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Title: Grinding Perfection (4)

Kushina excitedly closes her eyes and prepares for another grand battle with Kyubi. Entering Shikkotsu Forest is no longer a choice. The residents of the great hidden location are spooked and restless. Even Lady Katsuyu can't set defensive parameters without revealing that this has something to do with Tsunade and thus, Konoha. With all these thoughts, Kai and Kushina could only enter the Forest of Death with Tsunade. Since Hiruzen knows that 'Tsunade' is helping Kushina, the request is processed quickly. In this village, aside from Kai and his troops in the Pad, maybe, Hiruzen is the one who is the most impatient to see a perfect Jinchuriki in Konoha.

"You feel something wrong, too, Sensei?" Kai inquires and addresses her so due to her being her true age. Tsunade nods calmly, hands on her waist as a tiny portion of Lady Katsuyu is on both of their shoulders. Watching Kushina intently, Tsunade whispers, "You two have been tackling this issue for a while but Kushina just 'dreams' of a way to achieve this? And she must do it alone? Her capabilities would put her as an average Jonin, her Adamantine Seal would only hope to bring her upto the level of an elite. But she lacks the necessary mindset and skills of Elite Jonins ground out by fatal missions... she alone cannot tackle Kyubi."

That's what happened. Kushina didn't explain much. Then again, words were never her strongest suit. Instead, she made one thing clear. She is EXTREMELY confident that she could come to terms with Kyubi this time. How, she still did not say... well, she did say she is going to take Kyubi's chakra... but how? Anyway, Kushina was adamant about doing it alone, saying that these are the conditions.

Yeah, right!

Kai did not believe it even once. Oh, he believed that Kushina wasn't lying. But this situation is as deceptive as they come!

"Ugh... let's just take all the defensive measures. She's only starting and it will take some time—" Kai's words are stuck in his throat. By now, Kushina would be coated in the thick chakra cloak of a tailed beast visible to the naked eye and the shade of red, forming a vague fox-like silhouette but...

At this moment, Kushina is still sitting cross-legged. However, the left side of her body bubbles and forms chaotic red filaments of chakra as if she is MADE of chakra. It's a ghastly contrast but Kai quickly begins to form suppression seals around her and readies to help the moment this situation demands it. Conversely, Tsunade is a bit sluggish. After all, Kai already has experience in this because he is the real supporter and not Tsunade. They are only using her name.

"What's happening?" Tsunade frowns but instead of Kai, it's Lady Katsuyu who replies, "Tsunade-sama, the battle in their mind may take a long time for them... but in real life, the conclusion is evident very quickly. This is the first time we are witnessing such a calm... reaction. By now, Kushina-sama would already be tearing out chunks of ground with her claws."


"I come here to win, dattebane!" The moment Kushina arrives, she shoots toward Kyubi and it stands on its four before roaring loudly. The somewhat confident and excited Kushina fails to see the complicated emotion in Kyubi's gaze as she forms Shadow Clones, three only. A chakra beast like her can form several shadow clones and go berserk... or form a limited number and practice various strategies to maximize efficiency. This is what she learned from Kai.

Although she is a knucklehead in politics, she has one of the sharpest brains when it comes to innovating and improvising on Fuinjutsu and other Shinobi Arts. In essence, even if she doesn't know it and is raised in opposition to it, Kushina is a natural-born killer, like many other talented Shinobi.

The four of them rush toward Kyubi with solemn looks. Their hands forming minimal signs since Kushina has mastered Wind Nature Transformation to an extent of 20% in Kai's terms alongside Water Nature Transformation, too. In a few moments, a clone blew a massive cloud of mist and the other one shot out, slapping her hands as her torso inflated alongside her cheeks and she shot a pressurized jet of water that could tear through solid ground and metal if she goes all out!


Kyubi charges and with a grunt, a blast of chakra breaks away the momentum of the jet of water and his roar resounds, blowing away the mist. If such petty means were effective—

Its eyes widen.

Yes, Kushina always used 3-4 clones but if it never worked, why would she keep on persisting? Because she's a tomato idiot? No!

A sense of security when the opponent knows everything about you can be used well. Kyubi lived within her. It knew everything about her. It also knew that she had learned to use tactics instead of brute strength.

So that's her tactic— Brute Strength.

Facing Kyubi are almost 100 clones, her current limit including the chakra in her own brand of [Stength of Sage Symbols] on her forehead connected to this space!


All the hundred clones rush forward and before Kyubi could disperse them in a wave of two, thick spear-pointed adamantine sealing chains surface around in this world, coiling around Kyubi and tying it down! This is her greatest strength. Back then, she decided against using it to make things 'fair' so that Kyubi may accept her... or something similar. But she... somehow, from deep within feels that her dream is right! It is the BEST way to achieve what she wants!

As the chain even binds the muzzle of Kyubi, it stares at her hatefully while all the clones jump high in the air and pelt it down with their focused chakra strength before dispersing. Kushina made it clear. She wanted her clones to go all out with their brute strength. This tactic will not work again, after all.

