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Hello friends, I hope you are all well, Today is Friday so you know what day it is.... Of course, weekly report day!

This week there was a lot of progress on all fronts as I was busy doing a little bit of everything. 

One particular scene I put together a few days ago is about a phone conversation with Zoe, and I thought it would be interesting to split the screen in the middle so you can see what's going on from both sides of the conversation. Now I realize why this isn't something that other developers do, it's really hard to combine both sides, and also it's double the work haha! But anyway, I'm happy with the result and that part is already in the game, here is a little preview of it.

On the other hand with this update comes an important decision, if you have already played the previous chapter you will have seen that at a certain moment you can choose if you want to continue the romantic route with Anna, in this case the same thing happens but with Emma, and if you choose to try to win her heart there is an interesting scene that I haven't prepared yet but I have it in my head and I think you will like it =)


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