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Title: Filthy Rich

Hiruzen looked at the month's council with a hint of amusement. It was like Mito Uzumaki to pull a crazy stunt when not expected. Others think that she's some genius political leader but Hiruzen's Sensei, the Lord Second who also happened to be Mito's Brother-in-law confided in him that Mito has always been crazy... she just MADE crazy work after learning from her mistakes. But Hiruzen didn't mind as there was a proxy from the Yamanaka clan, Akimichi Clan, and the Hyuga Clan, too.

The problem was that an Elder's proxy, no less the oldest and the most fierce of the four... happened to be a five-year-old boy whose legs didn't even reach the floor while sitting on his chair.

Tsunade looked away, blushing in shame. This wasn't even a matter of embarrassing herself but everyone's weird gazes made Tsunade want to dig a hole and just return to mother earth.

"What is the meaning of this?" Kai looked sideways at the most peculiar of the elder. The man had half his face in bandages and even the scar on his chin had a dramatic X-shaped flare. It lacked two more X's and the man would be a shinobi pimp in no time.

Hiruzen smiled, "Although unusual, there has never been a rule on who can be sent to proxy as long as they are part of the Shinobi structure." He nodded at the boy in an attempt to reassure him. This month... Hiruzen was pleased with Kai. Quite rightly. First, he was a little cautious that the boy's apathy toward blood may cause some problems but when he began to happily accept D-rank missions and even cheerily returned the next day for more, the reports showing his sincerity and obedience... all of it made Hiruzen feel giddy.

Kai and Minato. No matter if Kai was part of the Uzumaki and Senju, he is still of Konoha. Minato, too, had a deep loyalty to the village. Both of them were at the top of their class and while they were in a fierce contest during the first half of the Academy, Kai rightly dominated the second half. The only deficit would be his chakra capacity but given how he is still growing, it would be of no matter soon enough.

Danzo growled himself to shut up as the Hokage stared him down. Hiruzen then continued with a few idle discussions, actually taking time to inform Kai what a few things meant as the other clan heads and proxy began to take another glance at the boy. Hiruzen was of the thought that Mito wanted to develop another representative for the Uzumaki clan and the idea pleased him greatly.

Kushina would inherit Mito's 'strength' and Kai would inherit her status. This could actually help the village grow further if a talented shinobi had a base to grow on.

Finally, Hiruzen broached a certain topic hanging in his head.

"Tsunade, I noticed a few things that have been troubling me over the month and I hope you can clear a few of my doubts."

"Sure thing, Sensei," Tsunade shrugged with a smile.

"Hmm, can you tell me why all the civilian merchants of the Senju clan have been brought back within the compound and instead, have set D-rank missions for the Genin Corps to take care of these businesses?"

Others stiffened and Danzo's gaze narrowed slightly as Tsunade offhandedly offered, "Well, I know that the village will need all the funds they can acquire. By bringing my clansmen spread out in the Land of Fire, the Senju Clan is funding the genins of the genin corp before the war. Ah, Kai-kun, we're about to go to war. Whoops, cat's out of the bag, huh," she chuckled and continued before Danzo interrupted, "Sensei, you will notice that the rewards offered by the Senju Clan are 3℅ higher than usual. This adds to the cut that the administration takes for the village funds and in due time, the village authorities will have accumulated slightly greater funds."

Hiruzen blinked while Danzo had trouble controlling his reaction.

In reality, not all Senju despite their blood are shinobi but the civilians are the bloodline of the clan. Not only do they provide the clan with income but they also aspire for a few of their children to become shinobi and contribute greatly to this... but they are spread out far too thin. The Senjus have a business interest in many areas like other clans and while they kept things hidden, they did send their own clansmen to oversee things. Civilians, who would be sitting ducks in front of armed assailants if someone is really targetting them.

How to tackle this situation? Easy. When the war occurs, it would be too easy to kill these civilians and the business would be affected either way. So, it was better to call them back for an indefinite vacation while sending genins of genin corps for the task with higher pay. Genin corps could choose a D-rank mission of their liking and the higher pay on their missions meant that these genins would work for them happily. It was a big expenditure, sure... but, Senjus kind of owned Konoha and had a shit ton of money that could support the clan even if they didn't do anything for almost 15 years!

It was clear to the eyes of astute ninjas that Tsunade was huddling up. But... again, having learned a lesson, Tsunade gave others not to find a reason to restrict her actions by providing benefits to the village?

What? The Hokage would say no to quick funds? The elders and clan's head would? If they do, they better give a damn good reason for it! And... they didn't have any.

Well, Danzo tried.

"So, is it alright for the founding Shinobi clan to use the Genin Corps as their errands boy?!"

