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Another week is over, and with each passing day more and more images are added to the new chapter (it's starting to look good!). 

Today I had to check the code of one of the first chapters of Young Again to see how I had done a specific thing in the past, and I surprised myself how I have changed the way I tell the story. The first erotic scenes of the game now I feel that they were a bit rushed and that I didn't take the time to build up the scene enough. Now I think I've gone to the other extreme haha, in this chapter I'm working on,  I've tried to focus a lot on building up the scenes, and let them flow no matter how many renders they need. I hope you like this change.

Some time ago I told you that one of the advantages of distributing the new season as a new game is the possibility to add new things to the code. One of them (and that is already working) is the possibility to distinguish the load and save screens properly with different colors. Many times it happened to me in this and other games to overwrite a game because I thought I was in the load screen, and in reality I was in the save screen. Now you won't have this problem because each of the screens has different colors (this was already implemented by Reflexblund in the Rovering to Sussex code, I got the idea from there).

Finally I leave you the progress chart, until the next report!


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