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Title: Mad King (1)

There were many factors considered when Michi decided to simply lower the hems of her robes and adjust her clothes after Nik let out a substantial amount of hot jizz over her buttcheeks. One, she was getting addicted to the feeling of attention and care even if it was depraved. Two, the thought of getting back at Ukano for the possibility of being locked up in a cell of which the memory was suppressed until now made Michi feel quite pleasant.

"You have arrived on time. Tom-Tom was just talking about the knife lessons he had started in the academy," Ukano glanced at Michi. Zhao sat on the seat at the far end on the other side, closer to the entrance. Two sets of guards were stationed, one behind Ukano and the other behind Zhao.

Seeing Tom-Tom in bright clothing sitting next to Mai who still retained her choice of fashion since her clothes usually were formal enough, Michi felt even better in an instant.

"It must be exciting," Michi smiled and took her seat next to Mai. She gave the section where the waitresses stood a glance and felt odd.

"Hmm, Juhi, where is Nik?" Michi inquired. Only Suki accompanied her this time since Katara's actions had given the noble family quite the scare. If it wasn't for Zhao, Kai wouldn't have gritted his teeth to join in for the dinner. Even right now, his clothes couldn't hide the bandages that stretched out from the collars and were wrapped around the base of his neck.

Hearing Michi's question, Kai interjected with a strained smile, "Mother-in-law, since Admiral Zhao's Komodo Rhinos needed to be fed, I tasked the waiter I hired to see to it."

"You sent an untrained civilian to take care of war beasts?" Michi seemed to be edging towards her moment of flaring up and her raised voice instantly attracted surprise from Mai, Ukano, and Zhao. Kai's incident was clear to others and Zhao having interviewed the major chunk of new staff knew that this 'klutz' of a maid— Katara— had a husband. Precisely, Nik. If he had to be honest, as an Admiral and a war veteran, Zhao happened to despise the act of forcing women for sexual needs. It lowered one's own value and there was no benefit in doing so. If someone was to be forced to do something then a greater goal needed to be kept in mind.

'Like the situation of the Northerners,' Zhao smiled internally.

Before Michi could add, Tom-Tom spoke up, "Come on, mom! I want to tell you about my knife throwing training and you won't even listen to me! Hehe, Aang even taught me how to dance!"

Tom-Tom's words instantly set Michi with guilt. She felt her husband's stare on her and felt a little cold. She might have been able to help Katara but she couldn't act suspiciously... Even if she could garner the courage to confront her husband, the thought of doing so in front of her children never crossed her mind.

"Dance? What is that?" Mai inquired, not touching her food one bit.

"It is..."

"Sir Admiral, how long do you suppose your visit will last?" Kai's voice seemed particularly grating to Michi's ears at the moment.

Their words seemed to blur out while Michi's body slowly turned rigid and her expression somewhat stoic. At this moment, the guilt of being a 'bad' mother, not being able to help Nik, and worrying about him and her situation should it get exposed caused her to feel numb.


"Aaah! Stop!"

Being the creatures with extraordinary affection with fire, the temporary stable for the Komodo Rhinos was glowing with numerous lamps that kept the temperature considerably warm in the stable.

At the moment, a giant mouth opened up to reveal a set of jagged teeth with their tips slightly blunt that would ensure that getting mauled by such a beast would be a painful event. Nik's expression twisted with moderate disgust as the stench of the bestial mouth traveled in his direction.

It was hungry—


A long and wide red-colored tongue flicked out yet seemed to slap over the entirety of Nik's already wet face before licking his face again.

— for some attention.

Nik fell back on the pile of dried hay with the bucket of fresh meat in his hands tumbling down. The two Komodo Rhinos instantly had their attention attracted to the other meal and finally, let go of Nik as he wiped his face with the apron on his body and admired the statures of the two Komodo Rhinoceroses.

Their bodies were layered with densely packed and almost rock-like dark scales. Two horns grew out of their foreheads that curved downwards and another one rose from the middle of their nose curving upwards and significantly longer, too. A long and thick scaled tail followed them from the back as Nik felt that aside from their horns, and stubby clawed limbs, their tail might be another form of natural weapon.

'Their teeth, too,' Nik gulped. Although the beasts tried to act cute... they were still dangerous.

He did not doubt that the personal command from Kai was a direct act of revenge regarding Katara.

