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Title: Clan Guardian (1)

Kushina silently stared at Tsunade with awe who continued to bask in the glory as she healed both of them similar to Mito. This, in Kushina's eyes, was amazing!

"So, who's the squirt, Grandma," Tsunade sprawled back on the couch opposite to them as for this rare moment, Mito asked Kai to sit next to her and Kushina. To Kushina, this was natural. She would rather have him sit on her lap, but oh well. However, to Tsunade and Kai, this was clearly a message. He already knew he was being groomed. If he had to point out why that is so, then it must be because of his quick pace of growth. He didn't delude himself that his chakra growth wasn't known to others. If he can sense, so can the old monsters...

But maybe he underestimated the impact of it somewhat since Kushina's reserves were easily dozens of times greater than his while he couldn't even begin to sense Tsunade's and Mito's depths.

"He's here for Kushina. I want someone I can trust by her side."

"Right..." Tsunade drawled, "And why is it that you trust him?"

Mito smiled, "He hasn't lied to me since the beginning." Honestly, Mito wanted Kai to know that she was able to detect deception for what she was about to offer soon after and keep his loyalty in check. As fond, as she is of the boy, some things need to proceed in an orderly manner.

Tsunade's brows twitched while Kushina blinked cluelessly.

"If you say so," her stare landed on the boy and she hummed, "A little too young for the academy but you've got a good body... for a squirt. How's my little brother faring in the academy? Grandma said he's in your class, right?"

Kushina instantly clenched her fist and hissed, "We beat him to the ground! He's a bully dattebane!"

Kai closed his eyes. The red-headed ramen bimbo was hopeless...

Yeah, the bully they beat happened to be a slightly chubby Nawaki...

Tsunade blinked while Mito's shoulders shuddered, evidently from trying to hold her laughter but Tsunade was more boisterous than her grandmother and gave a full-blown laugh as she smacked the couch constantly.

"Haaah~" she sighed with a goofy grin... and didn't pay attention to their dumb stares and looked at Mito, "You really trained them well, Grandma."

"Something like that and tell the boy to visit me while I'm still here," her casual words managed to plunge the mood quite heavily as Tsunade bitterly bit her lips and scoffed. But she did slouch on her couch. On the other hand, Kushina lowered her head slightly while Kai frowned.

'Fuck Nawaki... I haven't treated him harsh enough!' Kai grumbled inwardly when he felt Mito's hand over her head as a warm stream of energy uplifted his mood. Kushina was the same as they both looked up only to find Mito humming, "No need for your pouts, brats. I'm still here."

"Barely," a deep grumble resounded within Mito as it made her brows twitch.

"Um... So, why are you here, Sister Tsunade?"

Now finding Kushina even more pleasing to the eyes, the red tomato she was, Tsunade managed a smile and replied, "Just came back from a mission and wanted to share some details with Grandma. Idle chat, you know. Anyway, I should be on my way. I can barely get rests nowadays..."

Mito's gaze grew a bit gloomy as she spoke softly, "You take care out there..."

"I know," Tsunade smiled and nodded but Mito wasn't done, "And you bring that boy home in a few days. I can't have my princess granddaughter finding a walk in the park with shady bastards!"

Tsunade instantly growled, "He's not shady!... But I'll bring him around, alright? Check up on him all you want, hmph!"

She left with a snort but as she passed their couch, she stopped and patted Kushina's head, "If someone bullies you, be it Nawaki, beat the shit out of them!"

"You got it!" Kushina cheered with a grin as Kai experienced Deja Vu.

Tsunade then looked toward Kai. Her gaze softened for a bit before she regained her bearings and sighed deeply, "Be good, alright?"

"Yes," Kai nodded. What the hell would he do otherwise? Be bad? He could never manage to be remotely threatening in this form!

Tsunade nodded with a satisfied expression and left with a bounce in her steps... and some other bounces, too. Honestly, it was hard to look away—

"Ehm!" Mito's stern clearing of the throat made it significantly easier for Kai to look away as she glared at the boy and huffed, "Tsunade was right, you really are a squirt"

But when she saw his sheepish expression, she snorted and took a deep breath.

