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This week I have a lot to tell you, so be warned that this is going to be a long post haha.

But first let's talk about the poll, last week I asked to the top tier Patreons to help me to choose a new girl for the game, I needed a new character for the devopment of the story and Grace was the chosen one, here is some pictures of her:

You may remember her, she had a very short appearance in the game, seen walking in the fast food place when you are on your date with Emma.

She will appear briefly in chapter 7 , (I was waiting to see which girl was the chosen one to set that scene) , but in next chapters her story will be unfolding and we will see more of her for sure.

Anyway if you have voted for any of the other girls don't be sad, when we need a new girl for the game we will use some of them, so sooner or later they will appear.

Also, do you remember this image from chapter 5?

This is the warehouse where Lucas works, and now writing about this I realized that I need to expand the criminal organization where he’s involved, that warehouse looks too sloppy and small for what I have in mind, so I have enlarged it in chapter 7, and to give coherence to the story I changed the images where it's seen in chapter 5, this is the new one:

I don't want to tell you too much about this because I dont want to spoil the story when you play it, but in this new chapter we will discover a little more about this organization, and maybe we will know what's behind that curtain, who knows. =)

This chapter is getting bigger than I thought, I have a lot to tell and I've already exceeded the standard size of a chapter, but I prefer it to be a little longer than having to put the end in a place where there are some things left half done. 

The problem is that a lot of things happen in this chapter and although  it's good to leave the player wanting something more, I don't like to leave many loose ends, so expect a chapter a little longer than the ones you are used to.

As always I leave you with the picture of the progress so far, as you can see we are very close to finish it, but no release date yet (sorry about that) , probably next week I will be able to confirm it.


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