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Title: The Redhead Perfection (3)

"Well... that was quick," Tsunade's confusion is understandable but her words do make Kai's lips twitch as she snickers, "Are you preparing me for some sort of disappointment already?"

Looking at her, Kai smirks and keeps silent as he lets his gaze linger down. Only when his stare causes Tsunade to rub her thighs somewhat with an exasperated groan leaking from her lips does he retort, "Are you sure I'm the quick one, Sensei? Besides," looking at Kushina with a hint of annoyance, he adds, "I think Kyubi knows about Mistress and... well, Kushina might, too. Good thing she can directly question supposedly late Mito's granddaughter what's going on, right?"

His grin isn't appreciated and Tsunade lets that known by shooting a glare. Sighing, she merely hums, "We'll see... but truly, I expected that things would not have gone so easy to the point that I would have to use this seal," she waves the paper tag Kai gave her.

"Well, it's known from the Senju Records and the Four Symbol Seals that each Bijuu is capable of mastering yin and yang nature transformation. A part of me thought that being the strongest of them, in terms of chakra, at least, Kyubi would notice the seal right away and screw it up somehow... huh, I guess we got lucky?"

Kai looks at Tsunade as she shrugs. They had no way to understand if they got lucky or was it some other force at play.

"So? What does this seal do exactly? You only said it's based on Four Symbol Seals and made to shift the location of Kyubi within Kushina."

Kai nods and began speaking.


"What do you mean you'll get Grandma Mito, too? You killed her!" Kushina frowns at Kyubi's words as she appears in front of him. The beast wasn't calm at all but unlike her expectations... Kyubi failed to harm her at all! This was not how things were supposed to turn out.

"Killed her?" This world is very real to the consciousness of chakra like them so its somewhat steam-like hot breath hits Kushina face even from a considerable distance. "That bitch is alive!"

Kyubi's roar whips up gales as Kushina brings her arms up to her face somewhat when Kyubi's claws phase through her... AGAIN!

"What kind of seal is this?!" It roars in utter frustration, one of its nine tails smacking down heavily once again but Kushina looks up. Her vision is covered by her tail only for a second before she can look at the dark ceiling of this space once again while the tail pulls back through her.

"You... cannot hit me at all. No," Kushina's eyes widen and she exclaims, "Your chakra cannot interact with mine! Because... Kyubi... um, forgive me. Maybe I'm taught wrong... but aren't Bijuus the very perfection of Yin and Yang? Why are you just... Yang, 'tebane?"


Kushina covers her ears and pouts. All that fear and nervousness... for nothing!

"Can't you speak more quietly?" Kushina barks back only for Kyubi to open its mouth.

The redhead instantly readies herself.

It's coming.

The Tailed-Beast Bomb!


"Are you going to attack?" Kushina inquires and Kyubi slowly closes its gigantic, fierce mouth. It slowly turns around and then tossed its head up into a loud howl, "FUCK!!!!!"

Something surely isn't right!


"Hmm? You're oddly restless today," In an underground structure, a masked redhead whispers quietly while observing a construct of lava slowly taking a more animalistic form in front of her. At the moment, its clearest features are four tails but the rest is still yet to be formed.

Her inquiry is replied to by a darker, gravelly snarl, "You can kiss my ass for that, you pathetic bitch!"

The woman grows quiet and then shrugs, "Whatever, I was just trying to be nice and make a conversation like a good host is expected to."

She smirks under the mask as she feels her resident monster's indignance and frustration.

"You... human bastards are all the same! Even your idea is no better! To use the same technique once again..." The voice almost sounded defeated.

"What? Can you sense your other half?" The woman inquires calmly with amusement heavy in her tone.

"Fuck you... oh, I just remembered, you're all alone. So, make my day and impale yourself on a spear instead." The retort of the voice remains as sharp as ever.

"You know, you'd feel the same thing," The woman chuckles instead, "And hey, it's not like we're really on unhappy terms ever since I told you the truth about Uzumaki, or I would have to bear you calling me names every second. Your other part is with an Uzumaki, too. No... you both are no longer a part of one another. Yes, divided. But not incomplete anymore. Instead... it helps you to bond with a Jinchuriki—"

"None of this would have happened—" Before the voice could retort, the woman interjects sharply, "Well, it happened. Deal with it."

Only after a while did the voice snort and go silent completely.


"Come on! Tell me! What happened?!" Kushina floats in front of Kyubi without an ounce of fear and instead pesters on.

Silently staring at her with its dim crimson eyes, Kyubi grunts, "Make a complete chakra construct instead of this pathetic yin consciousness form and I shall answer everything."

Well, a fox could try but the redhead sticks her tongue out instead and grins, "Nope! You can't hit pure consciousness!"

There is a difference, of course.

Pure consciousness is similar to looking within oneself. In Layman's terms, this form is more of an illusion. Like Kai, Nono, and Orochimaru can create simple illusions from Yin nature transformation.

The full chakra construct would be an avatar within one's body molded by the Four Symbol Seals to 'interact' with anything or anyone sealed within oneself.

Kyubi simply scoffs in return and goes silent while slumbering and setting its head over its crossed forelimbs.

Its ears would occasionally twitch but nothing else.

Seeing Kyubi silent, Kushina resolves to stay here instead. She'd be damned to not annoy one of the strongest existence in the world for the shit she'd been through just for the virtue of hosting it in her body.

"Hey! You dumb fox!"

