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Hello again, it's time for the first weekly report of chapter 9 and brace yourselves because there is a lot to talk about....

First of all I want to welcome all the new Patreons that joined this month, I am extremely happy because the release of chapter 8 has brought a lot of new people, so thank you very much for being here! And of course also thanks to the unconditional Patreons that have been supporting me for months, you rock!

The first week of working on a new chapter is a bit special, it's having a blank slate again and a lot of work ahead. It can be a bit intimidating but luckily as soon as I finished launching chapter 8 I was already working on the new one, as I'm very motivated and with a lot of ideas of things that should happen next.

One of the things that I think must happen is to advance with the relationship of some of the main girls of the game, today I finished writing a very hot scene that I think you are going to like a lot.

On the other hand, our main character has more or less started the mission to help Emma and a possible idea for Natalie's mission, but he is still quite lost with Lucas, so in this chapter I think he should move forward with this topic, and maybe get to know some more about Grace (the mobster's daughter).

Also this week I've been working on something new for the game, I'm changing all the side-images of the characters for better quality ones, and putting animations for them to blink and some of the main characters to do some special animation too. It's silly (I know), and I could use that time to advance with chapter 9, but I think these little things help the immersion in the story and make the game a little more special. I leave a little video for you to see what I'm talking about.

Chapter 8 has set the bar pretty high, and my intention is that chapter 9 will be at the same level or better!

At the moment I don't have much more to show you since I'm mainly writing the story. In a few days I will start working on the renders and you will be able to see more progress of the new chapter.


Animated side-images

A small sample of animated side-images. The characters blink at random intervals and may have a small animation like the one in this example.


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