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Title: Contorted Welcome (1)

Ty Lee averts her gaze as the group leaves the single chamber they spent their night in and despite the noises and slightly slower pace... all of them were positively glowing. Too happy in fact that Ty Lee did not even face Azula's insults... she was ready for the hazing but the Fire Princess seemed entirely uncaring as she sets her hands on the railing and looks ahead at the island the ship is approaching fast.

"After so many years..." Azula adopts a sincere smirk, as Zuko, too, chose to arrive here with Ursa after thinking things over. This doesn't make things less awkward for Ursa as she has kept to herself after learning the truth about Nik... even if his current self almost makes it feel like a punishment for her just by standing and smiling at her.

Oh... it's hard. It's hard knowing that everyone around her is getting his sincere attention. Everyone but her. Again... the thought of leaving her 'home' yet again just feels harder than Ursa expected.

Even now, for her, the home she feels the safest in is not Nik's mansion. But her home in Old Ba Sing Se.

And... she already gave up her home for her husband once.

To do so again... is a fearful concept.

But not having any of Ursa's awkwardness, Nik swoops in like a vulture the moment Zuko steps near Azula to watch the Gates of Azulon.

"Ah!" Ursa yelps in surprise as her voice quickly makes Zuko and Azula look back... only for both of them to surprisingly sigh instead of losing their tops.

"My dear queen, why thou hath shunned this poor soul for so long?" Nik chuckles and stops himself from kissing her in front of Zuko. After everything... Nik simply understands that he has an equal amount of respect for Zuko to not push his buttons the wrong way.

"N-Nik! Not in front of everyone—" Ursa squeaks with her mature face turning beet red as she pounds on his chest lightly to show a level of acceptable struggle and looks at Zuko only to find him... smiling? Humored even?

Coming to a stop, Ursa gazes at her son inquisitively who shrugs, "Don't look at me like that, mom. I'm not going to um... speak clearly? Yeah, because Sokka did and he got an earful from Kya."

"Oh, you, son of a—" Katara stops as Kya places a hand on her shoulders and smiles gently, "Is that a way a young woman should speak?"

"No..." Katara lowers her head and deflates.

Gesturing at them, Zuko squeezes out an awkward smile, "See? Besides... we fought together. Nik had my back just as much I had his."

"I knew it," Azula whispers just loud enough for everyone to hear and roll their eyes.

"What I am trying to say is..." Zuko scratches the back of his head and adopts a rather shy look. But his words... startle everyone since they were anything but shy.

"I guess... what I am trying to say is... I am going to keep training and get stronger. Nik knows by now that I can achieve a lot more in firebending than others so... if he does harm you in any way, I'll be well-prepared to burn him to a crisp."

Everyone grows silent and after a moment, Nik grins, "Thanks! I'm not gonna do anything to harm any of you but... knowing someone is ready to scorch my... eh, what did you call it?" He looks at Ursa, "ah, yeah, firm cheeks. Hmm," her lips part, and a wave of embarrassment she never felt before rushes through her veins, "So, knowing someone is well-prepared to scorch my Firm Cheeks really gets me pumped."

Nik looks up at Zuko who is now glaring back and winks in reply.

"And..." Drawling, Nik suddenly turns around to show his back to the group and leans his head down. They see Ursa's legs stiffen up with a squeak of hers cut short and then... they observe how Ursa's entire body calms down in mere moments.

As Nik straightens his neck once again... they can only hear Ursa's calm breathing.

Nik then sets her down and Ursa finally walks out from his shadow with a sweet, embarrassed, and rather youthful smile. She doesn't dare look at anyone...

Oh... how easy could she be? Ursa admonishes herself for her teen-like act. All her doubts... all her conviction to stay... all of it evaporated in mere moments when met with that smoldering lips of his. Her heart still beats wildly in her chest.

Truly... she should be more... just more mature than this! But... the sweetness blooming in her heart knows better. Had Ozai shown even a shred of affection that Nik showers her with... she would have forgotten about her home. After all, she was a queen! A palace is much better than a home...

