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Hello again, sorry if these days I'm not very active in the web but I'm using almost all my free time in the development of the game, this coming version is more complex than the previous ones and now that I see the finish line so close I want to focus on completing it as soon as possible.

Now, I have a good and a bad news to give you. The good one? The script and the code of the game are already finished and the only pending thing to do is to finish the renders. I know what you are going to tell me, the renders are the most time consuming part, but having the script and the game code ready takes a huge weight off my shoulders and I can focus 100% on the design part. 

The bad news? Unfortunately I still can't give you a release date for the next version. I don't like to promise something and then not be able to deliver, so you're going to have to wait a little longer.



Take all the time you need! The game is fantastic