'I should have made Suki my wife... what a dangerous woman I fake married to...'

He sighed softly and adjusted his clothes shortly after. He was a little envious of the two Komodo Rhinos— they got to eat their fill to the brim. Meanwhile, he himself couldn't get served to his heart's content. Even if he did sneak into his own space for some fruits... in the end, they were merely placeholders.



The sound of the Komodo Rhinos tearing in the meat was barely attractive enough for Nik to stay so picking the bucket and dumping the remaining meat, he took his leave. Right before he left, he glanced back at the two giant lizards and held a strange thought as he recalled his 'little friend' who shared the same fate as his— being executed by Esta.

'Maybe... he could have grown this big?' Nik smiled as he left and closed the entrance of the stable.

"Huff! Nik— Oh... you're... fine?" The stable was situated on the outskirts of the palace and only a few guards could be seen walking past the area, seemingly patrolling the region after today's incident. As he walked out, the loud and tired huffs of a woman caught his attention as he saw Katara supporting her arms over her knees, her back bent in exhaustion, and her heaves exhaled while turning somewhat misty due to the naturally cold temperature of the night.

"Oh, honey. You look so tired," Nik gasped.

Katara didn't mind any jokes at the point. Straightening herself up, she observed Nim before starting to walk around him.

"I just heard from one of the maids in the compound that Kai sent you to take care of the beasts. I... am sorry... you aren't hurt, are you?" Although her tone was worried, the sheer look of anger in her eyes caught his attention.

'Is it really worth getting so angry over me?' Nik thought silently. It wasn't normal at all. Sure, worry and anger is the usual response but the fury that Katara's eyes held seemed more personal.

"Beasts? Those two were more like beauties. Those packed glossy scales. Thick tails, and sturdy horns," Nik's expression slowly turned dreamy that made Katara blink out of her anger. This situation... felt like how a woman would woo after her most desired man...


"Yeah? Oh, sorry, honey. You know how I am. I just cannot resist a good lizard," Nik smiled and walked over.

"Come, let's get you back to your room," Nik stretched his hand forward with a smile as Katara hesitated.

"You like... lizards?" She inquired while gingerly holding his hand. Her question seemed to be with the idea of changing the focus of their act at the moment.

"Yes, very," Nik smiled, "But enough about me... you really did a number on Kai, huh," he chuckled.

"He's an..." Katara bit her words before she openly insulted the noble of the palace. Sighing deeply, "I really thought that I'd be able to deal with it... without causing a ruckus... but I guess, I'm sorry I caused you problems by boiling Kai like a shrimp he is."

She pursed her lips.

"Sorry? I thought you did amazing," Nik's words caused Katara to look at him with a dumbstruck expression.


"I mean, you didn't like his method of persuasion, so you did what you saw fit. There's nothing wrong with that. What else were you supposed to do? Bend down and just let yourself get rolled over without even struggling?" Nik inquired and Katara blushed.

"Can you not speak decently, H-honey?!" Katara scoffed, "And after all that talks of protecting your wife, you didn't even raise a finger!"

Nik shrugged. He was just fine seeing Katara become normal.

"If I didn't even have that much trust, wouldn't that be just a sad thing?"

"Heee? More like taking a coward's way out..." Katara pouted.

"I thought my honor as a warrior was tested by an Avatar herself. Of course, my actions are honorable," Nik smiled in return.

"Speaking of warrior, Suki is getting more and more impatient by not being able to train you..." Katara mused, "She even had that crazy plan of sneaking into Mai's training room."

"That's even crazier than boiling people," Nik snickered. His training had been put on a knowing hold and he wanted to continue it, too. But circumstances didn't warrant such selfish actions and Nik didn't think it would be an easy task to convince Mai. She seemed positively disinclined to talk with him after openly labeling him a coward.

Not to mention the fact that their group probably lost the favor of the mayor and his son-in-law by this act.

"Well, I was worried for nothing. Be sure to tell us if you find anything," Katara smiled as the duo soon separated. With Kai having ears in various spots of the Palace, it was easy to find out that Nik completed the punishment with relatively fewer 'injuries.'


"Right, we're alone. It is safe to discuss what truly was lost in your office," Zhao stood by the railing of the wide balcony of the palace. His gaze took the entirety of the Omashu while his hands closed into fists were pressed against each other and his arms placed behind him in a militaristic relaxed stance. The tiny strands of his greying hair flowed loosely to the gentle yet cold wind of the top of the city.

