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Title: Mothers Love Nik

"I'll be fine!" Katara draws in slight annoyance. Her father's circumstances were already stranded heavily on her mind and even if Yue or Jin wanted to console her, Katara didn't want to be consoled.

They'd left the island shortly after Kya, Sokka, and Katara returned and Kya only went into detail once they left the island.

The situation... was truly disheartening. And it also showed that Ozai's death means jackshit as the man had left an impression so deep that society will need years to recover whether anyone acknowledges it or not.

Katara continues to ignore the figure and lets her gaze roam the wide ocean with the evening sun threatening to set beyond the horizon which left an amber glow to the sky and a shimmering reflection upon the waves.

At least... water doesn't disappoint her. It's only after a few minutes and fleeting glances at the hands of the figure leaning beside her that she looks up with a sad smile, "Hey... I guess you're stuck with trying to cheer up Ozai's victims, huh? First Zuko and now me and Sokka."

Nik shares her glance but doesn't reply and turns to watch the ocean beside her.

In reality... the group had made plans. A lot of it. Even 'fun' ones since they were curious about his new dimensions but... things hardly go as planned. The news of Hakoda's fate came as a gut-wrenching kick to the group which left a mark especially because they thought they won.

No. They just killed Ozai. The damage is done.

'I'm no winner... I'm a killer,' Nik feels slightly exhausted, 'A part of me wants to laugh at the rhyme it sounds but... no need to distract myself from the truth. And that is— I'd do it all again.'

Restraining from recollecting how he has grown over his adventure since he has done it many times and the conclusions are almost always the same, Nik finally whispers once the amber in the sky receded and dusk crept past the horizon.

"I'm sorry..."

"Yeah..." Katara sighs but doesn't try and pry away the unsettling yet oddly comforting silence of Nik's company. Not now, at least.

Unwilling to do nothing for Katara, however, Nik gently beckons his hand up and bends away a small globe of seawater that soon transforms into a band of water. Making it coil like a snake chasing its tail, Nik questions Katara softly, "Would you like to practice a bit?"

Katara looks hesitant for a moment but eventually shakes her head, "No... Thank you, though."

Dropping the water, Nik finally exhales audibly, "Zuko wasn't a victim."

"Pardon me?" Katara looks up to Nik who repeats, "Zuko isn't a victim... that thing you said about me comforting Ozai's victims... Zuko isn't one. I don't believe you're a victim either."

Katara stays silent as Nik thinks about his words carefully. With Sokka, Aang, and Zuko, even in the toughest time, he could speak freely but... he didn't know how to handle THIS situation because even if he puts himself in Katara's or Sokka's shoes... he doesn't understand their intricate emotions.

From their love for their father to their final decision of letting go of it.

One thing he IS clear on, however, is losses do not equate to victimhood.

"Maybe... you feel that the world is working against you," Nik contemplates how he would feel if things turned to shit after a rather happy event, "Or maybe you feel that whatever you did wasn't worthwhile... you just have to believe otherwise."

"If only it was that simple," Katara whispers back.

"It isn't," Nik exhales heavily.

"Nik... I know you told us you were technically an orphan in your past life... but did you ever want to meet your parents?" Katara suddenly questions.

"Huh?" Nik looks at her with a surprised expression.

"Why are you so surprised?" Katara glances at him, "We know you don't like to delve too deep into your past but... if it isn't too difficult, I am interested to know more about you. If nothing else, just to... think of something else."

"Oh, you got the wrong idea," Nik smiles, "I'm surprised... because I never thought about it until this moment."

"Seriously?" Katara looks at him with a weird expression as he shrugs.

"Well, before my 'Mother' took me in, all I had in my mind was trying to find something... well, edible from anywhere. You know, breakfast. I'd try not to get any wet stuff because it felt icky to me at the time but... that's about it. And after I got picked by my 'Mother', again, life didn't really give me enough time to wonder seriously about my parents."

