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Title: Uzushiogakure (1)

{A/N: I was informed about some civil war in Uzushiogakure in Kushina's time that I didn't know of well beyond after writing this and the next two chapters. I tried to find it online but couldn't so I still don't know if that's true or not. However, this being an AU already changes things but I'm still not denying any civil war if it happened... again, I haven't found it written anywhere.


"Sigh, I feel like we wasted all that time setting traps," Tsunade groaned as she entered the hidden cave they'd sealed off for themselves after contacting the only transformed Uzumaki contact left in the coastal village of Land of Fire. Her gaze fell on Mikoto silently training in her Fire Nature Transformation.

If Tsunade didn't believe that Kai had an unnamed Kekkei Genkai before then she was forced to reconcile her views with his achievements. It was hard to keep from Jiraiya and Orochimaru that the boy had mastered not one but two elemental nature transformations but it was well worth it. It wasn't a matter of trust but keeping a few cards to themselves.

While Mikoto had a hard time warming the chunks of rocks in the wooden pail, Kai continued to shred rocks like there was no tomorrow in an effort to achieve wind nature transformation.

The Elemental Nature Transformation practice had its individual levels for all different natures of elements but the highest mastery meant that the shinobi must induce element into its natural weakness to some extent.

For instance, Mikoto had to warm up the rocks in the wooden pail without heating the wood itself. She must contain her transformed chakra around the rocks and keep it as such until the rocks explode from the heat making the thin stream of air locked away in the tiny crevices expand violently due to the heat. Of course, after achieving that, Mikoto could try higher and higher difficulties but it was ill-advised and unnecessary.

Kai, on the other hand, would have to cut through the water itself with his chakra to have considered it mastered or... just grind it till level 50.

Tsunade didn't disturb the two. She felt that letting them train while she kept a lookout was the right arrangement. After all, even if she felt that the traps they laid were a useless waste of their resources— one can never be too cautious. She was outside the Konoha and she was sure that the enemy WILL send someone strong enough to even threaten her. Letting the kids out was clearly not the logical thing to do.

She glanced at Kai again. Her clan boasted the reputation to have nurtured a God of Shinobi, her grandfather, and Tsunade remembered the tales he would concoct. Mastering water nature transformation at nine and later reaching a higher stage in earth nature transformation the next year itself. She would scoff at that when even she and Orochimaru mastered their first nature transformation at 14 and her Sensei, who had mastered all the five elemental transformations had his first mastery of element at the age of 12.

But now she was beginning to believe the tales of her grandfather.

"Sensei," Kai looked up, making her snap out of her thoughts as she waggled her brows in an inquiry, making him question, "I already know the elemental clones, but I was thinking if there was any other variation of it."

"Why's that?" Tsunade questioned, already rolling her eyes inwardly.

"Well..." Kai smiled sweetly, "I was just wondering..." he drawled and Mikoto's lips twitched. The only way this training-loving, perverted freak of nature in her eyes would 'suddenly' become a sweet boy is when he wanted something. Of course, this was only the first phase as with the time when he began pestering Tsunade for Nature Transformation Techniques. Next was pranking to defeat her will and make her succumb to his demands... which had disastrous results back then. After this came the silent treatment. And even when THAT wouldn't work, Kai would threaten Tsunade with whatever would come to his mind.

Admittedly the last phase worked brilliantly last time, Kai knew not to push or twist Tsunade's knobs and go gently at it. Stroke his demand tenderly over her, to be precise.

"Shadow Clones are off-limits, Kai, at least have Jonin-level reserves. No more conditions after that," Tsunade rubbed her forehead as Kai smirked. All he wanted was a condition. Now that the shadow clone technique was secured, he looked at other stuff that he got from achieving the war mission.

[Konoha War Shinobi: Increases the favorability of the village's War Council's members towards the host moderately and reduces the condition of leveling up the skill from the Supplementary Jutsus skill tree by 20℅.]

[Supplementary Jutsus]
[Transformation Technique (10/10)]
[Clone Technique (10/10)]
[Body Replacement Technique (15/15)]
[Body Flicker Technique (15/15)]
[Water Release— Water Clone (10/10)]
[Earth Release— Earth Clone (10/10)]
[Water Release: Advanced Water Clone (20/20)]
[Earth Release: Advanced Earth Clone (20/20)]
[Shadow Clone Technique (20/20)]
[Chakra Flow Technique (10/10)]
[Wind Chakra Flow Technique (20/20)]
[Lightning Chakra Flow Technique (20/20)]
[Earth Chakra Flow Technique (20/20)]
[Water Chakra Flow Technique (20/20)]
[Fire Chakra Flow Technique (20/20)]
[Chakra Transfer Technique (30/30)]
[Summoning Contract Technique (10/10)]
[Last Will of Fire Seal (5/5)]

Kai didn't believe that this was Konoha's stock of storage skills but he was clear that this is the bundle of knowledge available to someone well-known with a similar status as his. Even Kai couldn't saunter into the archives and demand all these techniques without raising suspicion.

