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Title: The Uchiha's Stunt and the Audacity of the Bandaged Cunt (2)

Mosquitoes are common in Konoha. Blood-sucking sons of bitches that leave many with red, itchy, and swollen marks and not to mention the monstrosities that must be dealt with in the form of C and B-ranked missions that members of Aburame Clan tackle usually. Heck, a few of the giant blood-sucking monstrosities are even turned into the summons of the clan members.

One such mosquito that did not have a single hint of 'internal' chakra buzzed its wings around the outskirts of the village but did not try to go past a certain perimeter. Others may not see it but Chakra Sensors could easily note the large dome of chakra surrounding the village in a spherical shape, even going underground, and having four large kanjis of the term 'Barrier' on its surface. Strangely, the mosquito flew right along the edge of the giant dome fuelled by seals and constant chakra by a designated group of shinobi until it reached a region of shrubbery. Konoha, being the massive village it is, with hundreds of acres of land in its perimeters, made it so that many spots could go unchecked whether intentionally or unintentionally.

As if being carried by fate itself, the mosquito entered the shrub and reached the wide base of a simple tree. The mosquito stopped and perched on the base of the tree, without prey to suck on. However, 'fate' led the mosquito to its prey the second the tree trembled and was dragged backward mechanically with a long strip of sealing jutsu spreading over the tree...

Not the mosquito knew any of it or had hands to have anything to do with it.

And the mosquito quietly buzzed and entered the long descent of stairs into the darkness. It flew and flew. Aimless. Hungry.

It reached an underground area where children, unmasked, trained in various quarters built in this strange facility hundreds of feet under Konoha.

Not that the mosquito cared.

It flew and flew, not finding any worthy target to suck on.

It flew and flew, only finding things a leader of a nation would be frightened by.

After all, in one of the chambers, the mosquito idly lamented how two children splattered their blood until one fell down cold and the other one, equally injured, barely hung on.

Truly, a fortune was lost.

A fortune of blood, that is.

As if having had enough of such wastage, the mosquito entered the room the most heavily sealed.

Yet, it must be the wind, or fate, that it realized that the crevices of the entrance were still empty gaps. A shame on whoever built this kind of secured entrance.

After all, a mosquito, with a large enough appetite, can leave an individual sunken rather than with a few red, itching spots to constantly scratch and make things worse. Indeed, a mosquito in every day and age makes things worse.

As the mosquito entered the dark chamber, it was suddenly covered in a silent plume of smoke before a masked youth appeared instead of the mosquito.

Well, just like a mosquito, Kai loves to suck the life out of an individual by destroying them so if Danzo thought that laying an ANBUsh while resigning from Root would make him disappear from the map, then the bandaged cunt had another thing coming.

Sure, Kai realized now why Danzo wasn't as active in his leisure 'hunt' as before... he was still cultivating children into proficient killers. After all, not everyone can be like yours truly to be as much of a disaster at such a young age.

And, Kai also realized why many, who SHOULD have seen through Danzo's bullshit of stepping down from Root either didn't 'want' to see through it or were oblivious to it. In a world ravaged by wars— A War Hero is a title right next to a god. Just like how the current Three Legendary Sannins names were still rallied and were worshipped by many young Shinobi who aspired to be like them, Danzo was one of the War Heroes that emerged from the First Shinobi War.

There were two more 'Heroes.'

The current Kage— Hiruzen Sarutobi.

And the late Kagami Uchiha.

As such, Danzo... was kind of untouchable if there wasn't concrete evidence. Sure, the dead root members should have the man dead to rights back then yet Danzo 'punished himself' to tide over the situation by seemingly leaving the suspected infiltrated Root to Hiruzen. Now, even if Kai wasn't a Chakra Empath, he wouldn't have believed the bandaged Cunt and since he was such a magnificent shinobi, Kai knew how to deal with such a situation.

