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Title: The Cursed Seal (1)

"My, my, what a pleasant surprise," Orochimaru viewed the olive-skinned youth with a great deal of interest. His slitted yellow pupils took in his form with a slight hint of astonishment. What should have been an 11-year-old boy stood at an impressive height of five feet with his clothes filled out by a set of broad chest and shoulders. His pitch-black pupils sharper than ever... penetrative, in fact. But not minding the obvious reaction of chakra from the youth, 'he' still decided to test the youth in front of him.

Leaving hints for others, especially Kai, happened to be a great source of entertainment for Orochimaru and as such, his prominent lips curled up and he questioned in his usual raspy tone, "See something you like, Kai-kun? We haven't interacted for a whole year but I have heard a lot of good things about you."

However, still standing on Orochimaru's doorstep, Kai resisted the urge to close his eyes in pain since [Piercing Gaze] only made Kai entirely see-through Orochimaru as if he didn't exist. He sighed and remarked bluntly, "So, you did master Sage Mode."

Exhaling a short sigh, somewhat... disappointed, Orochimaru mustered, "Do come in. I don't enjoy letting my guests wait for long."

With that, the man stepped aside while Kai walked and his brows instantly furrowed as he smelled the perpetually subtle but 'sweet' scent.

"I didn't know you had women brought over to your apartment, Orochimaru-san. I expected this from Jiraiya-san. By the way, have you heard from him?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Orochimaru offered Kai a glass of water and let the youth sit on a chair near the counter of the kitchen.

"I haven't had any woman over, Kai-kun. As for Jiraiya... I have yet to establish contact. What about Tsunade? Out of the two of us, Jiraiya is more likely to contact her."

Kai shook his head and gazed at the glass of water thoughtfully before drinking it.

"He hasn't... I hope he's safe."

"Your prayers would go unwarranted, I assure you. If anything, pray for the brothels he visits. Even they would feel their limits tested despite earning from that man." Orochimaru hummed but Kai shrugged. If anything, Kai somewhat looked up to Jiraiya since the man clearly educated Minato from a long distance and excelled at it.

With 'formalities' out of the way, Orochimaru leaned forward against the table and Kai got the full 'blast' of that sweet scent once again...

'The hell is up with him?' Kai sighed internally as Orochimaru perked up, "So, Kai-kun. We can be honest to one another because if you had said anything to Tsunade, I would have had to flee the village, too. What can I do for you?"

"Could you bring the original?" Kai questioned as Orochimaru's eyelids jumped in surprise.

The youth shrugged, "It was an easy tell. Your clone in the Senju Compound would always act more formal than necessary."

"THIS, you see through?" Orochimaru questioned but before Kai could question what he was on about, the clone dispersed in a plume of smoke and left Kai alone...

In Orochimaru's house.

But Kai had no urge to raid the man's drawers. It wasn't like he was Tsunade.

Still, he sat on his spot and activated the [Piercing Vision]. Unlike Byakugan, the veins near the ends of Kai's eyes didn't bulge. Still, he could see through things as he desired in a certain range.

As he took a casual sweep of Orochimaru's apartment... his lips parted in shock.

What. The. Hell?!


Orochimaru, the real one, had great expectations once he returned from whatever he was busy with to find an extremely weirded-out Kai. Tsunade had some stories to complain about Kai and one of his girlfriends who would snoop around Tsunade's room whenever they got a chance and for that very reason, Orochimaru's shadow clone didn't just create another clone and then disperse but left Kai alone.

Seeing the youth who couldn't help but glance over at his chest and waist, Orochimaru's lips curled further.

'Maybe he finally found out... Hmm, so is it because of this matter being so unexpected that Kai never realized it? Wait, if that were true, Tsunade wouldn't have realized what happened to me the moment she laid her eyes on me a year ago... Is it because of gender differences then? Not that it's of any concern...' His eyes narrowed and the Sannin felt a great deal of 'need' to confirm the fact that all the hints he laid worked this time.

"Is something the matter, Kai-kun?" Orochimaru gave his characteristic chuckle as his gaze practically twinkled.

Aware at this point that Orochimaru was purposely laying hints, Kai gulped and then sighed, "Orochimaru-san... I am really flattered. But I... you know, like girls. So... I mean, you look great for a guy, as handsome and hot as Sakumo-san or my dear Father-in-law but... if you had a daughter, I'd be more interested in her..."

Orochimaru blanked out for a moment but instead of getting disappointed again, he found himself greatly amused by the youth's reaction. His smile grew a tad bit broader and he chuckled in response, "What are you talking about, Kai~!"

"That, right there!" Kai groaned, "Look... you can wear what you like and... be 'free' but you should know that I will never be interested in that way."

Orochimaru blinked and finally caught up to what Kai was talking about. It would seem that the youth DID look around, after all, and found some 'unsettling' clothes.

But then again, it was almost too cute that the youngest Jonin was fumbling in front of him.

"I would say you got everything wrong," Orochimaru hummed and practically stated it before changing topics, "Again, what can I do? You wouldn't have sought me out for chit-chat because the Great Jonin Kai is known for his unimaginable Training Ethics, right? He wouldn't have a time of day to idle around... except with a few lovely exceptions. I do apologize that I got you nothing for your engagement."

