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Title: Specialized Training Schedule

[Tree Walking (5/5): Cover your feet in chakra and walk over uneven surfaces. Each level reduces the chakra consumption by 10℅. Chakra Consumed: 5/min.]

[Water Walking (10/10): Cover your feet in a constantly fluctuating chakra level that matches the shift of a liquid surface to stand on it. Each level reduces chakra consumption by 5℅: Chakra Consumed: 10/min.]

Honestly, the two skills weren't even a challenge to his grind.

It has been two days since they became genins. Their schedule included getting beaten for the first half of the day and the other half included the two exercises. Mikoto already had excellent chakra control and learned both the skills and while it took Kushina an hour longer because of her slightly lesser chakra control and unusually large reserves, she managed to get better quickly once she got a hang of it.

Right now, again, battered and bruised with the information that Tsunade would heal them before letting them return for the day, she had the three kids sit in front of her.

"There is a reason I picked the three of you. When it comes to chakra reserves, its control, or special skills that would later refine your chakra control, the three of you belong to the top tier of the Academy. But, I want the three of you... to become stronger. Your talents make it easier to be taught and that's why I picked you three," Tsunade smiled, or at least, Mikoto, because the other two were forced on her. Not that she minded now.

"By the end of the week, the Hokage will announce some reforms that will shift the three-men cell teams completely. I can tell you beforehand that every three-men cell must have a certified medic-nin in the coming year or they will be forced to disband and be allocated to the different shinobi corps. As my students, I expect at least one of you to master iryo ninjutsu... is what I would have said if you three were some average runts!" Tsunade smirked and looked at the trio, "From now on, the basics of Iryo ninjutsu are mandatory for the three of you to learn! If you whine, I'll beat the shit out of you!"

Kushina instantly shut up and deflated.

[Title: Tsunade's Apprentice]

[Skill Tree: Basic Iryo Ninjutsu]

Kai blinked in surprise.


Mikoto grew excited, too as she heard this.

Nodding in satisfaction at their reaction, Tsunade continued, "But just the base. I don't want you to miss out on your specialties. So, in the coming year, aside from the basic mystic palm technique I expect you all to master, I will train Mikoto in more advanced healing techniques and poison-antidote creation. But she will also be trained by her clan in some basic ninjutsu, too.

Kushina, your over-the-top chakra reserve makes you the best for Ninjutsu tactics but Grandma Mito is very clear not to teach you any hand seals for elemental ninjutsu until you master some level of nature transformation. Instead, I will teach you a chakra technique that mimics wind release and exerts a blast of chakra from the limbs. Meanwhile, you are expected to pick a weapon and train in it alongside your seals."

Taking a deep breath, Tsunade looked at Kai, feeling a slight headache. Kushina was a natural genius, her bloodline paving the path for her. Mikoto was a hard-working genius, like herself that was willing to learn more and develop herself concisely. And Kai... he resembled her grumbling loner of an uncle who just wanted to have all the jutsus... but just slightly more cheerful. Oh, hell, Kai was a lot more cheerful than her granduncle.

"And you... I met with Grandma Mito this morning and she berated the hell out of me. No whining for Nature Transformation practice because you don't have enough chakra for it. Instead, she remarked you're a sensor," Tsunade observed his reaction but he only nodded eagerly... while freaking out internally. He was quick to control his expression at times. Had he shown a shocked expression, it would mean he was trying to keep this hidden and that would just be plain suspicious but then again, Mito was an enigma to him. What she knew and how much she understood about him was not privy to Kai.

"Hmm, we will use that and I will have a good friend of mine teach you some good genjutsu techniques, too, since your control makes you not only a ninjutsu and fuinjutsu threat but a hidden genjutsu practitioner, too. The same for you, Mikoto, when you awaken your Kekkei Genkai."

The three nodded as Tsunade continued, "But after this year, you will also be able to realize what works with your natural strength and what doesn't. One of the most important aspects of a shinobi and a kunoichi is to know their talents and the direction they want to develop.

My team is expected to be the most durable and hence will have assault missions with enough time.

Orochimaru's skills make him quite a talented ninjutsu user and an even better scout, the knowledge of which he will pass to his apprentices.

And Jiraiya's talents lay in mediocre seals, average ninjutsu, and top-notch information gathering, making his team expected to become a mix of assault, hunter, and reconnaissance teams."

She looked at the kids with a smile, "And remember, being our students means that the nine of you will be targeted by political agendas within the village and enemies of the village outside of it. If you don't want to be the next case study, buck up and train! We will start our first mission in 4 days!"


Tsunade hurried to the clan compound and entered the clan's residential hospital before being led into one of the rooms where a corpse of a greyish-haired man lay on the bed. Her mood that has only brightened by training her team plunged instantly as she glanced at one of the trained medic-nin of her clan and muttered, "And his team?"

