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Title: Revolutionary (1)

"What?" Kai's eyes snapped wide open and a glower escaped his lips as Hiruzen expected Kai to react like this 'naturally' after informing the youth that the two individuals he had grown and vowed to protect were attacked in his absence. Of course, [Acting] came to the clutch as Kai mimicked the frustration and anger he would feel if someone stole Cinnamon and it worked rather well as Hiruzen spoke gravely.

"They are safe, Kai-kun. You can check with them once this meeting concludes. Until then, retain your cool and calm. Now, what... was that head?" Hiruzen questioned with a frown while Kai snorted under his breath to reveal that he was STILL not calm as Sakumo set the mission report on the table.

Hiruzen, for the most part, was pleased with the mission's outcome, causing Kai to earn his share of SP while the Hokage then waited to hear Sakumo's thoughts. Of course, the team knew that Sakumo would be called in later for an even more detailed report later on but for the most part, Hiruzen was satisfied.

Minato earned a great deal of experience. Tsume got a fresh perspective on Ninken from Sakumo. And Kai's strengths were used fully as stated in the Bingo Book. In fact, Hiruzen was over the moon when he realized that his efforts in keeping Kai's information from leaking had only benefitted the action of wearing a mask... no matter how ridiculous the mask really was.

Once Hiruzen affirmed the safe deposit of the 'Head' and Cerberus, he dismissed everyone but Kai to keep things more personal with the youth as every higher-up at this point knew that Kai was seriously being considered for the position of Kage alongside Fugaku, Sakumo, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade.

Other villages would be lucky to have so many candidates with strength that reached reputation but... Konoha had TOO many of these individuals.

And Hiruzen wasn't counting others who had the potential for it since he knew that a lot of potential individuals are 'wasted' in wars and missions. But that was the thing. Kai wasn't just a potential, but he was a force to be reckoned with at this moment.

Trying to divert Kai's attention from the concern Hiruzen assumed that the youth may be feeling for Kushina and Tsunade, the Hokage smiled, "I don't think my students would actually feel thrilled to know you're publicly using their reputation as a stepping board, Dragon Sannin."

Visibly impressed by how his moniker sounded and having his ego fully tickled, Kai sighed and let out a short, strained smile as if still hung over the news of Tsunade being ambushed.

"Someone has to make Konoha great again, right?" Kai shrugged.

A little confused about what Kai intended to say, Hiruzen inquired, "And what do you mean with that?"

"Sensei said that Konoha was most peaceful when the first Hokage still lived. Hashirama Senju is noted for his Kekkei Genkai— Wood Release, Sage Mode, and monstrous chakra reserves that could only be rivaled with Madara Uchiha who did not possess a chakra equivalent to the First Hokage but is rumored to have insane jutsus... So, if I want to be able to have a Harem from every corner of this world, I must remove the root of all conflict."

While Hiruzen was less than amused where Kai's motivation stemmed from, it would be a lie to say that Hiruzen himself did not imagine himself to be all-powerful with women from around the world submitting to him. There is something in such base desires that riled men of unimaginable stature.

"Root of all conflict? And what would that be?" Hiruzen grew interested, feeling that he could make a breakthrough today and actually 'groom' Kai for the chair.

"Ignorance," Kai smirked, "Who would fuck around with me when they know death would be a kindness by getting into conflicts stemming from political reasons? The closest individual who reached this status was the God of Shinobi, Hashirama Senju. So, I don't have Wood Release, Sage Mode, and Chakra Reserves that made so-called Bijuus his tailed bitches. That leaves me with mastering other jutsus to an unimaginable level."

Narrowing his gaze, Hiruzen couldn't help but term what Kai desired, "So becoming a Tyrant?"

"Was Hashirama Senju a tyrant?" Kai retorted, "Lord Third, would Tyrant care about power or just enjoying life?" Smiling, he added, "A Kage is considered a noble. Logically speaking, my dream would come true easier as a Kage, and then I will have children which only serves to root me into Konoha with individuals to care for and protect."

"So you DO want to become Hokage, huh? This report states that Sakumo believes you are more than apt to be considered a Jonin Elite." Hiruzen chuckled, "But to become the Hokage, you need something more than skills. You need the Will of Fire left by the First Hokage that guides Konoha. And that, I see in you fully... your relationships within the village with other clans have also improved over the years."

But revealing that Hiruzen was no longer as 'kind' and benevolent as before getting throated by Danzo, the man smirked, "Compared to others, I'd be willing to name you my successor should you manage to contact Uzushiogakure and mend the village's broken bond with the Uzumaki Clan. You may think of me as a selfish individual, but at the moment, due to your relationship with Kushina-kun, you're the only individual who can manage this.

