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Title: Devouring Dragons (1)

She didn't know anything about the dragon in front of her except that he was strong. Ordinarily, caution would be advisable, but something told Erlong that it wasn't needed. She thrived in danger, when her body is full of bruises and cuts. It angers her, and thus, it strengthens her.

But unlike her opponent, she had a limited amount of spirit energy and the War Dragon had a vast reserve of it so it is her that must finish things quickly, and knowing one hit from the opponent may as well be fatal, Erlong suddenly grinned and shot down into the giant pool of lava. Of all things, the War Dragon anticipated, this wasn't it.

Yet, he chased Erlong when he felt a vast amount of spirit energy getting concentrated as if the bubbling lava hadn't exhausted her life already!

Before he reached it, however, a dome of lava expanded and exploded out with air visibly rippling and catching on fire!

Splashes of lava barely affected his vision or body and he already towered over Erlong only to belatedly realize that HIS body was caught on fire. His body!

But this didn't stop the War Dragon from attacking Erlong at a massive force and shocking speed. He'd end this unruly 'princess' before she can actually become a true king of the species and swiped with his razored brace with his fists clenched. Fire won't work on her, the beast realized but the impact of fire and its physical attacks still would!


The sharp sound of the air itself getting sliced emerged as Erlong kicked with her right leg. Strangely, a bony and thin leg guard grew out of her right leg bone and before their attacks could meet, a massive but pointed explosion ensued from the claws of her right leg!

Her second and pure impactful explosion skill from the 39000-year-old Exploding Mantis Right Leg Bone!

Unlike her Infernal Dragon's Roar that lit the vibrations and air with ultimate fire, this explosion was contained and forceful... just enough to ONLY send the War Dragon a step back as her sixth spirit ring shimmered once again. Her spirit energy invigorated her body and with her sixth skill, Trail Shot, Erlong dove deeper into the lava pool, leaving the slightly uneven surface of the pool behind.

"Stop running!" War Dragon growled, his speed just quick enough to quickly catch up to her but by now, he sensed something else.

On Erlong's back, her spine suddenly seemed to grow out dark crimson spikes as a layer of thin armor covered the entirety of her spine from the name of her neck to the end of her back. This was the spirit bone she gained from the body of the patriarch of the blue lightning tyrant dragon clan— 96000-year-old Dragon's Child Spine! This spirit bone let a draconic aura run through her body that made her resistant to all the elements by 50℅ and raise her mental, physical, and spiritual damage output by a 100℅! Last but not the least, her left hand was covered by the 49000-year-old Lava Salamander Bone that raised the strength of usual attacks by 100℅ and a 150℅ for a fire-attributed attack.

Set to go all out, Bibi Dong's lips curled into a devilish smirk while her body reveled with utter lust for blood, "Caught you!" She whispered, a terrible aura fluctuating from her body.

Just as War Dragon can make use of this area, so can she.

"Hmph!" Noticing this particular change, War Dragon slowed down and kept his distance before releasing something similar.


This is one aspect that can cause significant damage to the opponents not only because of its suppressive nature but Erlong's domain was claimed from a King Species of Dragon, a mutated one, to be precise. And one thing War Dragon knew was that if just her presence can elicit instinctive emotions from his body then her domain must be especially dangerous to his mind. That's why he didn't dare enter the perimeter of her domain but released his own.

"This is... troublesome," Zi Ji bit her lower lip. She didn't wish to admit it but this battle may just allow Erlong to show some sort of miracle just because of how strange her domain felt even from the distance.

"Huh..." Zi Ji heard an envious tone from the sidelines as Ja Sun seemed more focused than usual and with a... pout? Was the Beast God really pouting? Aside from the strangely childish demeanor that Zi Ji was stunned by, she couldn't help but question, "Is something the matter?"

But clearly not in the mood to entertain her, Ja Sun scoffed, "Wouldn't you like to know?!"

But he wasn't the only one suddenly annoyed by Erlong's domain, Zi Ji was, too. They had their own reasons but the nature of it was the same.


Zi Ji snorted in return, too. She may just have a chance to get back at the new Beast God should Erlong lose.

And showing the mix of both their reasons, War Dragon's mind worked quickly. In a second he thought of many things!

The domain is directly related to law and those born with a domain have a higher chance of comprehending the said law or vice versa, meaning, that at a certain stage, comprehension of law itself turns into a domain. At the stage of Grandmaster, to be precise. This realm was the watershed for many things in the cultivation world.

War Dragon's domain was related to fire and the concept of war, something he mastered long ago... but he still feared entering this domain slightly.

He felt the attribute of fire around him getting sucked into her domain. He felt all his aura and prestige getting sucked into that infernal domain. It was terrifying, to say the least as the Dark Crimson Figure seemed to be 'flying' within the magma, a dark crimson dome of energy releasing draconic prestige so mighty that even War Dragon felt his heart shudder.

And this was what irked Ja Sun and Zi Ji. To Zi Ji, the draconic aura Erlong currently released was nothing short of Di Tian's passing glance that would root all the mortal dragon-kind in their place! Meanwhile, Ja Sun realized that Erlong was a master.