"Better paying jobs and comfortable positions that give them time to train, I'd say it's a damn fine work for one of the TWO founding shinobi clans of the village to look after Konoha's interest at the expense of our personal funds. And I would like to remind everyone that what Senju is for the outside world, happens to be the Uchiha on the inside."

Tsunade smiled and winked at Yata Uchiha who shot a glare at the deflating Danzo. Yata had to admit that because of the actions of one particular bad apple, higher-ups of the village like to find faults with the Uchiha so it felt too good for someone to admit this and that, too, from the Senju Princess no less.

Everyone on the council was beginning to see Mito's shadow in Tsunade even if she won't admit it.

Hiruzen smoked his pipe with a thoughtful hum and continued, "Would you like to expand why the few Senjus from the genin corps and your brother Nawaki are temporarily excused from the force?"

While Tsunade knew she had good reasons before... it was time to be shameless from now on.

Tsunade leaned forward and smiled, "War preparations."

And that silenced others. Again, Senju was preparing for the war to protect Konoha... no faults could be found.

"Then how do you explain experienced Jonins suddenly retiring," Danzo pressed while other elders aside from Kai had their gazes sharpened, "All the Jonins of high experience suddenly leaving the ranks will create problems down the line."

"These experienced Jonins are the ones preparing the kids for war," Tsunade shrugged as others blanched, "Besides, I made sure that none under the age of 50 retired and a substantial unit of Senju nins are still ready to serve the village's needs."

Even ninjas have a retirement age... although, most never live that long in the first place. Still, 50 is the line. They can still choose to work and Senjus are still lively after 50 so, with their experience, they are a great asset to the village. An asset Tsunade wouldn't mind sharing if there wasn't an ass amongst themselves hiding and taking each one of them out.

But Tsunade had no good excuse to secure chunins and young jonins, neither was she planning to do that. Safeguarding the young only for them to finally get personal training from vicious old coots who don't know when to stop was only the first half. Tsunade has never backed down from a fight and she was planning to use outrageous funds to equip her clan nins. And if they die still... well, they've had many funerals already. One more it is. Even Tsunade has lived on the edge of life and death many times, so this was an acceptable outcome in her and her clan ninjas' eyes who were now alert to the mysterious forces targeting them.

"Any other questions?" Tsunade inquired.

"No, my curiosity has been sated," Hiruzen smiled. The council continued like usual. A few notable discussions but nothing related to war. Now that a war notice has been given to all clans, another war council will be set for ALL the clan heads and not just the clan heads that can seat in the general council.


"Senjus are concentrated in the village as much as Uchihas, Hiruzen, you fool! Open your eyes and look! The concentration of power is shifting. If Tsunade can sway the base of the village forces by this much then—"

Danzo was stunned as Hiruzen set his pipe down and shot the man a glare so sharp that Danzo stumbled back and flopped down on his seat with cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Danzo Shimura, do not take my friendship for granted," Hiruzen states plainly but each word bit into Danzo as the Hokage continued, "What spurred Tsunade for her actions is still not clear but she had thought well for the village. The Senju Clan's personal wealth will help the village and not having their competitor recognized today once again leave them in dust, the Uchiha will follow ahead with some form of effort. If all you have to say to me is that concentration of power scares you then you clearly are not eligible to handle Anbu's sub-division Root."

Danzo winced as he grew silent.

"Report," Hiruzen demanded.

"46 orphans taken in the month before have fully settled in. This is their information," Danzo took out a scroll from his sleeves and set it on the table as Hiruzen nodded, "I will see through it. You may leave."

Danzo huffed slightly but didn't dare cause a ruckus but before the man left through the door, Hiruzen called out slightly, "Danzo, your intelligence reports wouldn't happen to know why Tsunade took these actions, right?"

"If I knew, I would have averted this mess," Danzo snorted and left as his gaze spewed fire!

'Damn Senju, and Damn you Hiruzen! Can't you see how dangerous Senju and Uchiha are in this day and age?!'


"So? How did the council meeting go?" Mito smiled as Tsunade rolled her eyes, "Danzo acted like someone was ticking his balls... so usual," she sprawled back on the couch while taking a refreshing sip of wine from her cup.

"I didn't ask you, right? Hmm, Kai-kun, what do you think?"

"I..." Knowing full well Mito had some jutsu to detect bullshit, Kai gave a sheepish grin, "I thought it wasted my time... I could have slept, eaten, trained, or anything else... but I was stuck with them when the only productive thing they did was send Nara Clan a subsidy of 100000 Ryo."

Tsunade looked impressed. That's exactly what happened. And the worst thing was that he didn't even get any quest to make up for it.

Mito chuckled, "I see. I can't say the answer didn't disappoint me."

"I'm sorry," Kai pursed his lips. He just wasn't cut out to be a leader... well, not a 'good' leader.