As such, the moment Kai learned Shadow Clones, he would have one use [Essence Transformation] while converging all the chakra into the basic chakra seal before having the man followed. Finding the entrance of this base was a work of a week... but Kai wasn't in a hurry. Things only grew better for him when...

When he learned the [Chakra Transfer Technique].

To be clear, Chakra Transfer Technique wasn't far off from the Mystical Palm Technique yet the essential difference lay in the fact that the former directly converted chakra to match the chakra signature of the intended recipient to bolster the recipient temporarily as this chakra could simply not be stored unless some special circumstances occur. Meanwhile, Mystical Palm Technique COULD restore the chakra of the other party but... it's so costly that no respectable shinobi with a small reserve would ever do it.

This technique worked wonders in Kai's hands alongside the Basic Chakra Storage Seal that THIS clone was armed to the teeth with.

"Hmm... the information is secondary. But... the original didn't pump me with his... fuck, phrasing. Anyway, let's get started..."

Kai, of course, had a plan in mind. Well, committing chaos wasn't really a plan but hey, whatever works for his shits and giggles should go by unchecked. He didn't train all this time just to shrink his neck when a fool tried to kill him.

The clone silently looked at the multitude of storage scrolls in the underground locker of this facility. What should Kai even call it?

New Root?

Root Redefined?

Danzo's Angels?

The clone hummed in amusement. Now that HE thought of it, the main body will decide on a name himself. His current work was to liberate these scrolls from Danzo's scrawny hands... but why didn't the man have these items on himself?

Was inscribing sealing seals on the body still not popular?


The clone's grin widened...

'Or these are the items that Danzo intended to be backup... hmm, he also has a rather well-equipped laboratory. The original didn't expect Danzo to be the kind to be into research... Well, I should wipe it away... Tsunade has her own lab. Orochimaru-san probably has his own, too... Might as well get a leg up on in and add a lab to The Pad.'

With these thoughts, the clone began to silently peruse through the sealing scrolls and noticed almost all of them had a tracker seal on them, the same kind that Nono had on herself without her knowledge back when they did their promotion mission together.

Well, another mystery cleared.

'Danzo's probably the one that was behind Senju's ass... can't blame him. They're springy and I definitely want to smack the one... lucky original... sigh, makes me even angrier. Good enough. I'll redirect all my anger at the bandaged bitch.'

With that, Kai made quick work of these security seals on the storage scrolls. The thing was, even if he had only gotten started on seals with Kushina, Uzumaki are way beyond the current trend of seals.

Where did the Barrier Jutsu that covers the village come from?


Where did the seals that are studied by the Second Hokage come from?


Why did THREE villages have to collaborate against a single civilization and still get wrecked largely?


Well, no, the stubborn fools, according to Kai and Tsunade would have been quite thoroughly ravaged if not for a Masked 'Maiden.'

"There~" Patting his hand and quite happy with the lode he'd struck, the clone smiled cheerily at the single scroll in his hand but he wasn't quite done.

Temporarily sealing the scroll within himself, the clone turned into a mosquito and buzzed away before entering a lab... well, with lab equipment. How this world had only started with the creation of air conditioners one year after the war's conclusion but had made such a leap in biological advances made very little sense to Kai but he wasn't here to question things but make sure that all these things fell into the hands of the original.

No justification was needed for his greed.

He wanted it, thus, he shall take it away.

Only giving the bare minimum of research notes that only described the latest tests and results, the clone frowned before shrugging.

Danzo turned out to be not only a bandaged but a thoroughly traitorous cunt but what about it? The clone himself would poof out of existence in a few moments itself so he would rather let the original think whatever he needs to regarding this information and instead seal the lab in the scroll before placing it on the ground and placing his palm near the scroll.

"Reverse Summoning."

*Poof* The scroll disappeared!

And then the clone's grin widened.

There were two reasons why this moment was one of the best timing available to Kai to uproot Root.

'Hey, there you go... Uprooted Root... an Ironic name works the best~!'