Behind him stood Ukano. His expression was completely different than the calm he had been showing until now. Anxiousness was all the more prevalent in his eyes.

"M-many things... from the ancient scrolls of bending looted from the northerners as a part of my collection but... the safe included the plan of the reconstruction of the city and the catacombs after we took over Omashu... and..."

"Just get it all out," Zhao glanced back, "We won't be able to move forward until we realize what is lost and understand the motives of the thief."

Gritting his teeth, Ukano spoke slowly.

"The Declaration of... the Phoenix King's Cleansing of Fire—"


The relaxed fists suddenly lit in flame as Zhao looked back with a severe expression.

"What?" He stated softly but his actions and posture barely seemed relaxed.

"They were hidden behind the walls safely, I never thought..." Ukano looked a bit pale.


"Deviated from the intended course of action, the Phoenix rules the four aspects. Dethrone him or kill him..."

Nik whispered the content of the first mission out loud. It was a rank 1 mission. Nik knew that there were a total of ten ranks higher than Rank 0 with rank 10 considered 'Paradise.' He was a 'worker' under the Transmigration Paradise. To him, rank 1 should be... what a rookie mission would be in any game. Or the easiest of all the difficulties.

"This world is divided in Water Tribe, Air Nomads, Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation... four aspects. A phoenix rules them all... the Phoenix King. Is it really easy to kill or dethrone such a man?"

Nik wasn't imagining the dangers. He was reading them as of this moment. His index finger traced the words written so eloquently and pleasingly yet the contents were guidelines...

Guidelines to a very dangerous endeavor and a very sinister one, too.

'Not detailed enough and I'm not that good with politics but even I feel that doing this is not very astute... there doesn't seem to be any backup at all... Damn, I thought Ukano was crazy to ignore Michi. But this... is definitely crazier if he willingly followed to see through a part of this vision.

Cleansing of Fire and Blood.'

At this moment, Nik didn't wish to have anything to do with this Phoenix King. He was much more satisfied by simply collecting points through devouring. After all, there hasn't been any substantial use of points and Nik's desire to collect them stemmed from trying to make sense of his situation. It didn't make him rough around the edges to try and clash with such a crazy opponent.

Right now, surrounded by a lush forest, Nik fell on his back. Around him, there were a few pieces of furniture and jewelry that Nik had saved just in case but he had no mind to admire them.

'If I tell this to Sokka and others... they'd want to do something dangerous. Well, not Sokka, possibly. But Katara would. Suki, too... and Aang will probably be scared. This is some scary stuff, after all.'

Nik thought deeply. This information already allowed him to understand that the Children in the orphanage were hypnotized and most probably, a major chunk of Omashu's population was given a general treatment, too.

'So, is it even possible for the children to be 'returned' to their families? Most likely, they think that their families are dead and that's true. A loving parent separated from its child might as well fall deep enough to consider a few methods of quick relief.'

Nik felt a little bitter inside. It wasn't remotely close to guilt. Maybe empathy but not guilt. How was he supposed to even consider himself responsible for these actions and the supposed duty to correct them?

He sat up with a scowl and continued to go through the remaining stuff he stole from Ukano's office. Aside from the bloody declaration of the so-called Phoenix King, the younger brother to current Fire Lord, Nik only observed an ancient scroll with a round blue seal similar to the carving on the pendant of Katara's choker. A water tribe item. And the unfurling of the scroll revealed a set of painted figures in various postures and motions that seemed to affect the pictures of a small pool of water floating and bending in front of them.

"Well, looks cool," Nik shrugged. He wasn't a waterbender so this item was almost entirely useless to him.

Aside from the words of the Phoenix King, Nik devoured the remaining items, only keeping the jewels safe, and then got out from his personal space only to appear on his bed. The compound was entirely dark as he got up gingerly. He, of course, only had one destination in mind during the dark—


"Here again?" Katara grumbled. This time she was the sleepy maiden while Suki had an exciting appearance. Behind them stood Aang, who again, was woken up by their presence.

"It's all dark, of course, if now is not the time to sneak up on prizes then when?" Suki smiled.

"This wall is a prize? I thought this was a hidden path." Aang tilted his head.

"It's a figurative prize," Suki smiled.

