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Title: Katara

Sokka leans back on the boat with a sense of...

"You're feeling pretty stupid, huh?" Katara's smug voice accurately describes Sokka's state of mind as he grimaces and sits back up straight once more and glares at the impudent sister of his who lets no verbal jab miss.

As they say, glide like Otter Penguins and bite like Polar Dogs.

"I wouldn't say stupid," Sokka huffs and looks at Katara sitting in front of him as she waves her hand and the boat... steers magically. He then adds while sighing in defeat, "Just surprised. Your witchcraft—"

"Sacred art," Katara corrects, again, with an exasperated groan.

"Fine, this Sacred Tradition of yours," Sokka rolls his eyes and lowers his voice, "Is a bit useful..."

"Hmm, what?" With an impish smile befitting on a fin monkey's face, Katara leans forward and places one gloved hand around her left ear as she goads, "Could you repeat that? I didn't quite get that."

"I said it's adequate," Sokka barks back while Katara shrugs, "As long as you know to take me on more hunts, good. Being adequate is just fine."

"Woah-ho!" Sokka scoffs a chuckle, "I'm not taking you to hunts. I just did this because Ky— ehm, Mom said so."

Sokka averts his gaze and in doing so, he fails to observe a rather grim look in Katara's gaze. But Katara suddenly questions, "You know, Gran Gran would talk quite a bit about waterbending with mother and mother told me every bit of it. I can do more than just boil broth and steer ships! Why won't you just admit that you need help?!"

"Help?" Sokka raises an eyebrow and crosses an arm, "I can take care of all of you just fine. Alone. I don't need you out with me, in storms. Hunting wild beasts."

His tone left no space for questions but that's where Sokka felt truly annoyed by Katara. She is stubborn... like him. And tends not to listen especially when someone tells her to.

"See this!" Katara snorts and suddenly stops moving the boat. Her right hand has been ungloved the entire time and though freezing quite a bit, she stretches her dainty fingers over the water, and with a concentrated look, she brings up a glob of water. Sokka would have been surprised if this was his first time witnessing the trick...

However, he is certainly surprised when she sees a fish with a face of a monkey swimming within the globe of water rather erratically.

Fin Monkey.

One of the hardest catches of the sea around them, and this also makes them a rare delicacy!

"Yep," Katara scoffs and suddenly waves her hand down, letting go of the globe of water and letting go of the catch, "A fin monkey. I began catching them whenever you went out to hunt on the white capes and got accurate a year ago. I can steer boats! I can control ice, too! Mom told me many things about waterbending... it's not just making water follow your will! Sokka, it's a great ability! Let me help you..."

"You... just let go of the fin monkey," Sokka notes quietly.

"That's what you took from all that?!" Katara fumes instantly while Sokka releases an annoyed groan, "That's why I didn't want you on the hunt with me."

"Why?!" Katara asserts.

"You're super annoying," Sokka shrugs, "Why else?"

With a vein popping on her temples and hidden by the hood of her overcoat, Katara hisses, "That's no good reason! Have you ever thought about how my gift can save your life?" As Katara begins to vent, Sokka stabs his spear into the water and plucks out the same Fin Monkey once more.

Fin Monkeys are harder to bring to the surface and they do camouflage well but once seen, they are easy to fish, too.

Seeing Sokka ignoring her well-deserved scolding, Katara clenches her fist. More than used to the temporary change in the temperature at times, they care little for a moment of colder atmosphere as thin frost starts to layer the once gently running stream of arctic water.

"You are a world-class arrogant idiot! You have no idea what's it like to wait! Oh, no. You do! We cried together thinking about dad and when he'll return and suddenly, you began to disappear from the village! And then everyone started to just agree with it! You aren't the village's leader! You're my brother! Even mom worries every minute you're out of the village!"

Her voice gets louder but Sokka's rather trained senses hear something else.


The sound of frost rapidly gathers and forms.

His eyes widen as he suddenly realizes that their boat is still.

Meanwhile, with her eyes starting to turn a bit moist and red, Katara growls, "I want to help you, idiot! Not because I want to be a hunter! Because I don't want to feel that I could have done something to save you if you never returned! Sure, be a man, fuck all those women as you like! I don't care!

But for acting so damn responsible, how can you irresponsibly keep me from helping you?! What would happen to us if you just... die?"

If Sokka was shocked by the sudden drop in temperature before then now his eyes almost bulge out of sockets for an entirely different reason.

"You knew?!" Sokka gasps.

"Of course, I knew!" Katara snaps, "Do you still think I'm a child?!" Growling, she takes a step forward, "I know how Yuta and others are taking turns every day!"