After all... she easily forgot the four walls that still belong to her in Old Ba Sing Se. All she ever needed was affection.

Yet, unknown to her, the sheer childlike smile on her mature face manages to tug on the heartstrings of Kya and Ty Lee.

The latter felt so envious that she could feel her bubbly aura rot green. And the former... well, the former only felt a genuine desire to want to build a life again. Even if not with Nik then someone, at least. Anyone.

Turning on his heels with a wide smile, Nik assures everyone with a white lie, "Don't worry... I just administered an energy-bending skill on Ursa."

"Oh, fuck you," Zuko flips him off and turns to gaze in the direction of Fire Island once again with a snort.

"Oh my, Nik! Your dear Zuzu is now jealous," Azula snickers as Zuko groans and rolls his eyes.

But adding to the fun, Nik remarks, "Well, not for long. Our bromance may never see the light of day but come on! It's the Fire Capital! If it can create beauties like you, Ursa, Ty Lee, Mai, and Michi... then I'm sure I can help Zuzu get one, too."

"Stop calling me that!" Zuko snaps.

"I'm utterly hurt," Nik replies with a straight face and then turns to look at the glum Ty Lee, "We're looking forward to having you host us, Ty Lee. Thanks again."

Not expecting Nik to even regard her in any manner much less speak so cordially, Ty Lee falls into a rare stutter as she grasps her straws, "Y-Yeah! Sure... anytime! I'll love to host every one of you anytime... I have the best room out of my sisters!"

"Oh, dear," Jin sighs softly. She knows Azula. So does other girls around them. Even Nik and Zuko release small sighs as Azula's smirk widens.

"Ty Lee," in her usual catty voice, Azula purrs, "That's calling being a whore, dear. Not a hostess."

Ty Lee first frowns then her eyes widen and she waves her hands, "No, I didn't mean it— I— I need to go!"

And she cartwheels away.

"You would expect her body to be equally stumbly but no... sigh, I wanted to see her fall."

"Okay, you need to keep these thoughts in your head and not voice them out," Nik scoffs and flicks her forehead.


The Capital of Fire Nation, also known as Fire Island or better known to the locals as Blazing Crater, has four distinct settlements. Beyond the Gates of Azulon and marked as the east of the Island lies the Harbor City where their escort would drop them off.

To the west, in a gigantic crater is the Capital City. North and South of Harbor City hold another two settlements as grand as Harbor City itself.

"So... here we are... I've truly traveled around this world at this point," Nik mutters. From Southern Tribe to Northern Tribe. The Earth Kingdom and Air Temples. And now this. The Fire Islands.

At sight, the city and its culture stand out. It would be incorrect to call it lavish in any manner... but it feels traditional.

Most buildings have a pagoda-like structure with ornated, cone-like roofs and decorations of dragons and phoenixes. The smaller houses, those that can be seen from distance, too, look distinguished. Unlike many earth kingdom cities that make the best use of Earthbending, here, craftsmanship seems to have a brighter future.

And if the Nation's weaponry is any indication then innovation seems to revolve here more than in other cultures, too.

"Wow!" Yue gasps with eyes sparkling like stars.

"Should we find a spot to change into the clothes we purchased yesterday?" Suki questions with a smile.

"No need for those peasant clothes!" Azula scoffs while in a peasant outfit, "We'll visit the palace, no? There are bound to be better options there."

"The palace maids must be so thrilled at your return," Zuko rolls his eyes.

"Um..." As the group makes their way into the Harbor city, a girl quickly bounces toward Ty Lee and looks at the acrobat with a bright gaze. Blushing slightly, she questions, "You're Ty Sister, right?! I really like you! Really, really, really!"

"Aw~!" squatting with her knees closed, Ty Lee grins, "Thanks a lot!"

The girl nods happily and skips away. Again, their group does stand out since none of them wore more traditional clothes and they attracted attention from men and women for a whole different reason, too.

"What was that about?" Katara inquires.