He could sense it. He had spent... months to become a master in the law of space and he scowled deeply. Oh, he was vain... how the hell did Erlong have an accomplishment like this when it took HIM months, too? And then it became clear the next instant— Ultimate Fire!

It was highly possible that the ultimate attributes had a chance at enhancing the comprehension of the said element. At what speed, that he didn't know.

But Erlong didn't know their thoughts and she frankly didn't care. She could feel her domain reacting positively to the magma around her and smiled. Her hunch was right! And now to attack him...

She trailed her prey with an ominous gaze as she pulled away all the stops and used the only attack she was confident would work on this beast. Even if she used the momentum of Trail Short to up her close-quarter combat, the beast needed one swift strike to end her and now that she noted the briefest hint of hesitation, Erlong instantly activated her fifth spirit ring in tandem with the boost he got from her spirit bones and her realm of self... she felt that there was something more strengthening her aside from the 20℅ support from her domain but she let it be.

Her horns grew out as diabolic and menacing ultimate fire converged quickly and formed a tiny concentrated sphere of death right above her forehead as she shot towards War Dragon. Their domains clashed for a moment before War Dragon felt his body shuddering and his eyes reddening as his domain was forced to collapse. He barely managed to keep on standing and decided to wing it this time. Within the briefest part of a second, the beast's stretched-out claws formed a saturated and separate ball of magma and fire as he growled in his mind, "Terraforce!"

While the War Dragon had every other advantage, most of it was offset by Erlong's domain, and under the thick blanket of magma, a pressurized laser of ultimate fire 'tore a hole' through the giant ball of magma. Erlong was already grinning from ear to ear, her disposition all but bestial at this point as she let her body get battered by the attack. Her scales tore apart, her blood sizzling and her laser, too, tore a deep wound through the metal armor of the beast before slicing up, causing the beast's mask to tear in half as his violet blood splashed out and sizzled, too!

But while Erlong's body was instantly lost under the massive impact of the attack and not the element, her bones creaking from many locations and many of them shattering to bits, the pain itself failed to make Erlong unconscious. Gritting her teeth, she gave a feral grin.

"Again!" She roared with her devilish fighting intent making the outraged beast narrow his eyes.

"You're... good, but only a human," the War Dragon growled and raised his metallic claws before slashing without another thought.


Erlong disappeared with an actual popping noise as the beast scowled. Before it could plan an escape, a massive divine intent shackled him and left him breathless... and helpless.

Yes... Ja Sun manually added a 'pop' sound to his skill at spatial manipulation to teleport someone... it just felt so much fun not to do just that.


"I. Will. Not. Submit." The beast glowered and emphasized each word but Zi Ji let his 'sins' be. She didn't care if War Dragon insulted Ja Sun's nine generations because SHE won! More chipper than usual but keeping her stoic expression, especially in front of him, Zi Ji couldn't help but let her thoughts wander. They usually did when it came to him. But logic dictated that whatever she felt at this time could easily be sorted out for better or worse if she took the next step. She wasn't a fresh and naive woman thrown into the world. No.

She was experienced as a human and even more so as a beast. She realized long ago that for beasts, the act of mating was purely... for the function of reproduction, at least, before reaching 100000 years worth of cultivation. This could easily be seen by the goblins in King's Lair. While all the variants would mate with any and every beast including humans that they hunted who thought themselves strong enough to enter the Star Dou Great Forest, the 100000-year-old Golden Goblin had his preference even when others blanched as he would sometimes giggle how he loved morbidly large abdomen in a mate. Fuck that, Zi Ji had better standards.

So, it was clear to her that if she wanted to get out of this maze of emotions, all she had to do was take the next step, and then another, and then another. Life waits for no one and she had to move forward. And fortunately, Ja Sun never seemed to mind her. No, she distinctly felt that he seemed chipper around her and his 'family' and even more joyful when meeting an opponent... like right now.

"Oh," Ja Sun chuckled and shrugged, "Well, I respect that. I mean, even the Scatter Ghost Centipede agreed once he realized the benefits and you are willingly giving up the chance at a potential path ahead of our mortality because of pride... that's courageous, to say the least."

But his praise only netted him a literally steamy snort from the nostrils of the lava-dwelling War Dragon and he didn't wait for Erlong to recuperate from her injuries. He would have considered her opinion had she won. She didn't. And as the victor of the battle, the War Dragon made his choice— death than the vessel.

As ironic as it was, Ja Sun was just an executor and Zi Ji didn't deny the chill she felt when how easily Ja Sun wiped off the beast's consciousness and let it slump on the ground with a dazed expression. Clearly, even if Erlong would decide to accept the spirit soul, it won't be a satisfactory experience for her.

Not by a long shot.

But again, War Dragon could no longer care as he was technically dead.

Zi Ji was in her own world, waiting impatiently for Erlong to recover and absorb the damn spirit soul while Ja Sun just began to inspect the beast since War Dragon was quite an interesting specimen. He even delved into the beast's memories and realized that the Beetle Dinosaur only became War Dragon once it accidentally absorbed the essence of the fabled god of War thousands of years ago.

And as expected, once Erlong recuperated barely and began to engulf Oscar's tofu she had kept stored, she was not happy in the slightest.


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