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Title: Tyrants (1)

Konoha's Diplomatic Mission was set up and open to every ninja above the age of 16 but this pretense of voluntary participation was only for civilians. Many shinobi were being deployed to various regions for an indefinite period. This Diplomatic missions were up and running at the start of the second month and the civilians soon noted the shift in the air. The shinobi barely had the luxury of time. Most of the missions were coordinated between the Jonin Commander and the Hokage. While things were safe close to Konoha and the Capital of the Land of Fire, it was only because of the continuous skirmishes wreaking the home of other innocents outside the border of the Land of Fire.

"Remember to return," Mito smiled softly, ruffling Kai's hair as he stood silently. Five months had passed since he began nature transformation training and the results were evident in Tsunade's eyes. When Kai volunteered to participate in the war... Tsunade could not deny the request anymore but had him enlisted in her troops which shocked the fuck out of Hiruzen!

Kai could stay here in peace once it was made clear by Hiruzen that Tsunade's fears were unfounded and he wouldn't force Kai to enter war even if he had Kage-level strength. But Kai thought otherwise. A war between shinobi villages meant he could see a lot more skills and even loot a scroll or two from corpses. He can always master the skills of the home base and he truly had enough strength to participate in the war AND grow with it.

Team Hiruzen finally got their orders today and here he was, bidding his farewell to Mito for the last time possibly.

"Mito-sama..." Kai wondered what he should say. In his previous life, he said nothing to the dead because it was illogical but now he felt he should do the illogical. But what?

"What's with that face? Hmm? I have my hands tied with Kushina with you gone, silly boy." Mito chuckled weakly and leaned back, "When you return... I'll probably be gone. Promise me something, Kai-kun..."

"Of course, Mito-sama. Anything," Kai spoke calmly. He would do anything short of dying for the woman just because of how fond they were of each other.

"Remember one thing when you return. Accept the mission I will have prepared for you without any hesitation."

Kai looked thoughtful for a second and nodded.

"Good boy," Mito smiled and shook her head, "Be on your way or Kushina really will barricade the entire mansion with her seals."

"Yeah," Kai chuckled softly and walked towards the door before taking a deep breath and facing the woman. Bowing his head low, he remarked, "Thank you for everything. I wouldn't have accomplished half of what I have without you!"

"Just half?" Mito raised her dull red brows.

"Yes, the other half is clearly my own contribution," Kai smiled and stood straight before disabling the seal hurriedly placed on the door and leaving.

'Cheeky brat,' Mito smirked.


"No! Absolutely not! Remember? I forbade you yesterday! You have to listen to me!" Kushina stood at the entrance with an enranged expression yet tears filtering out of her eyes non-stop. She saw in despair how utterly easily Kai undid her seals and stood in front of her as she covered the entrance of the mansion with her arms spread open. Sadly, the door was twice Kushina's size but Kai gave her emotions enough respect to not notice that and stand in front of Kushina.

Tearstricken, Kushina stood with utter determination while her tiny frame trembled. She looked positively haggard as Kai knew she hadn't slept yesterday and the last thing he felt was annoyance. Boy! He would need to be a special kind of ass hat to feel annoyed by someone going so far to try and protect him even if he didn't need any.

Walking toward the girl as she still had her arms open, Kai stretched out his arm and coiled his arm around her back as Kushina was stunned and soon began to cry loudly. This was her last-ditch effort. While Tsunade accepted Kai's application, she rejected Mikoto's, Kushina's, and Nono's request to enter the war. Oh, Tsunade didn't care even if they WANTED to. Their wants meant little when the Senju was sure the girls would die and probably still have their corpses railed. War is fucked up.

As such, Kushina could only try this and fail. But, she suddenly wrapped her arms around Kai and growled, "I won't let you go!"

"Kushina, I'm really happy," Kai smiled, resting his chin on her left shoulder while Kushina sobbed on his right one, "But you've got to get better at seals if you want to stop me. And get even stronger if you want to go against the Hokage's order. And... stronger than me, of course."

Kai's hug grew tighter as Kushina closed her eyes, choking on her sobs, "Thank you so much for caring for me. If you were as beautiful as Sensei, I'd probably would have the necessary reactions for you to stop me." He chuckled as Kushina only buried her head into his chest realizing how futile her actions were.

"You're supposed to stay with me... and be my guardian!" She uttered softly.

"Got it," he cooed, not even finding it strange to coax Kushina as he'd been doing it for some time now, "My fart machine, I'll be back," he mused but Kushina was silent.

Kai... did expect a reaction but looking down, he found Kushina already passed out from exhaustion.

Pursing his lips, Kai flickered away and lay Kushina on his bed before scribbling down the same words and left with a refreshed smile, feeling a lot more filled due to Kushina.

He is supposed to leave with Tsunade in Senju Compound and leave with her. As he reached the area, he found familiar faces.

