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Title: Changes

"Hngh..." Kai groaned whilst simultaneously snoring before his sleep was uneventfully interrupted by something heavy suffocating him. His eyes snapped open as he moved the duffel bag from his face and sat up with a scowl. The once verdant training ground was now littered with his team. Oh, he loved the grind but he also enjoyed the consequential sleep that filled his heart with satisfaction.

"What?" He groaned as the already round face of the walking tomato turned even rounder with that huge pout of hers as she chided, "Don't 'what' me, Dattebane! We have to train so that I control that monster quickly and get to go to the missions with you all!"

Kai blinked. It has been three days since their return and aside from the initial political drama, nothing else really happened. Even Kushina had grown normal... relatively, after the second day but her words right now made his eyes shine.

"That's the spirit! Come on! We'll spar now!"

Kushina hurriedly stepped back and smirked, "I meant, my training is different. I can only teach you if I have learned those skills myself. My Guardian must learn better Fuinjutsu!" She declared and then rubbed the back of her head, "But till then, don't you have other skills to train?"

Kai smirked at the thought of progress. His new skills demanded a high grind but that was alright. He had already completed—

[Chakra Threads (10/10): Shape the chakra into threads that can stick and control objects from a distance. Current Consumption: 5~???]

And had actually stolen a technique right under the noses of the Anbu.

[Secret Sword— Moonlight (4/20): A sword skill that utilizes superior skill and light misdirection to confuse opponents by leaving a series of after images.

Next Level: Practice the technique 45/150 times or 5 SP.]

It was a C-rank Kenjustu that he gained by mimicking the movement of his enemy. While Ninjutsu cannot be copied just by the movement because of the internal chakra molding, at least, not without a Sharingan, physical skills could. At least... this is what he discovered just because he wanted to try it. And this also made him remember another skill he had seen and was interested in.

It was during the Team Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru bet that Minato showed the strange Taijutsu skill. Hey, it might be useless but the grind WILL get him more SP.

'Anyway... one at a time.'

Kai narrowed his eyes. The C-ranked Kenjutsu did not have any effect on his physique so it was back to the traditional grind!

Still... he wouldn't mind a B-rank Taijutsu or Genjutsu. But he had a lot going on...

But he was also greedy as heck.

"Hey... what's in this bag?" Kai looked down at the bag he just shoved aside and found...

'Oh... my god... no, the legend speaks about some Rikudo, right? Oh, my Rikudo!'

Kai hurriedly zipped up the duffel bag with a sick expression as Kushina chimed with a rosy blush on her cheeks but Kai saw Mikoto's and Tsunade's devilish smirk... they knew what was really up.

"I mean... you're always trying to help... and you're so much younger than me. And I have... been acting like a child for a few days, too..." Kushina played with a tress of her red hair while averting her violet gaze, "I- I just wanted to do something nice dattebane!"

'Then teach me the ultimate secrets of Fuinjutsu, you murderous hobo,' Kai rolled his eyes. He had looked into the bag and Kushina inquired with a stutter, "W-won't you try it?"

"Yeah, I'll add it to my poison resistance regime," Kai scoffed. His words made Kushina confused, "But why to add cookies to that?"

Kai looked at her and nodded his head slowly, "Well... let's see. Those cookies are shaped into balls. They are dark green in color. They smell worse than shit when I eat Super Black Chili Fried Rice, do I need to keep going?"

Kushina deadpanned before a vein popped over her temple and her long red hair began to float with the sheer anger and subsequent chakra she released as she stared at Kai with a hint of cold fury.

"What did you say?"

"I mean, we're both kids and I don't mind helping out whenever possible but damn, even an absolutely useless cook would only burn the cookies. You're almost a devil-like that, huh. Don't even cook eggs for me. Who knows which poor bastard you've torn the nutsack off of," Kai hummed thoughtfully as Kushina raged.

"Damn you! And I was worried what you would think about it!" She growled.

"Worried?" Kai giggled, "You should be proud. That's some real poison there with basic condiments. Sensei, you all should eat it slowly to get resistant to its effects!"

Mikoto's and Tsunade's grins froze as Kushina shot at him with a furious expression. Of course, this was the only time Kai actually felt mocking joy from within the furious Kushina. It was clear that his words made the day of a certain residence fox.


It was already the eleventh month of the year and it has been a few months since their return. Many things had changed but these changes weren't conveyed to the team directly instead, they found interesting tidbits from their Sensei and Mikoto's father.

First of all, Tsunade was entering into more and more heated arguments with her Sensei over the smallest of things which did wonders to stoke her temper. It wasn't about anything as drastic as being ambush— nay, ANBUshed but was related to more menial things that the Third Hokage stopped giving Tsunade leniency over.