But he was in no hurry to chew more than he can bite. He already has another high-grind-maintenance skill in the form of a super-advanced Transformation Skill and also had to master wind release ninjutsu. He could learn at least one from Tsunade even if Wind Release isn't her main mastery but the rest he would have to exchange for SP and thus grind other skills to earn SP and...

[Rank- B Quest: Last Wish

Summary: Fulfill Mito Uzumaki's supposedly last wish by delivering the items she wishes to Uzushiogakure.

Rewards: 25 SP

Failure: Kushina's Angry Rant.]

Kai smiled and continued the grind as they waited in their hole for their contact to reply soon enough.


2 days later.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, cousin," A red-haired youth stretched his hand towards Tsunade as she shook it promptly and let the youth press a seal on her palm that quickly turned into the basic mark of the Uzumaki symbol. Kai knew the youth, of course. He was Heijo, one of the two escorts that brought Kushina into Konohagakure.

He then looked at Mikoto as Tsunade spoke up, "Let him set the seal. It's a temporary one and a key to enter Uzushiogakure."

Mikoto nodded and stretched her hand towards Heijo who promptly shook it while she felt a seal on the back of her palm.

When Heijo took Kai's hand, his expression turned a little strange as an already imprinted symbol of the Uzumaki clan appeared on his hand and he blinked, "G...uardian? Wait... it's you?! Woah, you grew way too much in what? Two years?"

Heijo looked at Kai with a startled expression and then grinned, "The clan head was informed that Mito-sama bagged a talented guardian for Kushina-chan... didn't think it would be you but looking at you now... you would have kicked my ass if we were the same age."

Kai smirked, "Damn right!"

Chuckling, Heijo coiled his arm around Kai and pulled him close while ruffling his head, "Cheeky much? Still, you don't need another seal. Guardians can enter the clan village just fine."

Tsunade didn't bat an eyelid with how familiar Heijo was already acting but Mikoto looked like she wanted to speak something while Kai rolled his eyes internally. Truly, only Mito was the better Uzumaki while the rest weren't better than a bunch of monkeys!

"Ha, right, Mito-sama had something sent, right? Follow me."

"Um, where's the boat?" Mikoto finally inquired as they stood close to a cliff with only the wide ocean beyond them as Heijo looked at her with a grin, "Boats? You would think that with the reputation of best sealing masters, we would have long stopped using boats to maneuver through the whirlpools covering our island. Come on. You'll see the use of the seals on your hands soon enough."

They followed Heijo as he walked dangerously close to the edge of the cliff before walking down on its surface as the remaining trio followed. Once they were close to the crashing waves, Heijo crouched and slammed his palms as a wide sealing matrix spread out from under him and spread past them, too.

"This little cookie right here is called a Space-Time Sealing Technique," Heijo chuckled without any hint of caution as Tsunade was truly beginning to believe that if someone really targeted the Uzumaki seriously as Mito predicted... they might be in for trouble.

"And what this technique does is..." Heijo smirked mischievously as Tsunade also seemed excited for some reason. The next second, Mikoto and Kai felt their visions blurred and they didn't take another second to buckle down on their knees and hurl their breakfast over a verdant field.

"Haha, that's really a good one," Tsunade snickered, not the least bit bothered by the moment of vertigo she experienced while Heijo was accustomed to it and grinned foolishly.

Regaining their wits, Kai and Mikoto looked around.

They were in a... city. Well, if the developed land and buildings past the small troops of Uzumaki shinobi waiting for them were any indication.

Unlike the Land of Fire which was entirely gloomy due to the war, this place just felt warm and bright. A land untouched by war.

"Enough fooling around, Heijo!" The youth winced as a red-haired woman in a high ponytail huffed and nodded at Tsunade, "Cousin." She acknowledged curtly.

"Ruriko, check this out. He's the brat who Mito-sama wrote us about. Kushina's guardian!" Heijo chimed and pointed at Kai still wiping his mouth as Ruriko's eyes lit up and like Heijo, she quickly sauntered towards him and then around him, "Hmm? Oh, I remember now. Mito-sama's helper. Grown-up quite a bit, better than us Uzumakis but chakra reserves seems a bit lacking."

Everyone from Team Tsunade rolled their eyes at this. These red-haired chipmunks were chakra monsters!

