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(While the spicy story uploads, here’s an old commission with Vik/M!Theo poly I wanted to share.)

“You’re gonna melt that cup,” Theo says, amused as he glances down at the clear plastic in Viktor’s hand.

It’s looking suspiciously droopy.

The draca glances down, sighing sharply and setting the iced coffee aside on one of the empty desks outside the lab. He cringes when he sees that his fingerprints are, in fact, melted into the plastic.

It’s Wednesday, and he hates Wednesdays. You have Runic Studies all by yourself, meaning you’re in a lab with twenty strangers pouring over a bunch of ancient symbols and seeing what does and doesn’t blow shit up.

Well…maybe that’s an over-exaggeration. The point still stands, however, that you shouldn’t be alone with everything going on right now.

“There’s only ten minutes left,” Theo grins, “You think you’re gonna survive?”

Viktor shoots him a look. Theo steadfastly ignores it.

When the doors finally open and the students start pouring out, Vik waits off to the side while Theo scrolls on his phone. He’s posting something stupid on Owler, probably, since that's what he usually does on the app. Finally, toward the end of the outpour, you exit the lab in quick steps.

Then he sees the nephilim following close behind you, reaching to grab your arm.

Viktor tenses, making Theo look up as well. Vik sees the moment Theo realizes what’s going on and watches the way his eyes bleed an inky black until they’re just two reflective pools.

No traces of humanity lie in that gaze. It…Viktor shouldn’t be attracted to that. Alas, he is.

Your hands clench around your textbook as if you’re itching to throw it at this guy and run. The nephilim tightens his grip on your arm, making you visibly wince, and says something so quiet that Viktor can’t quite parse out the words.

The tone combined with your cringing back is more than enough to get the gist of things, however.

Theo moves with a low growl, fangs displayed with a snarl and sneer. Viktor follows close behind, and you look up and relax when you see them approach.

It makes him feel…warm. Warmer, he should say, since his anger quite literally already has his blood boiling. It’s a good feeling, nonetheless, to know you trust Theo and him like that.

“Okay, back off, dude.” Viktor says as the two approach, startling the guy enough to give you the opportunity to pull your arm free.

“Yeah, didn’t your parents teach you manners?” Theo cocks an eyebrow, smirking, “You don’t grab random people. That’s strike one.”

“This is my lab partner,” The guy sniffs, looking affronted as his wings ruffle in agitation, “And who are you to talk to me like that? A demon spawn and a wingless-?”

Theo doesn’t waste time on anymore words, grabbing the guy by the shoulder and shoving him up against the wall. He bares his fangs in an almost hiss, not intending to actually hurt the guy but definitely wanting to scare him.

It’s successful. Perhaps too successful, given the way all color drains from the guy’s face.

“Oh, I’m not just any demon spawn.” Theo coos playfully, “And don’t mention wings again. That was strike two, and you really don’t want to see what happens at strike three.”

The cambion tightens his grip on the nephilim, fingers digging into bony shoulders. Then he pulls back all at once, shoving the guy toward the exit.

“Get lost, asshole.” Theo snips, “Or else Vik will show you how quick feathers burn.”

The guy doesn’t stick around long. He’s out the exit of the lecture hall in what might be record time, leaving the three of you alone.

“Thanks,” You shoot Viktor a small smile before doing the same to Theo, “I was about to knock him out with a book.”

“Should’ve,” Theo snickers, “I would’ve paid to see that.”

“Why should they have to when our knight in shining armor saves the day?” Viktor smirks, watching Theo flush.

“I, uh…” The cambion fumbles for words,”The wing thing made me mad. Along with, you know, all the other stuff.”

“It’s cute,” You claim, before looking at Viktor, “Don’t you think?”

Viktor’s smug look widens, “The cutest.”

“And you, too, of course.” You reach out, taking Viktor’s hand in your own, “My own personal guard dogs.”

Theo grins widely, “Woof.”

Viktor snorts, rolling his eyes before beckoning the cambion closer. You take Theo’s hand as well, making him practically vibrate with excitement.

He’s a fool, and so is Viktor. Hopeless fools, in love with you and each other all at the same time. Still, despite having so many emotions, trying to verbalize them seems like an insurmountable task. You know, though. They know, too. It’s in the odd territory of making perfect sense despite being widely unspoken.

“Can we do sushi for dinner?” Theo asks suddenly, making you and Viktor glance his way.

“Way to kill the mood,” Viktor mutters.

“I’m not killing anything,” Theo defends, “Sushi is a good pick for dinner no matter what.”

“Sure,” You say, your smile small but genuine, “Sushi okay with you, Vik?”

The draca hums, pretending to consider just so he can see the little pleading face Theo makes to get what he wants.

“Okay,” Viktor shrugs, “Sushi it is.”

Theo makes a little celebratory whoop, grinning so wide his fangs peek out. He chatters as you all drift toward the dining hall, eyes blue once more now that his anger has fled him. Viktor listens obligingly, but quietly the draca thinks that he feels at home here, with the both of you. He feels safe, and he might dare to say he feels loved. He just hopes it’s all mutual.

From the way Theo continuously drifts closer and how firmly you grip their hands, Viktor can only assume it is.


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