Another thing that happened during this period was the death of Elder Koharu and Homura's direct descendants on the Suna war front which made them remove their own grandchildren from Team Jiraiya for an indefinite period. Now that was a saucy controversy even Hiruzen had a headache over. But Jiraiya's stance on not minding this at all made it far easier for the Hokage to tackle the situation than he should have.

But the sheer bias revealed in this event rubbed many clan heads, especially those in war with THEIR children, the wrong way.

Aside from all this, Uchiha and the Senju clan were making their name more prosperous, especially the Uchiha. Everyone knew about Senjus and they were one of the major forces in the Suna War Front to repel the invading army once the Jinchuriki was used in a surprise attack.

Uchiha, on the other hand, sent assassins into the Land of Earth and Lightning under the Hokage's order and disrupted the pace of the two village's preparations and recuperation although the Land of Lightning had yet to enter the fray with a major battle.

But this also meant that aside from the civilian shinobi, Senju and the Uchiha had to suffer major casualties, especially in the rank of young chunins but whoever remained was the cream of the reaping crop.

Meanwhile, Team Tsunade had a lot going on. While many 'talented' teams and jonin Senseis that were allowed to train the next generation used the time to better themselves, the popular Team Tsunade was on the move constantly.

Repairing fences? Where's them nails at.

Painting houses? Stroke the brush as you would stroke a lover.

Chasing wayward cats? They loved pussy... cats.

Delivering mails? They had other services to offer, too!

Well... not 'they' but him. The rest of the Team Tsunade trained while tagging along in his path of unlimited quest grinding. Not only D-rank missions though. Wild animals, bandits, shady merchants, the justice in Kai's heart bloomed as he took care of it all!

[Earned 131 SP.]

But this wasn't all. The grind never stopped for Kai in skills, too! Although... some skills were still troublesome.

[Secret Sword— Moonlight (20/20): A sword skill that utilizes superior skill and light misdirection to confuse opponents by leaving a series of after images.]

[Wind Nature Transformation (50/50): Convert chakra extended out of the body into the element of air. Increases the mastery of wind stat by 0.4℅ at every level. Reduces chakra wastage by 0.06℅ at every level.]

[Wind Release— Gust (10/10): Releases a soft gust from the mouth of the user. Chakra consumption reduced by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 90~???]

[Wind Release— Small Breakthrough (10/10): Produces sharp gust of wind into a protective dome that expands outward. Chakra consumption reduced by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 240~???]

[Wind Release— High Jump (10/10): Releases a shot of wind from the soles of the feet to jump higher. Chakra consumption reduced by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 100~???]

[Wind Release: Skewering Blade (20/20): Slashes out a sharp, condensed wave of wind that can leave slash marks on the bark of a tree. Chakra consumption reduced by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 120~???]

[Wind Release: Wind Shuriken (25/25): Converges air current around the shuriken projectiles or shapes air current into shuriken-like projectiles to throw at the opponent. Chakra consumption reduced by 2℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 450~???]

[Water Release: Advanced Water Clone (20/20): Advanced version of the water clone that can be formed by a flexible amount of chakra and is not bound by simple commands. It can also use the water release jutsu similar to the user. Chakra consumption reduced by 2.5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 6000~???]

[Earth Release: Advanced Earth Clone (20/20): Advanced version of the Earth Clone that can be formed by a flexible amount of chakra and is not bound by simple commands. It can also use Earth Release Jutsu similar to the user. Chakra consumption reduced by 2.5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 6000~???]

The advanced clones were what most Jonins used as it was far more versatile. It also replaced the skills of regular clones. Although there wasn't a skill for the regular clones, it did not imply he could not form the basic version of it.

The best part of being ANBUshed before was that now Kai had no inhibitions. Instead of wasting SP by buying these techniques readily available to most, Kai entered the archives and used the money and mission contributions he had saved until now the make exchanges. What about showing too much and attracting a bad crowd?

Didn't he already do that? And now whoever was after him knew Kai could fuck up a careless Jonin so either the perpetrator will have to send an even more impressive force or appear himself, both of which happened to be troublesome after losing the initiative of surprise.

Still, the past two and a half months had been nothing but juicy for Kai!

