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Welcome back. It's been a week now since the first release of Rovering to Sussex. We're still watching your feedback and bug reports, but after a few busy first days, we can now also look forward. I want to apologize for the few but pretty serious issues with the first release. Luckily we could solve them quickly and everything should hopefully be alright now. Still, if you find anything more, whether it's serious bugs or small typo, please contact us. Keep in mind that this was a very first release with a new technology (RenPy 8 released just days earlier) so the release of future chapters should be smoother with less issues. We're also always happy to hear more of your feedback.

While we are already working hard on Chapter 2, you might have played the first one more than once already and be looking to organizing your saved games. That (and the Android release) is what today's devlog is about.

(Re-)Naming saved games

Many (RenPy) games allow you to name your saved games, but I think we did something special in RtS: You don't have to name your games before saving them and you can rename them at any time. How do you do that? You might have already seen the hint on the bottom of the Save menu (and the Load menu as well - yes, you can name and rename your saves also from the Load menu!): You just hover over the saved game and start typing!

You can do this at any time without having to load the respective saved game.
Also, if you haven't seen it yet: The save menu is colored red while the load menu is green, so you get a visual clue that might help you to not accidentally overwrite your saves or load an old game instead of saving.

Naming save game pages

You probably know this, but like every RenPy game, RtS also allows you to name the individual pages where your saved games are located: Just click the page title (e.g., 'Page 4') and you can change it.

Combined, these two features should help you to keep your saved games orderly as you might create more and more of them when the game gets bigger with the next chapters.

Android release

We know many of you have been waiting for this, and while it took us a few more days to make sure that the Android build works as we wanted, it is finally here. I've added the download link to the RTS post, so you're ready to start playing on your mobile devices. The only downside is that you can't use the save game naming described above, since we couldn't find a way to make it work properly.

What's next?

As I said, we're already working hard on the next chapter of RtS, but before that, you will get the next release of Young Again. Thus, this was the last devlog for now. We will be back with more information about the next chapter once we get closer to its release. Until then, we hope you have fun with the content that is already in Chapter 1, unlocking all of the bonus images and achievement and finding all of the scene and dialog variations. And for those of you who haven't yet played the game, let me introduce yet another character, Charlotte:


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