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Either it was last week or the week before, but Bewb, Solid, and SoftandB had birthdays back-to-back. Knowing me, I space out all my posts 3-4 days and let them settle. I believe it's this and one more birthday thing but that won't be until the first few days of December cuz next one after this I wanna time right.

I know the last piece involved Emma and whatnot, but this is a reference that goes way back, like when I started and stuff. This is basically just a sequel-ish to these https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1043012623446323280/1043168431362543688/softbouncy2.gif https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1043012623446323280/1043168431723270204/softbouncy3.gif

Alesta (the small one on the left) was something Soft and I made up in chat. Never really used in anything, so this kinda counts as her debut post. There'll be some refs here and there of these two in the cartoon, I got room left to do some stupid stuff. Which by the way, everything seems to be going over fine with pacing. Comms are about halfway done and hopefully, I can get them finished before the 30th. Then it'll be like a few more weeklies to prep, and fingers crossed I can speed run the rest.

Here's to the best.

I didn't resize any of these for the public post, but the first two are exclusives for this channel.



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