[Name: Kai
Age: 6
Title: Konoha Chunin
Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer
Rank: Chunin
Hit Points: 100℅
Stamina: 100/100℅ (21.3/min)

Chakra: 33012 (8921→ 9432+250℅) || (945/min) (270+250%/min)
Physique: 212→ 233/1000
Mental: 247→ 249/1000
Perception: 179→ 186/1000

Water: 21/100℅
Wind: 20.3/100℅
Fire: 0/100℅
Earth: 20.6/100℅
Lightning: 0/100℅
Yin: 1.3/100℅
Yang: 0.8/100℅]

[Skill points: 653]


[Essence Transformation (3→ 39/75): Allows the user to transform into any beast, plant, or item. This skill does not change the weight of the user, chakra reserve, or any other aspect of the user except physical appearance. The body is molded to form the shape of the chakra extended from the user. Chakra consumed reduced by 1℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 30.5/min.

Next Level: Transform into something new 13989/27800 times or 25 SP.]

[Shape Transformation (43/50): Utilizes the ability to control chakra to shape it. Decreases chakra wastage by 0.26℅ at every level.

Next Level: Shape 67900/320000 chakra or 14 SP.]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 70.18℅]

'Ah... Chakra Reserves, when will you grow. Damn, my only weakness, this cute childish body...'

"Good work, Kai-kun," Hiruzen smiled at the boy. While it was true that he and Tsunade had grown to bicker more than usual, the Hokage's eyes would light up at the sight of Kai.

Being this young, sensible, obedient, and most of all, serving the village even when staying after the war by helping civilians through the D-Rank mission made him quite rightly a star.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. Is there any other mission?" Kai beamed. Just give it to him, that juicy booty of SP!

Kushina and Mikoto rolled their eyes while Tsunade remained silent the entire time with a stoic expression.

The report of their mission was soon settled and they left the Hokage building. Tsunade didn't stay with them long, saying she had her own tasks at the hospital with many poisoned shinobi returning from the Suna War Front constantly.

Nono, herself, was now usually in hospital if not helping out Tsunade in the compound since Tsunade reasoned her other apprentice needed her guidance, too. The Hospital also had its own large halls where she could train Nono in simpler things, too.

"So? What are we going to do today? I'm already done with my water transformation training."

"Only now?" Mikoto smirked, having long mastered the basic transformation of fire nature chakra as Kushina pouted and scoffed, "Oh, please, ever since I became the Jinchuriki, it's been harder to keep my chakra under control. That's why I don't easily use Mystical Palm Technique, too."

"Ah, right," Mikoto nodded with a wry smile as Kai gave them a sidelong glance. Oh, he was content with what he had but he was also aware he had nothing 'special' going on like the others of his team. The only reason he could keep up with them in everything but chakra reserves was because of his trait and his crazy infatuation with the grind!

"Hey! Freak!"

"Yeah," Kai looked sideways at one of the older boys snickering as they felt stumped. Ah, it's the dumb squad.

"Not you! The red-headed freak next to you! They're saying she's a monster!" The boy announced as many adults frowned while Kai tilted his head sideways and looked at an equally confused Kushina.

"Well... if I'm not a monster... I'll die, so it's fine?" She inquired hesitantly as she was speaking the truth. She had to become a monster to tame one within herself.

"Hmm, tch, tch, I can smell their burning envy from here," Mikoto smirked coldly, "I can also smell their diapers."

"Why would you smell that?" Now it was Kai's turn to look at Mikoto weirdly who blushed, "I meant!"

"Hey! You sons of beta cunts are bullying Kushina again?" A loud, distant growl echoed as Kai smiled proudly at the young pup riding her slightly larger Ninken who barked loudly, making the three boys freeze up for a second before they ran away.

"Aw... and I didn't get to punch them. My day is ruined..." Kushina pouted as Tsume huffed, "There, I protected the pack!"

The girl wore her forehead protector around her neck as if a collar and climbed down from Kuromaru, "I was looking for you three. Uh, Minato asked me to look for you and tell you that he is looking for you."

She smiled at Kai who raised a brow in return and looked a little thoughtful. He had pretty much stopped all contact with Minato for some time now due to the sheer lack of time to pursue any other relationship than he already had. It was just a happy coincidence that he only knew girls... and one brooding Hyuga with a love for talking about fate whenever possible.

Damn, white-eyed perverts!

'Hmm... this also reminds me that I have to grind the Taijutsu skill Minato showed back then... maybe I should meet up with him once and see if I can stea— learn something else...'

"Right now?" Kai inquired.

"Uh..." Tsume scratched the back of her head before jumping on Kuromaru, making the poor boy yelp as she grinned, "Wait a minute! I'll ask him and come back!"

And she ran away.

"Or you could have just led Kai-kun there..." Mikoto wondered out loud.

"She is so dumb!" The redheaded dumb girl of the Team Tsunade really shouldn't have such thoughts about others.

"At least she's cute when stupid," Kai shrugged, expecting greatness from his pup since she trained crazily, too. She was one of them. The believer of grind...


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