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I've been sitting on this one for a while now. Wanted to make this sooner, but so many things kept happening I held it off more and more. But it is finally out, and it was worth the time. The first one I did felt outdated anyway, especially the pacing and stuff. This time, I went all out with just the roughness of the scene.

Been practicing with other people's animations as refs, mostly for experimenting. I think this is around 16-20 frames at 24fps. The original that I used as a template only had like 8 frames. It's mostly to test frames rates and pacing and such.

Excellent news for Episode 2. Since last post, about 4-5 scenes are complete. Lost count, but it's roughly that. Projection still looks strong, as long as everything is still nice and steady. Been trying new tricks with holding a frame or two to save time, and it looks really stylish. I think Imma keep it for the bigger projects. We doin good peeps, we'll get through this.

The public loop file was resized to 1100x880. This is the original at 2000x1600.



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