See? The real Orochimaru wasn't just a formal bitch but was a blend of sass and humor, too.

Looking around for a second and wondering if he should go in a roundabout manner, he decided to be straight with Orochimaru, like usual. The snake can be as bendy as he wants but Kai loved being straight.

"Well, I was hoping to... ask for your assistance. As you said, I didn't tell Tsunade about your involvement with Danzo because it didn't matter. Danzo was the one happily feeding you with 'fresh' supplies but now that is cut, you're back to the basics. So, if anything, this only adds to the long list of crimes Danzo achieved in his stellar tenure as the Elder of the Village."

Orochimaru let a hum escape his lips, shamelessly believing the matters to be as such, too.

Of course, both individuals left out many facts on the matter.

"And? You still haven't stated what is that you wish my assistance on?" Orochimaru questioned.

"I want your help on the matter of... hmm, what is it that Danzo called them in his notes? Monster Clan? The name is a little bit... meh. But you should know about them, right?"

Seeing Kai mention one of the greater research topics in Orochimaru's recent endeavors, the Sannin lied through his teeth, "I may have heard of it."

Kai resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

He would have pursued this act alone now that he had the necessary knowledge for it if not for the fact that he needed a better 'version' of this research product which Danzo's coffers did not hold.

"So, do you know that their bodies secrete a special enzyme that reacts with the part of the world around us?" Kai continued.

"Hmm, again, I may have heard of it," Orochimaru smiled.

From the knowledge gained, Kai knew that he must have quite the build to have this enzyme introduced to his body and that's why he continued to train his body quite extensively. As such, Kai only needed a better combination of this enzyme that may only be in Orochimaru's hold.

Not trying to even enter the labyrinth of wordplays and hints Orochimaru would have prepared at every step for him, Kai sighed and pressed directly, "Will you help me, or not? I am aware of the risks but Nature energy and in turn, Senjutsu Chakra is quite... interesting to me."

"It's an interest of even the strongest," Orochimaru quipped, "But interest does not equate to ability. But I appreciate the fact that you were the direct reason behind Danzo's sudden 'exile' and kept my professional affiliations with the man secret from others. However, I never expected you to take this approach... Did Tsunade and Jiraiya fail you?"

Kai frowned but kept silent. It's not like he can solicit Jiraiya and meanwhile, Tsunade was just doing her level best in achieving her interests without crossing some lines that allowed her to have peace at night. Kai did not have the mind to push her past these boundaries. It was a simple matter of selfishness, after all. And if Tsunade is annoyed with him for looking for someone else for things she could very well achieve then— Tough.

Still, this did not mean Kai would reveal more than necessary, and noting his silence, Orochimaru moved on, "I cannot help you. Instead, I can offer my services... for something in return. Tell me, how are your fuin skills?"

"Better than yours," Kai narrowed his eyes as it elicited an eerie giggle from Orochimaru, "That's certainly narcissistic... but reassuring nonetheless."

"Let's put your words to a test," Orochimaru hummed. His right index finger was suddenly covered in a tiny burst of violet chakra as he drew a seal on the surface of 'space' in front of Kai. Yet, Kai scoffed in return. He wasn't shy about making use of Kushina's inheritance and keeping his soul unextracted by this paltry excuse of a soul extraction seal. With practiced ease, Kai drew a seal pattern far more complicated than... Orochimaru imagined.

"This is how you extract it," Kai responded. He didn't have a special skill for soul extraction seal because it was the opposite of soul sealing seal.

"So young but already knowing such abstract concepts," Orochimaru hummed, "Saves me the trouble, indeed. But, how am I to trust you? What I offer is... a guaranteed method of attaining Senjutsu Chakra. That, by itself, once mastered, shall put you above Elite Jonins and close to, if not surpassing the general idea of a Kage."

"Of course, you can trust me. After all, worse than Tsunade, I haven't told Old Hokage about your affiliations with Danzo Shimura, and should he hear that you certainly... are the strongest of his disciples, and probably in the village itself, he will definitely be after you."

However, not the least bit fazed by Orochimaru's sheer presence and frenzied intent locking on him, Kai added, "What I don't understand is... why not try and become a Hokage?"

"It's merely a position that would have allowed me to achieve a few of my goals. However, as I am now, that seat is more administrative trouble than assistance. And frankly, I can't be bothered to put up a facade of caring towards civilians that can hope to accomplish nothing exemplary in their entire life." Orochimaru sighed gently and shook his head.

"Is... Senjutsu that great?" Kai inquired.

"It's a drug that only has an endless fascination and no drawbacks once you master it," Orochi smirked.

"Or, it has drawbacks that even you failed to notice till now," Kai added.

"Spoken like a true man of research. Am I right to assume that after my departure, Tsunade took an interest in you as a research partner?" The snake inquired.

"Something like that," Kai shrugged, "So, where is your lab?"

Orochimaru chuckled, "Haven't you gotten impatient after growing, hmm, big guy?"

The sheer 'suggestive' tone made Kai cringe but he bore it... for the grind!



He's only 5 foot tall... that's not how tall an average 16 year old is.


A good deal of kids at 12-13 are above that height. So at 11 he's barely above average.