"I don't know?" Ty Lee looks back curiously, too.

"So you just accepted the praise?" Nik chuckles.

Averting her gaze and puffing her cheeks, Ty Lee retorts, unlike her usual nature, "What? Is enjoying the attention a crime?"

Feeling other girls' gazes, Nik grins, "It's not a crime, of course. But... the compliment was for Ty Sister... not Ty Lee."

Shooting him a glare as his grin still doesn't recede in any manner, Ty Lee feels her aura turn slightly red. "I am Ty Sister... one of them, alright!"

"Whatever you say," Nik shrugs and looks around, "How about we eat some local food? Look, that kind old lady is waving at me— Hey~!"

He waves at one of the rather active stall owners trying to catch their attention and leads the way, leaving the group entirely stumped. As he said... it really is a white-haired, wrinkled old woman waving and calling Nik.

"Hehe, Lads like you are hard to come by," the woman fans one of the cooked Ash Bananas and starts preparing food before any of them even ordered it, "You remind me of my husband! No doubt a Ty Sister will get you!"

"Is it just me... or..." Azula narrows her eyes and glances at Ty Lee, "You're famous for someone who is only returning after two years."

Even Ty Lee... now looks around and finds a lot more people looking at her.

But not caring about any of it, Nik leans against the stall while sniffing the cooked fruit meant to be smoked well and chuckles, "Aren't I lucky? Not only Ty but everyone behind me got me."

"Not me, dumbass," Zuko claims.

"Hohoho, energetic young lads need even more food! Just like my husband!" The woman chuckles.

"Ehm," Katara furrows her brows and clears her throat. Even Ty Lee purses her lips and lowers her head. Her once 'red' aura couldn't have been more pink.

"What do you mean all of us?" The Prodigious Waterbender questions.

Directing his gaze at Kya, Nik shrugs, "Well, she still got me, right? Get your head out of the gutter, dear. See, aunty, that one drains the most out of me so she needs just as much food as me."

The old woman guffaws while now Azula takes offense at Nik calling Katara the most energetic of them all. But in reality, everyone knows... the true stamina freak is simply Mai.

She doesn't need to last the longest but make others fall quicker. And with Mai's energybending skill... she can certainly achieve that.

"Oh," as they dine on Ash Bananas that can be eaten alongside the peel once smoked well, a group of eager men interjects, "Are we having another show, Ty Lin?"

"What?" Another one of them barks, "Look at her eyes! She is obviously Ty Woo!"

"Ty Woo doesn't wear pink! She's Ty Lat!"

"Hah? Are you kidding me? She is Ty Lin! No doubt!"

The more they fight, the more Nik's group grows confused until Azula's eyes widen and she suddenly starts laughing, "Oh... Oh! Hahaha! I love the Capital already!"

"I mean... it's certainly a possibility... Sorry, Ty Lee," Zuko offers his sincerest apology.

"Ty Lee?" The group of men stop and look at her carefully before one of them whispers, "Ah... the black sheep. What was wrong with the family business that she left to do the same all around the world?"

"Oh, please," Azula snorts another giggle and clutches her stomach, "No more. This is too good to be true!"

"I... I need to get back to my home!" Ty Lee stands up and hurriedly pays the stall owner who waves at Nik as they take their leave.

And along the way, many more continued to shower Ty Lee with praises yet this time she had no intention of enjoying the attention and booked a Kamodo Rhino ride up the mountain to enter the mountainous crater that holds the Imperial Capital City.


"Oh, this day just keeps getting better—" Azula's laugh is cut short by Jin elbowing the princess in the side of her torso and finally shutting her up, "We get it! Now shut up, will you? Or you'll be scrambling for another apology and drag me and Mai along."

Azula scowls but when met with her mortal haremenemy, she clicks her tongue and grows silent.

Meanwhile, Ty Lee is still in a shocked stupor.

The Capital City, as the name suggests, is far more developed than Harbor City. The roads are constructed out of concrete blocks while every single structure, be it a home or a building has a level of detailed artistic approach that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

Even Late Phoenix King's recent residential palace in Ba Sing Se could not compare to the more sophisticated structures here much less the grand palace situated in the heart of the Capital overlooking the entire city.