"I'm sorry," Katara voices out.

"Don't worry about it," Nik chuckles.

"No... I'm sorry I had the gall to call myself a victim."

"Hey, now," Nik rolls his eyes, "No need to be coy."

Katara smiles briefly and then sighs deeply, "But... still, don't you like... hate your parents? They left you... abandoned and forgot you..."

"I would never know if I was forgotten out of necessity, love, indifference, or any number of things," Nik reaches out and holds Katara's right hand and gives it an assuring squeeze, "But you're still the luckier one, Katara. Unlike me... you know. Take it from a veteran... don't hate he who loves you unconditionally."

Katara turns to look at the tides once again as Nik continues to hold her hand.

His words bring forth a similar tide of memories. They are gentle. They are soothing...

And these memories are loving.

Katara's eyes warm up once again and glaze over with tears slowly leaking out from the corner.

She isn't crying. She isn't sobbing. She is still calm and... just peaceful. She is simply... tearful.

"I know I haven't been always easy to deal with... thank you for everything," Katara whispers as she snuggles her way into a hug and wraps her arm tightly around Nik.

"I'll accept your gratitude only if you eat something. Even Sokka and Kya are worried for you," Nik chuckles.

"Hey, you just posed a condition... so I guess you don't love me unconditionally?" Katara looks up from his chest with a cheeky smile despite her red watery eyes and tear stains marring her cheeks.

"I know I'll love what will come from us. Unconditionally."

Flushing slightly, Katara lowers her head and buries her face into his chest. With her voice now muffled, she questions meekly, "Gee, you really thought about all that stuff?"

"Of course," Nik grins and holds her closer, "Again, I want that future. But working on it is what's going to be the more interesting journey."

"Oh, and Nik..." Katara whispers, "Don't you ever forget to give me your attention. No matter who or what more you have later down the line."

Nik understands fully what she means but he still chuckles, "That would be hard, you know... children always take priority."

Pulling back with an unamused expression, she promptly rolls her eyes and questions, "So? What's for dinner?"

"Milk and Crusted Mangoes," Nik grins, "You'll love it. Come on, let's go in."


Yes, calling what Kya and her family went through— a bummer— may just be an understatement of the year. So, when Sokka, and in turn, Rena, wished to return to his personal space, Nik did not object or try to overly comfort them.

Like Katara had Nik, Sokka had Rena. In fact, Nik expected Katara to choose the same course of action but she decided to stay for the trip in the end, stating that she would have nothing better to focus on with Nik himself being outside most of the time.

The next island they planned to visit was supposed to be a 'fun' one but now the ship steered toward the Fire Nation's Capital Island. It is a central island and one of the largest dormant volcanic islands on the planet. But with it already being night, the ship took a slower speed for a measure of extra precaution or they would have reached the capital in a matter of few hours.

Now, however, they are expected to reach it during the dawn.

After everyone ate their fill of the magical 'cereals' Nik proposed, he looks at Kya and inquires, "Do you want to return, too? You... haven't spoken much after your return."

Slightly appreciative that he chose to ask her this in private rather than in front of others, Kya reveals an exhausted smile, "A part of me does want to hole myself after everything has happened but... if I am not too bothering into your more private moments with Katara and others, I'd like to stay. After all... you did imply it won't be long till you leave, right? So, I might as well take every moment to live out here than my new home."

Nik smiles, "That works for me, and don't worry about intruding on us. I'm sure Katara won't mind."

"And you?" Kya questions.

"I mean... I shouldn't say this right now but..." Nik coughs slightly and smiles in embarrassment, "But I have found that... mothers love me. Not the same way as Michi, Poppy, and Ursa... but generally, you know."

Kya looks at him with her lips slightly pursing, "I suppose that's a fine judgment. What tipped you off?"

