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Title: Slutty Investigation? (3)

A/N: Before you start reading this chapter, I think I need to tell you how the scene is set for a better experience. It's like in some movies, especially in Heists, when the group discusses plans AND the heists occur the same way shot by shot according to the plan. Similarly, the reactions of spectators and the inner feeling of the participants, i.e., Nono-Kushina and Mikoto-Kai, is in the same line of reading without separation.


Mikoto always had a sense of poise around her. Even when young. Needless to say, it's due to her early years of training within the clan to act in a certain manner but not all Uchiha take kindly to this training which says a lot about Mikoto personally.

So... seeing Mikoto act THIS way made Kushina a bit... guilty. It only hits her now that this level of invasion of privacy is way beyond eavesdropping and she looks at Nono, "Maybe we should stop now... If she found out..."

Nono blinks and shrugs, "You can go if you want but I'm not."

"But..." Kushina pouts, feeling responsible. There is no way Nono would have been able to create this illusion if not for her assistance and this makes Kushina equally in the wrong.

Sighing, Nono adjusts her glasses, "Feeling guilty won't help at all," she explains and walks behind Kushina. This version of Nono, of course, is a Genjutsu meant to accompany Kushina as they watch good stuff together. Yet, Kushina can feel Nono's hands on her shoulders once she walks behind her, meaning, that the real Nono is behind her, too. After all, this isn't a Genjutsu that controls the sense of touch but only vision and audio.

"Just think of it as Mikoto teaching us what to do and not, after all, there is only so much you can learn from books."

Nono's eyes twinkle and she continues with the ultimate temptation, "And... imagine the look on Kai's face when he finds out that you're not THAT naive when you two get a chance together. Won't that be nice? You will get to prove Kai wrong. You will get to do the same things that force Mikoto to make such a face. Look at her... she looks splendid."

'Hmph... my host is more intelligent than to...' Kyubi's thoughts still as she senses Kushina's emotions and thoughts. Kushina's violet pupils are sparkling as she gulps, "The same thing... Do you really think Kai would do this for me, too? What if... I fart?"

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Nono whispers, "Focus, I'm trying to help you now... and maybe go easy on spicy stuff that day."

"Hmm," Kushina nods and settles down entirely as she watched Mikoto alongside Nono—

"Nnngh~!" Letting out a sweet moan, Mikoto throws her head back while her left-hand bundles tighter around Kai's steel-blue hair which has a tough texture due to his Sage Transformation but it's nothing Mikoto's strength cannot deal with.

She pulls his face closer while pushing her hips in to make his tongue reach even deeper than it already has. His searing breath against her clit makes her mewl and lightheaded. The thought of a beast under her, fangs and all, itself makes Mikoto feel hotter than usual not to mention Kai's tongue that continues to extend and roll within as if forming a knot deep within her.

"Right there!" Mikoto yelps as Kai presses his thick tongue against her weak spots, "Ohh~ You're really into this stuff, huh? Did Sensei teach you all of it?" She moans while cradling his head and straddling his face at the same time.

'Oh, so when I talk about other girls while doing it with you, I'm horrible. But you can do that and it's hot?' Kai rolls his eyes but his more intrusive thought wins, 'It kind of is hot...'

He feels Mikoto's innards quivering and clamping against the bundle of his tongue and his gaze lights up. Truly... this has already become training for him. After all, it takes every ounce of strength, a mental one, mind you, to not tear out of his confines and give Mikoto's sweet, perky ass a good squeeze while eating her out in ways she can only dream of!

But without hands, he must do all this!

"Mmmgh," Biting her lower lip, Mikoto feels her vision barely stable, and that, too, due to her Sharingan as she experiences an explosive orgasm.

"Woah..." Kushina whispers while watching all this.

"Hot," Nono feels her throat dry up slightly, "Even I only think of this stuff... and look at the size of it she is preparing for."

Both of them direct their gaze at Kai's throbbing and thick erection. It would actually pass as a weapon in its own right!

Mikoto slowly pulls away. The thicker portions of her orgasm connect his drenched mouth with her lower entrance through sticky strings that break off soon after while Mikoto takes heavy breaths to regather her composure and stares at Kai for some time while doing this who smirks and licks his lips.

This attracts Mikoto's attention to the tip of his tongue that just shook her world while he suggests, "So, Interrogator-san? Ready to free me from my bindings? I can do a lot more things~!"

Mikoto smiles and looks at the bindings on the railing. She leans forward and reaches out for them before—


— Tightening them further!

"Best keep that frivolity contained," Mikoto whispers her advice, and her Sharingan whirls about, "This is my first time so I will go as hard as I can."

Knowing fully well that Mikoto is referring to the act of interrogation herself and playing the role, Kai chuckles and digs for a new meaning out, "First time? And you chose the hardest difficulty ever? It's like you're asking to fall. Beaten and bruised. Hmm... pounded and used."

Mikoto's lips twitch slightly. Maybe... just maybe... they should have decided on some safe words before starting this because the menacing glow of his yellow reptilian eyes makes her heart throb in an unsettling manner. But... as he says, she's raring for something dark and Kai rarely minces his words. And from the looks of it, he's not the least bit shy in really hoping to do what he's speaking.


Kushina hears Nono gulping audibly and feels a little bothered, too, as they see Mikoto slipping back on Kai's waist. She's going to do it and both, Kushina and Nono trail their gazes like a couple of predators who fear they'll miss out on some juicy catch.