"Kushina, stand in front of me."

And the girl did.

She stood in front of Mito and chirped, "What can I do, Grandma?"

"Just stand," Mito replied, making Kushina huff in exasperation the Uzumaki Mistress called out, "Kai, stand next to her."

Once the duo stood next to each other, Mito looked at Kushina with a serious expression, "Kushina, do you like it here?"

"Hmm? A bit. It's not like home but everyone is just so boring there. At least, I've made a few friends here," She smiled and nodded.

"I see," Mito nodded and then continued, "Do you understand why you were sent here?"

Kushina blinked and then frowned, "I have to do something... but they didn't tell me that... however, I'm the only one currently in the clan aside from you with THAT jutsu..."

"Exactly. But Kushina... dear, I will be honest... even now, I am not quite sure. The decision is still far ahead so I will not burden you with anything. Alright? Learn well in the academy and grow better every day."

Kushina nodded.

Mito finally looked towards Kai, her smile brightening ever so slightly, "Kai... you're a talented boy. I have told you this before and I won't skim on praises now either. But, talent is... sought after. Envied. This world is harsh and I wish for you to look after Kushina and in return, the Uzumaki and the Senju clan will look after you."

Well, Kai did understand the concept of what she was trying to convey so he nodded. It doesn't even feel the slightest bit strange to present yourself mature just because of the number of tragedies that happen around her daily.

"Grandma—" Kushina felt a little uncomfortable but one stern glare from Mito shut her up meekly as she felt on the verge of crying. Not that he would try to help her... the emotional girl would definitely cry if he tried to help and placate her.

"I..." Kai muttered, "Felt how the Senseis look at me. I can fight people older than me... and I can achieve chakra control beyond any of my classmates. I don't want to... have fears while growing up..."

He tried to keep it as vague as possible. Fears that he might be attacked and he would end up killing many just because. That's a slippery slope and he had a good thing going on here with the Uzumaki Clan. He was barely able to understand that what Mito would offer him would finalize the quest he got. This was the deciding moment!

Mito blinked in surprise but the adoration in her dark violet eyes grew and she nodded, "Good lad. To make things clear, I will keep it as transparent between the two of you.

Kushina, as things are... you need an aide. Someone you can trust beyond belief. Never be deluded by the sense of security in the village but also... I don't wish for you to feel paranoid. Kai, I will form a seal if you accept it, nothing will happen except for the fact that you will never be able to think maliciously against Kushina or act against her."

Before Kushina could misunderstand this chance as a way to bully the heck out of him, her guilt all but gone, Mito flicked the tomato's forehead and smiled, "But that does not include things like sparring or anything. The only thing that will change between the two of you is that you will be able to hand your life to one another in dire times."

But Mito had more to speak, "But... this would mean that you cannot easily let go of Kushina's side. I know that you and a few talented kids are on a roll to graduate next year... but that would change unless Kushina can graduate next year, too."

Kushina's expression changed and she grew downcast again. Meanwhile, Mito ruffled Kai's hair, "Think carefully and answer me in a few hours. And until you have an answer, you may not speak or meet with Kushina at all."

"But—" Kushina rose to resist while Kai looked thoughtful with how brows scrunched and Mito's stare shot Kushina down once again.

He was left thinking in the guest room. By now, his conjecture was all but confirmed that the way to complete the mission was by deciding on this offer. But... was it worth it? The title and skill tree most likely would belong to the Uzumaki clan, something he had very little knowledge about but even if he sees things in another way, he realized that having a good relationship with Mito was working here.

He was clear that Uzumaki had very little influence in Konoha... at least, that was what it appeared to be but Mito added the Senju Clan's backing into the fold! He may just coincidentally gain something from the Senju, too.

So, privately, Kai doesn't only get the backing of two important clans and a shot at their skills but also a form of safeguard in the village. Not to mention that his favorability with Mito would only increase should he accept.

Had he been an arrogant son of a bitch, he would have thought of trying to make it alone with his trait. But Nah, life now felt dull without a red tomato menace around him.

The answer was quite obvious.


