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Hello back, first of all I want to thank you all for the support you are giving me, it is incredible that we are getting close to 50 patreons!

I wanted to tell you that I have in mind some very ambitious things for the next chapter, and if everything goes as I hope it will be the best chapter so far.

One of the things that you'll find is that the first big decision in the game will happen, which will take you through two different paths, and each one of these paths contains its own erotic scene with a different character. The good thing is that you can replay the game to explore the other path, but the negative side is that it is twice as much work for me haha, I have to make the renders for the two paths and also I have to take special care that there are no inconsistencies in the story when the two paths come together again.

Another of my "Bold moves" for this next chapter is that I wrote a scenario where there are 7 characters in the same scene (really crazy) , and not only from the side of writing the dialogue of each character and keep track of what each one is doing, but also to make a render with 7 characters is a big deal for my pc, I was doing some tests and I can make renders with 3 characters without problems, so for this ones I have to make them by part and then join everything togheter. It is a very laborious and delicate work, but I already finished some of these renders and they look amazing.

That's all for now, I'm still working at full speed and I'm very excited about what's coming up, I hope you like it!



Thank you for your great work. Hope i can support you a little more soon. I love your game! And I hope there is another scene with feet ☺️ Keep going !