Chuckling at the obvious sarcasm, Nik reveals, "Actually, add another mother to that list... maybe two? I may be reaching but my employer in my home world may have some interest in me. The same is the case with the mother of the family I spent my week with."

"I can't wait to see what that world looks like," Kya chuckles, too.

"Sleep well," Nik smiles and chooses to end the conversation. Being able to joke with Kya is simply a bonus, after all. He wasn't thinking of staying here the entire night or Katara's imagination might get the better of her.

'But... Not that I would mind,' Nik thinks internally and without shame. Kya is a fine woman. But if this causes a rift between him and Katara then that's not worth the joy of it. After all, be it Mai or Toph, he first 'linked' with their mothers so these two are the 'newer' parties. However, with Azula and Katara, the situation is the opposite, and...

Katara isn't as perverted as Azula... right?

"Nik," Kya calls out before he can leave, making him stop and look back with a curious expression as the mother of two smiles, "I wanted to first meet Hakoda if possible to feel absolutely sure... but I think you truly may be onto something. About mothers finding you... dependable. Generally."

'I side loveable... but sure,' Nik rubs the back of his head and grins, "Thanks, I'll take that. Don't be up for too long. We have an early morning."

"Are you going to take that advice yourself?" Kya humors him a bit more as he laughs, "You got me there."

Taking a bit longer to hold her gaze and assured by now that there really is something to feel here... Nik tears himself away from it by turning to look ahead. There wasn't reluctance either. After all, Katara is way more important to him than her mother, that's all.

Seeing him off with her gaze as Kya, too, wasn't unaware of the attraction, she finally returns to look at the night sky, 'Hado, huh... I'm glad he is living so happily... I want that, too.'

It is as Kya claims. Meeting Hado cleared many things for her— her emotions as well as her motivations and desires— something she found herself lacking before.


"What? Of course, you're going to your own room," Nik shrugs. Unlike Kya, Ty Lee isn't lucky to have privacy or a more considerate approach he adds bluntly, "We ARE on a vacation and I DID make promises to them."

Ty Lee pouts but continues to sit on the bed within Nik's chamber as other girls make themselves comfortable with no intention of leaving.

"Well, it might be hard for her to face it but she isn't all that 'needed'~" Azula smirks deviously, always ready to poke where it hurts, and ignores Jin rolling her eyes.

"Don't be so rude," Suki shoots Azula a glare and then looks at Ty Lee, "But... there really isn't meaning to waste our time, right? After all, we all are in a relationship... and you know that."

"It's just unfair that you guys know something important that I don't. And I feel so pushed aside because you guys know each other for a longer time."

It is true. From Ty Lee's arrival to Ozai's defeat and their trip, only a few days have gone by, and despite the contortionist's attempt to try and get closer to her childhood friends' boyfriend, there is only so much she can do in this short duration.

"Actually," Nik blinks and looks at Jin and Azula, "Why did you agree so easily about THAT? I've known other for months but it hasn't been TOO long since I met you in Old Ba Sing Se."

Jin thinks for a moment and then smiles, "The answer is rather obvious and cheesy alike," punctuating her words with a faint blush, the village girl admits, "You have given us plenty of reasons to believe you."

"Oh, please, I haven't made up my mind," Azula scoffs and Katara looks at the 'hot' harlot with an expression of pure ridicule, "Sure... you haven't."

"See?" Ty Lee pouts, "This is what I was just talking about... being left aside."

"Oh, come on," Nik chuckles, "If we did set you aside, we would have avoided you and not even let you enter the room." Taking a seat himself, on the bed but farther from Ty Lee, he adds, "And again, it's not like I don't want to tell you but simply the fact that telling that to you would mean nothing."

"What do you mean?" Ty Lee looks back at Nik with a furrow of her brows. Her eyes briefly treat themselves to his rather 'open' position as he leans back with his hands behind his back, leaving his muscles straining against his clothes... especially his upper arms.