"They all died, Tsunade-sama. Their team was ambushed by shinobis of Iwagakure and they apparently left their bodies to send a message..."

Tsunade turned around this instant while ordering loudly, "I want all the clan ninjas to be present for a meeting tonight and send out a message to not accept any C-rank or above missions until this meeting is concluded. And prepare for Uncle Jin's funeral!"

With that, Tsunade stormed out, and while she hesitated for a moment, she didn't stop by the Uzumaki compound first. It was only dawn right now and she didn't want to disturb Grandma Mito. No, she'll disturb her teacher instead and as expected of the most pathetic power job of the village, the Hokage was sleeping on his desk.

"Sensei!" Tsunade stormed in, giving Hiruzen a scare of his life as two Anbu ninjas in their animal masks tried to stop her from barging unsuccessfully.

"Ts- Tsunade? Ah... sigh, almost gave my heart in," Hiruzen mumbled and leaned back on his chair while rubbing his eyes, "Leave her be," he ordered as the two masked shinobis nodded and left the office while Tsunade's stormy gaze fell on Hiruzen, "What was Jin Senju's mission? Last I checked, his age and lung condition only permitted him to apply for nothing more than a C-rank mission so it shouldn't be classified, right? Please tell me."

Hiruzen sighed. He barely got a wink of sleep after he got many mission reports and spoke softly, "It was to capture a merchant headed for Kumo from Iwa."

"So... he asked for this mission?" Tsunade sat down and inquired with a frown. Ever since Mito said something strange... it has burdened Tsunade greatly.

"No, the mission was verified by the administration and was assigned to Jin Senju and a team of genin corps because of his skill as skills in disguise." Hiruzen shook his head and replied calmly, "This was a trap that nobody saw coming, Tsunade. Even if you didn't come barging in, I would have sent this your way."

The man slid a slip of paper towards Tsunade who promptly read it and her frown deepened, "So... they killed him and further escorted this merchant to Kumo borders while openly revealing themselves to be the Black Rock Squad of Iwa... and you think this was a message?"

"It seems like it," Hiruzen grumbled with a slightly frustrated expression Tsunade nodded, "That's right, I also wanted to ask if my team can skip the D-rank—"

"At least 20 D-rank missions, that's the least I want from the three of you. Orochimaru has already gotten 8 of them."

Tsunade snorted and left before sneaking into the Uzumaki mansion but when she stepped into her grandmother's bedroom, Tsunade stiffened as she felt an index tapping the nape of her neck.

"So... my hunch was right. Actively sensing everyone around you, even noting that the boy spreads his chakra and trains while barely sleeping at times, not to mention showing interest in the council meetings once again, going as far as sending a proxy, too. If I didn't know any better, I would think that the old hag who decided to live the life of a dull hermit was showing her colors again," Tsunade tilted her head and looked back at the smiling Mito.

"Is that a way to greet your grandma?" Mito chided and returned to her bed before flopping down and questioning, "Did something happen?"

Tsunade pulled the nearby chair and questioned, "You said that day... that Uzushiogakure and Senju Clans are being targeted. Why?"

Mito leaned back and smiled, "As I explained that day, Konoha is currently too prosperous. The disparity between our village and the other villages is getting more and more evident which will motivate civilians and merchants to migrate. The other villages and daimyos won't sit still."

"But wouldn't that put the entire Konoha at the cross with them?" Tsunade frowned.

"The war is not to annihilate Konoha. It's just too costly for that. The war is to bring Konoha to their level or promote their own growth to our level. If the latter was possible, the other villages won't be trying to scramble for resources. No, they would want to plunder a rich nation under a 'rightful' guise."

"The Uchiha stay in the village and keep control of internal situation to a certain extent while Senjus are, too well-known and would be targeted in the coming war. That was, they would take out a clan of talented ninjas with extreme prejudice and weaken the village."

"As far as plundering a rich nation goes, the four countries of the continent are out of the question and the poor countries are not worth the effort. But raiding a country is simply too bold of a move and will make other daimyos wary of the Shinobi Villages. But if a war is going on, the other villages can keep Konoha busy, maybe decimate the Senju Clan at that, AND use this chance to rightfully raid a rich country full of resources and secluded enough while being the ally of Konoha, giving the enemies a rightful chance to commit the genocide while not freaking out their daimyos..."

Tsunade's lips parted in horror as she knew of such a country— "Uzushiogakure."

"Hmm," Mito nodded plainly but Tsunade's expression turned weird, "Grandma... I thought you renounced your love for the Senju and the Uzumaki after the grandpa died..."

"I was just annoyed at your deadbeat grandpa who would rather die in sadness for his Uchiha boy toy than living happily with me! I've changed my mind since then!" Mito scoffed, "I find Senju and Uzumaki tolerable enough to provide assistance."