"Hey!" Kai smirked at the yawning Tsume who perked up while her Ninken, Kuromaru stood on his four, his tail wagging excitedly when Cinnamon slipped her head out of his sleeves.

"Finally! I didn't want to miss ya leaving for the wa— uh... the mission so I pulled Mikoto with me!"

She looked around and tilted her head strangely, "Where's Kushina? You've got her scent all over on you."

"She fell asleep," Kai shrugged and he looked at Mikoto just staring at him with a pout, "What's up with you?"

"You know very well what!" She hissed and crossed her arms.

"Ah, bummer." Kai smiled and hugged Tsume, making her yelp a little before the pup grinned and hugged him back with all her strength as Kuromaru tried to jump and lick Cinnamon's precious head before she slithered into his sleeves.

"Best of luck, Alpha Kai!" She grinned, baring her canines as Kai snickered, "Yep! Gotta let the world know that you didn't follow the wrong alpha, huh."

He then looked at Mikoto before opening his arms.

"What?" She inquired dryly, fidgeting somewhat.

"Come on, bring it in! Kushina and Tsume got it right? This just may be the last time you ever get—"

Mikoto threw a blunt kunai at him as he evaded easily but she was upon him the next second, throwing herself in his still stretched-out arms with her thin body trembling slightly, "Kai-chan... you shouldn't be going to war. It's different than our regular missions!" Her voice threatened to crack into choked sobs and she clenched her hands on his chest, clutching the collar of his clothes, "But... you have to make it alive and now become the youngest Jonin. I won't expect any less because Sensei allowed you and not us to follow her..."

"Youngest Jonin, huh... I think I can manage it," Kai chuckled as Mikoto pulled back and looked at him with her eyes slightly red and her Sharingan with two tomoes rotating about.

"Good luck," she strained a smile while rubbing her eyes and wiping away any wayward sweat that might have dripped from her eyes.

"Right on time, huh," Tsunade arrived with Nono as she looked around. Not many were around with most shinobi on the war front and Tsunade thanked her lucky stars to have equipped them with everything she could. The reports of accidental traps near allies or ill-informed missions wrought the Senju team but they were surviving and growing. Tsunade wondered if her clan would have been wiped out by now. Her compound was safe, too. Retired nins aren't called for action. Ever.

It's a prestige to have lived till the age of retirement and even the Hokage can't demand any actions from them so these shinobi will keep things safe here. Even Nono was forbidden to leave the compound since whoever was targeting the Senju will target her, too.

Yet, she was still a little worried. While children under the age of 16 may not go to the war front but they would be expected to carry out missions within the border to keep the village functioning. Mikoto and Kushina were already experienced Chunins but... she worried for Nawaki. Yet, she has done everything she could. The thought irked her but... she steeled her heart. She must believe in the strength of her clan and apprentices that she'd cultivated and even then, Hiruzen was clear that children will only be given missions if there are no other shinobi available.

"Goodbye~ and come back. I'm told that this kind of charm is the best!" Nono tiptoed forward while adjusting her glasses and leaned forward to peck his lips. He closed his eyes for a second and flared his chakra, making Nono disappear, and looked at the smiling and silent girl with thinly veiled worry in her eyes.

"I'll be back for more," Kai smiled, and Nono giggled.

Tsunade shook her head and glanced at others, "Take care, all you brats... and don't let me find out that any of you are skipping on your training!"

As they left, Tsunade inquired softly of the seemingly harmless boy but armed to his very teeth, "Ready? I won't have you slowing me down!"

"That's why you rejected Kushina and Mikoto but not me~!" His chortle made her smile, "Damn cheeky for someone entering a war... but keep it that way. I could use some cheekiness around me."

Kai chuckled and looked at his stats briefly, wondering what kind of things he could gain in the war.

[Water Nature Transformation (50/50): Convert chakra extended out of the body into the element of water. Increases the mastery of water stat by 0.4℅ at every level. Reduces chakra wastage by 0.06℅ at every level.]

[Water Release– Water Bullet Jutsu (15/15): Spit out sharp bullets made of pressurized water that can tear through earthen walls easily. Reduces Chakra Consumption by 3.33℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 380~???]

[Water Release— Water Shuriken (15/15): Coats shuriken in water transformed chakra that can strike within pools of water without losing any momentum. Reduces Chakra Consumption by 3.33℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 290~???]

[Water Release— Hazy Mist (15/15): Conjure a cloud of chakra mist escaping the pores of the body. Increases the area covered by the mist by 6.66℅ at every level. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 3.33℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 440~???. Current Range: 150~??? sq meters]

[Water Release— Freeze Wave (15/15): Blows a stream of freezing waves that serves to freeze any body of water. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 3.33℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 320~???]