On the higher level of the Ninja Academy is the administration section which holds the office of the leader of this entire village— Hokage!

Still in his prime with a head full of dark brown spiky hair and a tanned hide, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage sat in his office. The table was strewn with stacks of paper, the sight of which made the lonely man groan beyond belief.

The Ninja Academy and the office of the leader of the village being in the same location held two significant meanings. First, the future generation will be extremely safe for every kage is usually the strongest individual power in the village. Second, it shows that the leader is willing to focus on the future generation for the good of the village.

Avoiding the stacks of documents like a plague they were, their existence necessary for the running of the village, however, Hiruzen picked up a confidential file placed on his desk for a few hours now.

Opening it, he hummed thoughtfully.

It was his job to keep track of talented students with good potential. The future of the Academy students could easily be predicted into a few categories.

The talented students will find themselves in a good jonin training team if they get the approval from the said jonin.

Then came the students recruited by the secret ops agency of the village in the form of Anbu. These students are trained strictly and are allowed to carry out missions beneficial to the village.

There are students who have the chakra to enter the profession... but clearly not enough talent to go past a certain rank. But with the village already investing in them as such, it allows these students to enter Genin Corps which would bring income to themselves and the village by fulfilling many civilian missions.

Finally, there are few students who just can't make it and either die or live an honest life.

Hiruzen considered Minato to belong to the top category. Sizeable chakra reserve for his age, verified past, and most importantly, a good head over his shoulder. Hiruzen even considered the boy for some more prominent positions if he could keep up with the streak but imagine his surprise when he noticed a strange event in the training ground. It was directly visible from his office and Hiruzen saw Mikoto Uchiha of all people on her butt.

And then he saw the 4-year-old boy tossing hands with Minato and threatened to come out on top! No... considering the child's age and the fact that he had not even hit one of the many growth spurts a shinobi experiences, the child already won.

Now Hiruzen was aware that a boy of this age was admitted to the academy on a special 'request' but he hadn't considered it much. The Uzumaki princess who arrived with the clear objective for the village attracted more of Hiruzen's thoughts... and only now did he go through Kai's achievements.

'I must already be getting old,' the man chuckled at his mistake. The boy went unnoticed for a whole month!

A talent worth providing for. Given the fact that the boy was only a civilian employed by the Uzumaki compound, he could try and earn a good candidate for the team on one of his disciples. Thoughts continued to rush into his head.

Potent chakra control, that's HER department.

Amazing Taijutsu skills and with how he defeated Mikoto, that's HIS department...

And quite the high intelligence to memorize so many tactics and other mumbo jumbos that Hiruzen would never want to go through again, that's HISSSSSS department.

The man chuckled at his own joke when the door was knocked and the Anbu on guard duty called out, "Lord Third. Mistress Uzumaki is here to see you."

Hiruzen blinked and quickly adjusted himself. He set his hair neatly to not let the woman pick on him and then calmly called out, "Don't let her wait at all. Send her in."

The door opened and Mikoto's wizened figure slowly walked into the office as she smiled and nodded at Hiruzen. The Third Hokage stood up in greeting. As strong as he may be... the man wasn't the strongest. Not in front of her and not just because she's the widow of the first Hokage but he wasn't physically stronger than her...

"I won't occupy your time for long, Hiruzen. You know Kushina is here and the objective of her arrival. For her sake and my mind's peace, I have discussed this with Tsunade. This is the copy of the official seal."

Hiruzen blinked and he... didn't like where this was going. Nobody liked having treasures plundered from right under their noses and as he opened the file, he resisted the urge to groan out loud.

"Anyway, I wanted to personally hand it to you... but you know how old age is. You're getting there, after all."

Hiruzen chuckled dryly and didn't comment as the woman suddenly poofed out into smoke as Hiruzen deadpanned, "A clone? Really? Sigh... to think he would take that role under Uzumaki and Senju no less. Quite a good head over the 4-year-old body..."

He could only accept the outcome and flop on the chair, "But Tsunade could have warned me." Chewing on his pipe, he grumbled, "Another boring mission for her then!"


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