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Theo had watched you shoulder a lot of weight for a long time. Being the Chosen One, you constantly had eyes on you, watching your every move. Then that mess with the Phantom…

You had been treated like a disgrace for letting the criminal escape. As if you’d actively chosen to do it, as if you’d sat back and said your polite goodbyes to the lunatic. No, the sorcerer nearly a decade your senior had blasted you back with a gale of wind, throwing your body to the ground yards away. You had been lucky your bones hadn’t snapped on impact, though you’d come out with black and blue ribs and more than a few cuts and scrapes.

Then, a month later, the Phantom burned Cameron Fletcher’s home to the ground. The younger sorcerer had filled the elder chock full of lightning in retaliation, allowing the Council to finally apprehend the villain. The Phantom still escaped days later, so none of it really mattered in the end.

Except it did matter. Cameron had gotten the ball rolling on the prophecy, checking off box after box. Then the Seer claimed she’d been wrong, that she saw lightning in her visions, and it was a done deal. You’re the Unchosen, now. A failure. Something for the dickheads to gawk and point at, as if you’re on display in a fucking zoo.

Theo hated it. He hated them all.

Perhaps he should have a bit more sympathy for Fletcher, given the circumstances. The sorcerer lost their parents and cousin in one swoop, being left with only their aunt. He couldn’t find any fucks give, though, when he watched Cameron strut around with Rivera like they owned the place.

Luci, who’s the more offensive of the two, of Theo is completely honest. At least Cameron had never been his friend, Viktor’s friend, your friend. Luci had. The nephilim acted like six years of friendship meant nothing, and it burned Theo like nothing else.

When he catches Luci looking your way, he longs to tear into those deceitful eyes. When the Chosen One stares at you, Theo itches to wipe the smug look off their face.

The masses at the school act like failure is contagious and steer away from you as if you have the plague. The Council wanted you removed from the school, but luckily Vik’s dad put his foot down.

Theo never thought Mr. Orlov was all that scary before. After eavesdropping on that particular meeting with you and Viktor, he quickly changed his mind.

It’s all just load after load of bullshit. Mr. Orlov knows it, Theo’s own parents know it, but everyone else just accepts it as fact. That you’re bad luck, that you might be in cahoots with the Phantom, that you should be exiled.

It makes him so angry. Unbearably so. Theo had used to resist the anger as a child, when his father would sit him down and explain that he couldn’t always follow his base instincts.

Now, watching the way your shoulders slump and you cave in on yourself, he doesn’t care if he gives in. He would love nothing more than to raze the ground and salt the earth. He’ll make every single fucker who even looks at you wrong regret it.

He’ll make his grandma proud. Anger herself would smile as she watches the hell her grandson gives anyone who messes with you.



Guard dog Theo is ready to BITE 😤😤

Konoi Kurozora

This makes me so sad, because this is so opposed to my MC's way of thinking and mindset that it literally hurts. I'm scared at some point Theo will lose my MC's friendship if this doesn't change, but at the same time that simple attack on Cam in the game was already too much for my MC so yeah... not a simple situation. If this is something that COULD happen in the game, what makes it even more tragic is that Theo is really well meaning when it comes to the MC


Part of Theo’s character development as a whole is accepting that people who hurt them and their friends can also have been victims. Keep in mind, this is when Theo was 16 and Theo can have a whole poly romance with Cam or Luci lol.