Taking another step forward as a thick layer of ice now fully surrounds them with even the bleeding Fin Monkey now encapsulated by a layer of 'red' ice, Katara grumbles, "And I know how you've been trying to avoid me since then. Is that the reason you think I cannot be of help in the hunt?"

While Sokka never considered his little sister to be so knowledgeable about the things he is upto with the other women of the tribe, he retorts truthfully, "That's not the reason, Katara. I cannot just—"

"You cannot what?"

"Would you let me speak?" Sokka snaps, too, when Katara suddenly drops on him and pushes him down on the cold wooden board. Now, this isn't their first tussle and with the ice around them, the boat does become a stable location to even things out by grabbing each other's hair.

But just when Sokka was planning his next move which would lead to victory later down in the line, Katara grabs his face with her cold, ungloved hand to the point her fingers sink into his cheek and pushes his lips out comically and then...

Sokka's body freezes in shock instead of the cold as Katara seals his somewhat dry and cold lips with her surprisingly warm and moist lips.

His eyes are still wide open and Katara keeps her eyes sealed shut tightly.

It's only after a moment that Katara pulls back and allows both of them to breathe. She slowly opens her eyes and matches her slightly complicated stare with Sokka's shocked one as she whispers...

"I also know about you and mom..."


*Last Night*

Polar Dogs in her broth keep her awake at night, Katara came to know this early on. Their meat is packed with energy and they make for a slightly less effective supper with its tendency to keep the eater awake at night. Yet, short sleep by itself will not tire out the consumers the next day if eaten less frequently.

But... even for staying out and working the final chores of the day, her mother has been absent for a long time. Not to mention her brother who would be tired either way by the end of the day and would sleep in loud snores.

Grumbling under her breath, Katara slips out of her bedding and quickly covers herself in her overcoat and gloves, that much is needed while leaving their home.

Night around here is dense and no source of light is usually set to keep the village hidden from the eyes of as many predators as possible but despite the heavy fog and 'dense' darkness, the sky above them never fails to dazzle. It looks heavenly.

Glittering stars. An ethereal aurora that seems to mimic a milky river that sways and moves in the sky.

Not a single part of today's night, too, fails to dampen or ruin Katara's mood in any manner—


Maybe that certain belief of hers would break today. Katara is instantly alert when she hears the whimper or a cry of what seems to be an aching beast. The sound is not only muffled but is accompanied by faint yet hurried wet slaps.

Maybe a bleeding Otter Penguin is trying to slap its wound shut? Katara can only assume so. Or worse, a predatory beast in the dire condition is now acting out of control. Anyway, Katara's instincts and confidence in her abilities make her willing to spy on the source of this sound instead of finding Sokka.

The source of the sound isn't far away and Katara knows the direction to be their icy warehouse where they keep their catch and herbs cool and dry. This only affirms her suspicions.

To not arouse any aggression from the wayward beast, Katara focuses hard and tries to keep the sound of crushed ice under her boots as low as possible. The closer she gets, the more intense these sounds feel.




"Hnnngh! Hummphh!"

And the more wrong Katara feels about her initial suspicion.

Still, now be it her inner sense of duty toward the village or the curious Otter Penguin inside of her, Katara affirms her need to make sure that it's not anything dangerous.

Finally, after getting close enough to the unfinished skinned pelt of the Polar Dog Sokka brought in today, Katara hears soft but husky grunts, too.

They're... manly. But beastly nonetheless.

Katara already knows what is going on but again... she's a curious Otter Penguin.

Keeping her breath as shallow and silent as possible, Katara peeks through the corner of the raised pelt.

Surprisingly enough, the mist around this region of the wall of the village is the lightest yet she can see steam rising from the two bodies.

Sokka, Katara identifies her brother by seeing his back which is slightly uncovered down his waist, revealing a healthy portion of his butt cheeks as he holds the hips of another woman and slams into her.

The woman's overcoat is flipped onto her ass. Her trouser is pulled short slightly but from this angle, Katara cannot see much else.

'Mom decided to give him privacy again...' Katara blinks. This isn't the first time she has caught Sokka in the act discretely.

When she questioned what she saw in her mother... let's just say Katara's horizons were surely broadened.

However, Katara soon frowns.

'Isn't doing this at night risky? What if an animal is attracted due to the sound? Truly...' she sighs in exasperation, 'Some of the women of the tribe really give it no thought and try to climb on Sokka at any turn possible.'