Naturally, being a Noble, Ty Lee's family mansion should be quite the sight...

And it is quite the sight but for all the wrong contexts.

— The Ty Sister Circus!—

The large and colorful banner on the face of the mansion slaps as nothing but tacky. The black and red roof of the mansion clearly does not go well with the red-yellow-blue-green-orange-purple-cyan banner... but it does go well with the large tent set in the once beautiful garden of the mansion. The roof of the tent itself is divided into these seven colors.

"The Ty Sister Circus... something tells me our visit here won't be as relaxed as we expected," Kya whispers to Ursa.

"Psst, if it gets too boring wanna hit the royal taverns? I can convince Sokka to tag along," Nik intended to enjoy after all he has gone through so, he too, whispers to Zuko and starts making plans already.

Mulling a little, Zuko nods, "Sure thing."

"Can I—" Jin looks at them with a grin only to be cut off by Suki, "If you have time to waste then you can certainly indulge a little more in training, no?"

Puffing her cheeks, Jin recalls her recent demonstration in combat and groans, "I want to quit..."

Suki smiles gently, "Dear one, there is no quitting from this way of life unless Kyoshi herself says so."

"But she isn't alive!" Jin retorts!

"Actually... Kyoshi removed me and Nik from Kyoshi warriors so..." Katara giggles, "That argument doesn't work."

"Sigh... spirits, huh..." Jin shakes her head.

"I..." Ty Lee finally comes to be and looks back, "Somebody, please slap me. I think this is a—"


Azula's hand whip forward into a tight slap as if she's been waiting for this moment her entire life. Of course... she didn't need to slap Ty Lee's ass THAT hard. But seeing Ty Lee wince and cover her butt, Azula smirks, "Not a dream... and even if it is a dream. I know I don't want to wake up!"

"We should still decide if we're going in or not," Yue sighs softly, "We have stood outside the gates long enough."

"Hey," Zuko looks at Nik, "I'm sure we can find royal robes from the palace. We'll wear that for the tavern."

"Oh! Better than what we're wearing now," Nik grins.

'Just... what happened to the two of them on their trip alone?' Ursa looks at her son and Nik weirdly. If she didn't know any better... she would have long believed Azula's crude remarks.

Others, including Ty Lee and Jin, similarly look at Zuko.

"What?" Zuko furrows his brows and questions.

"Nothing... just find a cushion to kneel on later. You don't want to mess up royal robes now, do you?"

Zuko rolls his eyes and ignores Azula's remark.

In reality, after things went to hell with Kei Lo, Zuko did desire a buddy he can trust. And well... fighting dragons just happens to be one of the coolest ways to become someone else's friend.

But pushing down the 'steamy' images that emerged in her mind related to Nik and Zuko after she saw him yesterday, Ty Lee takes a deep breath and waves at one of the guards silently observing their group from a distance, "Could you call one of my Sisters? I... I don't know if I am still welcome or not."

Her words catch everyone by surprise including the guards who nod and do as demanded.

"Do you guys think that Iroh knew about my sisters already forming their circus?" Ty Lee suddenly looks back at the group with newfound intensity.

"Even if he knew... I'm glad he didn't speak up. You would have worn his ears off," Nik muses and points ahead, "Oh, they are quick."

Ty Lee exhales a huff and turns to look at the entrance of the mansion as her expression turns slightly nervous.


Alternate Title: Bros Before Hoes; Dance of Dragons— The New Bro Test; Measure of Friendship— Battle Against Dragons; Azula's Best Trip; Nik Still Pulling Old and Young Alike; The Ty Circus; The Mismanagement of Aura; Ty Lee Got Sum Imagination



Honestly, I could see this 'family reunion' going a lot of ways with how eerie the setup for it has been. Especially with what happened with Katara and Sokka's dad. That whole thing makes my heart sink from thinking about it.