Tsunade almost face-palmed while Mito continued, "Anyway, something must have happened that you're suddenly taking interest in this."

"Uncle Jin... was hunted down," Tsunade sighed.

"Oh, him? It was either this or the lung disease. Anyway, tell me what happened."

Tsunade nodded and explained everything including the meeting with the Hokage as Mito grew silent for a second and stated with a frown on her aged face, "I'm 70℅ sure that the Iwa wasn't behind it..."

"Sigh... just explain it to me. I don't think I'll figure it out otherwise," Tsunade grumbled.

"If only you took time to learn politics than various gambling games," Mito smiled, "You see, Iwa, Kumo, and Suna want to prepare. They won't pay attention to any merchant right about now but would be focused on carrying out assassination missions and disrupting the flow of the Konoha. You know, the A-rank missions and higher. Someone could very well be sabotaging the Senju clan from the inside while shooting the blame at Iwagakure... let's see and try to form a pattern."

"The one before Jin... was Dero? Both are different except for their ability in disguises and information gathering. Before Dero, the most notable death... was of my..." Mito grew quiet as Tsunade bit her lip, too while the figure of a smiling brown-haired youth and a blonde woman appeared in front of her eyes...

"Those two were the center of the Senju information network. Ever since their deaths, the clan's information gathering hasn't been too affected due to the foundation already being present... but more and more nins of that category are being killed. So there's your clue. Make a decision appropriately."

"Why not help me further?" Tsunade forced a smile as Mito returned a casual one and chuckled, "Why don't I wipe your diapers, too? If you love your clan enough, at least put your best into it. If being a matriarch is so bothersome then just raise a good clan head quick enough."

Tsunade groaned but then her eyes snapped open, "Why didn't Sensei think of all this? Do you think..." she didn't complete lest traitorous words escape her lips.

"Paperwork, dear," Mito sighed softly, "While other clan heads joke, the stress is quite real especially when a Ninja of Hiruzen's capabilities is forced onto the desk. Their minds are attuned to staying active on a battlefield but staying in the same old office and doing the same old paperwork dulls their thinking and sometimes even worse, too."

"Why do you think your Granduncle Tobirama didn't marry anyone? In his words— one nuisance is tolerable but two isn't."

Tsunade snorted, "You think I don't know about the rumors and what Granduncle did when not doing the paperwork?"

"That is called relief. Even your Honorable Grandfather would turn to a certain long-haired raven Uchiha after the paperwork for relief!" Mito scoffed as Tsunade rolled her eyes, "Grandma, enough about that, come on! If you say these things out loud in front of others then..."

"Speaking of boy toys..." the big bad fox growled and cackled within Mito the door opened up, "Mito-sama, it's time to wake... oh," Kai looked at the duo with breakfast in his other hand and nodded, "Sorry, I will come—"

"Come in, don't worry," Mito beckoned as Kai entered the room and greeted Tsunade, "Good morning, Sensei."

"Hmm, morning," Tsunade smiled while failing to see anything good about it. Mito concluded the meeting, "Anyway, I've told you what I wanted. And, get the kids ready as soon as possible. I have a mission for your team. A B-rank delivery."

Tsunade blinked and replied, "It will take some time but... sure."

She stood up and disappeared using the body flicker technique, something she had taught to Kai and the duo.

[Body Flicker Technique (15/15): The ability to move quickly in a straight direction by focusing chakra at the point of contact of steps and bursting with speed. Reduce the consumption of chakra by 3.3℅ at every level. Chakra Consumed: 20/meter.]

"Here you go, Mito-sama," Kai set the food in front of her as she smiled, "Is Kushina awake?"

"Yes, a bucket of water does the trick every time," Kai chortled as Mito chuckled, "Good boy. You're promised to do missions from today, right? As I said Tsunade, grow quicker. I have a task for your team. A lucrative one."

Kai nodded and left with a smile. Once he did, Mito sighed softly and leaned back.

"Say, fox... I never kept your senses locked and you know why. Curse all you want, you're in this situation cause you were weak... How did you live for hundreds of years? Did you not want to die?"

After a moment of silence, the grumble echoed, "What's the point of that? I don't die that's why you puny humans chose to seal me. And... after the first 200 years of living, you grow numb to it."

Mito groaned softly, "Fuck... and the war never ends... I really did want to just pass away..."

Any top-class sensory shinobi would sense the whirlpool of chakra and another energy seeping into her diamond-shaped mark as the devil roared, "Don't you use my chakra!"

"Nah, fox, I'll use it," Mito smirked. Her rustic hair showed a sign of tomato red strands before promptly reverting to their dull state, "I wonder what expression Tsunade will have once she finds out I upgraded my technique beyond her scope currently..."


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