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I learned a new pacing trick with these loops. This isn't the first one I practiced with, so I'll save that little secret until next week when that one gets posted. Gives me something to talk about with that anyway.

Instead have some Hirsch Lore!

Sidney Hirsch doesn't really do much butt stuff/butt play. Because A, she finds it too unsafe and unclean. And B, she has a really sensitive prostate. She doesn't let just anyone get near her special area and do things, even Emma had to gain a few years' worth of trust to even get near Sidney's hole for any reason.

Sidney however, has a Personal Nurse named Alice (MrCTM). She visits twice a year. to give Sidney a checkup. Cleans it and gives it a lot of care and such. That and Alice has done this plenty of times where she knows how to play with Sidney's area a bit. And every time, it gets her going. It gets her going too much.

The visits last for a day or two, and it's mostly just this. Someone, mostly Emma, has to step in when Sidney calls for help so she can be calmed down. As a result, Sidney and Alice are super close. It's only twice a year and it's for medical reasons, so no one really minds. But Alice does pop in now and then just to hang. Or have some fun.



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