The beast instantly shivers and her chain rattles. She isn't as strong as Mito so clearly, the chain from her body won't be as strong either. But she doesn't care!

In a moment, she is in front of the beast and pats its large, dark, and somewhat warm nostrils.

'This is it...'

She suddenly thinks of one thing alone.


She wants the chakra, so she will take it!

As she jumps back, the gap between her outstretched right hand and Kyubi's nose is covered by a stream of blue chakra.

She blinks in surprise.

It worked?


Well... she never doubted herself but the excitement is clear as even Kyubi's struggle begins to get more and more 'desperate' but the hate in its eyes grows by several folds.

Not stopping or wasting her efforts by taunting the beast, she pulls harder. It's a thought— Pull. And the chakra will enter her more and more, empowering her. Yet, at this moment, as she feels that she can finally be free...

A stream of corruptive red chakra infiltrates this line of blue and Kushina suddenly hears a scream!

"Please! Don't kill me!"

And then she feels pain brimming within her being.

"No *sob* my child... my boy! Someone—"

"Dad... wake up... please—"

"Murdered! Beast! Kill it—"

"Hahah! Hashirama, let's dance!"

"Hmm~ I've decided to live. Sorry, I have to do this—"

The pain skyrockets as her 'body' spasms.

The chain around Kyubi disappears but it does not attack and instead laughs!

Kyubi's somewhat feminine but hoarse snarls fill the dark void, "You want my chakra? Bear it then! Take it! You humans love it, don't you? Power, pain, and suffering?!"

Kushina is still paralyzed with pain and wails of suffering, the laughter of the strong, apologies of the determined, and the decisive tone of those that want to live. But despite everything... the pain remains constant.

Kyubi howls in laughter.

"You may have somehow known about this method so fucking what? Enjoy it, runt! You're free! You have it! All this filth, take it!"

Roaring laughter booms in the void but suddenly, Kyubi's laughter is cut short as it 'feels' something.

By now, in front of its eyes, half of Kushina's body is already turned into a red monster of chakra but now, she isn't far away. The Kyubi had yet to move so it was still lying down. Kushina, who is almost the size of its fangs, spreads her hand wide open and just slumps against the beast's furry chin.

Kyubi cannot look at her with its eyes but it can see everything in this place regardless.

It sees sorrow in Kushina's eyes but no tears this time. Half of her face is monstrous, but the other half is... also monstrous. Humans cannot feel sorrow, after all. She must be something different than a human... a monster.

"Fuck being free..." she just remarks quietly, "Had I known my freedom... cost you so much already... I don't want it. I'll stay in this village forever... and I'll die here. If I have a few kids, they can see the world for me. I'll ask Kai to never let anyone become your Jinchuriki again either."

Her voice is soft... but at this point, without Kyubi's roaring laughter, it fills the void. Not pretentious laugh, but genuine sorrow and determination.

"I felt it," Kushina bites her bottom lip, "I'm still feeling the left side of my body burn... that's how much you feel, too, every time you need to kill or are forced to kill the innocents or those who are caught in crossfires... children... families..."

She slowly pulls back but not with its chakra anymore. Only now she realizes how foolish her past actions have been. What has she even seen in this world? Freedom? She only felt hurt that she had the cheek to speak about freedom in front of someone who actually knows the meaning of it.

Kushina was never bound in chains. Her mind was. She sought freedom as if the village could truly stop her from leaving.

It could not. She stops herself from leaving.

But what about Kyubi?

However, Kushina gives a cheek grin, tears finally trickling down from both sides of her eyes despite one being fully transformed.

"Ya know, I won't even offer to kill myself, dattebane. I'll live for what? 40-50 good years? I promise you'll be free after that—"

Suddenly, she feels a wave of pure strength and... 'purity' wash over her. Her consciousness is forced out and she stares at Tsunade and Kai looking back at her dumbly.

Then, Kushina looks at herself. Her body is brimming with strength. She can somehow feel 'amazement' and 'surprise' in both of them suppressing their worries.

She can feel emotions, barely, she notes.

Her entire body is covered by glowing red-orange chakra. Her irides are red that surround her vertical pupils. She...

What did she do?

She then understands at once.

She didn't do anything. She couldn't have done anything in the first place...

IT did...

Grateful, Kushina suddenly grins and looks toward Kai. Her next words and thoughts, she feels them getting 'approved' by that being, and she snickers, "Kai-chan! About time I showed I'm the older one 'ttebane! I'm going to beat you this time!"


"Someday, someone will walk this land and help you all..."

Those words have always comforted it.

Sitting on its lonesome... it doesn't feel so lonely anymore.

'Fucking dumb cunt... thinks that she got a dream that teaches on how to use ninshu... tch...'

It closes its eyes and rests but not before hurling another insult, "Sappy bitch... but she got me good. How else would she have 'snatched' away my chakra?"

It just consoles itself with words... knowing the truth.


Alternate Title: Foxy Tsundere


A/N: There you go, the best tsundere of the multiverse competing with legends like Taiga.

The second volume, Maid in Troll, comes to an end.

From tomorrow, the third volume begins— A Hot Maid? Or a Hot Teacher?


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