"But how can a path be a prize?"

"It depends how you see it. A matter of perception, to say—"

"Oh, my god! Are we really going to have a discussion right here and now?" Katara interrupted with a short hiss.

"Fine," Suki complied, "Now... how do we open this entrance?"

"We should get Nik! Since there is already a theft, it wouldn't be strange for the same criminal to strike again..." Aang suggested with a grin.

"That's... not wrong," Katara mumbled.

"Should we—"


The ground began to vibrate and the trio looked at each other before quickly hiding away.

As the hidden entrance slid open, the trio watched as Zhao and Ukano walked out with stern expressions. They didn't converse with each other at all and silently walked away.

"That's Zhao?" Aang inquired softly. He had only heard of the man, unlike others who were interrogated by him.

"Yes," Suki nodded. Zhao was wholly different than any opponent she had met. Although he felt strict and dangerous, there was something about him that she couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Anyway, should we just try to reach out for Nik?" Aang questioned again, making Suki and Katara glance at each other before nodding.

The servant's compound was a little more difficult to explore at night but with Aang as a more sensitive scout, they did manage to find the room Nik told them about...


"Where is he?" Katara whispered with a frown.

"I don't know? Maybe he had to go poop..." Aang mumbled.

The trio waited for quite some time and their expressions began to change. At this point, even Aang worried for Nik's safety, thinking the worst might have happened as Suki and Katara speculated that Kai must have gotten to him somehow. Yet, they couldn't do anything at this moment. Not before discussing it with Sokka. They didn't even have to be discreet about it. By now, their 'distant' relationship was known and Katara and others could reach out to Sokka during his free time.

They left the area with Aang returning to his bunk and the two women returning to their room with a disturbed look on their faces.

"You don't think that..." Katara whispered.

"He's not a fighter yet... that's why I wanted to train him. But he can probably remove any shackle on him and even make the palace disappear so I wouldn't worry that much if he's only caught..." Suki forced a smile.

"What?" Katara gazed at Suki as the Kyoshi warrior did imply something worse than getting captured.

"Again... I want to give Nik the appropriate respect. It's not like he's helpless... If we can take care of ourselves, so can he... Let's just sleep," Suki mumbled before slumping on the bed.

However, Katara's worries simply couldn't be easily suppressed. Even before, Kai appointed Nik to take care of the Komodo Rhinos with a clearly malicious intention and now he wasn't in his bed. Without the 'truth,' on the matter, Katara could only speculate and at this moment, this was the last thing she wanted to do.



How far from the previous story are you going to tread? I.e. abilities and the like? Gravity focus? Ability to gain bending? That sort of stuff.


well... I had a cool avatar concept itself this time, like last time, I just gave Nik all the abilities, you know? He could do everything in the avatar arc related to bending and get affinities as easy as breathing... I guess, I'm trying something different or it wouldn't matter if I did a rewrite by doing the same... Hmmm... probably not gravity in the first arc itself. Again, he will have the ability to bend, but it will be spoiler by mentioning when. I guess, I can tell you that it would be within this avatar arc itself


So not his talent or anything like that? I only ask since I'm rereading the old one again. He's already started out different with his beginning being much less sexed up and very little about his innate bloodline abilities. Are those going to be similar?


well, he doesn't have too amazing of a bloodline from the get go, so whatever Nik is doing is by the virtue of his own effort (and whatever he will gain at the moment) and his talents wouldn't be that different. I actually want the warlord of the magus world power system to be the main one this time for consistency so if I have a bloodline planned, it will be in that arc (probably third or fourth arc instead of the tdg x soul land one)


He's got to atleast get his pheromones boss! He used that to get his lust domain and start attracting higher level ppl. Keeping that out is like taking away his opener! Can he unlock the mind control stuff after checking the basememt maybe? Else, his harem is gonna fall apart. The whole acceptance seed and all that.


well, yeah, most of it will be after the warlock of the magus arc, including the pheromones


Well good luck. I also don't want to be that guy, but you did a rewrite right around the end of the 4th arc and that was almost 900 chapters. How many months of writing was it to get to that point? If that's gonna be the main cultivation system that follows throughout the story, maybe make it way earlier to tie it all together? Just getting to the avatar story was pretty rough. I kept reading since I liked the predecessor but you may have some trouble getting new views/higher ranking on web novel which leads to less money on patreon.