First, Danzo wasn't present in the village. Every year, the Elders and a platoon of Anbu escort the Hokage to the Land of Fire's Capital. Now, this was a huge secret. The temporary departure of the Hokage was only informed to Tsunade and probably Orochimaru because the Hokage wanted one of the few strongest individuals around him he trusted to remain prepared should anything befall Konoha in his absence.

And... Tsunade trusted her Guardian with the same knowledge should any disaster befall her.

Kai, and now the clone, was quite hurt at the time. How could Tsunade not see that HE was the 'disaster' that wanted to fall on the massive cake she packed.


Anyway, the second reason why Kai chose this timing was... well, Hiruzen wasn't here. Accompanying Tsunade to clan meetings and at times, being her proxy in the village meeting made things clear to Kai that Hiruzen favored Danzo a lot... Kai even sensed hidden... 'emotions' too colorful to be stated. He had nothing against it but the thought of a slowly aging Hiruzen clapping Danzo... or the other way around was... a disaster waiting to happen itself!

Anyway, Kai had the infinite wisdom to NOT try and Uproot this rotten Root infecting the ground he wished to lay the base of his harem on with Hiruzen present. Kai didn't trust the Old Hokage despite the man's trust. Did Kai ask the Hokage to trust him? And what was with the recent summons for just a few minutes to talk about the weather and future?

Kai had no fucks to give about the weather when there could be Jutsus that changed weather on a whim and the future? It surely wasn't tied to a seat to run a village full of killers. He would rather bed killer ladies. Or grind. Both of which cannot happen with his ass planted on that chair.

So, this was one of the best moments.

Without waiting for another second, Kai released four of the basic chakra storage seals and planted his hand on the ground again.

Summoning Jutsu and its reversal were one of the most convenient things in Kai's life but there was a problem that it required quite a bit of chakra. Still, Kai had long prepared a Summoning 'point' that was needed beforehand as he grinned.

"Reverse Summoning!"

The seal marks of the summoning jutsu expanded wildly as it fed on almost 40000 points of chakra in one go and—


Kai, the Uproot, and its members suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the village and many felt the change instantly. After all, they just traveled through time-space!

But it wouldn't do to NOT attract commotion.

The original had only one thought in mind when he took the entire night to keep on transferring chakra to the basic storage seal.

Unsealing all the remaining 8 marks and consuming the unused reserve of his own chakra that he kept suppressed until now, the masked clone formed a single seal of confrontation and utilized one of the most basic jutsu ever—

'Fire Release: Fireball.'

A catastrophic swirl of pure red flames suddenly formed in front of the mask before the clone faced up...

And let a massive one rip.

Yet, for reasons unknown to the clone, it never did sense a tiny white snake that silently melted into the ground. It was as if the snake didn't exist... or was perfectly part of the surroundings even in intent.



Damn, Kai pulling out the slick moves.


Unfortunately looks like he might have found Orochimaru's research lab as well. Or at least a place with a bunch of his stuff copied in it. Wonder if they'll work together if he gives him proper targets to use instead of being Danzo's fall guy as he was in the original? Hopefully he at least got enough information to get all the clans together before Hiruzen gets back so they can remove the current elders and Hiruzen from office. Or at least kill off Danzo. Hokage only gets to be in that seat if the rest of the clans agree with them being in charge. Would be nice to see them decide to remove Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura or at least call for the Yamanaka clan to have a look in their heads to see just how badly they've betrayed the village.


I don:t think anyone aside from Danzo ever betrayed the village... like, explicitly. Maybe with foolish decisions, yes, but not knowingly


Koharu and Homura were part of the group promoting Sasuke in canon. They gave him anything he wanted and were part of the group that told everyone that Naruto's the demon fox. So they had their hands in a large number of pies with the civilians and causing unrest in the village for profit. Nothing good came from those taught by the second Hokage. They all seem to be self interest type of people that would see the world burn if they profited from it.