden dragon that the slug's watery, gel-like body is already absorbing despite the muffled growls and snarls— Despite the sharp water jutsus and massive blasts of chakra.

Even then, however, Tsunade knows that this size of Katsuyu is merely a fraction of her true size.

"Tsunade-sama," Katsuyu practically trills at being summoned as she knowingly continues to absorb the dragon. Her acid and adhesive-like body alongside a cover of nature energy simply block Utsu from doing anything.

A fate worse than death for the well-minded leader of Takigakure.

"Katsuyu," Tsunade smiles. Exhaustion flickers in her gaze for a moment. Her summon... is voracious.

It's not known if Tsunade takes after Katsuyu or if it's the opposite but she still bends at her waist to pat the slug's head, "Can your main body deal with him?"

"Yes, it's usually the smaller beings with better defensive jutsus that are harmful to my main body."— One of the main reasons why the Earth Clone did not give her all to keep Kakuzu around.

"Thanks," Tsunade hums, and with another burst of smoke, the massive slug disappears to reunite with its main body and alongside Utsu in his dragon transformation.

Landing on her feet, Tsunade exhales heavily once more.

The easiest way to deal with Utsu, unfortunately, came at a disastrous price for her chakra reserves. Not that Tsunade regrets her actions.

Utsu may have many more trump cards. Dealing with him before he can reveal his true strength is, of course, the most efficient way.

Her actions, however, also left a lasting cover of smoke in the forest.

'Huh?' Tsunade frowns, 'My earth clone got destroyed.'

She readies herself and as expected, she senses four sources of extremely... rotten chakra.

The best way to explain it would be to compare regular chakra to fresh food and this rotten chakra to a platter of ruined peels and leftovers of many different kinds of food mushed together into a slimy paste and then let to rot beside a puddly of gunk...





Aside from Kakuzu, Tsunade senses the four sources of rotten chakra surrounding her. And at this point, Kakuzu's voice echoes forth.

"While your grandfather has my undying respect... I admit that your crafty methods are somewhat respectable, too. Denying the code of shinobi, I'll tell you that you will die or get captured by my hands. And the cause of all this... is my Kinjutsu. It is called Earth Grudge Fear, and that is all you need to know."

Perking up slightly, Tsunade's cool facade slips for a moment and she jokes, "How about explaining the content of your Kinjutsu and earning my respect?"

"That... will not be needed."

'From Third Raikage's Son and a team of Iwa to Kakuzu, Sanma, Utsu, and now Kakuzu again... where the hell are those two stupid sons of bitches!' Tsunade moans and whines inwardly but she quickly recollects herself. Her own actions have shown how it only takes a moment of weakness to lose... so falling to such vices will not do.


Alternate Title: The Legendary Dragon 'Rider'; Poor Dragon...; Katsuyu Goes Suckity Suck!; Probably Kai's True Weakness— The Dragon Sucker Katsuyu!; This Battle Simply Never Ends; The Loss of a Kage; Respectful Mercenary; Kakuzu's Undying Respect; Chonky Katsuyu!


A/N: Maybe two or three chaps and the panel on the Sannins will end. Hope you all enjoyed the battles until now. I just wanted Tsunade to use a few more jutsus other than taijutsu so that's where the two clones spun in.



I think it'd be funny if just as the fight is about to end Kai teleports over to see how she's doing with her mission and captures Kakuzu to experiment on.


that's an idea but it would kind of ruin all the battle beforehand as a moot point, you know


That's kind of the point. That he just trolls them by showing up and finishing it quick and wandering off like it was nothing to be bothered about.