Briefly informed about the meeting by Tsunade, Mito looked at Kai and continued, "Now that you know about the war, you must keep a tight lid about it. And you also must rest and relax more so that you don't break before an actual fight."

"Yes!" Kai smiled while Mito continued idly as she, too, picked up her sake cup and sipped from it... an observation that made a drop of cold sweat roll down Tsunade's cheek but ignoring the lass, the grandmother continued, "Kai-kun, I'm very strong. If I am asked to participate in the battle or am held for my obligation which causes me to die, what would you do?"

She didn't beat around the bush as Kai blinked.

'Oi, Oi... you're the support. If you die, my future skill tree dies with you!'

"Uh... I don't know," Kai finally shrugged. What else could he do aside from grinding, "Ah, yeah, taking care of Kushina." he added as Mito's lips twitched.

'Yeah... the world is hopeless without me.'

"So?" Mito continued, "Let's say you train and train and reach the top. There is nothing left for you to achieve based on jutsus... what then? Do you have any dreams?"

'Who even asks these kinds of questions from a 5-year-old?' Tsunade and Kai thought simultaneously.

"Um... marry and settle? Oh, they taught us in the academy that a noble can have multiple wives. I would like that please," Kai smiled as if asking for a harem in a supermarket discount sale. But then again, the crazy grinder thought that he deserved nothing less than more for all he had suffered. He died a virgin when he had a willing girlfriend! But the Gamer Mind positively castrated him!

Mito's and Tsunade's glare sharpened and trailed over him before the blonde guffawed, "That'z too goodd!" She slurred a bit, "To see a goddamn talented ninja sucked to a fucking husk!"

"Shut it," Mito glared at the granddaughter interrupting another round of intimate 'review' of their guardian's performance, "Now, where were we... yes, a harem. Do you understand what a harem means?"

"... girls?"

Tsunade had a hard time controlling her laughter as her disciple replied sweetly. Honestly, if the other pervert known to her could manage to bring such honestly then he may have been a bit tolerable!

"No, boy. Women are vicious. More than animals and beasts. More than men, too, most of the time. How will you control the chain of command amongst such vicious creatures when you have no interest in management."

"Or you could just, you know, find some women for a good pay..." Tsunade smirked. The kids had gone through enough sex ed this year to understand the severity of it all.

Mito's glare quietened the lass and she looked at the dazed Kai.

'She's right... damn, she's right. Even the grind won't help... wait... I never thought of this but... do I get skills for those certain actions?'

Seeing Kai's dumb gaze, a bit of victory flashed in Mito's eyes but then it was snuffed out when she realized the boy was 5 even if he could pass off like 8.

But before she could continue, Kai exclaimed, "I'll just find the top dog for the chain of command, keep her happy and let her handle things."

Mito smirked, "Top dogs aren't easy to find."

"I'll find one." Kai shrugged and leaned back on the couch while sipping on his cup of tea.

"Hmm... I see. That could work and it will not interfere with your loyalty to the Uzumaki and the Senju clans. But that dream is quite something, don't you think?" Mito added.

'I'd say this entire interview was quite something,' Kai rolled his eyes internally.

"Uh... I don't know, maybe it could change. Like Kushina keeps on shouting she'd be the first Lady Hokage but I never saw her work towards that goal... and I'm busy for mine, too. And now war... and I haven't ever been in a war..."

'The missions I would have and juicy SP...'

"Don't worry," Mito smiled and ruffled his hair, "You'll find your top dog when you're grown enough and you'll do well in the war. Don't tell Kushina but I think you'd make a better Hokage since you understand what delegation to the right person means now. Go on, you must have training to do, right? Keep up with your sealing practice."

Kai left soon as Tsunade looked at her grandmother, "What was that? Or better yet, what are you even doing? You made that speech about wanting for someone to inherit your burdens so you can be at peace but all you're doing is... cause mischief! You're even drinking alcohol!"

"Why can't I drink? Hmm? Anyway, Nawaki still hasn't visited me and while I have only met him once, it would do him and your clan some good that it doesn't come to the point that I have to visit YOU."

Tsunade was sure that she saw Mito's violet orbs grow into... life before getting dim again and shuddered.

"Fine! As if you weren't the one who was tired of greeting new family members, right?" Tsunade bit back dryly.

"Exactly, now that you understand, chop-chop, indulge in the wine of your own wares. I have a limited stock," Mito smiled as Tsunade left grumbling.

'Still the top dog,' Mito leaned back with a pleased smirk on her lips.



Damn u going all out today huh


yeah, I'll sleep after doing the 15 advnce chap committment and then focus on qm mass updates and Poi last 30 chap advnce committment... not rest for the wicked!


In before Mito becomes top dog?