"Briefly put," Nik comments, "I'm going to leave soon. No, to be precise, I feel like living here more than I already have may just hinder my growth. And that is what I told others. And they know why I feel like this with the sudden change of my body being part of it. So, what I told others is where I am from, where I would be going, and the fact that I want them to come with me."

As Ty Lee enters into a daze, Nik smiles, "And precisely because it's been days since we met... I don't think telling you the details would change this fact. After all, why would I ask you to leave with me when we have only known each other for such a short duration? Don't misunderstand that only the girls know.

Sokka, Aang, Sun, Tom-Tom, Iroh, Zuko, and a few other villagers who have lived 'there' know the truth. As we speak, these villagers are making their own decision if they want to leave with me or live here. Other victims of Reaper are the same. And I think Suki wants her village and friends to come along. Katara, too, I think."

Ty Lee looks at the two blue-eyed maidens who nod in return.

Just the spiritual side of this world has been enlightening enough for all so they aren't as opposed to the idea after going through so much.

Ty Lee falls silent and then frowns, "Wherever you are going... can't I reach there with a Sky Bison?"

"Why would I act like a jerk if that were possible?" Nik smiles.

"And wherever it is you're going... is it hard to return from there?" Ty Lee questions and he nods, "It looks like it."

"You aren't sure?" She looks at him to see him shake his head.

A tense silence descends within the chamber and the acrobat lowers her head in a deep and rare moment of serious contemplation.

"I... don't wanna just sleep with you for answers," She admits.

"Great, you can leave then and let us sleep," Azula sighs in relief.

"Hey, let her finish," Nik rolls his eyes and gestures to Ty Lee to continue.

"I think our Aura has a good match," The acrobat's cheeks redden slightly but instead of being an incoherent mess, she sports a beautiful and sincere smile, "But... if your only doubt is that you think I might not take your words seriously then you're wrong. I... I..."

Glancing at the other girls watching her like trained hawks, Ty Lee's composure finally slips and she lowers her head once more in this moment of honest vulnerability. Red overtakes her face and steam threaten to escape her ears as she whispers in a soft and sweet voice, "I... like you..."

"Oh, hmm, yeah, I know," Nik's rather casual tone makes Ty Lee whip her head up and stare at him as he grins, "Me, too. But again, my story is more outlandish than the spirits'... well, maybe not MORE outlandish than theirs. Just as much."

"So... you'll tell me?" Ty Lee questions quickly, eager to change the subject from her confession and suppress the rapid beating of her heart at Nik's response.

"Uh... no? Not tonight... I was actually hoping to..." Nik chuckles wryly and looks past Ty Lee, making her look back at other girls who sport knowing smiles, not the least bit ashamed. In fact, a part of them feels delighted that Nik prioritized them.

It's not jealousy toward Ty Lee that makes them think like this but the fact that Nik chooses to put them before other girls he isn't related with when push comes to shove.

"Oh..." Ty Lee's lips part and she struggles not to feel conflicted. While the group isn't envious... she certainly is and noting her expression, Yue sighs, "Please don't feel so down. We can... shift tonight's arrangement—"

"Like hell we will," The Fire Princess butts in and scolds the water princess, "Besides, you're the one who wanted it the most ever since Nik came out swol and all. Don't you deny it. We were all there when we sparred."

Yue sputters and blushes before stealing glances at Nik as he winks, making her feel even more... well, hot. Bothered.

"Hmm... I should leave..." Ty Lee accepts reluctantly and proceeds to leave when Azula chuckles, "Hold your horses. What I don't get is what's so wrong about getting down on him in a matter of days. I did it, Jin and June are the same. Toph's mom and Mai's mom, too, had him in days and Yue is no exception. And should I even go into details about him and Zuko?"

"Would you drop it?" Nik groans, "We got dragons, alright. And we fought dragons. Get your head out of the gutter."