"Come along," Ruriko grinned and ruffled the boy's head, "Clan head would want to know the level of your fuinjutsu given that you're part of the clan now."


Uzushiogakure was very different from Konohagakure. While the latter felt like in the development stages of becoming a metropolitan equivalent from his previous life, Uzu was spread over the entire island with various structures of different shapes working alongside nature and... the terrifying number of sealing matrix Kai was only able to sense shortly since this only felt like the first layer of it.

Brought to the center of the island as Kai and Mikoto viewed the world of redheads peacefully living, bantering, and playing, they couldn't help but feel a little... well, bored.

From a young age, Mikoto had been groomed as a Kunoichi and while she found novelty in peaceful life, she was aware of what must be done to achieve this and would just be happy if her family in the future can have peace. Kai, meanwhile, only saw wasted potential.

If they don't wanna train... at least do something for their games. What's the point of playing tag if you can't even add tree and water walking in it? That would have been so much MORE fun!

Tsunade, however... felt a pit in her stomach.

They were soon allowed to enter the head's residence which was a traditional wooden mansion with a wide courtyard in the middle of the island and aside from Ruriko and Heijo, others dispersed.

Waiting for them in the courtyard was a brunette old man, his once bright red hair now dull brown as she smiled and welcomed everyone, "Ah, do feel welcome. Ever since the beginning of the skirmish, we've cut off major contacts from the outside to be at peace so, Uzushiogakure is honestly grateful that you're completing Mito-sama's last wish."

'Major red flag... number 2...' Tsunade counted. Oh, she did.

Cut off connections? During the time of war? Who does that?!

"Hmm, and you two brats must be my grand niece's teammates, eh? Sigh, I knew Kushina won't be allowed to leave Konoha right after accepting Mito-sama's legacy but it still hurts not to see that red ball of wonder jumping around every day."

Kai and Mito were positively stunned by the man.

Is he the leader of Uzushiogakure, the Uzushiokage?

What the hell?

Tsunade smiled and replied plainly, "I'm sure Kushina misses everyone here just as much. But before I make the delivery, I have something to—"

"No!" The man crossed his arms as his dark brown beard flared up slightly, "I told off that Hokage! We ain't in the warring era anymore and the Uzumaki clan will have no part in it!"

"That's not it, I have a... personal message from Grandma Mito, too," Tsunade sighed as the man blinked and chuckled, "Well, why didn't you start from that?"

"Hei, Ruri, prepare rooms for them and unseal the guest bathrooms!"

'No... why would you seal the guest bathrooms in the first place?' Team Tsunade thought simultaneously.


A/N: As stated, the chakra nature transformation technique basically ends with 20℅ control and the user can slowly increase that mastery with higher practice and other forms of training. This makes me believe that Naruto's own wind nature transformation technique alongside his shadow clones gave him more than 20℅ of mastery for wind chakra... say, easily about 40℅ or above.

Do note that since this is AU, I will try to shift things more than just events. For instance, Sage of Six Paths chakra is op and the truth-seeking balls are op so they may just be the result of 100℅ mastery or otherwise, are the requirement to reach 100℅ mastery in the nature transformation but I haven't solidified the idea yet so do give me suggestions.



truth-seeking balls are the combination from all chakra nature inklusive yin and yang(i think). So i think this is hard enough, the the only kekei tota is dust release from tsukikage and this is only 3 nature transformations


there was no civil war in uzu..... the only thing notable that happen was kiri iwa and kumo all teamed up to destroy them shortly after kushina left to the leaf. it was widely speculated that danzo sold them out by giving the three nation's the way to get to them. now the truth seeking orb's are only obtainable if you have otsutsuki brand chakra to "awaken" them.


I thought it was a mix of all elements including yin-yang and that's why sage justu could break it


Truth-Seeking Balls encompass the power of all five basic natures, and as such they surpass both kekkei genkai and kekkei tōta. By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it is possible to produce a variety of effects. They are capable of instantly turning anything they touch to dust in a manner similar to Dust Release, though this does not always occur. If imbued with with a certain Yin–Yang Release jutsu, the orbs can nullify any ninjutsu they touch and thus become impervious to it; this includes negating the regenerative qualities of Impure World Reincarnation, making it possible to permanently damage and kill those reincarnated by the technique. However, the orbs are incapable of nullifying senjutsu, as according to Naruto, natural energy can be used to combat itself. how they are gotten tho is different how ever. Those who awaken Six Paths Senjutsu are able to wield Truth-Seeking Balls. Hagoromo and Hamura Ōtsutsuki appear to have possessed this power naturally, whereas others may obtain it by becoming the jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails, or by receiving it directly from Hagoromo. Entering Tenseigan Chakra Mode also grants the user Truth-Seeking Balls.