[Water Release— Water Clone (10/10): Forms a water clone that can perform simple commands and utilize water release jutsu that the user is aware of. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 2000]

[Water Release— Water Dome (15/15): Covers the user in a dome of water and protects them from attacks. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 3.33℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 330~???]

[Earth Nature Transformation (50/50): Convert chakra extended out of the body into the element of water. Increases the mastery of water stat by 0.4℅ at every level. Reduces chakra wastage by 0.06℅ at every level.]

[Earth Release— Mud Wall (10/10): Forms a wall of mud in front of the user to protect from any attacks. Reduce chakra consumption by 5℅ at every level. Chakra Consumption: 300~???]

[Earth Release— Groundmole (15/15): Lets the user dig and travel into earth quickly and then appear out from a designated region. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 5℅ at every level. Chakra Consumption: 560~???]

[Earth Release— Spike Trail (10/10): Covers the area around the user with raised earthen spikes. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 5℅ at every level. Chakra Consumption: 570~???]

[Earth Release— Earth Clone (10/10): Forms an earth clone that can perform simple commands and utilize earth release jutsu that the user is aware of. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 2000]

[Earth Release— Quicksand Stream (20/20): Turns the ground into a region of quicksand around the user. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 2.5℅ at every level. Current Consumption: 440~???]

[Name: Kai

Age: 6

Title: Konoha Chunin

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Chunin

Hit Points: 100℅

Stamina: 100/100℅ (20.1/min)

Chakra: 27947.5 (7467→ 7985*250℅) || (577.5/min) (165*250%/min)

Physique: 175→ 209/1000

Mental: 203→ 241/1000

Perception: 101→ 114/1000]

[Water: 20.5/100℅
Wind: 0/100℅
Fire: 0/100℅
Earth: 20.2/100℅
Lightning: 0/100℅
Yin: 0.6/100℅
Yang: 0.3/100℅]

[Skill points: 759]


[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 56℅]

The grind over the past 5 months was... exquisite. He chose water transformation practice because he did not want to let the skill water bullets he had already purchased go to waste. But he chose earth transformation because of its more useful defense skills. The best part... he did not waste any SP purchasing any other skill!

Mission contributions gave him the right to enter the archives and choose the Quicksand Stream. Meanwhile, Tsunade taught him the rest of the skills privately. Her personal knowledge of his strength was the reason she allowed him to follow her without even putting any form of resistance!

Taijutsu good enough to throw hands with most chunins and come out on top.

Genjutsu devilish enough to be used freely and stun a few unprepared opponents to land a killing strike.

Iryo Ninjutsu to increase his survivability alongside knowledge of poisons lacing his weapons that made sure any enemy hit doesn't live for long while preparing hundreds of antidotes and sealing them in a scroll.

Multi-purpose Fuinjutsu seals read for actions.

Fatal prank devices.

And now Ninjutsu skills to cover the last base.

He was more prepared than an average Jonin!

What made him a bit sad was that his growth spurt concerning chakra came to an end and grinding was barely enough. Yet, he was more than aware of why Shinobi who win 'gets stronger' in enough time. It's a basic tested and verified theory, really. Chakra being part spiritual and physical make sure that physical growth and mental growth aside from chakra expenditure go hand-in-hand with Chakra growth. The grind is supreme, but sometimes growth demands experience.

Kai wanted that.

His body and mind will be tested in this war and it will cause him to grow stronger ONLY if he survives the ordeal thrown at him.

'Huh... now that I think about it... In the movies of my previous world, supreme talents did raise a few flags...

A crying dame begging for his return, check.

An old and aged woman's last words of encouragement, check.

A junior's admiration, check.

A teammate's tsundere act, check.

A kiss, check.

And even going with a bombshell that would replace the female protagonist and may have a character development if someone really close to her dies... fuck! What the hell did I sign up for?!'


Shadi Elmowafi

If he doesn't save nawaki after this fourth wall Revelation than I'm going to be disappointed


but... the character development *author sad*... Still, I'm debating internally about Nawaki. Leaving him alive would work well with whole senju clan being alive but his death... well, I planned it not only for tsunade's arc but someone else, too...

Shadi Elmowafi

I would have understood before, but after the final part of the chapter and his explanation it would be obvious that something is going to happen Death Flag is written all over it


ah, I just tease it... I do that all the time as a boy who cried wolf


You don't need death for development, you could go the deformed cripple route for nearly the same effect, with even more prominence since it'll be an even more constant reminder.


thanks, I'll keep that in mind, but again, nothing is sure as of yet since Nawaki, even in canon, only existed to make a base for Tsunade's fear of blood


So if kai combines all the elements will he be able to create the truth seeking orbs or does he need something else for that


It's not combination but a 100℅ mastery in all of them and doing that without any Kekkei Genkai or stuff will have its own requirements


In the part of Earth Nature Transformation you put water instead of earth.