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Chapter 5 keeps growing, and it seems that trying to include so many things in this new release wasn't such a good idea, because it's getting much bigger than I thought. In fact I already have about 500 images ready (which as it is could be a long chapter) and I still have an important part to finish that is going to take several more images. 

But well, at least the wait will be worth it since you will have plenty of content to enjoy.

My plan is next week to share with you a new preview image of chapter 5 (probably one of the last ones since I don't want to spoil any surprises) and then focus on trying to finish this chapter as soon as possible to release it in January. 


El capítulo 5 sigue creciendo, y al parecer tratar de incluir tantas cosas en esta nueva entrega no fue tan buena idea, porque se está haciendo mucho más grande de lo que pensaba. De hecho ya tengo listas unas 500 imágenes (que tal y como está podría ser un capítulo largo) y aún me queda una parte importante por terminar que me va a llevar varias imágenes más. 

Pero bueno, al menos la espera valdrá la pena ya que tendrán mucho contenido para disfrutar.

Mi plan es la semana que viene compartir con ustedes una nueva imagen de adelanto del capítulo 5 (probablemente una de las últimas ya que no quiero estropear ninguna sorpresa) y luego centrarme en intentar terminar este capítulo lo antes posible para publicarlo en enero. 



So Glad the tagline says YOUNG AGAIN!

Jason P

Agreed. I don’t remember all the developers so it’s nice to know what game is being discussed. Otherwise I it read and go “huh, that’s nice” and I don’t bother researching which game it is. Outside of one game, most games I found that I liked I plan to check on in a year or two after play. I usually like large chunk updates. Also I think chapter 4 will be new to me, so I’ll definitely be stepping back in, in January.

Ken Forward

Young again is awesome and HOT HOT HOT !! I cant wait until chapter5 !!