I'm also saying this for Nagato-kun. That boy has talent too great to be wasted over stumbling over discoveries that may be the long norm in the Land of Whirlpool. And when it comes to skills... I believe that Fuinjutsu has always been a skill set admired by many due to its versatility which would suit you. This would help you... and is probably a long overdue to provide for your talent."

[Succession Quest: Parting Whirlpool

Summary: Reform the alliance of Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure better than ever for Hiruzen Sarutobi to fully believe in your abilities and clean the chair of Hokage for you. The mission lasts as long as Hiruzen Sarutobi is the Third Hokage.

Rewards: New Title; New Skill Tree

Failure: Failed Succession.]

Saying this, Hiruzen pulled the drawer of his table and set a scroll on the table, revealing that he intended to provide this to Kai even before their return.

"This is a Fuinjutsu developed by Lord Second... even I desire it but I have been unable to master it as of yet. It's called Flying Thunder God."

'Well... fuck.'


After their initial conversation where Hiruzen practically gave him a skill that was mastered and revealed his intentions to consider Kai a serious contender after 'fully' understanding his goals, which, actually were beyond everyone, the Third Hokage continued to explain how Dan betrayed the village and summoned Iwa Shinobi alongside a barrier ninjutsu to contain Kushina and attack Tsunade. Fortunately, they were alive as Tsunade defeated Dan in a technique that Hiruzen deemed confidential, and thus, Dan was again in a coma. His body was sent to the Intelligence department instead of the Hospital but strangely, the Yamanaka Clan Head reported that Dan's brain was 'empty.'

Meanwhile, Hiruzen also grumbled how another group of Iwa Shinobi had settled near the borders, probably waiting to get summoned but had abandoned their posts promptly. The Sensor in the team that discovered them noted that they were the famed Demolition/Explosion Corp of the Iwa.

Finally, Tsunade also shielded Konan and Kushina from any deep interrogation and sent Hiruzen a scroll detailing their encounter with Shizune, who was too mentally drained and currently hospitalized.

As such, when Kai returned home to find Tsume also there, he was more surprised by the fact that one individual had decided to return the favor by showing up unannounced in his pad and turning the total number of Bimbos from 1 to 2.


Feeling a distinct lack of masculinity aside from the sheer pump and grind he projected, Kai couldn't help but question as 'everyone' was present here for the first time together, "Where are all the guys? Nagato and Yahiko, I mean."

Not everyone sat around the table and quickly finding a cute little Cinnamon to shower with 'his' attention as another, a slightly longer snake was coiled around his arm under his sleeve, Orochimaru replied in his usual raspy tone, "I believe the rules of this location was only bros and hoes. I believe... only we fulfill the criteria. On a different note, I am a bit disappointed how this place lacks your personal touch."

"What is... going on?" Mikoto was still in a daze. Not because of the ambush over a week ago but the fact that everyone present in the room had a certain... relationship with Kai even after being fully aware of his ambitions and Orochimaru's presence deeply disturbed Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsume. Meanwhile...

"What happened to your noses?" Tsunade frowned and looked at Nono and Konan who wiped the blood leaking from their noses as they continued to sneak glances at Kai's burly... hefty form and then Orochimaru's slender and rather 'caring' form as he played with Cinnamon.

"Possibilities..." Nono replied with a weak sigh, "It's too much..."

Unwilling to actually let out secrets to so many individuals since his trust did not mean there couldn't be a crazy bastard out there who could read the memories of the girls against their will, Kai snapped his fingers, "Konan, Tsume, out. Go to my room if you want and make sure Kuromaru doesn't defile my bed."

While they wanted to argue, Kai had enough rapport with the duo for them to swallow their indignations and let them out later when HE gave them a chance.

Orochimaru only smiled while gazing at their departing form.

With the setting being more 'intimate' as Kai was with those... all who had seen him naked— ehm, been with him longer and closer, he fell silent and looked at them.

They stared back at him. He could sense their curiosity, well, Kai assumed that to be true for Orochi, too, since he could only sense 'non' sages.

"So... strange, huh?" Kai shook his head, "Traitors in the village... I wonder who saved you, Kushina. Must be a mighty shinobi. Hey, you should actually think of a REALLY good way to show your gratitude."

Snorting through her nose, Kushina chose not to reply. In fact, there was another manner where she could have taken care of the enemy but her hesitation in revealing her trump cards had given the enemy the opportunity to strike first and hard.