"Anyway," Azula asserts with a lick of her full lips, "I don't see why you get to spare Ty Lee when you didn't spare me at Mai's whims."

Ty Lee gulps and leans back slightly, "Azula?"

"And you know? A few of the girls wouldn't mind taking you BUT... he's more dangerous." Azula pouts and throws Nik an annoyed glance. Girls like Azula and June got their fair share of pumps in the name of discipline the moment they tried something and although they are quite satisfied now, it is only in their nature to want more. A kind of nature that is more vicious than Nik's own needs.

Standing up and walking to the bed, Azula straddles herself on Nik's waist and exhales heatedly, "I'm done with this game of waiting as if you two don't want it done already."

Katara's gaze briefly shits before she looks at Nik while Azula looks back at Ty Lee and chuckles maliciously, "About time we stopped going easy on you just because you like more attention and unlike before where I snapped at you wrongly... I mean every word now."

Ty Lee glares slightly as Nik stares at Azula, "You done? This isn't how you court a woman."

"No worries," Azula suddenly winks, "The thing with Ty Lee is that she isn't alone. If you can't get Ty Lee, I'll help you get other... similar faces. Maybe the whole collection EXCEPT Ty Lee—"

"Alright," Nik pushes Azula to the bed as she lets out an 'OOMPH' and he looks at Ty Lee who is already on the verge of a breakdown, "We can't get a whole collection without you, right? Don't mind her words."

"Pfft," Jin suddenly burst out laughing as Ty Lee snaps, "That's the part you had a problem with?"

"Look," Nik glances at her seriously, "Just because you think you will get forgotten in a sea of similar faces doesn't mean I will forget you."

"Hey! You broke my flow!" Azula doesn't sit up but lays on her side and drawls in annoyance like a cat.

"Um... the whole point of NOT discussing your situation right now was to wrap up the conversation," Yue interjects with a cough, "So... can we... ehm... get on?"

Ty Lee feels even more conflicted as all the gazes land on her once again. Nobody is really forcing her to stay here or filling her ears with how she should just fuck... well, except Azula. But that's the thing about Azula, she loves being THAT toxic presence. Not others, however, and Ty Lee knows that.

But... despite all this, she slumps on the bed and raises her voice rather childishly, "I'm just lying here... don't mind me."

"That's not how this works," Even Katara deadpans, feeling more than distracted from her own heavy feelings due to Ty Lee's antics.

"Works for me," Azula shrugs, "I just know where to sit after a good fill-up."

"And there you go..." Nik massages his head, "How about I send you back?"

Yet, Ty Lee doesn't answer and stubbornly keeps silent.

"How about we return?" Jin smiles in amusement, finally stirring Ty Lee once more, "I... just... uh..."

Sitting up, Ty Lee requests, "Can I stay...?"

"Nope," Nik scoffs, "This ain't a show."

Clenching her fist and then lightly pounding them on the mattress in frustration as if others weren't feeling equally frustrated, Ty Lee finally slumps her shoulder, "This isn't how I expected my first night..."

"I—" she turns to look back at Nik only to find Azula on top of him once again as they heatedly share a passionate kiss.

"Uh..." Ty Lee falls speechless as Jin giggles, "Don't worry. Azula is basically a firecracker. Eager, bright, and loud... but a short duration of joy nonetheless."

"Oh wow... so you guys even have metaphors..." Ty Lee blinks in surprise, not expecting Azula to be a 'firecracker.'

"We don't," Suki smiles, "Only Jin does."

Although Ty Lee still feels a little nervous, she feels quite a bit comfortable in a few minutes as things begin to develop for the whole group.


Alternate Title: One of the Many Firecrackers of the Harem; This Ain't a Show— You Participate or You Leave; Gotta Get the Whole Collection


A/N: I will try to make the next few chaps close to 3.5k-5k words to lower the number of chapters it takes to complete the avatar arc, lol



Azula on that Soulja boy you stole my whole fucking flow