"Pounded and used, you say?" Mikoto bites her hesitation and smiles. It's too late for such an emotion. But one thing she knows about Kai for a fact is...

"You don't have what it takes, Prisoner-chan."

... he is competitive and takes up any challenge that stumbles his way. And she is eager to offer herself with a rather heated gaze the moment she hears a low but definitely beastly growl rumble and escapes his throat.

Mikoto raises her hips and guides his shaft against her sensitive yet ready lower lips. Her juices drool down his shaft rather quickly and his sloppy cock is no better when it comes to being a mess at the moment.


Kushina blinks in surprise as she looks back and finds Cinnamon nestled on Nono's head.

"She crawled here a few minutes ago..." Nono shrugs and Kushina doesn't question it. Instead, she focuses back on Kai and Mikoto.

Mikoto lowers herself gently and presses her entrance against his tip, which her body accepts rather easily but it's the rest of the journey down the shaft and onto his crotch that is going to be hard to traverse.

But taking in his gaze, Mikoto presses down without issues and muffles her grunt. Seeing things and feeling said things are different sensations. Already used to Kai's length, Mikoto does hold some level of confidence yet...

It's like she's back to the basics. The day they did it for the first time once they engaged with each other.

Her breath falls short as Kai continues to spread her out. It feels tight. Too tight. For both of them, no less, and they can understand that with each other's gaze.

Groaning for a moment, Mikoto leans forward and unties Kai rather easily which surprises him but not as much as when she leans down and embraces him.

"Be gentle," she whispers, "How about we leave pounding and using for my clones?"

Kai snorts a chuckle and grins, "You got it!"

They can try acting like they want dark things. Experience each other's darkness. But the truth becomes clear at once that such emotions fall short. They have experienced more darkness than they can ever show, nay, to be precise, they should never show.

Holding Mikoto gently with one arm around her back and the other one on her hips that are still raised, Kai eases her down, "I love you."

"Hmm, I love you, too," Mikoto whispers back as she peppers his neck with kisses while Kai spreads out his senjutsu chakra and reactivates his seals with a new force!

He can't be showing others the true stuff, right?

"Hey," Mikoto mewls, "Let's have a safe word for next time things get crazy..."

"Nah," Kai smirks, "It won't be as exciting. Of course... if you think you need a safe word..."

Mikoto scoffs, equally competitive, "Forget it."

"Hnngh~!" She groans after sheathing Kai fully and they stay like this for a few seconds. Even if her body did want to tighten and squeeze around him, Kai's cock acts like an immovable object that simply isn't fazed by her efforts, and every throb of its surface would make Mikoto moans softly even if they didn't move for now.

"Hey," Kai gets his hand up to brush his fingers past her hair, "I love you~!"

"You just said that," Mikoto pouts, "Saying it again won't make you love me more!"

"That's where you're wrong," Kai turns over and pins Mikoto down. Grinning at her, "You underestimate my capacity to love! Like... this~!"

He emphasizes this by moving his hips and thrusting his already-pumped cock which makes her gasp and glare at Kai.

"This is utterly unfair!"

"Says the talented Uchiha to a civilian shinobi," Kai scoffs and winks, "See? I said I love you!"

Losing her bearings slightly not because of the tremendous load she's gripping down there but the raw emotions her being invokes if she doesn't keep them in check, Mikoto mumbles under her breath, "You're a cheat... but yeah... I guess I can play this game, too... I love you, too."

With his grin not only broadening but his eyes lighting up, Kai leans down to kiss her deeply and muffle her mewls as he starts to move slowly. But they are more durable than most. Even Mikoto's physical build is beyond what an ordinary Senju Chunin Kunoichi can hope to acquire and their pace gets quicker and more intense!

And as her nails can only hope to dig into his back... unsuccessfully, Kai keeps her in a firm embrace while pumping her with each loving and caring thrust.


"We... got cut off?" Kushina blinks in surprise, "How?"

"Genius, obviously, he knew. Why else?" Kyubi's mocking tone surfaces yet again while Nono has a similar explanation.

"I think he knew but when it actually became heavy... he wanted to keep it between him and Mikoto," Nono adjusts her glasses and gives a rare pout, "But I can't say I blame him. I would love a similar consideration... eventually."

Kushina rolls her eyes and pumps her fists, "Whatever! I don't know why Mikoto gave up but dattebane I won't!"

"Everyone barks until it's time to bite," Kyubi scoffs.

"You're barking a lot for someone who'd get fucked the same!" Kushina bites back and exposes Kyubi's weakness once more.

"Sigh... let's go to sleep," Nono exhales and picks up Cinnamon from the top of her head, "And let's pretend we never saw anything..."

Kushina nods.

"I have a journal to write, too," Nono's musing tone almost makes Kushina falls over as the bespectacled menace mutters, "Mikoto actually plays a good mistress... and I never even imagined her to be anything close to it, and that outfit... hey, we should peek on Kai and Tsunade-Sama next time!"

Kushina stares at Nono incredulously before averting her gaze and blushing, "Fine..."

"Pathetic." Kyubi remains a perfect judge of character even now.


Alternate Title: You Thought It Was Hot Smut but it was I, Sweetness Overload!; Kyubi— Pathetic.; Fist of Love? No! The thrust of Love!


A/N: While I was writing, I just realized that Kai while many shinobi would do it hard... there may just be more who like to relax after their profession of violence? And again, girls will need more time around Sage Kai. He's, as one says, painfully thick! Lol.


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