"Dumb, Dumb fox!"

"Orange Idiot!"

"I bet the First Hokage beat you every night!"

"I bet Grandma Mito—"

"DON'T SPEAK OF HER!" Kyubi roars at Kushina and its mouth engulf her... but she just phases out of its muzzle and stares back at the beast equally impassively as it did.

"You will leave me alone if I tell you about her?" Kyubi finally spoke.

"I will," Kushina nods happily.

"Fine," it grunts, "Mito is alive. She divided the original Kyubi into two halves. Yin and Yang. Yin, she absorbed to retain her life and Yang she bestowed to you so that she may leave this village for whatever reason."

It then grows quiet and slumps its head once again.

"So... she's really alive?" Kushina blinks, her tone a bit hopeful.

"If she isn't killed by someone else by now and my Yin sibling is with someone else then... yes."

Kushina's smile widens for a moment but Kyubi still looks at her through the narrowest gaps of its eyelids. For a second... just for a mere moment... envy filled it to the brim as tears began to roll down her round pretty little face that it wished to claw as the girl chimed while rubbing her eyes, "She's alive... that's great! Sniff! It's... It's so stinky here! I can't help but cry, dattebane!"

"This is a world of mind... physical reactions like that do not exist here."

"Shut up!" Kushina hiccups slightly between her sobs.

"Tell me something... do you not hate Mito? She left you alone," It stands up once again. Its cruel, unflinching gaze falls over Kushina as she cocks her head sideways, "Well, yeah, I'm annoyed with that... but there is no reason to hate her... if I had the option to fake death and skedaddle, I'll so take that... but I'll probably spit in her bowl of ramen to get back at her or something..."

Kyubi silently stares at Kushina for minutes. It was long enough to make her feel weirded out but it eventually slumped down once again and inquires in a bitingly cold tone, "So? What is this seal? It's similar to what Mito used back then but somehow better... which doesn't make any sense. Mito is supposed to be the best seal master, that I agree grudgingly."

Kushina just snickers, "Well!" her tone a bit drawling, "I guess me and Kai-chan are better~!"


"Well, the seal is based on a simple idea." Kai muses, "Kyubi's problem is that it can just infect Kushina's chakra with malice itself which loosens the grip of the Four Symbol Seals and as we discovered through Chakra Origin Seal, even emotions can be translated into chakra. So, the answer to this problem is simple. We needed a seal that did not just suppress chakra but absorbed it, too."

Kai points at his forehead and Tsunade nods in understanding before questioning, "Strength of Hundred Seals can absorb and store as much chakra as you can provide but a Jinchuriki is different. This is a seal for chakra not sentience of large chakra."

"That's why Kushina's new seal is different than Strength of Hundred Seals, Strength of Adamantine Sage, and even the Four Symbols Seal," Kai smiles, "To be honest, my only contribution was the Chakra Origin Seal which deals with the malice in Kyubi's chakra... even for me, just synthesizing all these seals is really hard. After all, Four Symbols Seal is based on the Two Symbol Seals but say, is there an Eight Symbols Seal? No, because stacking seals of this nature is hard... I guess, it's true. The Uzumaki have a bond with seals beyond what words can describe similar to the bond I have with Senjutsu. And how you have a distinct bond with Senjutsu, too, different than mine."

Tsunade just digests the information and then continues, "Yeah, Kekkei Genkai of this kind is different than elemental kinds. Still... what's the exact purpose of the seal?"

"Taking the concept of infinite storage from Strength of Hundred Seals, the ability to translate anything into chakra from Chakra Origin Seal, the ability to store various kinds of chakra from Strength of Adamantine Sage, and finally, to suppress a Bijuu using Four Symbol Seal as its base... you can say that this seal is highly targeted against Kyubi. It will keep the beast without affecting Kushina or so much so as depriving her of her chakra..."

"You mean..." Tsunade's lips parted in utter shock.

"I mean, unlike before, Kushina's actual chakra will not be used to suppress Kyubi. So, Kyubi is literally a present for her now. If she manages to achieve a better bond with it, great. Even if not, it won't be able to interfere with Kushina's life and free the monstrous chakra she boasts which made her perfect for being a Jinchuriki once again..."

Kai felt a little reluctant at the thought of Kushina having more chakra than him. But such is life.

"Doesn't this also means she loses the certain privilege of being a Jinchuriki? For instance, she'll be susceptible to Genjutsu now."

Tsunade frowns.

"You can't have everything," Kai scoffs in response, "But she'll get these 'privileges' as soon as she makes friends with the fox."

It was at this moment that Kushina gasped and sits up while the blanket slides down from her naked form and the orange dot on her forehead disappears, finalizing the seal completely. Her smile widens into a broad grin and she spoke gleefully, "Guess what?! Grandma Mito is alive!"

Kai and Tsunade looked at each other... another conversation was about to begin... they would lose a serious amount of funding to ramen charges to make up to the redheaded ramen-loving sweetheart.


Alternate Title: Hoe's Foxy Doe


A/N: Alright, I have a headcanon about the yin and yang situation. When Minato arrives, it shows that Kurama is divided into yin and yang. It never states that they developed a yang and yin of their own. So I will build on this. Just because Kurama didn't have yin nature chakra for Bijudama does not mean Naruto did not, after all. As I wrote, jinchuriki is a symbiotic relationship at higher levels.

Anyway, I just feel that I am finding back my groove with this novel once again so enjoying whipping up new stuff, lol.


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