"How long are we supposed to keep things from Sensei?" Orochimaru was quick to steer the conversation to the actual topic, "I was invited here by Tsunade for a reason, I believe. Most likely, to acquaint these girls about the situation now that they had to indirectly deceive the Hokage in the report, it won't turn out well should Hokage realize the situation."

Others frowned. They were aware of Kai's skills largely but he also made sure to keep most of them ambiguous. There were two reasons for that.

First, safety measures.

Second, Kai knew he would never use all of the skills he grinds. Just because he knew something didn't mean he has to prefer it. For instance, even after all he had, he still lusted after Byakugan that he was trying to emulate fully knowing that he had no need for it, well, aside from cultural purposes. If anything, Kai wanted this training in Byakugan as a base to finally try and copy the copying eyes themselves.

But the situation here forced everyone to realize that Kai was growing too strong and too quickly. If that wasn't true even in her eyes, Orochi wouldn't have decided to join the meeting and 'scope' the situation.

Even if Hiruzen had only displayed trust and appreciation towards Kai's growth... they did kind of pull the smoke on the Old Hokage on many occasions and there is one thing everyone here knew and that was the fact that trust once broken is exceptionally hard to repair.

Tsunade and Orochi knew even more about their Sensei and the only one who could even hope to gain Hiruzen's trust in such a situation was the only one of them three who wasn't present.

"That's a big if..." Kai responded with a relaxed expression despite the situation. He'd already Uprooted Danzo's Angel. He'd already apprehended Danzo. Orochimaru had already committed human experiments. Tsunade had already taken Rinnegan from Nagato. Mito had already deceived the village and single-handedly caused the war to end.

Actions once committed to... shouldn't be doubted or worried over.

"If anything, I believe that all of you collected here just to drool over me with your gazes for I, Dragon Sannin, was away for a whole week. I'm sure you—" Before Kai could continue to stroke his ego and simultaneously reveal part of their intentions, Tsunade furrowed her brows and rubbed her temples, "Listen here, the situation is really troublesome if we think about it."

"Lucky you, Sensei," Kai smirked, "As your Guardian, I do the thinking for you. And, I've decided that the only way to not feel troubled is for that trouble to be nothing more than a speck. Sakumo-san gave the team a break for three weeks so I believe we should be starting with that training."

Tsunade was a little speechless since she admittedly tried to avoid starting that training after having a summary from Mikoto about her 'first' night during the checkup she performed on the Uchiha Princess for confirmation's sake.

"That's one way to think of it. But society always pushes away the exceptional if the mediocre cannot humanize them. What makes you think Sarutobi-Sensei will accept should anything escape your illusion of control?" Orochimaru questioned.

Kai and others blinked before even Orochi realized what 'he' had done.

"Are you talking to me?" Kai smirked, "Who caught that damn runaway cat Tora 273 times? Who built and painted over 600 fence perimeters, and who delivered over 1000 packages for the needy?"

D-rank missions are the best way to socialize.

"Now, it's just better to admit that all of you are here with all these excuses just to meet me," Kai concluded with the most shit-eating, proud smirk they had seen on him as he leaned on the table with her finger interlocked under his propped up chin.

"So... is it really true?" Mikoto broke the heavy silence caused by Kai's words as others were thinking of ways to put him in his place.

"What is?" Kai inquired.

"You and..." She didn't speak, but her gaze did wander over to Orochimaru.

"Oh, no," Kai snickered, "Orochimaru-san is just a colleague whose... a big softie despite appearances."

At least, 'they' looked soft.

"Would you cut it out?" Tsunade narrowed her eyes at Kai with a stern expression before looking over at Mikoto. Unwilling to have Orochi's recent changes spread out just for one's amusement, Tsunade shook her head, "Kai meant that Orochimaru has been helping us and her insight in many things has been inspiring."

Silent till now but still observant to the tiniest detail being a Genjutsu Specialist and Tsunade's Paperwork bitch, Nono adjusted her glasses and uttered an inquiry that made a rather smug Tsunade who felt she'd covered up things nicely to almost yelp out loud at the rather... revealing cover. Like crotchless panties. It was there... but had no purpose.

"Her? Tsunade-sama... you just called Orochimaru-san a 'her'."

Kai's smirk widened while Orochimaru continued to gently trace... her index finger over Cinnamon's entire length as her slitted yellow pupils gazed into Tsunade with a rather... calm expression. For all her recent growth in politics when Mito was present and the war was nigh, the Senju Slug Princess had grown noticeably lax especially after having Danzo under capture. This error alongside many errors in the paperwork was something Nono was used to locating and correcting instinctively, causing this very situation.