Unlike Kya who seems to be much more understanding of not only Sokka's decision but also the 'greed' of the rest of the women of the tribe, Katara is way more critical of their action and yet... somehow envious.

It's not like she doesn't have any needs. But the only eligible bachelor is none other than her brother and Katara refuses to fall to the dark temptations her wet dreams would bring every now and then. After all, the next thing Kya taught after the 'chat' was that such relationships between family members can be wrong.

'I'm going to tell mom about this! It's probably Yuta. She needs to calm the heck down!' Katara scrunches her nose but watches her brother wreck the 'poor' woman without any intention of stopping.

"Ugh," Sokka growls, "I'm... I'm gonna cum again."

Katara's gaze glints unconsciously and she leans a bit forward. Again, she doesn't know everything about this stuff but her mother assured her that the women whose responsibilities Sokka is fulfilling enjoy it just as much he does. So, whenever she chances upon such scenes, Katara likes to take her time.

'It sure looks intense... look at all the heat their body must be producing to have steam build around them like this...' Katara muses with an unconscious pucker of her lips.

Katara's eyes then widen as she hears the breathless 'Yuta' mewl, "Do it— hnngh— and after this, you rest! Nngh, y- you need to rest!"

Sokka doesn't answer but pulls the woman back. If the familiar voice wasn't an indicator enough then when Katara observes the face of the woman that Sokka is manhandling...

When Katara sees her slightly dazed yet rolled-up eyes. That somewhat foolish smirk. That sex-addled look... It takes every bit of strength in her being to not cry in shock.




Katara watches Sokka feign weakness with a cold stare, "Do not 'huh' me! I saw you and mom yesterday!"

But Sokka, too, has had enough and he suddenly shoves Katara aside easily and pushes her back with a frown, "Yeah, I was. But what does it have to do with me not bringing you to hunt? And if you'd let me complete without acting like a lunatic then you would have known that the only reason I don't want to take you hunts with me is this!"

He gestures his hand around him and Katara frowns, "My waterbending has nothing to do with—"

"Look AROUND!" Sokka snaps, and Katara flinches as she directs her gaze to the surrounding, "You're out of control," it's Sokka's turn now as he stands and towers over Katara with a grim and stoic look, "You're like me! Stubborn alright, but not smart enough!"

"If I die during a hunt and it happens to be your fault, what then? What if you chose to assume you are better because of your waterbending and chose to refuse simple commands? If you do that now, what would happen later?"

While Katara wishes to argue that she is better... she also feels that this exact thinking is what Sokka may be talking about.

"What if your waterbending isn't the answer to everything?" Sokka questions, "I will not take you to hunt not only because of all these but if you get hurt because of me..."

He stops for a moment and lets that circumstance sink in, "I would not be able to forgive myself."

Observing the look of enlightenment in Katara's expression, Sokka adds, "Just as you won't be able to forgive yourself... if something happened to me."

Katara lowers her head silently and Sokka, too, sits down.

Both of them sink into a rather heavy and uncomfortable silence while their boat lies stranded in the center of nowhere.

"I'm sorry... I never thought about how... it would affect you," Katara mutters.

"And I'm sorry I chose to look away from your talents," Sokka has an equally regretful expression with a hint of shame, "I should have been better."

Katara scoffs a chuckle, "Compared to you years ago bragging that girls should just stay in the village and do simple chores... you HAVE grown better."

"So it's just me being different levels of ass," Sokka laughs, too, and pushes the frozen Fin Monkey over to Katara with his feet, "And I speared this one out... because it's our first catch together."

Katara looks at the bloody ice around the Fin Monkey and sighs quietly.

"I still cannot control my skills well... back then, I could do nothing. But now, I feel very... gifted yet I have no means of controlling it or making it my own."

"You'll get there," Sokka suddenly smiles, "I mean, you're the only waterbender in our village. I'm sure you'll figure something out like everything else."

"Everything else?" Katara blinks.

"Yeah, like freeing our boat without sinking it or... well, we're both dead anyway and that's gonna be your fault and, heh, Kya would be mad!" Sokka grins and leans back carefreely. After all, there is no point in panicking. Might as well roast Katara a bit more.

"Kya?" Katara frowns, "That's mom for you!"

"No, it's Mom for you. I will call her Kya from now on and since you know about it, I don't have to hide it," Sokka shrugs while Katara feels further incensed.

"What?" He questions.

"Nothing," Shooting Sokka a glare, Katara begins to warm up the ice around her instead of breaking it and began to free the boat.

Of course, the siblings chose to willingly ignore the fact that they kissed not long ago. It will just be that weird memory they won't ever talk about or act upon...
